"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Thanks Bree, I'm feeling so discouraged right now. I took an FRER yesterday and like I said no trace of a line at all. I still have one CBD and an FRER left over. I have lots of IC tests though. Think I will hang on to them until next time we try. I did this same thing last time and go t a BFP by surprise. One can hope! I feel so normal though. I have no signs of the witch showing her face either though. I haven't had any cramps in a few days, which is kind of unusual for me. I always get cramps a few days before Im about to start. However, ever since my losses I have had no signs of the witch until the moment she arrived. Then I would get HORRIBLE cramps.
If I don't start Wed, back tothe testing I go too. Watch the stupid witch will be a few days late just to piss me off. Go figure...

We will get there Bree! I just know it.
i just wanted to let you guys know that apparently all my results are "normal" - so i'm not pregnant :(. I have an appointment on wednesday morning to figure out what to do next. me and DH are very upset :cry:
Oh Stephanie I'm so sorry honey. Looks like all three of us will be in the TTC game all over again. At least we can all do it together. I'm upset and sad today too. I feel ya. :hug:
Thanks so much hun. I'm hoping the doctor on Wednesday will give me provera or something to bring on AF.

:hug: to you too xx
Very cute bump Shante!!

Well- POAS this am and still a BFN. I'm 11DPO. Have had AF cramps for DAYSSS!! Keep wearing a liner (TMI) thinking that af is going to show up. Literally since thursday the cramping has been hanging around. Thought it might have been implantation cramping but a HPT would have shown positive by now?!

Anyone else have neg HPTS this late in the game and then get a shocking positive after 11DPO???

AF is schedualed to arrive tomorrow- hope she doesnt because hubby is away for my next cycle and may not catch the next one after that either with the way his work schedual is :(
Looking for some inspiration from you ladies- something to keepe me positive today :(

Jewelz-howz it looking for you??

Bree i had BFN until 18 dpo (not sure when i ovulated but if its the date i think then my first faint faint line was at 16dpo)
Well ladies i give up on the whole testing bit. I am pretty positive I'm out this month. Not even the smallest hint of a line on my tests. I didn't test this morning just because I am going to stop and wait and see what happen withmy cycle. If Im late I will test again. I'm bummed out and sad. Its going to be stressful having to skip a month of not being able to try.

When I got my BFP I was the same as you are now, I gave up testing for 4 days and just waited and waited.....I had no symptoms, I got a late BFP at about 18dpo. Hopefully the witch is not around the corner and that BFP will show soon, just a little later than normal.


oh jewelz i feel like we are writing the same sad story...... not even a hint of a line for me either.
Very depressing!
My period is due today at the earliest so i'm going to leave my last two tests.
The only hope I have is that the internet cheapies don't work very well.
With my last pregnancy I was very discouraged after getting sooo many negs with the cheapies so I just thought what the heck I will use my one FRER that I had left and to my surprise there was the faintest line ever on the FRER. Even on the cheapies I still didnt get a positive for a couple more days after then FRER pos.
I hate to get myself excited and go out and buy more. It would be even more hard to take to see FRERs have a neg as well.
SO very emotional this is. So I think i'm going to just wait as well and listen to my body, the witch will come if she wants and then I will know.
If friday rolls around and still no witch then back to the tests I will go.

Hang in there Jewelz, we are both in the NO trying next cylce so again we might be right on track for July trying together ok!!
It will happen, one day! We both know we CAN concieve... our chances will come :)

Sorry for all the multiple posts lol, im playing catch up.

Internet cheapies didnt work for me until i was 5-6 weeks pregnant. THey were always so faint I was getting line eye, same with digis. FRER worked for me and the line then was faint.

Take a few days off testing and have another go Friday.

Really hope that witch stays away ladies xxxxxxx
:hugs: bree, jewelz n stef :(!! bree n jewelz u are not out yet so its still hope, i'm still looking forward to ur rainbows, even if we have to wait til july for them!! im so happy u both testing together so u have each other to lean on, fate led u both here again the same time, so ironic!!

stef im sorry bout the neg test hun..i did take the provera before when my cycle went missing n that did help to get it going, good thing is u n hubby is just starting out so soon enough u will catch that egg hun :hugs:
Well ladies- its 6pm for me and the witch has NOT arrived.

I caved and tested again this afternoon- I was at the drug store buying some razors and they had a deal on the FRER's. I could not resist :( And I just happened to have a full bladder when I got home.....

Again nothing for me to examine. For a brief second or two I thought I could see something but i'm sure it was just "line" eye taking its toll on me.

Hope you're holding in there Jewelz.

