"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

ladies my nipples are killing me lol n they r sooo dark :blush:!! boobs dont hurt anymore but nipples feels like somebody trying to rip em off, i sure hope this goes away when its time for breastfeeding cause i know that makes em sore too!! i told the nurse to gimme something for my nipples n they laugh at me lol, my body is being taken over :haha:
they are usually regular-ish. between 36 and 40 days usually. So being on CD50 is definitely out of the ordinary for me :shrug:.
I'm just going to keep testing and see what my results on monday say x
ok so u r just out of the norm for this cycle, this sometimes happens to alot of women like once or twice a yr...i was concerned with the long or irregular cycles cause that is one of the symptoms of pcos but it doesnt sound that way for u, i tell u sometimes with the stress of ttc can cause us to delay our cycles too, i have heard of women having a positive blood hcg result but negative hpt results, that would be such great news why af is late :D!!

oh n btw, uti is a common thing among pregnant women too, i had one with my 1st right b4 i got my bfp :D
OMG Krippy and Sun your bumps are so cute!! You look great!!

:dust: for Crown, Bree and Stef!! GL ladies. Can't wait to see some more tests!!
Sunkiss- you brought tears to my eyes! You look absolutely fabulous for your circumstances....
the hospital surroundings apparently arent taking a toll on your appearance! GORGEOUS!
All of you look so darn cute- so envious!!!

Another neg HPT today- and woke up with AF life cramps. AF isnt due until monday so it would be a little early if she showed up?! Oh well- a little bummed out but i guess i cant count myself out until the she flies on her broom.

have a nice day ladies :)
awww thank u so much bree, so happy u back, really really missed u much!! u got that right its still early so u not out yet, man i am biting my nails waiting on bfp from u ladies!! come on bfp!!!
Morning ladies...how are we all.

Welcome to all the new ladies, and I cannot wait to start seeing some BFPs again on this thread.

Just to go back to my TWW I honestly cant remember if i had many symptoms, I may have thought I did but cannot say if they were in my head or not. The cycle i got my BFP was after my chemical so although we BD'd quite a bit I was never expecting to get a BFP. I only tested on NYE because I wanted to know if i could drink or not.
My advise, although i know how hard it is.... is to not test until you are over 15dpo as it just makes your mind go crazy (I didnt chart I just guessed my ovulation and bd'd every other day when we could).
The TWW and TTC is such a frustraiting time and I remember feeling like i'd never get there, now I only have 3 months to go until my princess arrives...dont give up, take it easy and try not to dwell on it too much (easy for me to say but honestly it did work for me at the time)..... looking forward to accessing some lines....

Sunkiss, Kirppy, Seaweed loving the cute bumps.

My girly is sooo active lately, keeps me up at night, kicks all day its like she never sleeps. Active on inside/active on the outside?

Oh and we've started telling people its a girl, I told OH mum yesterday, she was a little dissapointed (has 2 grandaughters already) but seemed quite happy about it though. She'll have to wait for one of her other kids (she has 8) to have a boy lol....

I also have nearly got everything for the baby on order, except the pram which im buying in August (once ive saved)

Lots of love ladies

Goods morning loves!!
I am a little proplex this morning. All symptoms are now gone. Cramps gone, bloating gone, no cm. I still have the back ache though. So confused as of now. I really hope I'm still in this month. :cry: apparently I'm still emotional though.
I hate the TWW!!
Jewelz we're both in the same crazy boat! TWW is such a up and down rollercoaster with your own mind. I wish I were stronger and could ignore everything until I was "late" for AF. I tested again this am with a frer and BFN. I know that in all my previous pregnancies I would have had a BFP by now. I'm just hoping that maybe just recently implanted and don't have enough hormone to detect?! These darn af like cramps have been around for the past could days and I never get them more the 24 hrs before af arrives. I keep expecting to just get her early.....
And so the wait will continue! And my POAS addiction will continue. Thought about buying some more LH tests for next round because I'm feeling pretty out for this cycle :( only plus side is camping is not quite the same without drinks by the campfire!!!!
Jewelz have you POAS lately???
Yes I did an IC this morning and it was stark white BFN. Made me crazy!! I am now bloated with a gurgley tummy. I felt a bit of nausea this morning too. My back is killing me and all cramping is gone. I don't know what to think anymore.
I'm going to get my hair cut and colored to get my mind off of it all. It's gonna make me mad.I kinda feel like I'm gonna start any second now. Grrrr my body is so whacked out!!! Sorry for the crazy rant ladies. I'm a bit psycho today, if you can't tell.
Last bump pic for me for a while...


