"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Yay Jewlez...lovely scan pic

Shante - She is adorable

Horsey - Have a nice drink, chill out and then onto next cycle....good things will come to those that wait (although waiting is a pain!)

Lots of love ladies

Beautiful Shante!! Sitting in lab doing the 3 hr test :(
So nauseated. Trying to keep it down. Had first two sticks; 2 to go.
Oh Shante she is so perfect! Good job mama!!

Eeyore I hope all turns ok good.
I'm driving in to work this morning trying to not hurl in my cup. Ugh!!
Awwww Shante! That brought tears to my eyes...I just want to hold her and kiss her little face. What a beautiful little girl!
GL Eeyore! I am doing mine on Thursday...so not fun!

Good morning everyone else!
Can I just say that I cant wait unitl this nausea crap is gone. LOL Not that I dont appreciate having symptoms but geez I feel awful. It's frustrating.... I just wanna be able to keep some food in my body today.
I am not happy today. my nipples are still crazy sore and this morning I was curled up in bed feeling really sick after actually vomitting a little and I was so tired then I had a long soaky bath and I felt better by the afternoon so we had pizza for dinner as DH goes back to work tomorrow and now I feel sick again and am still do tired :(. I think I must be coming down with something.
Contractions started at about 5:45am and came every 6 to 7 mins and lasting 20 to 30 seconds. I knew it was labor because they felt different from the normal BH. I got up and showered and called my labor partners. They arrived at 7:30am. I called my doctor and he advised me to head to L & D, they were 5 mins apart by this time. Got to triage at around 8:15am and was checked, found to be 3 to 4cms. I figured we had a long way to go, and I knew she was still posterior at this point. I was admitted and placed in my LDR room by 9:45am. I was placed on the monitor for half an hour and then allowed to walk around for an hour. The doc came and checked me and I was still 3 to 4 cms, and contractions were every 3 to 5 mins now. The doctor ordered pitocin to make the contractions come closer together, and he broke my water. Within minutes of the pitocin they were coming every 2 to 3 mins and last almost a minute. I decided to get an epidural at this point. I wanted to hold off as long as possible, but the pitocin is not my friend. After the epidural was placed and before it started to work, I felt more pressure in my bottom. I guess the contractions forced her to turn and she was able to drop down and put pressure on my cervix. Within 10 mins after the epidural, my body started to push her out. I only enjoyed one or two contractions without pain but with a lot of pressure. The nurse panicked and called my doctor, but he didn't make it in time. Luckily the nurses were there and caught the baby. I pushed her out in less than 10 mins. My doctor came in and delivered the placenta. I had no tears or abrasions. She was born at 12:36pm, a little less than 7 hrs after my labor started. I think that is pretty good for a posterior labor and her not being engaged until near the end. Overall, it was a great experience. My nurse was awesome and was all for me having either a natural or medicated birth. She let me walk around and bounce on the birthing ball. The only reason I had been confined to the bed was because after my water was broken the head has to drop down before they allow you to get up and move around. This is to prevent a cord prolapse through the vagina, so I did not complain. She just wouldn't drop down until the pitocin kicked in and caused her to turn. Even though princess Amari is my last child, I think I had some pretty amazing birth experiences and for that I am very grateful. Good luck to you all. My only bit of advice is that if you plan to get an epidural, get it early enough to enjoy it and relax.
Thanks so much for sharing your birth story Shante!! Such a great experience for you. So Happy Miss Amari is here and you both are doing very well.
Thanks hon, it was great to read your story, and I'm so glad everything went so smoothly. :hugs: No tears, we should all be so lucky! Hope you are recovering well. I can't believe you'll be moving so soon.
Stef, look at your chart!! I think either you're pregnant and your chart is triphasic, or you're 4 DPO. Fingers crossed that BFP is right around the corner.

In any case I hope you feel better soon :hugs: and Jewelz too!!
Shante - Your princess is adorable!! And thank you for sharing your birth story!

Stef - Why don't you try another pregnancy test? Your symptoms sound really good :)

Jewels - I was like that from the end of week 5 till the beginning of this week. There are still some things that I cannot smell or eat but I can manage to keep my meals down. I hope you will also find some relief very soon :)
thank you so much shante. amari is a beauty!

steph, i call preggers on you.
Stef I think your preggo too. TEST TEST TEST! I wanna have line eye with you.
I can eat eggs now but I'm still a little bothered by the smell. I read that Snooki said she'd had the same aversion and now that she's given birth it's gone :haha:
That is such a good birth story, well done you!

ladies you are getting my hopes up lol. I promised DH that I wouldn't take another test until Thursday morning because if I am preggers it should show up by then and I have my scan on Friday afternoon. I really don't think I am tho, I think I'm just coming down with something.
omg congrats shante, amari is so beautiful n loved ur birth story, so happy everything went well n u r both doing great :happydance:!!!

