"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

i'd like to think you're right but i'm seriously doubting i even ovulated after all. i guess we will see if af arrives on wednesday or not.
Whew... ginger snaps and ginger ale totally worked. For now... I held down my lunch! Woo-Hoo!!!
yay jewelz :)

steph, bfn for me too today. don't lose hope xo

i'm also wondering whether i really o-ed. on my end, it's really hard to tell because of inconsistent waking times. plus there were a few days when i didnt temp... plus ff keeps changing my crosshairs :p

i think i will know by friday if i got lucky

and the following monday if i didnt!

mrsmcd, MAN!!! that sounds like quite a bellyful you got there. i cant wait for him to be in your arms!

shante: beautiful! thank you for posting these pictures! good luck getting her to spin the right way round.

c1403, i dont envy you with the humidity. hang in there and be as lazy as possible. no one in their right mind will fault you for it.

seaweed eater <3
Awwwww Shante I missed the pics you posted. So beautiful hun!! Your shirt is too cute
MrsMcD, hopefully he will come soon for you. Sorry you are so uncomfortable. I don't get any crotch ache, but my lower back is hurting. And that dang round ligament pain. When I walk I can hear what sounds like joints cracking. Wondering if it's something else, like SPD. Other than that I am ok. Appetite is good. I am not always hungry like in 2nd trimester. I'm doing good with the prenatals and iron tabs. Unfortunately I don't think she wants to turn. I feel her hands moving in my front under my belly button, so I know she is still posterior. She just likes that position.
your pics are beautiful :) and good luck to the term and almost term ladies. As well as the newly pregnant. And of course my ttc pals.

afm, bad news I started spotting this morning so looks like af is on her way so another cycle for me. However if it is af then it means I've had a natural cycle after that nightmare last one. I'm definitely giving soy another go but I'm going to increase it a bit so I'll be doing 160mg cd3-5 and 200mg cd6-7.
My little princess set another record today. I carried her longer than any of my other 3 daughters. Before her, my second daughter was born at 37 wks and 1 day and only weighed 5 lbs and 9 ozs. So this LO has already made it past that mark. So excited for her. And she finally has a name. It is hitting home now.
OAN, my children left today from visiting me in NJ. They go back to school next week and had to get some appts taken care of before then. Had a wonderful time with them and can't wait to make my move at the end of Sept.
Hi Ladies

Stef and Horsey sorry you feel 'out' this cycle, try not to loose heart though. It will happen. Easy for me to say but we were all there once and its not the place to be. Soon you will be on here giving the same advise to others TTC.

As for me...midwife appt today, baby is well and nothing is of concern. She is 2/5ths engaged so still a while yet, I dont think she will be early now and will keep me waiting.

OH and I DTD last night for first time in ages and I started getting mild type contractions a few hours after they have gone away since then so I'm not worried. We both felt so guilty after though knowing her head is 'down there' lol.

Jewelz I feel for you and the sickness, I was never physically sick but I had the acidy taste alot and all that helped was water and ice pops and plain tasting food. Anything with a strong taste would just linger in my mouth and make me feel worse.

OH has been off work with me now for a few weeks as he got laid off, its been nice having him home but I can tell he wants to get back to work as he feels he is not bringing home any money despite us ensuring we saved plenty so we wouldnt struggle. I guess its a man's thing and they want to be at work although I have loved having him around waiting on my every need, though its making me lazy.

Any news from sunkiss?

Do we have any scans coming up soon for the 1st and 2nd Tri ladies?

Lots of love.

Soooo Shante.... do share. What is this baby girls name?

Oooh so your predicted a girl Jewlez...the predictor was right for me so I am going to say now that I think your having a :pink: bundle too.

Yes I have a scan this next Monday. I'll be 7+1 when I go in. I'm so nervous! I have this crazy fear of going in there and the baby has stopped growing already. I hate thinking that way but Ive never made it passed 6+5 before. I'm gonna end up losing my shit if the baby is in there and growing just fine. My hubby is going to have a sobbing mess on his hands. Finally happy tears...hopefully!

I did talk to sunkiss yesterday and she is doing very well. Baby Fayth is keeping her busy as ever. She is trying to sleep when she sleeps and get her on a schedule. She promises to get back over here soon. She says she feels very lost on all of us and she misses each of you.
Yes I have a scan this next Monday. I'll be 7+1 when I go in. I'm so nervous! I have this crazy fear of going in there and the baby has stopped growing already. I hate thinking that way but Ive never made it passed 6+5 before. I'm gonna end up losing my shit if the baby is in there and growing just fine. My hubby is going to have a sobbing mess on his hands. Finally happy tears...hopefully!

