"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Hey ladies. So glad all of you are doing well. But I'm here for a little pick me up off the floor. My close friend just had her baby today and I'm feeling rather jealous at the moment. Had my first loss lasted I would be a mom in 5 weeks. My heart is so heavy yet so excited. Am I wrong for feeling this way?
Oh Crown...It is not wrong at all! I feel like this all the time and the end up feeling guilty bc I shouldn't be so selfish. I think that it is all a part of the grieving and healing process. My brother's wife just announced on FB that she is expecting at the same time as us and I am soooo upset. We haven't told anyone about our pregnancy and now I have to share this special time with someone else. I don't think we will ever react to pregnancy news again and I think that it is totally normal. Sending you loads of love and hugs!
Thanks Krippy. I feel like I'm whining. I know it's normal but I just feel guilty for feeling this way. I just need to be more open about the whole thing and be happy for me friends. I just gel like going in my room and crying out of jealousy. I just wish it was me.
All my friends are here talking about it and I'm dying inside. Everyone is so excited and I just want to cry.
Awww Jewelz honey...of course you're not wrong to feel that way. :hugs: :hugs: Giving birth to a healthy baby is what all of us are hoping for. It's always hard to see others get what we want so badly.
We posted at the same time...I also just wanted to say that your needs right now are in no way less important than hers...I'm sure you have been nothing but lovely to her but make sure you are taking care of yourself as well. It's not an easy thing and you deserve to be very, very kind to yourself. :hugs:
Well I had typed a nice long post (tried using the multi-quote thing)....and POOF!

Everything I typed is gone, aarrrgghhh. No more multi-quote posts for me :/
Never experienced ms before and it's awful. Hoping it passes quickly. So glad to hear everyone is doing well.

Crown my heart goes out to you hun. :hugs:
Hi Ladies.

Happy 18 weeks for some of us...the weeks are ticking by fast now.

Glad all is going well....I feel like im getting bigger by the day.

Ive brought loads for baby already, clothes etc. All the bigger stuff we are going to order in June/July.

Me and my mum are stripping the wallpaper in the babys room today so my OH can start decorating after our holiday. Just need to decide a theme once and for all!!!


That's awesome!! Are you in maternity clothes now as well, or are you going to wait a little longer?


Not quite in maternity clothes yet, I am just wearing my 'fat' clothes more...you know the ones you wear on fat days when you look a bit plumper than normal, at least now its for a good reason.

Glad to hear were all doing well.....any doubts we need to get checked out so dont feel like your bothering the Drs etc....its their job and our babys are our no1 priority right now.

Krippy I totally get how your feeling, when we started trying all my friends and family started to announce pregnancys and I was gutted as I just wanted it to be our turn....our turn has eventually arrived but I will not be 100% happy until i hold my baby in my arms

Crown dont feel so bad, I know how you feel. A friend of mine lost her little one 5 years ago and she still cant embrase the excitement of other people announcing pregnancys. She is very excited about my little one but I made sure I told her before I put anything on facebook etc....I think its important to be their for our friends that have suffered a loss as it must be so hard for them.

Sunkiss so happy you have passed the 18 week mark. I am always looking for new milestones. My next one will be 20 weeks (halfway there) then 23 weeks (next scan).

So are all you ladies having baby showers then, its not hugely popular in the UK but my sister and I are thinking of doing one for me. I have so many pregnant friends or ones that have just had babies I think it will be fun. Only thing is we have brought so much already that I probably wont need anything else by the time I have the shower. Will still be fun to all meet up in the summer and have a good chat and coo over babys/listen to storys etc.

Anyway I am off out, OH was out last night so is suffering this morning so I am going to get the food shopping etc....had my mum stay for past week so be sad for her to leave.

Lots of love to all babys, bumps and mummys to be

Jewelz, don't feel bad for the way you feel. It's perfectly normal after a loss to have an array of feelings toward other pregnant women or women with newborns, especially friends and family. Big hugs hun:hugs:

c1403, I definitely will not be having a babyshower this time. I've had my share of babyshowers. In my family we all get pregnant right after another(extremely fertile family LOL), so we usually recycle clothing and baby items. I gave all of my now 16 mo. old son's things away to a cousin who recently had a baby. So now I have to start all over for this LO. I will be buying mostly used things and collecting from family. I could buy all new items, but I would rather save for other things. And it is hard when you have other children you have to provide for. I do most of my shopping at Old Navy and Walmart, so whatever I don't find used I will get from one of those places. I'm debating if I want to do maternity clothes this time. I did half maternity and half plus size clothing with my last pregnancy. I may just get a few cute maternity outfits for work and the rest plus size clothing. That way I can at least still wear the plus size after the baby.
krippy i totally know where u coming from about sharing the shine of ur pregnancy especially going through wut u been through, its only natural to want ur time to be special n the focus to be on u, i have to share my pregnancy with another person at work as well too, i am 2 weeks ahead of her, she has been away on leave and returning next week and i am completely happy for her but i so know how u feel, especially concerned about how i would return there n see her baby bump if God forbid something were to happen, i just couldnt!!

