"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

That's awesome Krippy!!! Praying everything works out well for you. I know early on in the pregnancy the numbers are really low, so that sounds about right.
shante did u notice our ticker is broken, its posting a day behind the other ticker now for some reason :shrug:

I wonder why that happened. Didn't notice until you mentioned. I hope it corrects itself.
Good morning ladies, hope everyone is doing well this morning. :hugs: I'm having a bit of a freakout...I had a few sensations yesterday that could be described as increased "pressure", not all the time but on and off. I know that's pretty common at this stage and probably isn't an indication that anything is wrong, but knowing sunkiss' history and the fact that we're right around the danger zone for IC makes me worried. The good thing is that I don't seem to have other worrisome symptoms -- no contractions, no bleeding, pretty sure I haven't been losing fluid and I don't have a feeling of membranes "bulging" or anything like that.

I'm planning to call the clinic in the morning and insist on having a scan today to make sure everything is ok. I do NOT want to lose this baby. Hopefully everything is totally fine, and if there is a problem, then hopefully we can catch it early enough to prevent disaster. But I'm supposed to teach dance class tonight and if I need to be resting then I want to figure that out before I do anything to put myself at risk.

I know I'm probably being a bit irrational...but I'm just so worried about losing the baby. :cry: Wish me luck.
Good morning ladies, hope everyone is doing well this morning. :hugs: I'm having a bit of a freakout...I had a few sensations yesterday that could be described as increased "pressure", not all the time but on and off. I know that's pretty common at this stage and probably isn't an indication that anything is wrong, but knowing sunkiss' history and the fact that we're right around the danger zone for IC makes me worried. The good thing is that I don't seem to have other worrisome symptoms -- no contractions, no bleeding, pretty sure I haven't been losing fluid and I don't have a feeling of membranes "bulging" or anything like that.

I'm planning to call the clinic in the morning and insist on having a scan today to make sure everything is ok. I do NOT want to lose this baby. Hopefully everything is totally fine, and if there is a problem, then hopefully we can catch it early enough to prevent disaster. But I'm supposed to teach dance class tonight and if I need to be resting then I want to figure that out before I do anything to put myself at risk.

I know I'm probably being a bit irrational...but I'm just so worried about losing the baby. :cry: Wish me luck.

oh im sorry sweetie u going though this, i know how scary it is and u are very right to be cautious...ur right it may be quite normal to feel even some cramping because everything is growing n stretching, however since this is ur first baby u dont always know wut feels normal n wut doesnt so i say better safe than sorry...dont want to scare u but if u feel like something is not right i would skip the dance n check it out asap...honestly it is probably nothing at all but check it anyway hunnie so u can have a piece of mind...if the clinic wont check u go to the er if u need too, i been twice this pregnancy already, both times was nothing but i wasnt taking any chances this time around, thinking n praying for u, it is all gonna be just fine hun :hugs:
Just finished talking to the nurse, they will see me for a scan in about an hour and I didn't even really have to push very hard...the nurse said exactly the right thing, that everything is probably fine but everyone will feel better knowing for sure. I'm so relieved I could cry. But more importantly just hoping the scan goes well. Thanks ladies for your support, it means a lot. :hugs:
yay so good to have medical professionals that care...i pray everything works out just fine, please update asap, thinking of u :hugs:
Hoping everything goes well for you. It's wonderful that they got you in right away. Thinking about you
Happy to say it's good news. Cervix looks fine, measures 3.5cm which seems to be nothing to worry about. Checked on placenta too, and it's 2cm from the cervix now and doctor said by the next scan they will probably tell me it's no longer an issue and should not prevent a vaginal birth etc. He also said normal activity level etc should be fine.

PHEW!!! What an enormous relief. I cried the whole way to the appointment. So very glad they saw me right away and seemed to know exactly what to look for (asked whether I had ever had any surgical procedures on my cervix etc).

Also took a quick peek to look for genitalia but baby was not in the right position at all...he was sitting at the bottom of my cervix, breech, with legs closed. Looked comfortable :p of course even as I was asking the doctor if he could see the sex I found myself calling the baby "he"...oops :dohh:

Anyway, I really really appreciate all of your support, and very glad to be able to tell you it was a false alarm. :cloud9:
yay that is fantastic news n also ur placenta moving up is a huge plus :happydance:!! aww he/she did not wanna show the goods yet lol the suspense :haha:!! u did the right thing by checking cause if something was wrong that u could have prevented it would mess with u 4eva, thats why i say better safe than sorry, i dont care if i go to the er 20 times, i am going!!
Absolutely, I don't regret for a minute that I decided to go in, in fact I'm glad...both the doctor and the nurse really made me feel that it had been the right decision. The dr said something like, "It's normal to feel all kinds of things in pregnancy and it's probably nothing, but we think it's very important to check just in case it's NOT nothing." I would absolutely do things the same way a second time if it came up again.
i agree, i also like the fact that they asked u a key question, did u ever have any surgical procedures on ur cervix in the past. that is such an important questions that some providers miss cause it makes a big difference in determining whether u could be a possible candidate for IC. i did have a procedure yrs ago and told that to my old provider plus i told her that i was told before my cervix was a more open than it should be, she brushed it off, had she took it serious who knows wut could have been prevented. wut will be will be but it is just really nice to have providers that are thorough!!
Glad everything worked out for you Seaweed!! That is awesome that LO is doing well. I know how scary things can be in your first pregnancy.

