"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

So glad that you are feeling better Jewelz! You are one of the bravest and most positive people I think I know. Big hugs and positive healing vibes being sent your way!

My AF is still MIA! Still not here and I have been cervix checking lately and I can't even find the little *******! I will not take another test until Saturday if AF is not here...just starting to worry me a bit. Maybe that first 28 day cycle I was on was just a teaser and my body is really not back to normal. I guess we will see!

maybe because she is taking a break for 9mths :winkwink:
Ladies - those of you who have just had their BFP's do you remember what your CM was like during the TWW??


i remember right after ovulation i had a really thick cream like cm for 2 days, i read that is the way it appears as it is drying up, then after that is was mostly creamy like everyday.
So glad that you are feeling better Jewelz! You are one of the bravest and most positive people I think I know. Big hugs and positive healing vibes being sent your way!

My AF is still MIA! Still not here and I have been cervix checking lately and I can't even find the little *******! I will not take another test until Saturday if AF is not here...just starting to worry me a bit. Maybe that first 28 day cycle I was on was just a teaser and my body is really not back to normal. I guess we will see!

maybe because she is taking a break for 9mths :winkwink:

Maybe...who knows! I have given up on testing until Monday at least and if there is still nothing I will call the Dr. I see an endocrinologist on February 1st for some results so maybe my thyroid is out of whack and causing my AF to do the same! Hate being in limbo but it is what it is! :) Keeping my head up!
Well ladies, it looks like hyperemesis is setting in for me. :cry: I am going to be MIA for a while, most likely due to frequent hospitalization. But I wish all of you the best of luck. And if you have time, look up hyperemesis so you can know what I'm going through. If you can remember, please say a daily prayer for me. It's so hard to go through this. Hopefully, if all goes well, I will see you all in the 2nd trimester thread. Take care of yourselves. Goodbye for now.

This is horrible...I know what this is because it is a symptom of thyroid disease, Graves disease, when pregnant...I am being tested for all of this right now! Please have faith and we will be praying for you and your LO. Sending healing prayers your way!
Well ladies, it looks like hyperemesis is setting in for me. :cry: I am going to be MIA for a while, most likely due to frequent hospitalization. But I wish all of you the best of luck. And if you have time, look up hyperemesis so you can know what I'm going through. If you can remember, please say a daily prayer for me. It's so hard to go through this. Hopefully, if all goes well, I will see you all in the 2nd trimester thread. Take care of yourselves. Goodbye for now.

you poor baby, i just read up on it, i see alot of ladies in first tri talk about this all the time since that is where it happens the most, i have read about meds the doc prescribes to help with this also, the girls in 1st tri are very knowledgeable about this, i really hope it subsides soon and u feel better hunny, no worries u will make it to 2nd tri with the grace of God, many women go through it and they make it there, i will keep u in my prayers :hugs:
More good news!! We have a heartbeat!!!!!! We didn't get to hear it yet, but we definitely saw it! I'm measuring exactly 6w5d which is right on the dot according to my LMP. I was such a mess at my appointment, my blood pressure was sky high and my heart rate was 139bmp. They had to do the tests over again after my ultrasound and both blood pressure and heart rate were back to normal. I immediately began to cry in fear as we started the ultrasound and let him know I didn't want to look unless there was something to see, and right away it popped up! I was crying so hard from happiness that the screen kept jumping around but I was able to calm myself down enough to see the little heart beating away :cloud9: My next appointment is for Feb. 28th so by then I'm thinking we should be able to hear it :happydance: My husband left work early today so he was able to be there with me for the ultrasound, and my mom too but we brought her in after so she could see the screen and everything. As soon as I got home I scanned our picture. https://i.imgur.com/QiCwV.jpg

Excellent news Mrs, and lovely sono pic :)

Congrats Sunkiss! That is just the most amazing sound in the world isn't it! I am actually in tears right now imagining it! I am so happy for you! :)

I am still waiting for AF to arrive. She will be officially 3 days late tomorrow. Did 2 tests yesterday and got 2 very faint but very pink lines right before the 10 minute mark...evap or what? Not sure! Should I test again tomorrow or wait until Thursday? Do y'all think that it is enough time for my hcg to build? Not sure what to do! Need advice! :)

AF late, two faint lines w/ color, sounds like BFP to me!!! If you aren't convinced, I'd say go run out and test again today! Just try to hold in your pee as long as you can. Then post pictures!!!!! I'll line spot for ya :happydance:

Krippy - I tested negative on FRER from 11-15dpo, then BFP at 18dpo. Same with my chemical, the tests only ever showed positive after AF was late...so wait a few days and test again. No AF is good news x

im so happy to report that i have officially heard my rainbow's heart beat :yipee:

i feel so relieved now that i heard that beautiful hb and i am measuring right on time with my ovulation, things are looking good, im feeling so blessed for this second chance, its like nothing else in the world matters except for my rainbow, thank u God for this blessing and the most incredible man ever :happydance:

cant wait to hear all the hb updates this week!! i will download the new sono pic in a lil bit :cloud9:

