"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Honestly, I kind of hope mine is a mini version of my husband, who was the CUTEST baby. :cloud9: Based on the u/s photos though, I suspect kiddo has my chin and my husband's nose. We'll see!
This baby need to have my hubbys lips and eyelashes for sure. They are perfect! If the baby gets any of my features I hope that it will be high cheek bones, perfect nose and eyes.
Seaweedeater - Thanks! Happy 38 weeks to you:hugs: I don't think we have the chewy vitamins here :( All we have are the sickening pills!

Stef - Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure it will happen for you sooner than you think!:hugs:

Mrsmcd - Yay!! Can't wait for your lil man to come out!!:happydance:

Jewels - can't have anything sweet anymore:wacko: I used to love chocolate and ice cream and I can't have either now. I also don't like chicken that much anymore. The thing that really makes my stomach flip though is the smell of lavendar. I know it's not food but you know :D
Ladies, do you know about the ring gender test? Does it really work? I've tried it and it seems like I'm having a boy but I don't know how accurate it is. Has anyone tried it?
Ugh I hate the smell of lavender anyways. Lol

Weird feelings inside: I swear sometimes when I pee I can feel my insides shift and it kinda hurts/feels weird. Maybe I'm crazy....
How's everyone doing? I'm getting the hang of temping, but wish I didn't have to anymore if you know what I mean!
Good luck MrsMcD!! Hoping the little mister will come this weekend.
Stef, sorry about the test.
oooohhhhh! GL MrsMcD! I hope that this is the start for you and that little man makes his appearance soon!

As for appearances I hope my bubs as my husband eyelashes...they are so long and luxiourious. But I don't have to really guess that this bubs will look like my husband and his dark genes will probably dominate my pale, light genes! lol
Hello Ladies
Sorry been away for a while....we changed internet provider so had no internet for a few days, so just been catching up.

Shante and Sunkiss thanks soooooo much for your birth storys, cant wait to add mine to the list.

Crown - My main aversions are to peas and all i craved in 1st Tri was salads and ice poles lol. I was lucky with morning sickness and I slept quite well. Unlike now when sleeping for 8 hours is impossible

Stef - Sorry about the BFN, I cant read charts etc but everyone says it looks good so maybe theres still a chance? I got BFNs all the way to 18dpo...so maybe your still in, if not theres next cycle, just keep doing the baby dancing.

Horsey - Same advise as Stef, keep baby dancing and one of those spermys will make it soon enough

MrsMcD - How exciting, I am desperate for a sign, all i have is increased discharge which is encouraging after reading sunkiss' birth story. I want a clear cut sign I am going to go into labour soon. She is moving about plenty but no signs yet

As for vitamins, I took mine religiously until about 25 weeks, they were horrible but i just drank loads of water. Since then I have been very on/off and for past 8 weeks havent taken them at all.....I just keep forgetting and now dont even know where they are.

As for appearances I hope baby gets my hair colour (auburny/red/blonde) and my eys/nose/cheeks lol. I want her to get OH skin tone (he goes a lovely brown in the sun and I burn and that was horrible as a child) and his metabolism lol as he never gains weight like I do. However she looks I know she will be perfect.

I am off to the Drs again today as I think my thrush has returned, so annoying as it went completly now I keep getting the same sensation I had before. I dont know it could be my plug as I am having lots of discharge but I want to be sure its not the thrush again and better to get it checked out.

Lots of love ladies

MrsMcD your up next I think

well i am back from the scan. the nurse was really nice and told me what she saw while i was there. She said my left ovary is large and has lots of follicles so she thinks it is polycystic but that i will probably have to have another blood test once i get the results in a week to see if it is PCO or PCOS. My right ovary has lots of follicles too but is normal sized. Its a relief that there is actually something there iykwim, its the not knowing thats so much worse. At least this way they will hopefully actually be able to do something about it. She did say that my uterus is great - size, lining etc all brilliant which is a relief. She did say that the uterus lining looks like i ovulated this cycle as it has thickened in response to the hormones which is also great. i'm so glad its over with so now the docs might actually do something. my spotting has also pretty much stopped now but i dunno if thats cos of the scan probe or what.