hey ladies, sorry i have been away so long n have not even shared my birth story, i swear everytime i log on to the site my lil munchkin knows it n starts crying lmao!! its def has taken some time to get adjusted to everything, we r both still learning each other but i pretty much have the hang of things now n have learned to sleep when she does...she is sleeping now so i will come right back with my birth story :D!!
I was noticing an unusual increase in discharge for a few days b4 her birth, i was having alot of discharge from week 25 because of my cervix issue so i figure at first maybe this is ok, but as time went on i knew this had to be a slow leak n my water had rupture, that wednesday night i did not sleep because i knew for sure then i had a leak, it was the same feeling i had with olivia b4 my water broke, felt like discharge trickling out but increased as the days went on n everytime i got up i would feel it more, it wasnt a gush just trickling, when i knew for sure it was my water was when i had no control over it, even if i squeezed it was coming down, so that night i was not in any pain so i just decided to start getting myself together n prepared, i didnt have my bag packed so i did that, went n shaved n got myself together, i didnt tell anyone, i let them sleep, i just did my thing n waited cause i knew this was it n i couldnt sleep, at 5am i woke up my mom n OH n told them i think my water had broke n we have to head to the hospital, they got all excited lol, i was sitting there dressed n ready but told them to take their time since i wasnt in any pain, just was wearing a big super pad from the leaking, i was calm looking at them running around :haha:!! we got to the hospital 6 something that thursday morn 8/9/12...to my surprise my doc happened to be there, she was delivering all night, n she was surprised when i walked in, i was happy to see her there, she had them check me right away n indeed my water had ruptured, so she said she would have me admitted n remove my cerclage, she removed the cerclage (ouch) it hurt but was quick, i was 2-3 cm at that time, not long after that i got up to use the bthrm n my water really ruptured then, i felt a gush n had bloody show, so they started me on pitocin n antibiotics in case of strep b since i didnt have a chance to get tested....i started feeling contractions a little later on, not sure of time i wasnt really paying attn, things were going fast yet slow, i did ask for the epi b4 the contractions became intense but that was my plan cause i did not want to feel it, i did ask to get up n walk around a bit b4 the epi but they wouldnt let me because of meds n drip that i was on plus they wanted to keep me on the monitor....im going to fast forward to the next day cause i did not progress in cm until then, i pretty much stayed at 3 cm all day n night on that thurs even though my contractions were very reg, i was comfy from the epi so i would not feel the pain but i would know when i was having them cause i would feel the tightness...ok so friday morning maybe 5 or 6 something they checked me n i was at 4 cm ugh not much progress, i started to get scared cause i thought maybe i would have to have a c section, my mom got up n started praying for me so i could have a vaginal birth, i wanted that experience so bad, so my baby heartrate dropped during a contraction n they had my shift until it came back up, whew thank God that worked, got scared again for a min, not too long after i begin feeling alot of pressure down in my bottom, i figured yay maybe i am starting to dilate some more :D, so they checked me again i believe around 6 or 7 something, i really wasnt paying attn to the time, she said ummm ur fully dilated n +1 station, i nearly flipped my wig literally :haha:!!! in less than 2 hrs i went from 4 cm to ready, i believe it was when i started to shift this happened, i was laying on my back too long n not moving, my mom n OH jump up now n the nurse start calling for a set up, i was looking around confused n scared cause now there were lots of ppl coming in getting everything ready, i wasnt sure if i was ready to push lol, i was feeling scared that things were going so quickly now, the nurse was telling me she was turning off my epi n i told her no i dont want to feel it lol, she said they have to so i would know when it was time to push, at this time with each contraction now i could feel the pressure becoming more intense yet it wasnt unbearable, she said they would wait til i got to +2 station b4 i began pushing so i wouldnt get tired out too quickly, in the meantime they got everything ready n the nurse explained what everyone role would be n what i would need to do, i couldnt hear anything she was saying cause i was scared lol, the peds came in to talk to me since my baby was a preemie they would be there with a team ready, they explained everything to me n what to expect, i would not get to have her on my chest right away cause they want to access her first n make sure she is ok, so now they check me n i am ready to start some pushing, pressure was intense now but yet still bearable, felt like intense constipation, i believe the epi helped alot with this, ok pushing starts n i have to wait in btwn contractions to push, although they were telling me how to push i was confused n wasnt quite sure what i was doing, they were telling me to push from below n not my face n i thought i was doing that but i still making up my face n they would yell n say not from there they want to see it down below, so next contraction i am really trying to do that cause this pressure is really intense n i want her out of there, my mom is screaming i can see her head she is coming, that would happen then after pushing she would go back in, so they were trying to get me to push n then breath n push right back again so i can get her head out, i started crying cause i didnt know if i was doing it right n i was scared n confused but everyone was great n reassured me i will do this, so next push i concentrated n pushed right back n i felt when her head poped out, the doc screamed dont push, n she did her thing n then told me to give a small push n then her body slid right out, i heard her cry n barely seen her cause me n mother was crying so much, that moment was so amazing, i still cry now when i tell the story or think of it, at that moment i knew my baby was alive n she was breathing, i couldnt believe she was finally here, i didnt even see when OH cut the cord cause i was bawling so much lol, the peds took her right across the rm n started working on her, she never needed any help, her lungs were fully developed n she did so well with all her stats, she was so perfect n beautiful, i just could not believe it...i was in pain cause they were having a hard time delivering my placenta but my eyes never left my baby across that rm, same thing happened with my placenta when i gave birth to olivia also, it did not want to come down, so they had to constantly put their hands up there to get it out, after a few tries i started crying cause it was painful n they explained my cervix is closing n they gotta get it out now or i would have to go to surgery so i let them do what they had to do n finally thank God they got it out, not long after they got the placenta out i began bleeding so they were working on my now to get the bleeding to stop, the whole time all i can do is look over at my baby n make sure she was doing well, not too long after they got the bleeding to settle but they started my epi back just in case the bleeding started again, i suppose i would have gone to surgery although they never mentioned...i was grateful all the scary stuff was over n now i can concentrate n meet my lil girl, omg when i first held her i nearly died, it was like i was really on :cloud9:, i could not take my eyes off her, she was so tiny but so perfect n beautiful, the nurse tried her on my breast n she latched right on like a natural, i was so happy for that cause it was a worry for me too, i have so much more to update but i will have to come back for that, i tell u i thought i would have time to still keep up but its really hard to balance it all, it takes time to adjust, i will be back hopefully today ladies, i miss u all so much, im still praying for u all, wondering who is up next :hugs:!!

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