"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

I wish my boobs ahd grown and stayed. LOL. They grew a little in 2nd trimester, but now they are back to normal size. Sucks, but I was never really big up top anyway.

Of the other non-firsttime moms, do any of you have preteens? My oldest daughter is going through puberty and I am not ready for this yet. LOL. Yikes
How are all of our throats, ladies? What a weird symptom...mine has been better but I'm still having heartburn.

Beeba, where you at? Time for an update? :hugs:

Jewelz, I've spent a lot of the past 8 months wanting to cut off my boobs. :p A couple months ago it finally let up. I'm sorry you are experiencing that. How has the MS been?

Hope everyone has had a good Wednesday! I'm soooooo excited to be full term tomorrow! :wohoo: I feel really blessed to have gotten here, and with my BP still low to boot. Congrats to MrsMcD and C, too, of course. :cloud9:
Welcome back Sunkiss :) Fayth is gorgeous, and while we're all excited to hear your birth story, we all definitely understand you are a busy, busy lady!

Stef, have your periods always been irregular or is this a new development? What ever happened with your blood work?

seaweed- my throat is still a little sore. I guess whatever this is isn't going to get any worse, thank goodness! This is day 3 of feeling it and it hasn't gotten any worse so I guess this is it, whatever it is :)
Well still no af and my temp went back up today so I've just given up trying to figure out what's going on. I'll test again on Friday or Saturday probably if af still isn't here but I'm thinking I'm probably just having another cycle like the last one :(

MrsMcD, I was on birth control for most of the time for the last 8 years but in the times I wasn't I had roughly 35-40 day cycles. for many years I had a problem where I would bleed almost every day for months and had to take other pills to stop it. Now I seem to have the opposite problem! I finally got my second lot of blood results back and they showed slightly elevated cholesterol which can also be a sign of pcos so after my scan next Friday hopefully I won't have to wait too long for those results and I will finally know what is going on with me. In the meantime I lost 4lbs last week which I am so proud of!

Seaweed, yay for full term!
Happy 37 Weeks to Seaweed, MrsMcD, and C1403!!! Congratulations on making it to Full Term!!!:happydance:
Well, I have been up most of the night having Braxton Hicks and back/side pain. I was so sleepy at one point I was ready to cry. On top of that, I had a stupid dream that felt so real. In my dream my water broke, go figure. I felt the pop and fluid leak out and everything. I immediately awaken and prepare to grab my hospital bag when I noticed I'm still dry and it was just a dream.:haha: No fair!! Hope you ladies are feeling better than I do right now.
Well still no af and my temp went back up today so I've just given up trying to figure out what's going on. I'll test again on Friday or Saturday probably if af still isn't here but I'm thinking I'm probably just having another cycle like the last one :(

MrsMcD, I was on birth control for most of the time for the last 8 years but in the times I wasn't I had roughly 35-40 day cycles. for many years I had a problem where I would bleed almost every day for months and had to take other pills to stop it. Now I seem to have the opposite problem! I finally got my second lot of blood results back and they showed slightly elevated cholesterol which can also be a sign of pcos so after my scan next Friday hopefully I won't have to wait too long for those results and I will finally know what is going on with me. In the meantime I lost 4lbs last week which I am so proud of!

Seaweed, yay for full term!

Congrats on the weight loss!! Hopefully after your scan the doctors will be able to lead you on the right track and you will get your BFP soon.
Shante I do have a 13 year old daughter and she is also going through puberty. She has already started her cycle a few months back. I just now got her to start carrying a purse so she always has supplied with her. She's such a tomboy. LOL I have tried to be very patient with her as she is starting to get a smart mouth and she is soooooo forgetful and lazy. All she wants to do is sit around and play her computer games and watch TV. I'm like...GO OUTSIDE! LOL
I swear I blinked and she had boobs, was as tall as me and could wear my shoes. How did that happen? Makes me sad.

Seaweed, my throat thing never goes away. I always have it. Annoying.
I have like a 3-5 hour window everyday that I feel icky. I havent gotten sick in a few days though. Kinda scares me.

