"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Hi Ladies

Scan went soooo well. Baby is doing well and everying is normal.

We went in not wanting to find out but cracked at last minute and ..................... ITS A GIRL.

I cant believe we cracked, we were so strong willed we wouldnt find out but now sooooooo happy.

Were not telling anyone else though...apart from you ladies.

Speak soon off out for a family meal, will have to keep quiet.

Lots of love

Ooohhhh, congrats on your healthy little girl!! :happydance: So exciting! I'm glad you are feeling happy with your decision.
Congratulations c1403!!!:thumbup: I'm a little surprised that you guys cracked, but happy for you none the less. :haha: Another baby girl in the thread.
Congratulations c1403!!!:thumbup: I'm a little surprised that you guys cracked, but happy for you none the less. :haha: Another baby girl in the thread.

I know I'm a little disappointed in myself for giving in. I blame my OH though as he cracked first, once I knew he wanted to know so did I. Not regretting it though just glad she's healthy...must admit I've now started looking at girly things. I now feel like I have known all along it's a grl. We're not going to name her until she arrives but have a short list of names on hand.
c1403, there's no reason to be disappointed. I couldn't wait either. But I didn't think your hubby would change his mind. I'm glad he did though. LOL. I wanted to see if your Chinese gender thingy was correct. :flower: I'm silly. I guess mine is the only one that was wrong.
Congratulations c1403!!!:thumbup: I'm a little surprised that you guys cracked, but happy for you none the less. :haha: Another baby girl in the thread.

I know I'm a little disappointed in myself for giving in. I blame my OH though as he cracked first, once I knew he wanted to know so did I. Not regretting it though just glad she's healthy...must admit I've now started looking at girly things. I now feel like I have known all along it's a grl. We're not going to name her until she arrives but have a short list of names on hand.

I hope I didn't sound harsh. I didn't mean anything by my post. And I really am glad you guys found out. It's not a bad thing that you guys decided. It makes it easier to shop for the LO and when she is born it'll still be just as special as if you didn't know the sex.
Congratulations c1403!!!:thumbup: I'm a little surprised that you guys cracked, but happy for you none the less. :haha: Another baby girl in the thread.

I know I'm a little disappointed in myself for giving in. I blame my OH though as he cracked first, once I knew he wanted to know so did I. Not regretting it though just glad she's healthy...must admit I've now started looking at girly things. I now feel like I have known all along it's a grl. We're not going to name her until she arrives but have a short list of names on hand.

I hope I didn't sound harsh. I didn't mean anything by my post. And I really am glad you guys found out. It's not a bad thing that you guys decided. It makes it easier to shop for the LO and when she is born it'll still be just as special as if you didn't know the sex.

No offence taken at all shante, we were so convinced we would never find out and then we cracked at last minute. He was so excited (and has been very reserved most of the pregnancy) and once he wanted to know then I wanted to aswell he he team :pink: x
hello girls,

sorry i have not been around n updated, couldnt wait to get to my laptop so i could let u all know wut is going on. friday i had a visit with doc n i was already anticipating she would admit me cause she said that the previous week plus i felt something was going on since i was having alot of rectum pressure. when she examined me she could see that i was having contractions so she sent me straight to the hospital to labor n delivery, i was so scared cause i couldnt feel the contractions just the pressure. mom was with me n oh was at work so i was grateful to not be alone. when i got there i was sent straight up to l&d, my doc set that up cause she didnt want me waiting, they put me in a rm n started to hook me up to all kinds of machines, the monitors to check contractions n baby's hb, they started me on magnesium to stop contractions n also gave me the steroid shots to mature her lungs in case she had to be delivered, i was to be monitored for 24 hrs to see how things go, in that time i was not allowed to get up at all, it was hell not knowing wut would happen, i cried n tried my best not to get to stressed so my baby wouldnt feel it, thank the Lord above the meds worked n the pressure was relieved, i prayed n asked God to please give me a chance to save my baby, to take me n i will give her my breath, i told Him i will never give up on my little girl n always put her 1st in my life, i told Him i will never loose my faith in Him n my baby n i put this in his hands, we are still here holding strong thank u Father!! we are stable n have been transferred to post partum for now, docs said i can expect to be here indefinitely n they will try everything in their power to stop contractions if need be n save my baby, im on really strick bedrest since i basically do not have much cervix left, only allowed to get up very briefly for bthrm breaks, they have a shower chair in the shower so they allow me a 5 mins shower, i feel comfortable here because at least i am somewhere where they can help save my baby n also i do not have to get up here. i have my own private rm, even have a lil fridge so i can have my snacks, i am feeling much better now, i am trying my best with everything inside me to remain positive n never give up my faith, God will continue to bring us through this, my family have been so supportive, i have so many praying for us n encouraging me, i feel so blessed even with the odds, something is telling me that everything will work out, i am praying now to get to 28 weeks since the odds are 90% survival at that point, then we can go from there, right now odds are only 50% with 80% complications, i do not want to see my baby suffer so i dont feel safe yet but at least at 28 weeks i know she will make it, especially since she had those steroid shots n also they said the magnesium helps with the brain development, i know they wont release me b4 28 weeks so that makes me feel better also, continue to pray for me ladies, we are gonna make it!! btw, baby fayth is doing so well growing n kicking, she lets mommy know she is still there fighting n happy n her space :D!! sorry i am not caught up but i will catch up n respond if not tonight def tomorrow, hope everyone is doing well :hugs:!! always thinking of u ladies n happy 23rd week :happydance:
It's so good to hear from you hon :hugs: I am sorry for all you've been through this week, but so glad to read that you and your girl are doing well. It's great that they are taking such good care of you and monitoring you. I know what you mean about 28 weeks, that feels like the next big viability milestone for me too, but it's a big deal to have gotten to V day too and I'm so very glad that you did. Hope she stays inside for a lot longer still. :hugs:
Sending you lots of love sunkiss, she is a little fighter just like her mummy.
Wishing you the absolute best and glad you are getting all the right care

