"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

jewelz my hunny is gonna get a card n a kiss :haha:!! cant really do too much from this bed but he doesnt care, thank God he is such a simple man anything makes him happy :D!! i thought to order him something but with me being on disability longer than i expected we are on a tight budget. Thank God i saved though in anticipation so at least everything doesnt fall on him :D!!
thanks for the tips shante, i figured they would ask, ok def have to discuss that one, the thought of the cut or tear scares me so much but everyone says u have so much pressure there u dont feel it n just want the baby out. its funny the things we are discussing now in 3rd tri, preparing n anxiety over delivery!! girl u are so brave to do it natural so many times!! when i was in labor all the pain was in my back n hips, like i could feel them spreading or something, i just knew with my next one i would def be drugged up lol, im not so good with pain lol. i could do it if i knew it would not take too long though, but man that labor last time was 12 hrs straight!! did u feel any pain with the labor or delivery with the epidural, cause i had a spinal with the cerlcage n i was numb but i still felt a lil discomforts?

With my second epidural, baby #4, I still felt the pressure of the contractions in my bottom and my back. It was still uncomfortable, but not as painful. I did feel all the burning when the head came out, which the epidural doesn't take that away. And anyway, the nurse turns the epidural drip down when it's time to push so that you could have feeling in your legs and bottom. With my second child (1st epidural), the epidural didn't take. He had to put the needle in my back twice. I wanted to punch that anesthesiologist in the head. But because she was a preemie and under 4 lbs, I didn't feel too much burning when she was born.
Most likely your labor will be much shorter this time around. What makes the first labor long is usually a longer early labor, but this time around you may even fly past early labor and go straight to active labor. Your body knows what to do now. :winkwink: How is your cervix holding up? Has it been measured lately?
Jewelz, I'm just getting my hubby a card as well. He's in Texas, so I can't give him the card and kiss like Sunkiss. LOL. But next year we will be living together so I will be able to do more.
omg shante my who-haa is already hurting :haha:!! i know dilation should not be an issue because of my cervix so maybe it wont be too long, i did hear the same second time around goes quicker :D!! cervix is still holding on thank u God!! they didnt measure again since i been here because they said we already know u are funneled to the stitch n 1 cm dilated and no point of disturbing anything so they come in everyday n ask if i am having contractions, any bleeding or leaking fluid. they said nothing more they can do about my cervix but they can stop contractions, n if water breaks they can put me on antibiotics to keep infection away, if i continue to dilate they will have to remove the stitch so my cervix doesnt tear...by the Grace of God everything has been stable since here, they put me on the monitor everyday for 30 mins just to make sure i am not contracting so the meds are working, i pray it continues :D!! they did say when i turn 28 weeks they will check to see how my cervix n dilation is doing n also the baby's growth so that should be next week, n most likely will get released at 30 weeks when its safer for me n baby..i could stay til 32 if i push but as long as everything stays stable i will feel much better at 30!!
You got this Sunkiss! God is so good and he has his hands wrapped around your rainbow. I just know everythign will be just fine. Keep on keeping on girl!

Awww Shante- Im in Texas, I'll hug him for you and tell him happy father's day. Sad you can't be with him for it.
Sunkiss, God is truly working things out for you. I am so happy that you are doing so well and Fayth has plenty of time to grow and mature. I am sure you will be glad to get back home and in your own environment when 30 weeks rolls around. But you are doing an awesome job. You are a trooper young lady.
You got this Sunkiss! God is so good and he has his hands wrapped around your rainbow. I just know everythign will be just fine. Keep on keeping on girl!

Awww Shante- Im in Texas, I'll hug him for you and tell him happy father's day. Sad you can't be with him for it.