Ladies, if I make it to Monday for my ultrasound and the baby is fine, it will be the longest I've carried a living baby. Actually technically if I make it passed today. Makes me smile.
I still have a fear of showing up to my ultrasound and the baby has passed. Terrified.
I barely slept last night. When I did sleep I had a wacked out dream. I immedietly woke up and for some reason began to pray. I stayed up for a bit and just prayed and prayed. It was like 3am. :shrug:
Now Im dead tired.... I can't shake my fear.
Shante I do have a 13 year old daughter and she is also going through puberty. She has already started her cycle a few months back. I just now got her to start carrying a purse so she always has supplied with her. She's such a tomboy. LOL I have tried to be very patient with her as she is starting to get a smart mouth and she is soooooo forgetful and lazy. All she wants to do is sit around and play her computer games and watch TV. I'm like...GO OUTSIDE! LOL
I swear I blinked and she had boobs, was as tall as me and could wear my shoes. How did that happen? Makes me sad.

Seaweed, my throat thing never goes away. I always have it. Annoying.
I have like a 3-5 hour window everyday that I feel icky. I havent gotten sick in a few days though. Kinda scares me.

ladies, if I make it to Monday for my ultrasound and the baby is fine, it will be the longest Ive carried a living baby. Actually technically is I make it passed today. Makes me smile.
I still have a fear of showing up to my ultrasound and the baby has passed. Terrified.
I barely slept last night. Whne I did sleep I have a waked out dream. I immedietly woke up and for some reason began to pray. I stayed up for a bit and just prayed and prayed. It was like 3am. :shrug:
Now Im dead tired....

Omg Jewelz, my baby is only 10!! It caught me completely off guard. I was a late bloomer and didn't develop breasts until almost 12. I saw her in December and she had little breast buds. When she came in July, she had real breasts. I was shocked at what I missed in 6/7 months. I had to buy her more bras because she outgrew her training bras. I must sound completely stupid, but I didn't know develpoment could be so fast. I guess because it took forever for me. On the other hand, my second daughter who will be 10 in December, hasn't started developing at all yet. They are total opposites. I'm going to be in trouble with my 3 girls. :haha:
Also Jewelz, I am praying the Lord will give you comfort. I know it is scary after losses. I was the same way with my pregnancies after my first mc. But I believe in my heart that this little miracle you are carrying will be ok. He/she will be your rainbow. Try and think positive thoughts. I know it is easier said than done. But lets try not to speak negative things into existence. You are going to be a mommy soon!!:hugs:
Hello Ladies

YAY were full term.

I am feeling ok, I am waking up full of energy and then by the afternoon I am soooo tired and have to sleep.

Are your baby's still active? Mine loves to move around alot still and its always in the evening or at bedtme, making sleeping difficult. Shes still growing as my bump is getting rounder and we keep seeing bits of her body stick out, she must be as uncomfy as I am right now.

Stef really sorry your having these strange cycles, that wasalaways by fear when TTC but i was lucky. Im not good with all the scicence stuff so my advise is to just keep BD all the time and you never know you may catch the eggy unexpectedley.

I can sympathise with the ladies on teenagers, whilst we dont have any (not for 13+ years at least lol) my OH has two sisters who are 16 and 11 and I do not remember being so full of attitute at that age, they are so ungratful about everyone and everything....they have just had a holiday abroad and have come back complaining, they dont concentrate at school and want to act so much older then they are....I think its girls tbh as my MIL had 5 boys before her girls and said they were good as gold lol

Lots of love to the other ladies.
Shante I do have a 13 year old daughter and she is also going through puberty. She has already started her cycle a few months back. I just now got her to start carrying a purse so she always has supplied with her. She's such a tomboy. LOL I have tried to be very patient with her as she is starting to get a smart mouth and she is soooooo forgetful and lazy. All she wants to do is sit around and play her computer games and watch TV. I'm like...GO OUTSIDE! LOL
I swear I blinked and she had boobs, was as tall as me and could wear my shoes. How did that happen? Makes me sad.

Seaweed, my throat thing never goes away. I always have it. Annoying.
I have like a 3-5 hour window everyday that I feel icky. I havent gotten sick in a few days though. Kinda scares me.

Ladies, if I make it to Monday for my ultrasound and the baby is fine, it will be the longest I've carried a living baby. Actually technically if I make it passed today. Makes me smile.
I still have a fear of showing up to my ultrasound and the baby has passed. Terrified.
I barely slept last night. When I did sleep I had a wacked out dream. I immedietly woke up and for some reason began to pray. I stayed up for a bit and just prayed and prayed. It was like 3am. :shrug:
Now Im dead tired.... I can't shake my fear.