Whoooooooooo so happy for you xxx

I took a first response digi and got a BFN! Big Fat NOOO! I think the others were very cruel evap lines and I am definitely out for this month. Now just to wait for AF...If she doesn't arrive by Sunday I might test but definitely not going to waste anymore money! Oh well...wishful thinking it would happen the first month of trying but don't worry I will join you girls soon! :)

Digis are not as sensitive, i never got a positive on a digi until 7 days late but did with a FRER. Try and not test for a few days and hopefully a BFP will show soon

Hi ladies!! I miss all of my ladies. I can report that I am feeling much better this morning. I'm not as sore this morning and I think my swelling is going down a bit. I have 4 cuts in my abdomen, 2 in my belly button, 1 in my hair line and 1 to the left and a bit higher than my pelvic bone. It's been difficult to urinate over the last few days but I am finally able to relax my muscles enough to go with ease. So Yay I'm making progress.

I am so happy for you ladies who have seen heartbeats and pics of your LO's. Keep fighting the good fight ladies and I'll still be checking in on you. Miss you ladies. HUGS

Jewelz so glad your ok, must have been awful for oyu but at least you came out healthy. We miss you lots, please stick around...you started this thread. I really hope you get your little sticky bean soon...lots and lots of love xxxxx

Ladies - those of you who have just had their BFP's do you remember what your CM was like during the TWW??


I didnt have any...was quite dry. Now its creamy white.

WELL ladies...i feel i've missed soooo much. My nasusea is pretty much all day every day. Not actually vomiting but always lingering around.
Keep getting little cramps here and there but I think its my bowels..having real issues doing no 2's (sorry TMI)
My BBs are huge!!

I am also FUMING basically i told a woman at work i was pregnant a few weeks back as we were moving office etc, she seemed lovely and congratulated me and said she wouldnt say anything. We have worked together 9 years so i trusted her. I also told another manager as he has always looked after me and we are good friends..... well TODAY i found out we are going to be having some redundancies at work, me not included thank god but this woman thought it necessary to tell our managing director that i was pregnant, even though he had already told her I would be safe....my job is pretty much unique to everyone else and they couldnt cope without me....I AM SO ANGRY that she told him, I think she done it because she was worried for herself so told him about me as technically i can be made redundant at any time (until 15 weeks). The annoying thing now is that i cant confront her on it as if i did, everyone will know the other colleague told me everything so bit of a sticky point as i would never want to get him in any trouble....I now feel bad for keeping it from my MD and will have to see him next week, I am sure he will act surprised etc.
I also had a few other girls in the office ask me why im not drinking, why I am eating healthy etc...basically fishing for info soi also think she has told them too....

Sorry long rant but I AM SOOOO ANGRY

Good news ... I wont be made redundant and they will consider me working from home 4/5 days a week...meaning I can be with my baby all the time and OH can work and no childcare etc.
Orginally i was going to go back to work and OH look after baby and not work...so works out well, its still early and not official yet but we'll see

Anyway long rant but had to get it off my chest lol

Love to all my ladies and their beans and also :dust: to those waiting for a BFP keep the faith, it will happen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww sunkiss glad your dates all confirmed, were not due the same day now lol I gues ill get properly dated when i have my first scan....still waiting for a call from the midwife unit xxxx
Thank you so much c1403...That gives me so much hope! That would be amazing if I waited until Monday and got a BFP! Who knows right?

That is crazy about your co-worker...some people have no respect for others privacy but I guess you live and learn right? Ridiculous though!

Sorry about your bowel problems...I had the complete opposite when I was pregnant last time...I went 2-3 times a day no matter what! I don't know which is worse not going for a week or having to go during a 3 hour hike and not being able to hold and going in the bushes (this happened to me...lol). Thank goodness there was lots of bushed and it is a very quite hike! Hahahaha!
Thank you so much c1403...That gives me so much hope! That would be amazing if I waited until Monday and got a BFP! Who knows right?

That is crazy about your co-worker...some people have no respect for others privacy but I guess you live and learn right? Ridiculous though!

