"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

i usually am always cold since i am anemic but since i have increased my iron and folic acid i have not been so cold all the time...before my last pregnancy i was never anemic and my last doc told me that babies are like little leeches, they will suck everything from u so that is why i take so much vitamins now and i really feel its helping cause even my fatigue has been much better since the increase of my dosage.

i think we all have had a first appt or one upcoming, boy i surely cant wait for the first heartbeat, i was an emotional mess the last time, i called everyone balling lol!! come on 2/3!!
Glad the appt went well Jewels.

Your all so lucky getting to see a Dr early, I havent called ours but I know they wont see me till 8 weeks so I will keep POAS until then, did yesterday and a super dark line came up right away....I will stop soon lol.

I know what you mean regarding cold, I am always cold lately...normally I dont feel the cold although we are getting a cold snap at the moment.....

Looking forward to the weekend, my mum and sister are visiting so will have some baby chats with them, my OH is excited but doesnt talk about it much yet.

Was in a HR meeting yesterday at work and they talked abotu maternity rights etc, all very interesting....although they havent a clue im pregnant yet lol. I think ill be finishing work in July (only 6 1/2 mionths away)

Speak later ladies

So I took all of my new prescription pills last night and laid down on the sofa to watch some TV. I passed out in no time and then woke up to go to be around 10pm. When I got up to go to bed I felt like I had taken a boat load of pain meds and was all kinds of messed up. Not sure if it was the progesterone or the folic acid that made me sooooo sleepy and drowsy. Guess I will be having to take all of my meds at night before bed now until I figure out which one made me feel that way.When I went back to bed I didn't sleep well at all because I was thinking about baby and a family thing we have going on right now. Grrrrr I just wanted to sleep. Better luck tonight I suppose but you could mop the floor with me today because I'm dragging my tail behind me today.

Tummy is feeling rotten this morning. Don't have an appetite at all this morning. I ate a special K cereal bar but that's all I could handle at the moment. Hope it passes and I can eat later cuz I brought a yummy lunch today. LOL

Hope all my ladies are well this morning. Have a great weekends ladies!

Just wanted to share this thread with all of you in case you are wondering about lack of symptoms ever. Made my mind relax a bit.
Thanks for that link...definatly feeling nausea a bit more this evening.

Just cried my eyes out watching a program we have in the uk called 'one born every minute' its about labour and childbirth, one lady had a baby boy and longggggg labour, just so emotional....cant imagine going through labour but cant wait at the same time

Thanks for that link...definatly feeling nausea a bit more this evening.

Just cried my eyes out watching a program we have in the uk called 'one born every minute' its about labour and childbirth, one lady had a baby boy and longggggg labour, just so emotional....cant imagine going through labour but cant wait at the same time


Oh and another lady had a waterbirth and didnt make a sound! That wont be me ... ill scream the place down lol
Thanks for that link...definatly feeling nausea a bit more this evening.

Just cried my eyes out watching a program we have in the uk called 'one born every minute' its about labour and childbirth, one lady had a baby boy and longggggg labour, just so emotional....cant imagine going through labour but cant wait at the same time


Oh and another lady had a waterbirth and didnt make a sound! That wont be me ... ill scream the place down lol

:haha: That's funny!
OMG, I cry every time I see or hear of or almost even THINK of labor or childbirth. It just sets me off! :cry: Not with anxiety or fear or anything, just...emotion!

I've been so tired today. Must be because I only slept nine hours last night :p
Man I'm an emotional mess today... Lol can't seem to get it together.

Just wanted to share this thread with all of you in case you are wondering about lack of symptoms ever. Made my mind relax a bit.

I also had almost zero symptoms- except acne until 9 weeks. Literally on the first day of my 9th week the morining sickness and food aversion hit me like a ton of bricks.
Thought the same thing everyday before the 9 weeks and was literally convinced I was going to miscarry due to the lack of symtoms.

