"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Sorry to hear that you are having migraines! We will miss you on here! :)

I go for bloodwork next week. My last set was T4 .09 and TSH 14.3. So I am now off meds, I was only on 25 mcg and we will see if that helps put it in a normal range! My endo is happy to see that TSH is normal and it seems to be working on its own so everything so far is looking good. I had a hyper feeling the other day but other than that I have been feeling great. I am tired but I think that is pregnancy tired and just a bit nauseous with an empty stomach! Thanks for checking up on me Mrs. McD!

Go for my first dating scan on Monday at 3:30pm. So excited to see this bubs!
Go for my first dating scan on Monday at 3:30pm. So excited to see this bubs!

Nice!! I have my anatomy scan on Monday too, 2:30 :) We'll have to report back with pictures.

I saw that Sunkiss, you have your anatomy scan on Friday! I'll be back then to hear the good news and hopefully see a picture or two :)

seaweed_eater, shantehend, c1403, when are your anatomy scans scheduled? I'll have to make sure to come back to check on all of yours! Can't wait to hear how everyones went!

Eeyore girl, do you have your first scan scheduled yet? :)
Go for my first dating scan on Monday at 3:30pm. So excited to see this bubs!

Nice!! I have my anatomy scan on Monday too, 2:30 :) We'll have to report back with pictures.

I saw that Sunkiss, you have your anatomy scan on Friday! I'll be back then to hear the good news and hopefully see a picture or two :)

seaweed_eater, shantehend, c1403, when are your anatomy scans scheduled? I'll have to make sure to come back to check on all of yours! Can't wait to hear how everyones went!

Eeyore girl, do you have your first scan scheduled yet? :)


Sorry to hear your suffering with migranes, how horrible. I have had the odd headache now and then but nothing major.

My scan isnt till 18th May (everything is so much later here in the uk)

Evening ladies

How are we all doing, 19 weeks tomorrow sooo happy to be almost halfway there.

I'm having a bit of a moment today, I just feel the wait between now and my next scan is sooo far away, Im starting to panic myself that something may be wrong and I dont know it yet.

I am confident I can feel baby move around but not 100% sure if thats exactly what im feeling as its all new. Also getting a little dull ache 'down there' its not painful though more like a stretching sensation so thats making me worry too. My tummy is definatly getting rounder so i'm hoping im just over-reacting.

I keep googling and think thats making me feel evern more worried.

Ill keep an eye on things obviosuly and if i get really nervous ill call my midwife.

So happy to have you girls to talk too, seems this week has been one for little niggles and doubts, glad were all here for each other

Is this everyone's first baby besides mine? I just wanted to know if anyone else is having Braxton Hicks.
Yup this is my first baby.

I wish i knew what braxton hicks felt like as i am going crazy with worry now. I am still getting a dull ache down there and also lower back pain (also got a bit of diaharhea and discharge) so im putting all together and panicing...waiting 4 weeks till my next scan is just too much so I called the hospital today, they have said its normal but if im worried to come in and see them....she said first take a parcetamol and see if that helps but I am going to go regardless.

I hate all this un-certaintity and GOOGLE is horrible but cant help myself but search my symptoms.

Hope to god its nothing as part of me is saying im being silly.

C1403 it all sounds normal to me. I would go in about halfway between now and your next scan to give your self some piece of mind. If you are having pain and are worried, go right in and have things checked out.

As for me, I had my first real prenatal appointment on Tuesday. It was not what I expected. I was told to come in for 1:30 for a nurse visit and 2pm for the doctor visit. At 1:30 I was called back, they weighed me, took my blood pressure, and took a urine sample. Then I was told I could wait in the room or go back to the waiting room to wait for the Dr. We chose to wait in the room. Well 2pm came and went, 2:15, 2:30, 2:40 the medical assistant came in and said I could undress from the waist down. She didn't give me a gown so the paper only covered the front of me and my behind was hanging out :/

Well at 2:55 the doctor came in. He had not read my chart and apparently forgot that he already did a full exam and pap 3 1/2 weeks earlier. He also NEVER ordered my ultrasound :( So, he basically had them draw my blood (7 tubes!!) and did a quick pelvic exam to check my cervix. At about 4pm my husband got paged away for a patient issue (he works at the hospital), by 4:10 the doctor came in with a portable ultrasound machine and did a vaginal u/s!! I saw my baby! When I went I was 7w2d, but according to the u/s I measured 7w5d but the doctor said he would not change the due date. After all this waiting my husband missed it. Moments after the doctor left the room so I could get dressed, I was standing there naked wiping all the stuff off of my stomach and lady parts (they tried to view through abdomen first) and my husband walked in the room. He was devastated. A few moments later, the doctor came in and handed my husband an ultrasound picture. He was so excited. I still haven't been able to really hold the picture....he has it all the time :) The visit still left us stresses out and disappointed, the time we waited, it felt like nobody knew what was going on with us.