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Very cute bump Shante!!

Well- POAS this am and still a BFN. I'm 11DPO. Have had AF cramps for DAYSSS!! Keep wearing a liner (TMI) thinking that af is going to show up. Literally since thursday the cramping has been hanging around. Thought it might have been implantation cramping but a HPT would have shown positive by now?!

Anyone else have neg HPTS this late in the game and then get a shocking positive after 11DPO???

AF is schedualed to arrive tomorrow- hope she doesnt because hubby is away for my next cycle and may not catch the next one after that either with the way his work schedual is :(
Looking for some inspiration from you ladies- something to keepe me positive today :(

Jewelz-howz it looking for you??
jewelz n bree u ladies are taking me back to my 2ww, the uncertainty n stress of not knowing if u caught that egg n the excitement of getting the bfp, ugh its so hard to be in 2ww cause u just want to know yet when u do get that bfp u r just amazed n cant believe it so u have to poas everyday even after bfp lol!! i so remember ladies n i am praying this is the cycle but if not then this was just a warm up n u will catch it on the next one :hugs:!! the great thing is u already know u can conceive so it will for sure happen :D!! bree i didnt get my bfp til 12dpo, i hope so much af stays her ugly face out this thread!!! come on bfp!!

shante so adorable, luv the bump n outfit :D!!
Well I poas this morning FRER and BFN. All of my symptoms are gone as of today. All of my cramping is gone. I feel 100% normal today. Maybe a tiny bit bloated but I always am around th time AF is about to show her face. Im not due for AF until the 13th so I have a few more days. I am feeling very out right now. But HEY, I said that last time and got my BFP on 14dpo last time. So I am still in it to win it for now. I will be very upset if I dont get my BFP this month as I have no chance at all this next month. My hubby is going to Boston on business the week I ovulate this next month. The whole week! Total Crap! On a good note if that happens I wont be having a March 2013 baby. We have wayyyyy too many March B-Days in the house as it is. Me and my step daughter are two days apart in March. My Bff's hubby and her son are in March too. The pocket book cant handle anymore March B-Days.
Thank you ladies. That was a work outfit. On a normal day, I'm comfortable and just fine in a tee shirt and pants or jeans.

Bree, only with my 4th child did I have a BFN the day before AF was due. After the BFN, I just assumed I wasn't pregnant and waited for AF to come. A week later I had a test done at the doctor, I went to get on the pill and they automatically test. Needless to say it was positive and I couldn't get the pill.
Well ladies i give up on the whole testing bit. I am pretty positive I'm out this month. Not even the smallest hint of a line on my tests. I didn't test this morning just because I am going to stop and wait and see what happen withmy cycle. If Im late I will test again. I'm bummed out and sad. Its going to be stressful having to skip a month of not being able to try.
oh jewelz i feel like we are writing the same sad story...... not even a hint of a line for me either.
Very depressing!
My period is due today at the earliest so i'm going to leave my last two tests.
The only hope I have is that the internet cheapies don't work very well.
With my last pregnancy I was very discouraged after getting sooo many negs with the cheapies so I just thought what the heck I will use my one FRER that I had left and to my surprise there was the faintest line ever on the FRER. Even on the cheapies I still didnt get a positive for a couple more days after then FRER pos.
I hate to get myself excited and go out and buy more. It would be even more hard to take to see FRERs have a neg as well.
SO very emotional this is. So I think i'm going to just wait as well and listen to my body, the witch will come if she wants and then I will know.
If friday rolls around and still no witch then back to the tests I will go.

Hang in there Jewelz, we are both in the NO trying next cylce so again we might be right on track for July trying together ok!!
It will happen, one day! We both know we CAN concieve... our chances will come :)

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