Sorry for the essay lol.
Wow Stef so you really got some great information on that visit. Hopefully they can diagnose you and get you on some sort of plan to get you a baby in there! I have so much hope for you hun!! Keep your head up.
thanks hun, it was definitely a worth while visit even though i had to wait for like half hour before they called me in as i was only in there for 5 minutes or so. So lots of info in a short space of time!
Sorry to burst in here off topic, but my breasts are killing me. They are so big and sore it's making my heart hurt. I should've read up on engorgement.y last one I breastfed so it didn't feel like this. I am ready to cry. It hurts so bad I can't even think straight.
C, I didn't have a clearcut sign either. No mucus or anything. Just woke up to regular contractions.
Stef, sounds like a productive visit indeed. I'm glad you are getting some more information. :hugs: And great news that it looks like you've ovulated! Your chart certainly reflects that, too!

C, I know what you mean about wanting definite signs. I'd be so excited if I had a bloody show! It's still early, though. I keep reminding myself that plenty of women start labor from zero. There was one birth story on the third tri board yesterday where the woman started with no dilation at all and had the baby less than an hour later! It was her third birth but still, our bodies are capable of doing a lot in a short time.

Shante, I'm sorry about your breasts. :hugs: I heard a podcast recently about adoption and a couple of the mothers mentioned that that was the hardest thing for them, when their milk came in. Hang in there hon, it sounds like it must be seriously painful but it should get better soon. :hugs:

I feel like such an old lady this morning. I spent some time yesterday building furniture with DH and it made my back and hips soooo sore! I wasn't lifting anything and was sitting down most of the time, and still I can't believe how taxing it was, especially when I felt totally normal right before I started. We have one more dresser to build and I'm itching to get started, but I need to take a day off.

I think DH got a little excited last night because he has read that increased backache is a sign of labor. I just said...I wish! :haha:
Shante...I had that with RJ. I know it sounds weird but frozen cabbage leaves worked wonders for me. I just put them straight into my bra and they say the tighter the bra the better.
Stef glad you are getting some sort of answer as to what could be going on. At least then you could work on it with your Dr.

I made my OH take me out today just so I could get moving, I am spending so much time stuck in doors this baby will never want to come out. We went shopping and I gota a cute little crochet teddy for my girly which will be the first toy we give her :)

The walking did me good as she dropped again and made walking a little difficult and even a tiny but painful at times. She is moving lots too so hopefully shes getting ready to come out lol. I wanted to avoid a August or 1st September birthdate and were nearly there with that so she can come whenever she wishes now lol xxxx
Oh and avoid hot showers and expressing as it will just make it worse. I know it is painful hun but it won't last too long. I was only in major pain for about a week or so!
I wanted to avoid a August or 1st September birthdate and were nearly there with that so she can come whenever she wishes now lol xxxx

That's so funny, is it because of a school year cutoff? I have been hoping for September 2nd or later for that exact reason! In the US we have Labor Day on Monday the 3rd this year, so I am hoping baby will take a hint from the name of the holiday!
I wanted to avoid a August or 1st September birthdate and were nearly there with that so she can come whenever she wishes now lol xxxx

That's so funny, is it because of a school year cutoff? I have been hoping for September 2nd or later for that exact reason! In the US we have Labor Day on Monday the 3rd this year, so I am hoping baby will take a hint from the name of the holiday!

Yes its because of the school cut off. If she was August she would go to school a year earlier and I would rather her be the eldest in her year then the yougest. if she did come tonight (unlikely) I wouldnt mind too much its just preference.

I also want to avoid 1st Sept as its MIL birthday and I dont want her to have to share her birthday.

Lol would be great to have bubs on Labor day....I am happy anytime after Monday, so will have a word with the bump later lol xxx
steph, good information. xoxox everyone hugs. i'm too despondent to say much sorry. my OH says this is quote, typical cd4 behaviour. :rofl:

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