"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Okay so I took another belly picture yesterday at 15 weeks, and I was looking back and fourth between the new pic and the one from last week and can totally see a difference! The one from last week definitely looked more like a beer belly and it kinda sagged.. This week, it is definitely rounding out and shifting upwards! Pretty exciting! Glad I finally got around to starting the belly pics :) I think I'll have to keep up with it :) Here is my new one from yesterday.


Oooh sunkiss, how did your appointment go today??
hey gurls!!

sorry couldnt come back to update yesterday, boy did i have an eventful day whew!! ok so i went to the doc and just as i figured all along, i do have incompetent cervix!! i have been telling docs for yrs that i have issues and this is the first doc that actually listened n took it seriously, maybe because of my previous loss...she measured my cervix and did find it kind of short for 15 weeks plus a very small opening, she scheduled me to get a cerclage, which is a stitch that will prevent the cervix from opening, on this coming thursday, i am not even nervous because i know this will save my babys life!! she said because i am so early that i should not require bed-rest and i will do just fine with the cerclage :happydance:!! it is a same day surgical procedure and i can go home the same day if all goes well, also i will be able to return to work on monday, i will have to take it easy for the remainder of my pregnancy, absolutely no sex or orgasms, no lifting or cleaning, i can go for short walks just cannot over due anything, i am so happy that my mom came to live with me cause between her n OH i do not lift a finger to do anything, so good to have great support!! my doc will be the one doing the procedure which i am excited about since she knows me best, i will be awake but will get an epidural so i will be numb from waist down. i just know it will all work out this time cause too many great signs, my baby sent me to her for a reason, she wasnt even suppose to be my doc but the appt was changed, i have total trust in her, she is not taking any chances with me!! also she does not want me to get the colposcopy right now for the abnormal cell thing either, she said it can wait, see i was suppose to have the colpo last monday and they called to resch cause the doc was not gonna be there, another sign, i am telling u an angel is watching me n rainbow closely :D!! she also mentioned my uterus is tilted but said that it will not affect anything and nothing to worry about. she got rainbow's hb with doppler before she measured cervix n hb was nice n strong in the 150 range which made me very relieved :happydance:

now here for the drama of the night, when me n OH went to bed i wasnt feeling well, i was having some strong cramping and felt pressure in the bottom of my belly so i didnt want to take any chances, i called my doc n went to er, we got there and of course it was a wait but when i finally saw the doc he was great, turned out the pain was from gas n the pressure was probably the baby moving around :haha: they did a sono and there was baby in there dancing about the place, kicking n punching me lol!! the doc was so sweet to show me the little body parts n explain everything to me, said baby was very active n happy in there, my heart was so filled with joy at that moment, i have been so afraid to become attached to rainbow but that is out the window for sure now, i am so in luv :cloud9:!! he also did a pelvic exam to make sure my cervix was ok n everything checked out, he also said he can see exactly what my doc was talking about and i will do just fine with the cerclage. i cannot believe i am feeling the baby moving already this early, i was not expecting too since i didnt feel olivia until week 17, its not strong n it feels a little different this time but i def feel something going on in there!! its true every pregnancy is different for sure!! i also get to see baby again tomorrow for the 3d scan :happydance:, i tell u i am having one kinda eventful wknd lol!! so excited for tomorrow, we are going right after church, i will be finding out gender as long as rainbow is in good position, he/she is camera shy so we shall see lol...my feeling is still boy but we shall see. i have been crying happy tears all day today cause i know my baby will be saved this time, i cant tell u how happy n humble my heart feels, i am so grateful to God for this 2nd chance!!

you are super cute MrsMcD123 and ur bump is def progressing, nice n round there, pregnancy curves is the most beautiful time for a woman :D

glad everything went well with ur appt seaweed, i know it was such a relief to hear that beautiful hb :happydance:
Wow Sunkiss! I am so happy for you even though it must have been stressful! Your angel is definitely watching over you!

You look adorable MrsMcD! :)

Testing on April 3rd for me! Keep your fingers crossed for me and keep me in your prayers please...You ladies are always in mine! :)
Wow sunkiss...I'm so glad to hear you have a doctor you trust looking after you and that you will get the cerclage. I bet that will give you some more peace of mind. :cloud9: Can't wait to hear about the 3D scan!!

Krippy, excited to hear how it goes this month! Fingers crossed for you :dust:
Sunkiss, that is awesome news!! Can't wait til tomorrows scan update. Glad you are feeling the baby move too. That's a good sign. I haven't felt anything yet, LOL. But soon enough.