Well ladies, we are rapidly approaching the halfway mark. I can't wait until I'm 26 weeks so I can finally start buying things. I'm a little weird in that I'm sure most of you have bought at least one thing for your baby already. I'm normally an optimistic person, but sometimes I get afraid because I have 6 wonderful children and afraid my luck may run out. I'm a total nerd, LOL. But I just have a small fear that something may go wrong. So that is why I'm waiting until this baby is viable before I buy anything. I should be able to just accept the blessings God has given me, but I just don't want to take anything for granted. Hope you ladies have a good night!!
I can't wait until I'm 26 weeks so I can finally start buying things. I'm a little weird in that I'm sure most of you have bought at least one thing for your baby already. I'm normally an optimistic person, but sometimes I get afraid because I have 6 wonderful children and afraid my luck may run out. I'm a total nerd, LOL. But I just have a small fear that something may go wrong. So that is why I'm waiting until this baby is viable before I buy anything. I should be able to just accept the blessings God has given me, but I just don't want to take anything for granted. Hope you ladies have a good night!!

No, I'm absolutely the same way...the only thing I've bought is maternity clothes, nothing for baby yet. And I won't be buying anything I can't return, or washing anything, until baby comes (or as close as possible).
It works with my personal conviction not to take things for granted but it's also a Jewish tradition...customarily Jewish women don't have baby showers or receive gifts at all while they are pregnant. Jewish people don't even customarily congratulate each other on pregnancies; instead they say something like "I hope it goes well." I kind of like this even though it might seem pessimistic...I appreciate the realism about the possibility that something could go wrong. Typical Jewish :haha:
Hi Ladies.

Happy 18 weeks for some of us...the weeks are ticking by fast now.

Glad all is going well....I feel like im getting bigger by the day.

Ive brought loads for baby already, clothes etc. All the bigger stuff we are going to order in June/July.

Me and my mum are stripping the wallpaper in the babys room today so my OH can start decorating after our holiday. Just need to decide a theme once and for all!!!

Glad everything worked out for you Seaweed!! That is awesome that LO is doing well. I know how scary things can be in your first pregnancy.

Well ladies, we are rapidly approaching the halfway mark. I can't wait until I'm 26 weeks so I can finally start buying things. I'm a little weird in that I'm sure most of you have bought at least one thing for your baby already. I'm normally an optimistic person, but sometimes I get afraid because I have 6 wonderful children and afraid my luck may run out. I'm a total nerd, LOL. But I just have a small fear that something may go wrong. So that is why I'm waiting until this baby is viable before I buy anything. I should be able to just accept the blessings God has given me, but I just don't want to take anything for granted. Hope you ladies have a good night!!

i havent bought a thing either, i didnt for olivia either, part of it is fear n superstition n the other is i would like to wait n see wut i will have from my showers n then by wut i need so i do not over buy...i will be having 2 showers, one for fam n friends which will be huge since both our families are large and one from my job which will also be big since i work for a hospital plus ppl on his job will give as well. i may not be able to resist a tutu though lol, but i will wait a few more weeks :D
happy 18th week ladies :happydance: wooohooo sweet potato!!! i wasnt sure if i would make it here, last time around sweet potato wasnt so sweet, i didnt get a chance to celebrate this week since i lost my little girl the day she made 18 weeks and was already in hospital preparing to lose her 2 days prior, so i am over the moon to make it here today, such a big milestone for me :happydance:

trying to do mini milestones to help myself along the way. my next one will be next week actually at the 19th week mark. for one i never been 19 weeks preggo n its also my anatomy scan which i will have for the 1st time as well!! olivia did have a birth defect that would have been picked up on her anatomy scan which was scheduled for the week after her loss, so i am praying all goes well with fayth next week n i have a healthy lil girl baking this time!! im feeling really good that things will continue to look up n positive vibes as krippy says :D!!

i have a doc appt tomorrow morn n cant wait to make sure that my cervix is ok n the stitch is doing its job. i have been feeling great so i pray all is well.
Congrats sunkiss, what a great milestone for you :cloud9: I am so glad you are being monitored and that your scan is coming up in a week!!

And congrats to all of us on our sweet potatoes, yay no more onion! My sweet potato must have had a growth spurt, between the extra pressure the past few days and the fact that his kicks have been all over the place today. Grow, babies, grow!

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