In the end, we are scheduled to return at 11 weeks for a visit, next scan will be between 12 and 13 weeks and will be scheduled at next appointment. It's going to be a long 4-5 weeks.
Ooh, lots to catch up on.

:hugs: MrsMcD, I'm sorry to hear about your migraines. I've never had those before (knock on wood!) but I've heard they are just awful. My anatomy scan is on Wednesday.

:hugs: Eeyoregirl, I'm sorry the doctor was so disorganized (!) and the visit was such a disappointment, but I'm so glad you got to see your baby and everything looks ok!!

:hugs: C, I'm sorry you are having these worries...I know exactly the panic of thinking, "Could something really be seriously wrong?" :cry: I'm glad your hospital said to come in if you're worried...it sounds like you ARE worried, so I would go in for some peace of mind if I were you. But it sounds like it's probably normal!

I've been having that pressurey achy feeling a lot the past few days. I'm not panicking like last time but it does make me worry a bit. I have a routine appointment scheduled today so I will definitely describe what I've been feeling and see if it might make sense to have another internal ultrasound just in case (and again, if we were to find out baby's sex in the process I wouldn't mind terribly :lol:).

I also plan to ask about the baby's position and gravity. I think he often tends to be quite low in my uterus. On both scans so far he has been low, and also when I feel kicks in bed when I'm lying on my side I often feel them on the same side I'm lying on -- like if I'm lying on my left I feel them close to my left hip as if he's being pulled down toward that hip. Also, I think the feeling of pressure is worse after I spend a lot of time standing up. My understand was that baby was pretty light at this point and basically suspended in fluid, so I don't know what all this weightiness means. I haven't noticed myself losing fluids but hopefully it doesn't mean my fluid is low or insufficient. I'm not super worried about it, just something I've noticed and plan to ask.
Yup this is my first baby.

I wish i knew what braxton hicks felt like as i am going crazy with worry now. I am still getting a dull ache down there and also lower back pain (also got a bit of diaharhea and discharge) so im putting all together and panicing...waiting 4 weeks till my next scan is just too much so I called the hospital today, they have said its normal but if im worried to come in and see them....she said first take a parcetamol and see if that helps but I am going to go regardless.

I hate all this un-certaintity and GOOGLE is horrible but cant help myself but search my symptoms.

Hope to god its nothing as part of me is saying im being silly.


Back pain and discharge are definitely normal. As long as the discharge is not a strange color, have a bad odor, or watery/runny like amniotic fluid. Not sure about the diarrhea, maybe it's from something you ate that didn't agree. Hope you feel some relief soon.
I will try to describe Braxton Hicks as best as I can. Basically, you feel your whole uterus tightening. Once your uterus is big enough, you can feel the tightening from the outside by placing your hand on/around your abdomen. It's not painful early on, but can be as your uterus grows. They are completely different from true contractions, in my opinion. I knew each time when I was in labor because the contractions were painful and you barely feel the tightening. The pain overwhelms the tightening sensation and the contraction starts in one spot and move to another (for example, they may start at the top of the uterus and work its way down or vice versa).
C1403 it all sounds normal to me. I would go in about halfway between now and your next scan to give your self some piece of mind. If you are having pain and are worried, go right in and have things checked out.

As for me, I had my first real prenatal appointment on Tuesday. It was not what I expected. I was told to come in for 1:30 for a nurse visit and 2pm for the doctor visit. At 1:30 I was called back, they weighed me, took my blood pressure, and took a urine sample. Then I was told I could wait in the room or go back to the waiting room to wait for the Dr. We chose to wait in the room. Well 2pm came and went, 2:15, 2:30, 2:40 the medical assistant came in and said I could undress from the waist down. She didn't give me a gown so the paper only covered the front of me and my behind was hanging out :/

Well at 2:55 the doctor came in. He had not read my chart and apparently forgot that he already did a full exam and pap 3 1/2 weeks earlier. He also NEVER ordered my ultrasound :( So, he basically had them draw my blood (7 tubes!!) and did a quick pelvic exam to check my cervix. At about 4pm my husband got paged away for a patient issue (he works at the hospital), by 4:10 the doctor came in with a portable ultrasound machine and did a vaginal u/s!! I saw my baby! When I went I was 7w2d, but according to the u/s I measured 7w5d but the doctor said he would not change the due date. After all this waiting my husband missed it. Moments after the doctor left the room so I could get dressed, I was standing there naked wiping all the stuff off of my stomach and lady parts (they tried to view through abdomen first) and my husband walked in the room. He was devastated. A few moments later, the doctor came in and handed my husband an ultrasound picture. He was so excited. I still haven't been able to really hold the picture....he has it all the time :) The visit still left us stresses out and disappointed, the time we waited, it felt like nobody knew what was going on with us.