I did talk to sunkiss yesterday and she is doing very well. Baby Fayth is keeping her busy as ever. She is trying to sleep when she sleeps and get her on a schedule. She promises to get back over here soon. She says she feels very lost on all of us and she misses each of you.

i am sure the scan will be fine and look forward to hearing how it goes :)

Aww bless her, the joys of being a mummy. So surreal I cant beleive it wil be me soon, not even thought about what ill do in terms of getting a baby in a routine. I have never ever changed a nappy or fed a baby before, my Mum was giving me tips the other day on a toy giraffe :blush:
Yes I have a scan this next Monday. I'll be 7+1 when I go in. I'm so nervous! I have this crazy fear of going in there and the baby has stopped growing already. I hate thinking that way but Ive never made it passed 6+5 before. I'm gonna end up losing my shit if the baby is in there and growing just fine. My hubby is going to have a sobbing mess on his hands. Finally happy tears...hopefully!

I know that fear! I found out about my two losses at my first ultrasounds. I was so nervous this time around that I had a break down the night before my ultrasound, cried hysterically until I threw up. But let me tell you as soon as I saw that little heart ticking away I lost it and started crying so hard my whole body started shaking. The doctor and my husband were trying to look at the little bean but my body was shaking so hard they couldn't see anything on the screen anymore until I calmed down enough to quit shaking then we all got to watch :)

This is it for you Jewelz, I can tell! Can't wait to hear how everything goes at your scan :hugs:
Thanks so much! I really could use the encouragement. Its just terrifying. After I get my scan if everything is ok I want to get a beta check the week after. My first loss happen just 3 days after I saw the heartbeat the first tiem. So naturally I have a fear of that happening right after again.
Shante that Is a very lovely name. I do like it too. Yay! Baby Amari will be very blessed.
My OB appt went well today. Everything still looks good. Fundus measuring 37, BP still low, urine clean (no protein or sugar), and baby's heartrate is good. GBS results are negative. I am so happy about that because that means I can labor at home as long as I want without having to worry about getting antibiotics. Just have to keep in mind to leave early enough before I have another automobile birth. So 5 of 7 pregnancies were GBS positive. And it just so happens the last 2 were the negative ones. LOL. The only problem is I have bacterial vaginosis and have to take 4 pills for it. The doc said it wasn't a problem. I have heard of this before and it isn't dangerous to baby or anything.
At the end of the appt I got a little emotional. I almost cried because he didn't check my cervix. LOL, I know it sounds crazy. I wanted him to check and tell me I was 1-2 cms and 100% effaced. I want to know some progress is being made. Either way labor can start this week. I am determined to have her Sunday at the latest. LOL.
Shante that Is a very lovely name. I do like it too. Yay! Baby Amari will be very blessed.

Thank you Jewelz!! I pray about her all the time. Even though I won't be here she will be very well taken care of. I am planning to have her dedicated/christened before I move as well. I am looking into it now.
Shante that Is a very lovely name. I do like it too. Yay! Baby Amari will be very blessed.

Thank you Jewelz!! I pray about her all the time. Even though I won't be here she will be very well taken care of. I am planning to have her dedicated/christened before I move as well. I am looking into it now.

Awwww Praise God that is amazing of you. Already a good provider and care taker. :hugs:
Shante, great news about your appointment and the GBS in particular! :happydance: I'm having my test on Thursday and I'm nervous about it, precisely because I don't want to go in early for antibiotics. It won't be a huge deal though.

I think Amari is a lovely name! I hope she is here really soon...so excited to hear your news :happydance:

Jewelz, I found that ginger flavored things helped me too. I never liked the tea but I got some ginger flavored hard candies on Amazon that were helpful for the first few weeks of first tri until I got tired of them. It was a recommendation from my friend who gave birth in Dec, and I know they worked for her too. I hope you are feeling well today :hugs:

Horsey and Stef, both of your charts are looking good to me! Definitely ovulatory. I'm not sure about FF's guess in either of your cases though. Stef, I actually think you could be 6 DPO, and Horsey I think maybe 5-6 DPO as well...all this means is that you really shouldn't give up hope until AF comes, because any negative tests could be way too early. :hugs: Fingers crossed!! Come on May babies! :dust:

Jcombs, are you around? How are you doing? :hugs:

C, I loved the story about your mom giving you diapering tips on a toy giraffe :p I wouldn't read too much into baby's being only 2/5 engaged. Things can happen at any time! Glad baby is doing well. :hugs:

Much love to everyone else, hope you're feeling well today! :flower:

Can't believe full term is so close for us, Sept 13th girls! :yipee: I do want baby to hang in there until Sept 2nd or later for the school year cutoff, but anytime after that is fine! It's been pointed out to me that the 3rd is LABOR day...hopefully it will be in more ways than one :haha:

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