"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

hey i bet that is exactly wut that pressure was from seaweed, a growth spurt, that makes sense...i can feel myself growing too and my bump is starting to get more round as the weeks go by wooohooo. funny this is the only time ever we even want our bellies to protrude lol. i sure cant wait to get to 20 weeks, it will be no question of a bump by then :D
funny this is the only time ever we even want our bellies to protrude lol.

I know...I was just telling my friend the other day that I love getting to go nuts now wearing empire-waisted tops and dresses, because they make everyone look pregnant and this is the first time that's been a real positive for me :haha:
Hi ladies!

Seaweed eater, so sorry you had such a scare. TBH I've been getting extremely paranoid again lately. I felt a lot better after my last appointment but since I spend a lot of time around here and another preggo message board, I've read all sorts of bad ending stories (IC, stillbirth, etc..) and it's been getting to me. Also, I know that some women don't feel kicks until they're as far along as 22 weeks but not being able to feel kicks has been making me really worried and paranoid too.

I wouldn't quite describe what I've been feeling as pressure but I've been feeling somewhat of a..heaviness? I don't know. Sometimes when I walk or I'm driving on a bumpy road or something it kinda feels like my uterus is bouncing around a little or something too. Logical me thinks it's because duh, my uterus is getting heavier! But the paranoid preggo part is worried something is wrong.

I have my anatomy scan in 1 week and 4 days, so thank goodness I don't have too much longer to wait until we get to see baby again (and hopefully find out the sex for SURE!) so I'll just suck it up and try my best to stay positive.

As far as buying things, I haven't been able to resist. We aren't buying any of the big items, so far it's just been some outfits, a couple pacifiers and some burp blankets. For one I know we'll be getting a lot (if not most!) of the big items from the Ellen Show (4 weeks today!!!) and then we'll have the baby shower so there really won't be much of anything we're actually going to need to buy anyway.

Well, hubby is off today and we have all sorts of errands to run so I'm off. :hugs: to all, I'm loving how active this board has been lately!! :)
The bellies are the one of the best parts of being preggo! :) there is nothing cuter than a pregnant lady!

I am so happy that everything is looking up for you Seaweed and you followed your intincts and got yourself checked. Always better to be safe than sorry. Good for you for standing up for yourself!

I got taken off my synthroid today as my thyroid is now hyperactive. I hope all of this is not going to effect baby. My endo says that it shouldn't but a gal can't help but worry. I think it is better to have too much of the hormone than not enough as the baby is not producing any right now. So here we go...the rollercoaster of this pregnancy is starting!
Hi ladies!

Seaweed eater, so sorry you had such a scare. TBH I've been getting extremely paranoid again lately. I felt a lot better after my last appointment but since I spend a lot of time around here and another preggo message board, I've read all sorts of bad ending stories (IC, stillbirth, etc..) and it's been getting to me. Also, I know that some women don't feel kicks until they're as far along as 22 weeks but not being able to feel kicks has been making me really worried and paranoid too.

I wouldn't quite describe what I've been feeling as pressure but I've been feeling somewhat of a..heaviness? I don't know. Sometimes when I walk or I'm driving on a bumpy road or something it kinda feels like my uterus is bouncing around a little or something too. Logical me thinks it's because duh, my uterus is getting heavier! But the paranoid preggo part is worried something is wrong.

I have my anatomy scan in 1 week and 4 days, so thank goodness I don't have too much longer to wait until we get to see baby again (and hopefully find out the sex for SURE!) so I'll just suck it up and try my best to stay positive.

As far as buying things, I haven't been able to resist. We aren't buying any of the big items, so far it's just been some outfits, a couple pacifiers and some burp blankets. For one I know we'll be getting a lot (if not most!) of the big items from the Ellen Show (4 weeks today!!!) and then we'll have the baby shower so there really won't be much of anything we're actually going to need to buy anyway.

Well, hubby is off today and we have all sorts of errands to run so I'm off. :hugs: to all, I'm loving how active this board has been lately!! :)

Keep your spirits up darling...You are early to feel movement yet especially with your first child hun! GL with your scan and I get wait to see pics of your wiggling, beautiful LO!
i have been feeling that heaviness also MrsMcD123, i def think that is part of our growing pains, i actually been feeling that for a few weeks n was checked n thank God was nothing wrong. does urs come n go? mines does, i wonder if its sometimes the baby turning or diff positions. maybe ur placenta is the same position as mines n baby is kicking placenta instead of u, they can tell u in scan, n dont u worry 2nd tri n 3rd tri losses are really not that common, it just seems that way on the board but percentage wise its not. i try n stay out of the preggo after loss section because it depress me n make me worry more. its a great support n all but honestly it can scare the mess out of u!! i stay here, the IC group n pregnancy testing n thats it.
It must be so exciting to reach the 18 week mark!! I hope you all start feeling your LO's moving around soon. It usually takes longer to feel the first one move.