Thinking and praying for you and Fayth Sunkiss! You are in my thoughts!
Wow what an ordeal sunkiss! I'm sorry you have to go through all this, but it will definitely be worth it in the end :) Fayth is a little miracle and you are an amazingly strong woman!
Praying for you Sunkiss and Fayth!! With God watching over you both, I know you will be fine
So. Maybe TMI for some of you, but I squeezed my boob the other day and a little colostrum came out! I was really excited. It's pretty gross looking, I gotta say. For some reason I thought it was clear but it's more of a milky-yellow. lol sorry if that was tmi :)

Last night I was sitting on my recliner in my undies and reading stuff on my phone when I noticed that baby was kicking up a storm. So I stopped looking at my phone, started watching my stomach and could see it moving around! It was so cool, I was just starting at it for like a half hour. It wasn't big huge movements but it was definitely noticeable, looked like big muscle twitches :) It was pretty hypnotic. I also noticed that when I had my hand kind of pushing down a little in one spot he would kick at it! It was so neat getting to actually interact with him! Very surreal :)

What's new ladies? :)
hello girls,

i feel so behind on everyone but glad u are all still here n doing well yay!! im feeling much better, no pressure n just laying n resting, i feel so much safer here n they have made me feel comfy so i dont mind staying for the next mth. i even got free cable n phone since i work for the hospital which is really kewl :D!! baby fayth is doing well n kicking me everytime i eat, this is a greedy child hee hee, just like her mommy :cloud9:!!

jewelz i luv ur attitude n positivity, God will truly see u are ready for ur rainbow n bless u, i so cant wait for ur bfp, i am really looking forward to that good news!!! get to baby dancing woman :haha:!!

yay c1403, congrats on ur healthy baby girl n welcome to team :pink: :happydance:!! i told u it was a girl, ur scan pic was very girly, so happy u decided to find out now u can shop specifically for gender if u like n it will still be just as special when she is born :D!!

so we now have 3 girls n 2 boys :happydance:!! cant wait to hear what eeyoregirl n krippy r having...will u ladies be finding out at anatomy scans ?

MrsMcD123 funny u say that cause i was squeezing nipple looking for milk too lol but nothing yet. isnt it so kewl to see ur belly move, i see the same when fayth kicks me. its just like u describe not big movements but def strong enough that my belly jerks in the spot she kicks or punches, pretty soon in the next few weeks we will see the bigger movements so get ready ladies :D!! despite my bedrest n issues i am happy with the 2nd tri as they say cause u really feel pregnant now n get to interact with baby now which makes the experience so much more enjoyable!!
Hi Ladies

Sunkiss so glad your feeling good and they are taking good care of you...Fayth is a real fighter.

MrsMcD ive not looked at my BBs to be honest so not noticed anything but I am leaking 'down there' ... i even pee'd myself a little the other day when ironing, so embarassing lol

My little one kicks me all the time, sometimes i can see it sometimes i cant. My OH can feel most kicks now and my sister felt them too the other day she is so excited bless her and has alreayd been buying girly outfits for our little Minnie (thats our nickname)

Only my parents, sister and OH's Brother know were having a girl (and you ladies too) but my sister wants to do a baby shower for me and we will put on the invites ps ITS A GIRL so hopefully i get more girly gifts lol.

I chose not to tell OHs mum as she is very anti girls....she has two grandaughters already and complained when the 2nd one was a girl...she kept saying to me you better have a boy, I dont like girls etc...I am so overjoyed and happy to be having a girl i dont want her negativity on our lovely news so told OH not to tell her and hes happy with that. Hes not so close with her anyway. If she makes any comment when baby does arrive I think ill flip out...I only want my baby to be happy and healthy, sex isnt important.

Im still trying to work out what to do with my work and maternity leave. I think ill go at end of july and play it by ear...they assume ill be off for a year but i can come back any time if i need too (just got to give 8 weeks notice)

Anyway speak soon ladies. We'll have to have a bump pic update soon, mine looks to be getting smaller so she must be moving lower down at the moment, the kicks are quite low now.

So exciting to hear what wonderful things you ladies are going through right now. I can't wait!! Sunkiss, we will def find out the sex at the anatomy scan (if baby cooperates).
Still praying for all you ladies and your bumps.

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