"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Aww, I'm sorry you are feeling down. :hugs: I hope it all turns out for the best.
Well ladies I took my first FRER this morning and just as I thought it was a big fat BFN. Its ok though because Im pretty sure I's way to eary to tell yet. Im not even due for AF until the 18th. *sigh*

tick tock tick tock hurry up and wait!
Wow, you can't be more than 6 DPO? Definitely too early! :hugs: Do you have anything fun planned to help you get through the wait?
Well my weekends are very full so I have plenty to do in the mean time. Sorry I'm due for my cycle on the 17th not 18th. Im taking my last test on the 18th if I don't start. I'm hoping I don't and this will be my rainbow.
oh the dreadful 2ww, how i remember us all waiting it out here, tick tock ugh!! yes it is early but u r a poas addict like me so we just have to do it every time lol. its so good to see u back here jewelz, sending out prayers n :dust: that this is ur time for ur rainbow :D!! oh n u know just like me u cant wait that long to test so bring ur tail back here with test in hand, i will be right here to have line eye with u :haha: :hugs:!!
Hi Ladies

Im backkkkkkk

Holiday was lovely, weather was gorgeous although i got a little sunburnt (im really fair skinned). Back to horrible cold/wet weather, soooo depressing.

Baby moves and kicks loads now, OH still cant feel it yet. I was slightly nervous about flying whilst pregnant but was all ok. Used my doppler again today and found heartbeat right away...baby sits really low down at the moment

I have skimmed most of the posts, glad were all doing well and Jewelz I am praying you get a BFP xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

So 21 weeks now, got my scan next friday so excited, im still not sure whether to find out the sex or not....same with OH.

Starting the babys room next week, definatly going with a jungle animal theme as got some lovely teddys whilst on holiday for the babys room.

The weeks are flying by now. Another of my friends had a baby this week (boy) so just one more to go and then its my turn.

Lots of love ladies

Welcome back C! :hugs: Glad you had a nice time! Can't wait to hear about your scan.
Hi ladies!! :wave:

Good luck Jewelz! Hoping this is your month! :dust:

Shantehend, hope everything falls into place and you start feeling better soon.

c1403, welcome back!! Glad you had a good time. How long have you been feeling baby move now, it's been awhile right? It's been about a month here and my hubby still can't feel it either darn it.

sunkiss, hoping the bed rest doesn't get too unbearable. I frequent a site called reddit.com and I can literally spend all day on there. It's basically a collection of everything on the internet, all separated into categories. Videos, funny pictures, discussion boards, world news, it's endless. There is also a group for expectant mommies :)

seaweed, if you're still having issues with bras not fitting, I highly recommend getting a few sports bras! I've been pretty much living in mine. Super comfy!

eeyore, feeling any better? I know you're at the thick of first trimester ickiness, hopefully it starts to fade soon.

Krippy, how's your thyroid? I just saw my endo today and then went for blood work. Everything is still good so far but my TSH has been going down and if it falls below .5 he told me that I might need to stop taking my levothyroxine for a bit to see how my thyroid does. Freaks me out but I trust his opinion!

As for me, I'm anxiously awaiting tomorrow! It's the taping of the Ellen show, I can't freaking wait to find out what all we're getting! :happydance: And to bring it all home and get to really start setting up the nursery! If any of you ladies want to watch the episode, it will be airing on Friday. Not sure if I'll be shown at all or anything but who knows :)

Hope you are all feeling well :) :flower:
Wow, can't believe Ellen day is already tomorrow!! And we'll be 22 weeks! What an exciting day.

Thanks for the bra suggestion...I have one sports bra I like wearing around the house, but it has seams down the cups that make it unsuitable for wearing under most tops if someone other than my husband is going to see me. I should look for another one!
happy 22nd week ladies wooohooo :yipee: 2 more weeks to big milestone of viability, i cannot wait!!

welcome back c1403, glad ur holiday was lovely, cant wait to hear all about ur scan next week :D!!

thanks for that website MrsMcD123, i will check it out today!! oh i cannot wait to hear wut u got from the show, i know u must be so excited, i will watch on friday also, maybe we will get lucky n get a glimpse of u :D!!

shante i am thinking of u :hugs:

krippy n eyeore hope u ladies are feeling better, ur in the home stretch now though so it will soon turn around :hugs:

i went from not feeling my baby to getting kicked all day long :haha:!! it happened like over night, i think i was the last one to feel movements. well let me tell u this little girl is not messing around in there, she is quite active n she lets mommy know everyday :D!! i can actually see my belly jerk n move when she kicks hard n daddy can feel her kicks now too, he is so excited about that lol, at this rate it wont be long before i see body parts protruding lol, im so happy she is so active, makes me feel that she is doing well n healthy :D!! this bedrest is not as easy as i thought it would be, its not so much the activities, i can find different things to keep me occupied, its the point of feeling like i am missing out on the real world out there n mostly is my body is so restless, my legs r starting to cramp a bit, even though my bed is so comfortable its hard just laying there, i dont feel comfortable out the bed for too long because i feel pressure especially when she kicks on my cervix..i did try putting some pillows btwn my legs last night n that did help, i just have to try different things, i will get through this, its such a small price to pay for my baby, my little girl is worth it n so much more :cloud9:!!
Well ladies, today is the day. It's my first due date. I am actually rather calm today to say the least. I am going to take off on Tuesday to just reflect and make peace. I already beat my goal of being pregnant again before my due date but we sadly know that didnt work out. BUT, its ok b/c I know its going to happen and my third time is going to be my blessing from GOD. Still praying for that BFP next week.
Symptoms: LOTS and LOTS of extra CM this week, back pain, emotional and more tired then usual.
Lets cross everything we've got and hope I get my BFP this time next week. If I don't get my BFP it is still ok and we will nail it next month for sure. Moving forward with a smile.

Thank all of you ladies sooooo much for all of your support over the last half of this year. You ladies are amazing!!!
Watching The Ellen Show hoping to catch a glimpse of MrsMcD. So excited for you!!
hey ladies,

went in for a check up today n things r not improving with my cervix, in fact its getting shorter n now i can sense worry in my doc...i am on strict bed rest now, only allowed to get up for short showers n bthrm breaks, when i reach 24 weeks she wants me on hospital bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy, she said the goal is to get me past 30 weeks. my cervix has funneled all the way to the stitch now n there is risk of my water rupturing because of this, the bag is not near the cervix yet but it is getting closer n that is wut scares her n me both. i am trying my best to keep it together n hold on but it has been a really ruff week...i dont even care about missing out on all the fun stuff n attn a pregnant mother gets, all i want is for her to be safe n there n for my cervix to hold on long enough to get her to the safe zone. i have a good feeling its gonna work out but just scared, i feel like my little angel is still watching out for us n i just have to hold on n keep my "faith"..i will keeping praying n fighting ladies!!

oh i think i will change my tickers to reflect my sept 9th due date since this is what the doc will go by regardless n it will help with the time going by a little faster.
those symptoms sound very promising jewelz, still keeping u in my prayers hun!!
Sorry to hear about your bedrest Sun! But you are amazing and I know that Fayth will be with you soon! I am so proud of your positivity and `faith``

GL Crown...Not long not til you test! Thinking of you!

MrsMcD...I am soooooo jealous of everything you got at Ellen! Didn`t see you though...I kept looking for you and they kept showing the same group of women! I was so frustrated! I am so happy for you....and really really wish I had that sleep number bed! Have fun with all of your goodies doll!
Lots and lots of :hugs: to you both, Jewelz and Sunkiss...Jewelz, everything crossed for a BFP for you this cycle. Or next. :dust: I hope you have a good day of reflection on Tues. Congrats on getting through this milestone. :hugs: Sunkiss, you are almost there hon...just 9 more days until viability. Thinking of you every day. I share your good feeling about your little girl. :hugs:
ty krippy :hugs:

OMG i am soooooo jealous of u MrsMcD, those gifts were amazing n i am not even finished watching, i tivo'ed it lol!!! i have some of those same items on my registry lol, ellen freakin rocks big time for doing this for ftm's!!! congrats hunny :D!!

so true krippy they was showing the same group of women but honestly my blind behind probably would have missed her anyways :haha:
omg that stroller is insanely crazy wowwwwwww!! never seen anything like that before, so kewl!!
Thank you ladies! :) I was able to spot myself a few times for only a second or two, but that was only because a woman about 3 seats from me was wearing a very noticeable bright green cardigan. Me and hubby went to the sleep number store and ordered our bed today, I'm so damn excited! Two weeks until delivery :) I can't wait to get everything set up, especially that stroller and the Mamaroo!

sunkiss, I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of this worry :( I'm glad they are keeping such a close eye and keeping you on very strict bed rest. Viability is just around the corner but I have good feelings that Fayth will make it past that point and then some!

I can't wait until all our babies are here and we get to start sharing pictures! I can't wait to see what they all look like :)
Hi Ladies

Thinking of you sunkiss, so glad your being closely monitored and if its bed rest you need then bed rest you must have. I hope all goes well and thinking about you

Jewelz I think your doing so well, espically to get through this milestone and to not be on a mad testing reigime at hte moemnt. All the symptoms sound good and lots of :dust:. Cant wait to see that BFP.

We dont get the Ellen show here so no idea what items you got MrsMcD but sounds like you did quite well.

I went out shopping today with my mum and sister, saw the pram and nursery furniture that I want but not getting it until July time. I did buy some bedding and hooded towels...were doing well between the 3 of us and only really need to buy the big items now.

Ive thought I could feel baby move at 19 weeks but now i know for sure he/she is moving, its always when im sitting down either in the late evening or early morning. So active and sometimes makes me feel a little sick? Anyone else have that?

6 more days until my scan and the temptation to find out the sex is setting in, I think we'll remain strong and not find out but I soooooooo wanna know.

Lots of love ladies


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