It will be neat to see the 8-10 week mark with everyone and see if those nasty symtoms start poking up. The we will all be complaining wishing they would go away :(

Time will tell i guess :)
Hello ladies!! Just got in from the ER as I had a slight scare tonight. I was spotting lightly, but mostly in a lot of pain. My cramping came back with a vengeance so I decided to go to the hospital. They checked my blood and my hcg was between 4000 and 5000. She didn't give me the exact number. They did an ultrasound. Sadly I wasn't allowed to see my little bean. But the technician saw the baby and its heartbeat. I was surprised because I'm only 5+5. I'm more at ease now and I'm glad everything is going well. My last pregnancy was a mc so i'm a lil nervous. I know not to go back to the ER unless I'm bleeding. LOL. They don't want to see me again anytime soon, nervous wreck.
hiya ladies,

yay glad my training is over and i passed my test, got a 98.5 :happydance: whew!!

i bet its the progesterone that is making u more fatigue jewelz, i sure felt a lil more fatigue today myself, hormones at its best, but i still dont have much symptoms either, i guess it is a blessing but yea i want to feel more preggo too, i bet its right around the corner for us though, boobs will be kicking in very shortly!!

im not having a hard time with eating or scents, nor am i that emotional either, i have been a bit demanding and not too much patience though lol, i went off on the driver yesterday morning because he did not drive in my apt complex and was on the side of my bldg instead of in front lol, i felt bad afterwards woosah...i tell u besides my missed af and a lil more fatigue i wouldnt know i was preggo.

awww c1403, sorry u have to wait so long for ur first appt hun, but honestly i can see why they do it that way because u cant see or know much til then anyways, all we did on my appt was take some labs n talk, not much they can do that early on, so makes sense...lol i am still poas too, just our reassurance til then, feels nice to see that line turn so dark now so quickly huh, last week this time it was still faint!!

i really luv to watch child birthing vids also, always so beautiful to see, i look forward to that day!! so happy for the long wknd, will be a semi busy one though, have things to do just about everyday except monday.
Hello ladies!! Just got in from the ER as I had a slight scare tonight. I was spotting lightly, but mostly in a lot of pain. My cramping came back with a vengeance so I decided to go to the hospital. They checked my blood and my hcg was between 4000 and 5000. She didn't give me the exact number. They did an ultrasound. Sadly I wasn't allowed to see my little bean. But the technician saw the baby and its heartbeat. I was surprised because I'm only 5+5. I'm more at ease now and I'm glad everything is going well. My last pregnancy was a mc so i'm a lil nervous. I know not to go back to the ER unless I'm bleeding. LOL. They don't want to see me again anytime soon, nervous wreck.

awww hunny, im sorry u got such a scare, but yay u got to hear baby's hb woohooo :happydance:!!! u are our 1st hb shante, happy everything is good with the lo and u feeling better :hugs:!! was the spotting brown or red? i know i would have been scared too, so good u went to er for some reassurance...rest up n i will say a lil prayer for u n lo!!
Hello ladies!! Just got in from the ER as I had a slight scare tonight. I was spotting lightly, but mostly in a lot of pain. My cramping came back with a vengeance so I decided to go to the hospital. They checked my blood and my hcg was between 4000 and 5000. She didn't give me the exact number. They did an ultrasound. Sadly I wasn't allowed to see my little bean. But the technician saw the baby and its heartbeat. I was surprised because I'm only 5+5. I'm more at ease now and I'm glad everything is going well. My last pregnancy was a mc so i'm a lil nervous. I know not to go back to the ER unless I'm bleeding. LOL. They don't want to see me again anytime soon, nervous wreck.

So glad everything is ok with your lil one. So scary to have to go through that. Glad your at ease again and everything is good. :hugs:
Hello ladies!! Just got in from the ER as I had a slight scare tonight. I was spotting lightly, but mostly in a lot of pain. My cramping came back with a vengeance so I decided to go to the hospital. They checked my blood and my hcg was between 4000 and 5000. She didn't give me the exact number. They did an ultrasound. Sadly I wasn't allowed to see my little bean. But the technician saw the baby and its heartbeat. I was surprised because I'm only 5+5. I'm more at ease now and I'm glad everything is going well. My last pregnancy was a mc so i'm a lil nervous. I know not to go back to the ER unless I'm bleeding. LOL. They don't want to see me again anytime soon, nervous wreck.

awww hunny, im sorry u got such a scare, but yay u got to hear baby's hb woohooo :happydance:!!! u are our 1st hb shante, happy everything is good with the lo and u feeling better :hugs:!! was the spotting brown or red? i know i would have been scared too, so good u went to er for some reassurance...rest up n i will say a lil prayer for u n lo!!