Thanks Jewelz. That would be so nice. But he is all the way in Dallas. Quite a distance to travel. He is ok with it. So am I. Not that we have any choice right now. We are taking it one step at a time. And as soon as I can travel after the baby, I'm making my move to Texas.
I'm getting a little nervous as I draw closer to 28 weeks. My youngest daughter, now 4 yrs old, was born at 28 weeks. In my last pregnancy with my now 18 month old, I started contracting at 28 weeks. The contractions lasted for 15 whole hours before they miraculously stopped. My cervix didn't dilate at all. I'm afraid the same thing may happen this time, but the contractions won't stop and I go in to full blown labor. I know each pregnancy is different, but I am starting to feel a little anxiety over this. I know I just need to focus and relax a bit. I have experienced a 28-wkr so I know the up and down battle. But I also know they have a high survival rate due to advances in medicine. I just can't shake this anxiety.
oh i remember u saying u had a preemie b4 so i def understand ur anxiety, did u get any warning signs about the pre term labor b4 or do they know why this happened? i am always so curious as to why this happens, especially since i pretty much do not have the warning signs. i cant tell u not to worry cause thats wut i do everyday myself, all we can do is put it in God's hands and His will shall be done, i truly believe in my heart our babies will make it :hugs:
Hi Girls...Sorry I have been away for so long. I have company until the 21st and can't get to a computer very often! Just wanted to let you wonderful ladies know that I am trying to keep up on the convo and will return soon. Thinking of you all in every stage of your journey!

Tonight it felt like I was hit by a truck...While I was watching my nephew on his 1st birthday stuffing cake and ice cream in his face I realized that I will never have that moment with RJ. I will never hear him giggle with glee has he double fists chocolate cake in his mouth and cry when it is all gone. I will never see him dance while we sing him Happy Birthday. I will never see him rip open the birthday presents only to leave the actual presents and be more excited to play with the bags and paper.

It was just a really rough night as my DH is not home so I am hiding in my room crying so that I don't ruin my nephew's birthday party for everyone else. I also didn't even expect the emotions and I was caught off guard totally with this rush of emotions. Thank you for listening to my rant. Even thought I knew this it is just hard to realize that the grief never really goes away and it can effect you at anytime.
oh sweetheart i wish i could hug u right now, my heart broke for u when i read ur post, even though i had a loss i cannot compare my loss to urs cause everyone feels their pain n grieves differently but going through a loss i can def empathize with u, unfortunately for a mother that pain never really goes away, it just gets easier to bear in time, there is nothing wrong with the way u feel, u have every right too with wut u have been through, no one will ever know that pain in ur heart, when rj left i know part of ur heart left with him, i know that empty feeling, but u know what, that pain made u stronger cause u are still here!! although u will never forget ur precious baby boy, u decided to pick urself up n continue to live n that takes a hell of alot of strentgh hunny!! ur still healing n even yrs after i believe it will still be times when that grief will still attack u, it could be the smallest thing that reminds u of him that could set it off, the one thing that comforts me when i am grieving olivia is to know that one day i will surely see her again, it gives me comfort to know that when its my turn to go i have a lil angel up there waiting on me n we really wont miss a thing cause i will get to experience it all with her then...u will always wonder wut is he doing at this moment, how he is growing, who he looks like now, if he knows how much his mommy loves him so, u will know all those things and more one day krippy, until then u will be the best mommy ever to ur rainbow n the new door that God has opened for u, ur a very special lady to have 2 angels looking down upon u :hugs: fathers day was when we conceived olivia last yr n its drummed up some emotions, but she is right here comforting her mommy as always n trust me rj will hug ur heart too hun, be easy on urself, u deserve to be happy!!
Sorry, I know I've been a little scarce too, want to send tons and tons of :hugs: :hugs: to all of you...especially the TTC girls, and Shante, and Krippy, and...well especially ALL of you! Thinking of you all and look forward to your updates every day, but it's been a bit of a stressful time (it sounds like I'm not the only one) and that's why I haven't always felt up to responding.

It seems like a lot of us are facing what feel like important and perhaps difficult days or milestones...all of us are dealing with different things but it feels like the mood is not that different. So for everyone who is feeling challenged this week I wish lots of love and strength and calm. We are doing this, ladies, we are putting one foot in front of the other...it may not feel easy but we shouldn't forget what it took to come this far. <3
I love all of my encouraging ladies on this thread.

Krippy honey my heart goes out to you. I too have surprise moments when it just gets to me and I have a good cry. Sometimes we just need that to keep mvong forward. Like Sunkiss said, its ok to feel that way for as long as you need to. Hugs to you sweetheart.