My af cramps are there in the morning but subside as the day goes on- how very wierd. Not the norm, could just be my mind playing tricks on me! How cruel..
I think i'm at the point that I'm hoping AF just makes her arrival so I can go on with my life and not be soooo consumed! GGRRRRRRR.....

Well theres my update- nice to get my feeling off my chest.
Gosh Bree I feel the same way. It's like we test and test and test to be let down and just takes so much out of us. We can either celebrate or hope for the witch to arrive to move forward. In my case have a glass of wine lol. That is exactly what I did tonight. No hesitation either. I needed it after the day I just had. I tested at work after going to walgreens on my break. I didn't test this morning so it was killing me. I'm done for now.
The OH made a deal with me for this next month. I start ovulating on the 22nd and he leaves on the 26th. So we will BD until he leave even though I miss my most fertile days. Hopefully his swimmers stick around a few days to catch the egg.
Jewelz, Bree- I know it's too late for this month but if this isn't your month, I'm telling you. Egg white. Real egg white. *link* Took me 9 months to conceive after my last miscarriage (and after the 4 month wait while we figured out what was going on with my thyroid.) First try using the egg white and it worked. Maybe it was a fluke, but I remember finding out about this trick at a former message board I was on after a girl decided to try it out. She got a few other women to try it out and I think 3 out of the 4 that tried it got pregnant on the first time! It was a little weird but totally worth it. Not sure if either of you are desperate enough to try something so crazy but if so, I swear by this method :)
Well ladies, the :witch: has shown her face a day early. I'm bummed out. I guess next month will be a crap shoot for us. We will see what happens I suppose. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement.

Egg whites huh? I really never have an issue with my ovulation and CM. Its always super thick and jelly like when I ovulate. I can always feel it when I do too. So I dont know if Im desperate enough for that quite yet. LOL
Sorry to hear that Jewelz! Are your cycles getting shorter? If my memory serves me correctly AF was a day early last month. Maybe your cycles are changing which may cause you to O earlier than you used to. That would be good for this upcoming month so that you and OH have time to conceive before he goes away. FXed for you, Bree, and Stephanie anyway!!!
Yes my cycles are getting shorter, that is correct. I'm so happy I started early. Me and hubby do infact have a chance this month now. It changed my ovulation dates. The day he leaves is my last day to ovulate accourding to my calendar. I'm so excited!! We have a huge chance to catch the egg this month now. I'm a very happy girl right now. Woo-Hoo!!!
Jewelz, I'm excited for you!! Even if you don't BD everyday, every other day is good enough. That way the good sperm supply won't be depleted by the time the egg is released. You guys are definitely fertile, it's just getting the timing down. Praying this cycle will be it for you. [-o<
:hugs: jewelz, sorry bout the witch hun but happy u will have a shot at next cycle, u may still get that march baby after all :D! i conceived olivia in june n was due march 1st!! yep i agree with shante, every other day is good enough, i didnt even have bd on the day i O but still caught that egg cause they were hanging out :D!!

eeyore first cycle ever using preseed worked for me too :D!! MrsMcD i remember reading about the eggwhites n that was gonna be my plan for the next mth if i didnt get my bfp, i heard great things about it as well!!
If anyone is planning to attend Childbirth Education classes, now would be the time to sign up for or look into them. Some classes are as long as once a week for 12 weeks. Others are 1 day long. And still others are 4 to 6 weeks long. But they are very informative and helpful. And I think being informed is the best way to avoid an unnecessary c-section, which there is a high incidence rate here in the U.S.
I had taken a Lamaze class with my first pregnancy(also I was afraid of the epidural and wanted to avoid it). My hubby and I felt a little out of place because I was 19 and he was 22, and the rest of the class was in their 30s and 40s. But we took in everything that was offered. The class teaches you all the stages of labor, stages of delivery, and baby and postpartum care, as well as some coping and breathing techniques for labor. Some even include information on inductions, epidurals vs IV narcotics, and natural labor enhancement tips. Now a days there are even online classes you can take at your own pace and in your own home.
Also, it may be beneficial to draft a birth plan now. That way you can discuss with your doctor what you would like and what you expect. Birth plans are good because your doctor will review it and let you know if anything in your plan has to be adjusted due to hospital policies.
I really hope this next month we catch that little eggy. I have always thought that I have ovulated earlier then most. I ovulate 8 days after my cycle begins instead of 10. I surely have a higher chance now.
I really hope this next month we catch that little eggy. I have always thought that I have ovulated earlier then most. I ovulate 8 days after my cycle begins instead of 10. I surely have a higher chance now.

Sorry the witch came btu at least you know now and can concentrate on this cycle and get in lots of BD.


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