I am excited but nervous to be approaching my 7th week. I never feel hungry. I constantly feel a little sick to my stomach. I never really WANT to eat. I just do to see if it helps...which it rarely does. Oddly enough, I am not actually getting sick. I just constantly feel that way :/

I don't think I will buy anything for awhile. Looking forward to my Dr. appointment next week. Hoping they will do a quick ultrasound.
it will be here for u before u know it EeyoreGirl, seems like yesterday i was 6 weeks, cant believe i am almost half way there :D!! ur baby has a hb now so will be perfect to have a scan next week n possibly hear the hb, they will surely let u see the hb to confirm it though...its a very exciting time!!
TBH I've been getting extremely paranoid again lately. I felt a lot better after my last appointment but since I spend a lot of time around here and another preggo message board, I've read all sorts of bad ending stories (IC, stillbirth, etc..) and it's been getting to me.

That's interesting that you are feeling it too...I definitely felt more anxious already before yesterday. I don't know why. I guess partly it's been a process of learning more about the effects hypertension can have...sometimes it seems like it's a risk factor for every single complication out there. But that doesn't mean any of the complications are likely at all. :nope:

And I know you already know this, but Krippy and Sunkiss are absolutely right, it's not at all late for feeling your first movements especially if you have an anterior placenta (and you'll find out very soon)...even though mine is posterior, both the doctor and the nurse yesterday were surprised that I've already been feeling anything. I know it's hard to believe when it seems like everyone on BnB starts feeling them at 12 weeks with their first and 10 weeks with their second or some nonsense (and it DOES seem like that sometimes), but it must be totally normal to feel them later. :hugs:

I wouldn't quite describe what I've been feeling as pressure but I've been feeling somewhat of a..heaviness? I don't know. Sometimes when I walk or I'm driving on a bumpy road or something it kinda feels like my uterus is bouncing around a little or something too.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I have been feeling that too. I think what I felt yesterday was different in that there was a bit of pain with it...anyway it doesn't really matter how it was different because clearly it didn't end up being anything much, but I think the important thing is that it set off alarm bells for whatever reason. If you're not getting any kind of feeling or hunch that something feels wrong then I think there is rarely a good reason to talk yourself into feeling that way! :hugs:

I forgot you were going to be on the Ellen show BTW! So exciting, you'll have the most amazing nursery :thumbup:

I'm loving how active this board has been lately!! :)

Me too :happydance: it was a nice idea to connect on facebook...makes me feel like I learned a bit more about each of you! :flower:

I got taken off my synthroid today as my thyroid is now hyperactive. I hope all of this is not going to effect baby. My endo says that it shouldn't but a gal can't help but worry. I think it is better to have too much of the hormone than not enough as the baby is not producing any right now. So here we go...the rollercoaster of this pregnancy is starting!

Aw hon, I'm sorry about the worry :hugs: I know it's hard not to but it's really good that you have professionals looking after you. Will you be continuing to monitor your levels in case they get much too low or something?

I am excited but nervous to be approaching my 7th week. I never feel hungry. I constantly feel a little sick to my stomach. I never really WANT to eat. I just do to see if it helps...which it rarely does. Oddly enough, I am not actually getting sick. I just constantly feel that way :/

Ugh, my heart goes out to you, morning sickness is really the worst...hang in there and hopefully it will be over very soon. It passes around 8 weeks for lots of people so I hope you're one of those!

I hope you get a scan next week too. What day is your appointment? I look forward to hearing about it. :hugs:
Yep I will still get blood work every 4 weeks so hoping maybe it will stabilize! And now I have a wicked cold. I feel so rotten and my nose is red and raw. I just want to go to bed! lol

I was thinking MrsM...have you thought about purchasing a doppler so that you can listen to the HB @ home. I know a lot of women who have them and love them as they are great to know that your LO is ok when you haven't felt movement yet! :)