Seaweed- You are the sweetest and most encouraging person. Thank you for the reminder that we are fighting the good fight. Im proud to be able to call all of you ladies my friend through this crazy journey.
Krippy- I'm so sorry sweetie, I can't even imagine how much pain you are feeling :nope: I know how hard of a time I had with my two losses, but they were very early and I know don't come close to the kind of grief you have experienced.. I couldn't imagine making it all the way through to lose him at the very end. To have what should have been the happiest moment of your life turn in to the most painful :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Steph- I'm so sorry about the bad news and then the completely useless doctor visit. TTC is such frustrating and often painful time.. But soon you will have your lil bean growing inside and suddenly all of the pain and frustration will be worth it!

Jewelz & Bree- You guys are really strong to be able to stick around here, honestly! I'm so glad you are both here and sharing the journey. I don't think I would have the strength. I know I wouldn't to be honest. You are both awesome ladies and I'm so glad that we'll all get to be here when you get your rainbows!! :hugs:

sunkiss- It's awesome that you feel Olivia with you and that you take comfort in knowing you will get to be with her one day:)

shantehend- I know your husband isn't with you at the moment, is he going to be able to be there for the birth? Can't wait for you to get to be together again soon, it must be difficult being away from him right now!

seaweed- Hope things are going smoothly for you :)

c1403- What's new lady?? How are things? :)

Things are good with me, not much to report. Officially 3rd trimester today, woo hoo! I feel HUGE and things are definitely starting to get uncomfortable but overall, I really can't complain. Going in for our 4D ultrasound on Saturday so I'll definitely be posting pictures on either Sunday or Monday:)

:hugs: to you all!!
i just wanted to say u ladies are really the best ever, even though i dont know u in person, just sharing our journeys good n bad times has really been such a blessing for me, to have somewhere to go where other ppl can relate to wut u going through is really comforting, even though we have support through friends n fam they do not really always understand how u are feeling, so its great to have this platform to turn to n vent, cry, laugh, smile and share ur feelings when u need too, i couldnt have picked a better group of ladies to share my journey with, when i was searching for groups to join during my 2ww there were a few new yrs eve testing threads going on but this one just felt so right from the start, its so funny how God really sets ur path cause this is the only NYE thread that stayed, we all here for a reason ladies, always remember that :hugs:!!

ok somebody get the box of kleenex n lets dry up those :cry: cause its time to celebrate the new week!! happy 27th week to some of us n start of the 3rd tri wooohoooo :happydance: :yipee:!!! God is so good cause this is a huge milestone that i wasnt sure i was gonna make so i am forever grateful!! i heard some of the 1st tri blues comes back this tri, like fatigue n sore boobs, i swear they never left me :haha: so i guess that will get worst, i dont feel uncomfortable yet though but i guess cause i am always resting n belly is not too big yet although growing, i tell u my boobs have grown the most lol, well i am ready for u 3rd tri, bring it on cause this is the home stretch wooohooo!!! so ladies i wasnt sure if i was gonna be able to have a shower but my family is planning one for me on july 14th, im so excited that i get a chance for that, cant wait :D!!
Krippy, I am so sorry for what you are going through. And it's definitely okay to cry and have all the feelings that you feel. I can't imagine your pain right now. :hugs:

Sunkiss, my last preemie was due to a car accident and placental abruption. I am unsure why I started contracting with my last pregnancy at 28 wks. Maybe I was overworking my body. I was working part-time, a full-time college student, and a full-time mom and wife. For now, since my family is not here, I am just working. And it's funny because our baby showers are the exact same day, July 14th. My aunt is having the shower.

MrsMcD, how exciting to start your childbirth classes soon. They were pretty fun to me. My husband will not be here for the birth. It would be too much for him to fly out here with the 6 kids. Plus he has a job in Texas, he was not employed when he lived here in NJ. And I wouldn't want to give birth there, so I will go afterward. I don't mind because he missed 3 out of my 6 births anyway. :haha: They were just too fast for him to get there.
Krippy- Hugs and love to you. You have been through so much. Praying that you feel God's love now more than ever. You are a strong lady :)
So I went to see my Endocrinologist yesterday to get back my test results from all of the bloodwork I did with her. Everything came back normal and she told me that I don't have any thyroid issues. Yay! I do have to go back when I get pregnant again though to be testes to make sure that the issue was not pregnancy induced. Hopefully not... Guess we will find out when I get preggo again. For now, Im perfectly healthy with no hyperthyroidism. Woo-Hoo!!


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