MrsMcD, you look great. I haven't taken any pics yet because I look terrible. Lost so much weight due to the hyperemesis. My face is sunken in and my tummy got smaller. Everything is shrinking. LOL. But its only temporarily. Hope everyone and their LOs are doing well.
Happy 16 weeks Shantehend! Hope your bean gives you some peace soon from all of that MS! I think you should post some belly pics anyways! I am sure that you look beautiful!
DRUM ROLL.......

ITS A :pink: :happydance:

im like on top of the world right now but to be honest i had my mind all set for a boy, i didnt care either way as long as my baby is healthy n safe but i wanted to know...im still going to get gender friendly stuff cause i want to have another baby a yr after rainbow n if i have a boy then i would hate to have him in all pink stuff lol...she will def have girly pink clothes though but furniture will be gender friendly...i have a stuffed bear with her hb in it also which is so sweet, the sono was mostly done in 2d n a peek of 3d, she did not show her face ha ha, was under my placenta but i saw all her other body parts just kicking away, she is def a very active baby, she was sucking her finger at times also just like her sister used too and i have the whole session on dvd, i will upload it to my youtube sometime this week, i have a vlog there dont know if i mentioned that before, but i do videos also n its been a while since i updated it so i will get to that this week, when i do i will share the link with u ladies so u can view all my precious moments :cloud9: her name will be fayth elizabeth :D

congrats shantehend :happydance:, u know the funny thing is my due date at doc office is same as urs the 9th but i say 13th cause i ovulated late...i believe i may go in the end of august sometime though cause they will remove my stitch at 36 weeks.
Congrats Sunkiss! Another girl...so happy for you and I love the name!
Congrats sunkiss!! :cloud9: So glad you got to see your little girl, and I agree with Krippy -- love the name. :hugs:
Congratulations Sunkiss!!! :thumbup: Fayth is a lovely name. I have a daughter named Faith. Glad things are going well for you.
Anyone hear of a woman having to take progesterone shots every week to prevent preterm labor? My doctor wants me to have them because I had two premature babies, but they weren't spontaneous deliveries. They were due to complications such as preeclampsia and placental abruption. My last child was full term. I agreed to get the shots, but I just don't know what to expect.
LMP makes me 16+1 but ultrasound puts me at 17+0, really baby fat from 6 kids


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Ooooh congrats sunkiss!!!! I agree with everyone else here, beautiful name! :) Oh and I can't wait to see your youtube video! :)

Cute lil' belly shantehend!

I have my next appointment tomorrow, no idea if he'll do another ultrasound but if not, my anatomy ultrasound was just scheduled for April 20th at 3:30!! Super excited!
thank u ladies :D

awwww shantehend, look at that cute lil bump...i cannot believe u had 6 babies with that lil body, u lucky gurl!!! i pray i lose as much as possible before baby #2 and then tummy tuck n boob job here i come :haha:!! yes i have heard of the shot n benefits, i believe its called p17, i mostly heard it being used to stop the cervix from opening causing preterm labor but not sure of ur past complications, i dont think it would hurt any though, i actually plan to ask my ob about it on the next visit, maybe i can have it in conjunction with the stitch. im not sure how frequent u take it but i plan to research it a lil myself, let me know how it goes for u.

we are having our anatomy scans the same day MrsMcD123, cant wait for that one too :happydance:!!! hope all goes well on ur appt tomorrow :D
Thank you Sunkiss. She didn't even tell me the name of the shot, she just said progesterone. I will look up p17. I was so shocked to have to get a shot every single week for the next 20 weeks that I didn't even ask any questions. My first shot is next week, Monday. One of my daughters was born at 33 weeks. I was induced due to pre-eclampsia. If my blood pressure and liver function were able to be monitored well, the doctor would've let me carry her to full term. My other daughter was born at 28 weeks. I had a placental abruption due to a car accident. If it wasn't for the car accident, she would have been full term as well. I guess the doctor wants to be cautious. I don't mind because I would rather be safe than sorry. I'm not afraid of needles, but the thought of one every week seems a little excessive.
LMP makes me 16+1 but ultrasound puts me at 17+0, really baby fat from 6 kids

You look adorable! What a cute little bump! Good luck with the shots...maybe ask tomorrow when you get the shot for some reading info on it. I don't have a clue so I have no advice for you hun...sorry!

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