In the end, we are scheduled to return at 11 weeks for a visit, next scan will be between 12 and 13 weeks and will be scheduled at next appointment. It's going to be a long 4-5 weeks.

Sorry to hear it was such a fiasco. Well, at least you and hubby got pics of the baby!! I guess that's how a lot of providers do things here in the states. Your subsequent visits shouldn't be as bad or as time consuming. You will likely be in and out. You may have to shop around for a provider if your heart isn't already set on a certain one. The clinic I go to now takes people who don't have medical insurance (only reason I go there), and they're always overbooked and you have to be there at least an hour and half. And half of them don't look at the chart so they have no clue what's going on. I have another provider I used with my last pregnancy. He has a private practice and even though he is the only doctor there, I've never been there longer than 45 minutes. And he reads the charts before he comes into the exam room. So, as soon as my insurance goes through I will change. Hopefully soon because they don't take new patients after a certain number of weeks.
hello fellow bump buddies :hi:

happy 19th week wooohooo, sweet juicy mango!! i luvvvv mangos, having a luv affair with them now actually lol :yippe:!!! we are nearly half way there ladies :D!! well for me i am more than half way now because they will remove the stitch at 36 weeks and my doc says i will most likely not go pass 38 weeks so i am expecting to deliver no later than the end of aug but can be early aug all depends on how my cervix holds out. yay we all have our really big sono's coming up. i still have a lil anxiety about mines tomorrow but have been feeling more positive about it and putting it all in God's hands. He brought me this far, i just know He gonna take me all the way unscathed :D!!

MrsMcD123 sorry to hear of ur migraines hun, i was actually having some awful episodes myself but they have settled for now whew. i read its very common in pregnancy because of hormone levels fluctuating, so that may have something to do with it also. drinking some water n resting helped me out n i did take tylenol too although i hate to take meds but it was pounding. hope u are feeling better :hugs:

c1403 what u are experiencing is actually totally normal for our stage. i was freaking out too and actually called my doc office cause i was a concerned but turns out it is just growing pains at this stage of pregnancy. our uterus is pushing up and organs are moving out the way. i actually stayed home yesterday to rest cause my back was hurting n i just felt exhausted. everything i read said its normal too at our stage so no worries hunnie, im feeling the exact same things, my doc said as long as there is no blood and u are not bent over in pain or having like consistent contractions every ten mins or less then everything is ok :hugs:

shantehend this will be my 1st take home and i did read about braxton hicks, i felt some pains but mostly felt like dull period cramping, i dont think mines was strong enough for braxton.

EeyoreGirl awww sorry u did not have a great experience for ur 1st visit hun. i know wut u mean though i was kinda thinking mines would be more than wut it was as well but actually it sounds just about right. they really dont do too much except for pelvic exam maybe some history n labs. u got lucky to get that ultrasound cause most dont get that on 1st visit either. i know what u mean about the paper cover also lol, lots of clinics actually dont do gown anymore, same thing in my ob office and the clinic i work in as well. its actually to cut down on cost n suppose to be a green thing. only time u get gowns now is when u have to be transported to another floor or admitted. oh u live in albany, i lived there for 4 yrs back in college days, i went to albany state yrs ago, that is a pretty good hospital at least when i was there, i would say ur in good hands hun n right on target, luv ur sono pic also, reminds me so much of mines at ur stage, a beautiful lil blob, the next one will look more like baby :hugs:

i will report back tomorrow with results ladies, please pray for me :D
Thanks ladies for putting my mind a rest. All the pains stopped after a paracetamol and now I am feeling much better. I did get myself into a state though and was crying on the train home... Ive brought a doppler that should come tomorrow at least hten when i have my moments I can get that little reassurance.

Best of luck tomorrow sunkiss, and let us know how it goes and pics if possible of your little princess.

Aww eeyore girl sorry it was a shambles but you got to see your little one in the end and thats great....I do think here in the UK our healthcare is a little slow and no-one seems to care, like when I called hospital they brushed me off at first and then when i got upset she actually talked me through what i was feeling. Its soooo hard to know what to think when everythings changing.