I have no words of wisdom for you hun. its horrible waiting for a scan, I remember waiting for mine and I had to wait 13 weeks as we dont get early scans here. I was a nightmare, constantly fearing the worse....some of these fears are coming back again now as were so close to the end.
I am sure everything will be perfectly fine and you'll get to see your lovely little baby....and in 71/2 months time you'll be in my position giving the same advise xxxxxxxxxxx
Congrats to all of my full-time ladies! What an awesome time and feeling! Can't wait to see pics of all of your LOs!

Sunkiss...I have been thoroughly enjoying all of your pics on facebook of Fayth! What a little sweetheart. I am so happy for you!

Crown...Is your scan on Monday? I am rooting for you girl! I know that this is your forever baby hun! Can't wait to see your pics. I have a scan on Monday as well...love any excuse to see my bubs!

Been kind of a rough week for me as I got a text from the mother of the little boy I take care of and she wants to put him into another daycare (which is registered and I am not) starting October 1st to get subsidy from the government for being a single mom, which of course is her right but she has been lying to them to get money. She makes $1300/cheque, her ex pays half of the childcare, and she does not have her son full-time (they share him equally and her ex is a plumber and makes loads of cash). She has given them paystubs where she worked less hours, says that she pays the full amount of childcare, and that she is the sole provider for her son to qualify for the govt help.

Just irks me that she is trying to take advantage of the system when there are others out there that actually need it. I also gave her my mat leave time 2 months ago (Nov 24-Feb 4) to give her enough notice to find alternate care for that time and now she wants to leave me without an income for 2 months that DH and I were not budgeting for and no opportunity to get another job or child to make money as it is too short notice and I will be too pregnant. We started out as friends and I just never thought she would do this to me as I would never do that to her or anyone for that matter let alone someone who has bent over backwards to help her (taking her son at 6:45am, doing OT hrs, picking up and dropping off her son when she broke her ankle). Some people just don't have principles or common decency. Just tired of being a good person and being screwed over for it. She even tried to ask me to tell her that it was ok for her to do this or did November work better for me, etc. So I told her that November 1st works better as I was depending on that income and she hasn't gotten back to me yet and that was Tuesday. So now I am sitting here stressing and worrying about it.
Congrats to all of my full-time ladies! What an awesome time and feeling! Can't wait to see pics of all of your LOs!

Sunkiss...I have been thoroughly enjoying all of your pics on facebook of Fayth! What a little sweetheart. I am so happy for you!

Crown...Is your scan on Monday? I am rooting for you girl! I know that this is your forever baby hun! Can't wait to see your pics. I have a scan on Monday as well...love any excuse to see my bubs!

Been kind of a rough week for me as I got a text from the mother of the little boy I take care of and she wants to put him into another daycare (which is registered and I am not) starting October 1st to get subsidy from the government for being a single mom, which of course is her right but she has been lying to them to get money. She makes $1300/cheque, her ex pays half of the childcare, and she does not have her son full-time (they share him equally and her ex is a plumber and makes loads of cash). She has given them paystubs where she worked less hours, says that she pays the full amount of childcare, and that she is the sole provider for her son to qualify for the govt help.

Just irks me that she is trying to take advantage of the system when there are others out there that actually need it. I also gave her my mat leave time 2 months ago (Nov 24-Feb 4) to give her enough notice to find alternate care for that time and now she wants to leave me without an income for 2 months that DH and I were not budgeting for and no opportunity to get another job or child to make money as it is too short notice and I will be too pregnant. We started out as friends and I just never thought she would do this to me as I would never do that to her or anyone for that matter let alone someone who has bent over backwards to help her (taking her son at 6:45am, doing OT hrs, picking up and dropping off her son when she broke her ankle). Some people just don't have principles or common decency. Just tired of being a good person and being screwed over for it. She even tried to ask me to tell her that it was ok for her to do this or did November work better for me, etc. So I told her that November 1st works better as I was depending on that income and she hasn't gotten back to me yet and that was Tuesday. So now I am sitting here stressing and worrying about it.