Eeyore I have been feeling the same way but I am starving but can't find food to satisfy me except veggies but at least I have something. Hope you feel better soon! :)
hey krippy sorry i missed the thyroid issue...wut does this mean by being hyperactive? is this good or bad? its great that doc said it should not effect anything though but i definitely understand ur worry especially with past losses...i pray it stabilize n all is well...i feel inside this will be ur take home rainbow :D

seaweed i luv how u reply with the multi quote, i suck at that thing lol!! i feel the same about connecting on fb n the board too :hugs:
It means that my thyroid is overproducing the hormone so I need to stop the meds as it is adding to the overproduction and making me feel icky. Hot, tremors, not being able to sleep well...it is not a fun feeling. I am sure also being pregnant effects the thyroid so I am hoping that things get back to normal soon! :) I am totally positive about it just worriesome!
Krippy and Eeyoregirl, I hope your sickness pass soon and don't progress. It definitely isn't a fun feeling at all. Also Krippy I hope your thyroid corrects itself. :flower:
I guess most of us are worrisome lately. It's good to have this type of support and understanding from women in the same boat. It seems as if none of the women I know ever had a single problem in their pregnancies, and I've gone through all types of complications. But this board has been very helpful. I too have the feeling of pressure/heaviness. Also, when I walk sometimes I get a pain in my hip. I know it's nothing, but I hope I don't end up with sciatic nerve pain again. That is no fun at all.
hey girls,

just got in from my appt n fayth is in there still doing well :happydance:!! doc found her hb right away at 160bmp and she is still very active cause she bounced around while she was doing hb as usual lol...i am gonna have a hyper child i tell u :haha:!! my cervix measured a good length that she is happy with at 3.0 and she did see some funneling. i still dont understand all this funneling crap but she said its nothing to worry about because the stitch is doing its job and keeping my cervix closed. she is so happy we did the stitch when we did cause she said if we would have waited to the funneling started either i would have already had the loss or would have had to do an emergency one right now. so i can continue going to work for now but must remain seated, no lifting, no cleaning, no exercise, no sex ugh lol (poor OH)...he doesnt care though, thank God for a good man, all worth it in the end :D

hope u feel better soon with the icky feelings krippy and happy 5 weeks :hugs:
Congrats on the great appointment! It just makes me smile to hear all of these wonderful appt news!

Yaaaahhh 5 weeks! :)
Happy 5 weeks Krippy! :happydance: And Sunkiss congrats on the appointment, all of that sounds great!! I'm so so glad you got that stitch when you did :hugs: I read about funneling in my 3am research :)haha:) on Wednesday and don't understand what it means either, maybe it refers to the shape of the cervix? Like that it is wider or more dilated or something at the end that opens into the uterus? Either way I'm glad little Fayth is doing great and that everything is ok :hugs:

So, random question...is anyone else starting to feel like their belly is getting a little crowded? I've been having trouble bending down to pick things up, and this morning getting my boots on was a bit of a struggle! I know it's normal for it to happen at some point but I just wasn't expecting it so soon, or with a bump that still looks so small from the outside! DH laughed at me and said it's the beginning of the end of the best part of pregnancy :lol: so one upside to being huge in the summer is that we won't have to deal with socks or boots as much!
Krippy, happy 5 weeks!!:happydance:

Sunkiss, happy the appt went well and glad the doc made the decision to do the cerclage when they did.:flower:

Seaweed, can't say I have the same feeling yet but I know exactly what you are talking about. It's funny because in a few months we will barely be able to see below the waist.

Well, my LO has been moving more and I feel movement every day. So I am pretty happy about that. I'm going to enjoy these simple movements because pretty soon LO will be punching/kicking at my ribs.:haha: It's amazing how babies' movements can actually cause pain/discomfort when they get bigger. I know with my other kids I felt like their punching bags.
Hi Ladies.

Happy 18 weeks for some of us...the weeks are ticking by fast now.

Glad all is going well....I feel like im getting bigger by the day.

Ive brought loads for baby already, clothes etc. All the bigger stuff we are going to order in June/July.

Me and my mum are stripping the wallpaper in the babys room today so my OH can start decorating after our holiday. Just need to decide a theme once and for all!!!


That's awesome!! Are you in maternity clothes now as well, or are you going to wait a little longer?
So my SIL is pregnant with their second and due in December too...Is it weird that I am kind of jealous/bent out of shape that we are pregnant at the same time? I don't know how I feel right now...I am actually quite upset. I know the world doesn't revolve around me but...must be pregnancy hormones! I am just hoping that everything turns out well with this bubs or I will be really upset.
:hugs: Krippy, I absolutely understand feeling upset about that...I don't have any close friends who are currently pregnant but I have two with very young infants, which I think will be really fun assuming everything turns out ok with this pregnancy, but in my moments of worrying about losses I've definitely thought about how I could remain close with them if something were to happen.

PS, I've decided that the crowding feeling I'm experiencing is from where baby is sitting...he's very low so he gets squished when I bend forward. He's sticking out at the front currently, my husband could actually feel where he is from the outside. Weird.

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