I am banning myself from google!!

Whooooooo were mangos, yay. I love mango i have some every day for breakfast mmmmmm.

Off the baby topic but my car broke down today, the exhaust fell off :-O. OH called me on his way to work, so he took it to get fixed, so glad it happened now and not next week when were due to drive to the airport for our hols....cannot wait for some sunshine as its wet and miserable here.


I am
I'm glad the paracetamol helped, C :hugs: worrying is hard and the hormones certainly don't help!!

AFM no ultrasound today, doctor didn't seem concerned at all and said it's probably just the uterus pushing things around (not the baby since the baby is too small to feel heavy!). :shrug: I just talked to a friend who gave birth recently and she said she had pressure feelings too from early on, and it's unusual but in her case didn't mean anything bad. I don't like it, but I guess I will learn to live with it.

But I did find out the blood screen results which were super low risk for everything :happydance: much, much lower than the first trimester screening in fact! I wonder why.

I'm so excited that we all have our big ultrasounds coming up and can't wait to start hearing about them, though of course I'm also jealous of the rest of you since I'm last :lol: sunkiss I know yours will go just great tomorrow and I can't wait to hear about it! Post some photos for us! :hugs:

Anyone planning to abandon the fruit tickers soon? I can't believe we're at that stage already, but I know once you get to papaya it stays the same for a few weeks in a row and people say that's depressing :haha: maybe at 23 weeks it will be time to switch to something else.
hey girls im back!!

baby fayth is doing very well wooohooo thank u God :wohoo:!! so active as usual kicking n punching me lol, sure wish i could feel it but so happy she is doing well, they couldnt get her complete heart profile and feet because of position so i will have to go back in 2 weeks. she does not like ultrasounds just like her sister, she runs from every tech lol :haha:!! everything she did get looked good so im confident that wut she missed will be just fine as well!! i was so happy that she didnt have gastro schisis, that is wut olivia had, its a birth defect where the bowels n intestines grow on the outside of the belly..whew sign of relief to know my baby is normal n healthy :happydance:!! now for the cervix, ugh cervix measured at 3.0 longest but with pressure applied it showed 2.7 n there is funneling, this will be my challenge but i am ready to fight to save her n go on bedrest if i have too, i dont care if doc says i dont have too i will!! its still not a dangerous low, 2.5 is borderline but the thing is it is getting shorter. i see her again in 2 weeks n if it is any shorter at that point i am going on bed rest no questions asked. i will just continue to take it easy as i have been doing n pray my body holds my baby [-o<!! overall i am happy with everything n anxiety is gone for the moment :D!! i only got one pic n i will post when i get home later, oh i finally figured that dvd thing also so i will be uploading that to youtube this wknd as well!!
Got some good and promising news for all of you. My OH and I have decided that we are going to start trying again in June after we go on vacation. I am very excited but terrified of the the possibilties. i know God's got a huge and awesome plan for me so I guess we will see what happens. We are not going to time things out and plan and test and all the normal things... we just want it to happen on a healthy breading ground of love and want. Hurry up June!!!
yay jewelz, well u already know u can conceive so i cant wait to see that :bfp: forever take home baby :happydance:!!
Good news all around this morning!! :hugs: So glad to hear those updates from both of you!

Jewelz, I'm so excited for you guys...and I'm impressed that you are not going to do all the planning and timing stuff. I don't know how I'd be able to pull that off, when I'm such a planner :wacko: Anyway "huge and awesome plan" is absolutely right and thank you for sharing this journey with us! :hugs:

Sunkiss, that is great news that your little girl is healthy and looking good...also glad they scheduled you for another one when they missed some details, because I'm afraid the same thing will happen to us and if it does I at least want another scan out of it :haha: I hope not liking ultrasounds doesn't run in families or both of us will have a problem with any subsequent kids! :rofl: But seriously, so glad everything looks ok. I'm sorry about the cervix measurements but I have full faith that you can wait it out and have a healthy delivery...and very glad you will get another data point in a couple of weeks. 2.7 cm is still a lot of distance to go and bed rest will slow things down too if necessary. After your next scan we'll just have 3 weeks until viability, but that's the absolute worst case, and I bet Fayth will stay inside for MANY more weeks than that. :hugs: So excited for you to overcome this challenge and be holding your perfect baby by fall!!
thank u so much seaweed :hugs:!! cant wait to hear about the rest of the scans coming up, next week will be a very exciting week for us and we will get the genders except for c1403 but she having a girl anyways hee hee :haha:!! and next week is a big milestone for us as well, we will be officially half way there n 5mths preggo wooohooo :happydance:!

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