Ugh what a mess :( Hopefully she'll stay with you until November. Either way though, it sounds like you'll be better off without her in your life. I'm sure it'll suck not getting to see the LO anymore but she sounds like a pretty shitty person. I can't stand when people take advantage of the system, it makes it harder for the women that legitimately need the help and it brings shame to them as well as so many people see and hear about the ones taking advantage that there is that stigma attached to it now. :nope:
ugh krippy that sounds terrible. she is a selfish person : ( better that you dont give her any more of yourself, even though these next months will hurt. not fair at all!
ok i'm officially confused now, i've been doing opks every day after the weirdness of last cycle just in case my ovulation goes weird again, well this afternoon and tonight i have had nearly positives again but i'm supposed to be 14dpo today. so do you think this means i didn't ovulate and i might be about to? if that is whats happening then its bad timing as DH is away all weekend and isn't back til really late Sunday night so we only have tonight.
Thanks girls for the support and yes I will be better off without the stress! I just need to get over the hurt feelings and think of it as enjoying my time off before bubs is here. Just need to find something to keep myself busy and not go crazy with all of that time on my hands.

Sorry Stef...I am a dummy when it comes to charts, etc. I am one of those annoying always having 28 days perfect cycles. I am absolutely no help at all with charts and cycles but I am thinking of you and sending your positive vibes!

You too Horsey. FXd for you girls!
Shante, I'm sorry but your dream about your water breaking made me smile! I'm sorry, though, that it wasn't real, and sorry about the contractions and pains too. It sounds like things are definitely building up for you! Miss Amari will be here soon and I can't wait to hear about it! :hugs:

Jewelz, I'm sorry you're having anxiety about your scan. :hugs: It's so scary when you love and want that baby so much. I've had some weird dreams throughout pregnancy but the weirdest and worst were definitely first tri, and I think it's because I was so anxious about MC. Be kind to yourself, do whatever it takes to get through the next few days...I really think this scan will be a positive one and you'll get to hold this baby in your arms in April.

C, my baby isn't all that active anymore. He was super active to begin with but it feels like a big change. Usually when I feel him he's just pushing against the front of my belly, not kicking so much anymore -- maybe a few big kicks a day.

Also, sometimes now I can't tell the difference between his full-body stretches and my contractions! The contractions used to be barely noticeable intermittent discomfort, but now I finally know what everyone means about a squeezing or clamping feeling. Similarly, the baby used to make sharper movements, but now that he's mostly just stretching, sometimes I just feel pressure all over my belly. I can't always tell which one is which. It was surprising to realize this, but the doctor said it's normal.

Stef, I'm sorry about the confusing OPKs :hugs: I still feel like your temp has shifted somewhat, but I don't think I would rule out that you haven't ovulated yet. Especially now that you are getting more EWCM. I wish I had a more definitive guess for you. :nope: It's good that you tried some more OPKs though. I would definitely BD tonight if you can fit it in, just in case.

Krippy, what a frustrating situation! :hugs: I'm so sorry she is being so inconsiderate. And lying to get government subsidies...that's no good. :nope: I know it can hurt more when these kinds of things come up with friends -- it becomes a personal betrayal rather than just a professional annoyance. :(

Oohh, Monday will be such an exciting day here! We'll have two scans at least...maybe a birth story from Shante?? Maybe a BFP from Horsey?? Could be VERY big!

AFM, our weekly NST was a success, and I had the GBS swab and my first cervical exam. I succeeded in getting the doctor not to tell me, but I suspect I am long and closed because it was rather uncomfortable! Oh well. I'm still happier not knowing for sure. :haha: However, I DID appreciate the nurse who set up the NST commenting on how low baby is! She said, "Look how much lower I have to put the belt every week! This one is getting ready to come out!" :thumbup:

Have I already told you girls that I decided the 3rd is my ideal day for him to come? I still PREDICT it will be the 17th, but I HOPE it will be the 3rd. :p Not that the baby cares what I hope, of course.
Is anyone packing or has packed snacks in hospital bag for your labor partner(s)? Would you believe I never thought of this until I saw it on another thread. You would think it was my first child. LOL. My labors were never very long so I had not thought of it. With this one being posterior and refusing to turn(I have finally come to terms with this), my labor most likely will be the longest I have had so far. I need some ideas on snacks to help sustain my labor partners. I know I will definitely stock my fridge with yogurts to sneak for myself. My hospital doesn't allow food during labor, but I will be eating yogurt to keep up my energy. But I have no clue what to bring for them. I am not much of a snack person, though I have junk food binges some time.
MrsMcD!!!! Love your mat photos on facebook...They are gorgeous! :)

We packed a box of granola bars and drinks for my DH in our bag last time. It was a lifesaver! :)

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