"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

:happydance: Yay baby Fayth is doing well!! I'm excited for you Sunkiss. And glad that your cervix is holding on as well. You have lots of prayers coming your way from all of us ladies.

:yipee: Glad you will be joining us soon Jewelz!! Thanks for the update. Praying for you guys as well.

My LO has been getting stronger, good sign. The kicks are getting more pronounced now. I can't wait to get to 26 weeks so I can buy things. I'm starting to get anxious.:wacko: I won't be able to hold out until 28 weeks. Especially not after my scan on Monday and the sex is confirmed.
Hi All

Sunkiss glad all went well and its great you are back in 2 weeks to double check the bits that were missed.

Jewels soooo happy to hear that hun, I pray that you get a forever bfp soon. Its a bit easy for me to say but just take everything as it goes and dont 'try' too hard, you and hubby enjoy yourself.

So...after all my anxiety last week i got a doppler, everyone was telling me not to as I would just worry myself but....I found hte heartbeat in 3 mintues, nice and fast, I then found mine so could easily tell the difference. OH was happy, although he was one of hte ones to say not get one but I could tell from his face he loved hearing it. Now i am relaxed and happy and that will last me until 18th May

Lol sukiss you and my mum are convinced its a girl, I was too although got feelings today about it being a boy.

Went to my first baby shower today, was really nice having a chat with all the other mummys/mummys to be and eating cake lol. I think I will have one although ill be the only pregnant person by then (all my friends are due before me).

One more week of work then off on holiday, so looking forward to some sunshine and relaxing.
happy 20th week shante, 8th week EeyoreGirl, n i missed ur 6th week krippy woohooo :happydance:
c1403 i think that was a great idea to get a doppler especially since ur scans are so far apart, so happy that will give u some assurance baby is doing well in btwn scans, i am actually thinking of getting one myself.

ladies i think i am finally feeling some movement here, i thought i felt some flutters yesterday but wasnt sure, then today in church i felt a thump in my lower belly n felt it again, i said hey this lil girl is kicking me ha ha...her father gets a kick out of her kicking me on scans, he always cheers her on, they are soft movements n kicks, not all the time n i only feel it when i am sitting or laying still, i suppose as she gets bigger they will get more pronounced but i am so happy to finally start to feel something :happydance:
Woohoo!!! Halfway there. It's going to be bittersweet never being pregnant again, but I've had my share and have awesome children to show for it. Thanking God for all I have.:cloud9:

I'm so happy you finally feel movement, Sunkiss!!:happydance: Isn't it an awesome feeling. My LO is all over. I even felt the hiccups the other day. It's a good feeling, but trust me they get way stronger. Pretty soon we will all be able to see our babies elbows and heels sticking out from our bellies (no kidding). I used to love seeing my babies tiny feet from the womb. What a miracle!!

So excited for all of our scans tomorrow so we can see how many girls and how many boys we have, for the most part anyway.
Wow Shante, halfway! :cloud9: Congrats on the milestone. How amazing that you can feel hiccups already. Not too long now until you can start shopping...you said 26 weeks, right? :happydance:

Congrats to Krippy and EeyoreGirl on your milestones as well :yipee: and Sunkiss on feeling movement :wohoo: lots to celebrate in this thread this weekend!

I can't believe scan week is here already!! So excited to hear how they all go tomorrow...and SO jealous that I have to wait two more days after that for mine :lol:

I just spent a few hours with my friend and her two-week-old and have never felt so baby-crazy in my life! Hormones are amazing that way. I just can't wait until we have our very own one of those! :cloud9: Knock on wood!
good luck today ladies that are scheduled for scans, i am praying for u, krippy cant wait to hear how urs go, i know ur so excited :D
I am excited! Thanks girls and also a little nervous! :) Haven't been online much as I am feeling so crummy! But that is all good news! I will keep you all updated! I don't go until 3:30pm so I have a while to wait! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
My LO is definitely a :pink:. I'm excited about that now. The scan went well. The only thing the doctor is concerned about is her kidneys were a little larger than normal. She said it's not to the point of concern yet. They classified it as Pyelectasis. She offered me an amniocentesis to rule out Down Syndrome. I am scheduled to see the genetic counselor tomorrow morning.:dohh:
At this point I am thinking of refusing the amnio. I had one with my last child because he is missing his nasal bridge and the doctors thought he could have Down Syndrome. I was so stressed out and it was hard trying to prepare for the worst case scenario. But in the end I have a healthy son who is genetically normal, he just has a flatter nose than most people. He is perfect!! As a result of the last amnio I developed Polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) and my stomach was very large but my son was born 6lbs and 30zs.
So I am just going to pray that this little princess is genetically normal. Even if she isn't, that doesn't change a thing. I will still love her and she will still be my daughter. In my heart I feel everything will work out so I am not going to be very concerned. Follow up scan at 8 months.
My Princess sucking her thumb


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yay welcome to team :pink: shante :happydance:!!! i am with u on the amino, i would feel the same way, wouldnt matter n i would still love my baby no matter what, imo amino is not worth the risk to me unless it was something they could do to help my baby while she was still in my womb, other than that we can deal with it later, n u see just like ur son, i bet she will be a perfect little girl n doc is not concerned so dont u worry either, congrats momma :D!!
Thank you Sunkiss!!! The reason I had the amnio with my son is because he had a few different markers for a genetic disorder. So I am grateful that he is a healthy 16 month old. His pictures are on my Facebook. His nose is a little flat and he has big eyes, but he is adorable. My pregnancy with him I wanted to know if something was wrong so that I could prepare his siblings for whatever was to come. It was so stressful working for the State part time and going to school full time and being pregnant, all while taking care of 5 other kids. My husband was my rock because I almost fell apart. When the doctor said there was a chance he could die after birth or be stillborn, I jumped at the opportunity to have the amniocentesis. This time around I am not concerned and I have more of a PMA.

Oh and the reason I feel every move this little one makes is because she has long arms and legs. :haha: And she is in a breech position, but that'll likely change.
My Princess sucking her thumb

TOO CUTE!!!!!!! My eyes are watering up over here over how cute that is, seriously. Congrats!!! :)

2 and a half more hours until I go in. Baby has been moving tons this morning, maybe he/she is excited too :)

Krippy, can't wait to hear how yours goes!!! :hugs:
ADORABLE pic, shante :cloud9: I'm sorry about the concern with the kidneys, but as sunkiss said, if it's not to the point of concern for the doctors then I think your positive attitude is totally appropriate. :hugs: Getting an amnio is such a personal decision and as you said has so much to do with specific circumstances. So the mere fact that they offered one is no reason to take it. I bet your girl is just perfect :cloud9:

Krippy and MrsMcD are up next!! Good luck!!!
MrsMcD, can't wait to hear how your scan went. Hope all is well and baby cooperates so that you guys can find out the gender.
Keep us posted on your LO as well Krippy. Can't wait to hear the exciting news!!
Everything went fabulous! Measuring right on target with at HB of 117! :) So nice to see bubs for the first time! Will post pic later!

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