"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Well ladies, here goes my little rant for today. I went to the clinic for my first progesterone shot and my day went to heck in a handbasket from there. The NP is very nice, I actually like her. But she is not very attentive. The first problem is that she wants to change my due date to Sept. 13th based on my 6 week ER ultrasound. She is losing her mind and that is unacceptable :nope:. Just a week ago she was telling me I was 17 weeks instead of 16 based on my 11 week ultrasound. She put my due date at Sept. 3rd. Now she is trying to tell me the 6 week ultrasound is more accurate and I should keep that date. No way in hell!! Even my LMP put me at Sept. 10th so why would I want to add more time? It's only 3 days, but I would rather have this LO sooner rather than later. When she said that I got so upset I didn't listen to anything else she said and forgot to bring up the questions I had about the side effects of the shot.
Then she tells me the results of the genetic screening were negative. That's one positive thing, but that wasn't the reason for this visit. She tells me to schedule my ultrasound for 20 weeks. That also upset me because they start the anatomy scans between 18 and 20 weeks, and I was hoping she would put me in for 18 weeks. She gets ready to dismiss me and tells me to come back in 4 weeks:growlmad:. I had to tell her, "Wait a minute. I'm supposed to get the shot." She flips through my chart and says, "You're right. I will get it together and come right back." I wanted to scream. Why else would I have come back so quickly? How the heck could she forget the whole purpose for my visit? I wanted to slap her and walk out and change clinics. On top of all that, the CNA who took my weight tried to say I weigh 171 lbs. How is it possible for me to gain 10 lbs in 7 days? No way!!! Last Monday I was 161 lbs, and we used the exact same scale:dohh:. I was so mad at the NP I forgot to discuss the weight issue. And she obviously didn't pay enough attention to my chart to bring it up.
So now I have my ultrasound scheduled for April 23rd, which seems like forever. As soon as my medical insurance is finalized I am switching to another clinic. All these things made me so mad I wanted to scream. I know it's just the hormones, but I was really upset.
Awww sorry you had such a rotten visit Shante! I hate it when people don't have their stuff together!

My first scan is April 23rd too! :) We can be scan buddies!
I think you should call back and ask them about the weight gain! That could mean a lot of things and they should be concerned!
Sorry about your appointment hun, all of those things sound super annoying :hugs: strangely enough, the same due date thing just happened with my friend -- she had an EDD based on 8 week scan, was moved forward a week at her 12 week scan, and just last week went in at what she thought was 38 weeks and was told they are actually considering her 37 because of the original 8 week scan! Those inconsistencies can be so annoying. To them it might be just another patient but to you it's the only due date you've got!

My scan is April 25th so we're all together on the waiting...that will be a big week for this thread!