seaweed i cannot bend well anymore haha, my bump is not huge yet but it feels so uncomfortable to bend like i can feel the baby, my baby is low too n def feels like im squishing her lol, even lotioning my legs is a task now, i used to raise my leg n put foot on bed to lotion, em i have to sit to do that now :haha:
awww i can relate to ur feelings too jewelz, its so normal to feel like that after a loss so dont feel bad about that, as the other ladies said we all would n have felt the same, u feel happy for them but also sad because ur day has not come yet, i cant wait for the day u come here n tell us all about ur rainbow because i know that day will come :hugs:

aww EeyoreGirl, i hope that ms passes soon for u hunny, sucky part of it all, it will get better soon :hugs:
happy 7th week EeyoreGirl and 19th week shantehend wooohooo :happydance:
Thank you Sunkiss!! Anatomy scan next week. I'm excited about that. Guess it will be confirmed then that it's a girl. I've come to terms with it. Just have to figure out her name. I'm stuck with a list of 8 to choose from. Hope everyone is having/had a great day!! I'm off to go eat (again). So so sad. I went from not eating to eating everything in sight and even things not in sight. LOL
Yay, all the September girls' anatomy scans are coming up! :happydance: Can't wait, really hoping little man (or woman) is up and moving on scan day...he's been quiet today, presumably gathering his strength to deliver some extra strong kicks soon :haha:

I know what you mean about eating, I think my appetite is starting to increase plus I just feel like munching all the time. Especially chocolate! Mmm, I could eat chocolate all day. :p

I've been feeling a little more moody this week...can't tell how much of it is from unrelated stress (just the scare last week, and some work stuff) but it feels more like before my period so I bet it's partly hormones kicking in. :grr: Just no patience for anyone or anything! Including myself.

How are you all feeling today? :hugs: Hope everyone is ok!
hiya girls,

i have been a little blue this eve but got it out the way now, i get like that sometimes n then im happy n it passes. just been feeling really scared of the anatomy scan coming on friday, i am excited but scared they will tell me something that i cant deal with, just had a big ole feel sorry for myself cry about it but i feel better now, i just keep praying n begging God to please please let me be able to take home a healthy baby this time, i just cant do it again, hard enough to deal with this incompetent cervix n not knowing how long my cervix can hold out is enough, i dont wanna have to deal with anything else, OH keep reminding me of all the interventions that happened so far n why we are naming her fayth n he said he knows we are gonna make it this time, then i feel better. i just have to continue to keep my faith in God n believe He knows wut He is doing, sorry to be down girls, surprisingly enough i cried for more less in this pregnancy than the last, i try not to stress myself with anything at all, so i'm over it now.
Awww Sunkiss honey :hugs: I'm sorry you are having a rough evening. It's so hard not to worry when there is such a huge difference between suffering a loss at this stage and having a healthy baby. As my friend told me, it means we are attached and that is a very, very good thing. Doesn't make it any easier though. :hugs: All we can do is keep hoping all these babies don't go anywhere until September!

Munchkin has decided to give me some pressure again tonight. I'm feeling kicks lower than ever so I'm thinking he's sitting on my cervix again but with his feet down this time...crazy kid.
I am sorry that you are feeling scared and down Sunkiss...but I also know exactly how you feel. I have been reliving my last days with RJ everytime I close my eyes and have been bawling my eyes out. I know that it is just hormones bringing up all these emotions and things will hopefully be different but I am so scared and so sad that I will not get to hold my son again. It is just so hearbreaking sometimes it is hard to breathe...Sending you lots of love! :)

Something to make you all laugh though...OMG...the little boy I take care is 7.5 months old and he just ate container of advocados and then proceeded to projectile vomit all of it back up! Everyone was covered with green goo, even the dogs! So gross but kind of funny too! Everyone needed a bath and the dogs helped clean up! LOL So hard to deal with when you are feeling really nauseous!
thank u so much girls :D!! im feeling alot better today thank God, i usually try to do things to focus on the positive n keep my mind off it but i get overwhelmed sometimes. just cant wait to get past friday with great news :D!!

seaweed i truly believe in my heart we will all be taking home all our babies this time around :hugs:!! lol u have quite the lil active one in there huh :haha:!! krippy u are an amazing woman to been through wut u have n to still be here standing, i admire ur strength!! awww poor baby luvs avocados as much as i do n over ate them huh lol!! i would have passed out behind the throw up though :haha:
Sorry I'm late, but :hugs: to you Sunkiss and Krippy. I pray for all of us, but I pray especially for you ladies. I know you can't help but feel down, but to be nervous and anxious on top of that is a lot to bear. God hears your cries and I'm confident you will have your sweet little ones to bring home and raise and love for eternity.
Hi ladies! Haven't been around in awhile, as it turns out my daily headaches that evolved into migraines have been caused my my dang computer. I should have known better, the same exact thing was happening to me before I left my job. So I've been keeping off my computer and using my phone, but now constant phone use is giving me headaches too dang it :( So I'm just using my computer for a minute to stop in and say HI! and I've been thinking about you all.

Stomach keeps on growing, I'm needing to spread my knees when I bend over now. I've also been feeling the baby, tbh it's been kinda anti-climactic. It's slowly evolved from "is this baby? I don't know" to "pretty sure this is baby..." to "yeah, it's gotta be baby". I want a good strong kick but I'll take the subtle movements for now. Anatomy scans all coming up, woooo hoooo!!! I'm so damn excited! I just want to hear for sure that this is a little boy so I can start calling him by his name :)

Krippy, when do you get your hcg levels next? And your next TSH check? I'm keeping positive for you, now that you know what is going on all should be well since the doctors now know what to look out for!

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