Thank you sunkiss. The spotting was light pink, but I was more concerned about the cramping. I was afraid because my first mc was very painful.
hiya ladies,

yay glad my training is over and i passed my test, got a 98.5 :happydance: whew!!

i bet its the progesterone that is making u more fatigue jewelz, i sure felt a lil more fatigue today myself, hormones at its best, but i still dont have much symptoms either, i guess it is a blessing but yea i want to feel more preggo too, i bet its right around the corner for us though, boobs will be kicking in very shortly!!

im not having a hard time with eating or scents, nor am i that emotional either, i have been a bit demanding and not too much patience though lol, i went off on the driver yesterday morning because he did not drive in my apt complex and was on the side of my bldg instead of in front lol, i felt bad afterwards woosah...i tell u besides my missed af and a lil more fatigue i wouldnt know i was preggo.

awww c1403, sorry u have to wait so long for ur first appt hun, but honestly i can see why they do it that way because u cant see or know much til then anyways, all we did on my appt was take some labs n talk, not much they can do that early on, so makes sense...lol i am still poas too, just our reassurance til then, feels nice to see that line turn so dark now so quickly huh, last week this time it was still faint!!

i really luv to watch child birthing vids also, always so beautiful to see, i look forward to that day!! so happy for the long wknd, will be a semi busy one though, have things to do just about everyday except monday.

CONGRATS on your great testing score!! See, it all paid off.

I'm pretty sure I know it's the progesterone that's making me tired. I usually always take all my pills for the day in the mornings. Except yesterday when I got them I took it at night. When I took them this morning like normal I was drowsy at work this morning for a few hours. Hopefully I won't need the progesterone and I can get off of it. I'll know Monday when I go in for more blood work.

We decided to tell my step daughter that I'm preggo again. She is old enough to understand if something happens again. She was super excited about being a big sister again. We explained to her the possibility of a MC again and she understands. She's not worried at all. Lol wish I wasn't.
Hello ladies!! Just got in from the ER as I had a slight scare tonight. I was spotting lightly, but mostly in a lot of pain. My cramping came back with a vengeance so I decided to go to the hospital. They checked my blood and my hcg was between 4000 and 5000. She didn't give me the exact number. They did an ultrasound. Sadly I wasn't allowed to see my little bean. But the technician saw the baby and its heartbeat. I was surprised because I'm only 5+5. I'm more at ease now and I'm glad everything is going well. My last pregnancy was a mc so i'm a lil nervous. I know not to go back to the ER unless I'm bleeding. LOL. They don't want to see me again anytime soon, nervous wreck.

So glad everything is ok with your lil one. So scary to have to go through that. Glad your at ease again and everything is good. :hugs:

Thank you jewelz. I was trying to keep a PMA but I couldn't help but think "here we go again". I'm going to relax and rest easy. After knowing there's a heartbeat I'm more optimistic. My last mc the tech never saw anything. So this is a relief.
Hello ladies!! Just got in from the ER as I had a slight scare tonight. I was spotting lightly, but mostly in a lot of pain. My cramping came back with a vengeance so I decided to go to the hospital. They checked my blood and my hcg was between 4000 and 5000. She didn't give me the exact number. They did an ultrasound. Sadly I wasn't allowed to see my little bean. But the technician saw the baby and its heartbeat. I was surprised because I'm only 5+5. I'm more at ease now and I'm glad everything is going well. My last pregnancy was a mc so i'm a lil nervous. I know not to go back to the ER unless I'm bleeding. LOL. They don't want to see me again anytime soon, nervous wreck.

Oh thank goodness everything is okay! :) What a tease to not show you, what the heck!! I wonder why they couldn't show you?? Not fair! But yeah, to see a heartbeat already that early is awesome!! :happydance:
:hugs: Shantehend, I'm sorry about the scare but that's GREAT that they heard a heartbeat! :happydance: That's a really good sign as I'm sure you know. Congrats on a healthy bean!

And congrats to sunkiss on an awesome exam score!! :yipee:

I'm sooo tired today...think I will go to bed by 8:30. Also, the new bras I ordered just arrived, but I'm hesitant to keep them because I've definitely gone up a cup size and it's only been about 2 weeks since implantation! Makes me think I won't last long in this size... :wacko:
Shantehend -Glad all went well and you got to hear babys heartbeat, thats a great reasurance to you that all is ok.

Sunkiss - Good scores, Well done.

As for me, this morning my and OH were planning to go swimming and start our pre-baby exervise routine (he also wants to get fit again as hes got lazy lately, although there is nothing of him really) and I just couldnt get out of bed. I eventually did for some rbeakfast then went back, i was so tired and felt really really sick, we gave swimming a miss and will maybe try tomorrow or monday evening.

Feel much better now, still suffering from bloated tummy/constipation and tiredness. No sore BBs. Got a fair few spots too.

My sister called me earlier, her and my mum were out shopping and couldnt help look at baby stuff, she was saying that she has seen soooo much and she wants ot buy it all now but will wait. Bless her I think shes just as excited/nervous as we are.

Not far from 6 weeks now :)

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