Hope everyone else is feeling well :hugs: I've been feeling baby move SO MUCH the past few days, like usually at least once every hour and sometimes every few minutes. I love it but it's also kind of weird! Still questioning whether it's baby or something else, but I can't imagine what else it could be! It absolutely feels like kicking, it's in the right spot, and I'm sure I didn't have so much of it before.
awww i am sorry u had such a frustrating visit shante...i hate when providers do not have it together!! i am surprised she would want to change ur date for only a few days of difference. most providers would not consider that significant enough to change!! my actual edd is 9/9/12 but i say 9/13 cause i know when i ovulated since i chart and my sono's all show my date is accurate however my doc said the dates are too close so they will not change, was the same with last pregnancy n i was at a different facility. i would ask for a different provider, do not be afraid to speak up n voice ur concerns...wut alarms me most is the weight difference in such a short time that was not even discussed, although u know it is not accurate she should have took note of that and addressed it!! i dont blame u for being upset, its not just hormones, its ur mother instincts stepping up!! do they have other providers at the same clinic? perhaps u can ask for someone else instead of changing unless u dont care for the clinic overall. try not too stress too much although i know it is frustrating to not be happy with ur care, i have been there too :hugs:
Thank you ladies. I'm sorry for being in such a funk. But after the hyperemesis, I want this pregnancy to be over as soon as possible and have a healthy baby. I would rather have the Sept. 3rd due date, so when she changed it to the 3rd I was so happy. Then to have her change it to a later date only a week after the initial change is like she is playing with my emotions. I am changing to a whole new clinic. When you get there you have to wait at least an hour and half to be seen, and then they just rush through. If I had private insurance I would use a midwife. But I don't like this clinic and I definitely didn't plan on delivering at their affiliated hospital anyway. I've always known I would change providers, but I was waiting until after the complete anatomy scan.
I'm just a little disappointed right now, but I reckon I will get over it in a day or two. And yes Krippy I am going to call about the weight gain/inconsistency. But I am going to call the on-call nurse rather than speaking to the NP that took care of me. It disappoints me because my goal is to become a midwife. And for a provider to not pay attention like that is beyond me. This could be the beginning sign of preeclampsia, which I had in my 2nd pregnancy. It really could be a number of things if that weight is accurate. I look the same except my stomach is much bigger than last week, and my breasts have grown in a week. Alright, I'm done. LOL. Enough of my whining. Hopefully my baby will come before Sept. 10th and it will be healthy. Take care ladies!!
shante u dont ever have to apologize about a rant or being in a funk...pregnancy isnt always sunny skies n the smell of lily's on a beautiful spring day...we go through crap n sometimes we just need a moment to vent!! yes it is a beautiful blessing but lets keep it real its not the easiest thing for a woman to go through at times...although i would do it all over again for my baby sometimes u wanna pull ur hair out lol!! so feel free hun, we are here to support each other share experiences n offer the best advice we can to one another :hugs:
Ya...what Sunkiss said! She always says it the best!
awww seaweed u can feel baby moving :D, i am so jealous of u gurls, cant wait to feel my rainbow!! she is always so active in scans but cant quite feel it yet, should be soon...hey i want u all to remind me i said this in a few mths when i cant sleep at night from the kicking :haha:!! same way i couldnt wait for boobs to hurt, well now they wont damm stop hurting n so swollen lol!! i need new bras asap cause i am busting out over here!!
Hi Jewelz!!! :hi: Glad to see you on the thread. Hope all is still well with you.
Well, went to the ER today for headaches and dizziness. Just my luck, right? The OB did an ultrasound and it's a :pink:. I'm so upset it's a girl, but I will get over it in a few days. At least now I can go shopping for the baby. I've been too afraid to buy anything. I was hoping my first and last born were both boys. But oh well, God had other plan. So my last 3 kids are girl, boy, and now girl. LOL. Hope everyone is enjoying their day.
Awww a little girl! Congrats on the surprise...It is amazing how life doesn't do what you want it to. lol...Hope you are feeling better!

I really want a boy too so I am now just preparing myself that we are having a girl bc life is just like that! :)
Thanks, Krippy!!! I probably should've prepared myself a little better. I thought the Chinese Gender charts were always accurate. All the ones I've seen on b&b were right. Maybe you will get your little boy though. I can't really complain because I have 3 sons and 3 daughters, so I've been blessed thus far. The tie breaker is just a girl, that's all.
I totally forgot that you were on your seventh! You inspire me!
awww yay congrats shante u can join team :pink: with me :happydance:!! i was secretly wanting a boy too lol, had his name picked out n all ethan emmanuel, mainly because i feel so weird calling someone else my little girl beside olivia, but like u said God had another plan n i am so happy to welcome another princess :D!! i am going to get her a tutu to match mines this wknd ha ha!! yes i have tutu's n collect barbies that i am sure we will fight over :haha:!! u are really so blessed though to have 7 babies :D!! i pray God will give me at least one more after fayth!!
hey u know i really thought u were having a boy too because of the chinese thing, it was right for me both pregnancies but i have seen ppl saying it was wrong for them too.
I'm sorry shantehend, I totally understand picturing things one way and having them come out another way :hugs: but I'm glad to hear you and baby are both ok!

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