Sorry about your bowel problems...I had the complete opposite when I was pregnant last time...I went 2-3 times a day no matter what! I don't know which is worse not going for a week or having to go during a 3 hour hike and not being able to hold and going in the bushes (this happened to me...lol). Thank goodness there was lots of bushed and it is a very quite hike! Hahahaha!

lol that made me giggle

I over the co-worker issue was just so annoyed before so had a big rant lol.
Still will never ever trust her with anything again

Well ladies- not such good news to report. Feeling pretty down in the dumps right now.
Had my ultrasound and they saw a yolk sac but no baby inside.
Not sure what this means exactly, midwife says to not get my hopes up too much because really there should be a fetal pole by now.
I don't think my dates can be off too much either :(
I'm going to go in for another scan in a week- what a week this is going to be.
I just dont get why my sacs are there and i'm feeling and looking preggo but no baby?
Is it too early, could it all be off?? Could this all be a bad dream and i'm going to wake up soon??
:( heart is pretty sore right now.
Well ladies- not such good news to report. Feeling pretty down in the dumps right now.
Had my ultrasound and they saw a yolk sac but no baby inside.
Not sure what this means exactly, midwife says to not get my hopes up too much because really there should be a fetal pole by now.
I don't think my dates can be off too much either :(
I'm going to go in for another scan in a week- what a week this is going to be.
I just dont get why my sacs are there and i'm feeling and looking preggo but no baby?
Is it too early, could it all be off?? Could this all be a bad dream and i'm going to wake up soon??
:( heart is pretty sore right now.

I am so sad to hear this! My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thinking of you lots! Keep us updated.
Well ladies- not such good news to report. Feeling pretty down in the dumps right now.
Had my ultrasound and they saw a yolk sac but no baby inside.
Not sure what this means exactly, midwife says to not get my hopes up too much because really there should be a fetal pole by now.
I don't think my dates can be off too much either :(
I'm going to go in for another scan in a week- what a week this is going to be.
I just dont get why my sacs are there and i'm feeling and looking preggo but no baby?
Is it too early, could it all be off?? Could this all be a bad dream and i'm going to wake up soon??
:( heart is pretty sore right now.

Oh Bree I surely feel your pain. I really hope you get some answers soon. Praying your bean is just behind schedule and everything is ok.
oh no bree, see this is why i dont like these early scans anymore, sometimes it is just useless worry!! is it possible u implanted or ovulated later than u though? i went through this exact same thing and turns out that was the case for me, i am praying that is the same for u!! seeing a yolk is a great sign though, means something is there growing, thats what the tech told me, i know this week will be hell cause that is wut is was for me but please try not to stress, every baby develops different and we are all in very early stages of pregnancy still, keep ur head up momma, i will not stop praying for us all :hugs:
Well ladies- not such good news to report. Feeling pretty down in the dumps right now.
Had my ultrasound and they saw a yolk sac but no baby inside.
Not sure what this means exactly, midwife says to not get my hopes up too much because really there should be a fetal pole by now.
I don't think my dates can be off too much either :(
I'm going to go in for another scan in a week- what a week this is going to be.
I just dont get why my sacs are there and i'm feeling and looking preggo but no baby?
Is it too early, could it all be off?? Could this all be a bad dream and i'm going to wake up soon??
:( heart is pretty sore right now.

Oh Bree, I'm so sorry :hugs: :hugs: I'm so hoping and praying that your situation turns out like sunkiss, maybe you ovulated late? Have they ordered hcg tests to see if your levels are going up as they should? Also, did they do the abdominal scan or transvaginal?
hiya c1403, sorry bout ur silly coworker, but thats a lesson learnt, now u know u cannot trust her in the future, great news about ur job, wow everything is falling in place for u, great signs for the future :D

sorry u gurls are having that nausea, i have been lucky not to have it so far this pregnancy n never had it last time either...my back is hurting a little today though and i am exhausted, i have to peel myself out the bed in the mornings so i will take a little nap now :D
hi ladies dont know whether you remember me from new years eve!

wanted to let you girlies know that i got my :bfp: this morning.

:dust: to you all.
oh yes i remember u 3outnumbered, what fantastic news this morning wowzers :happydance:

congrats hunny!! u are not that far behind us, hope u can stick around with us through ur pregnancy, h&h 9mths ahead to u!!!
hi ladies dont know whether you remember me from new years eve!

wanted to let you girlies know that i got my :bfp: this morning.

:dust: to you all.

Wow congrats Lady! That is so exciting. And it looks like you got an early BFP! You must be on :cloud9:

I unfortunately am still in Limbo...no AF and refuse to test until Sunday...crossing my fingers but just not sure what the heck is going on! It is possible that I implanted late? Who knows? If I don't get an answer by next week I will see a Doctor but oh my...why all the stress?
i really hope its the bfp that is delaying ur af, are u taking meds to control the thyroid now?
No meds because the thyroid situation is new since RJ was born...we are still figuring out what is going on with it but I am feeling great. I was losing crazy weight (60 pounds in 7 weeeks), had major tremors, hot flashed and high pulse. I have no symptoms at all compared to 1 1/2 months ago! Pretty sure that it is post partum thyroiditis and everything is levelling out. I haven't lost weight in over a month, tremors are gone, no hot flashes and my pulse is down to 66-72 beats per minute. I am very sure that everything is ok.

I also just found a girl in the pregnancy test section that just got her BFP @ 23 dpo and BFNs up to that point. Really gives me hope for Sunday! :)

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