"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Hello ladies!! I had my 28-wk appt today and all is well. My sugar was normal so I don't have to do the 3-hr glucose test. Woohoo! But doc said I am anemic and have to take iron pills twice a day. Other than that, I'm gaining the normal 1 lb a week so I'm up to 187 lbs. Not bad, and I'm not concerned about the weight gain because it doesn't stay forever. The only other thing, and the doc isnt concerned at all, is that my fundal height was 27.5. I have my follow-up ultrasound to check her kidney growth tomorrow morning, so they will let me know if she is growing properly.
So there goes my only gaining 10 lbs theory!!! I gained 7 JUST THIS PAST MONTH!!!! :dohh: I don't know how in the heck that is possible man, that's SO BAD! :wacko: I'll be more careful this month. No more soda for one!

So we did get a really quick little scan, and I asked the doc if he could measure him cause I've been dying to know how big he is. He's about 3.5 lbs already and measuring 2 and a half weeks ahead! He took 3 different measurements, all of them were showing over 30 weeks! He averaged them together and it came out to 30 weeks and 2 days, and I'm 27 weeks and 5 days now. I think this is going to be a really big baby.

Stef- I'd tell you good night and good luck in the morning but you probably won't see this until after you've already woken up and tested. So here's hoping we can all see something again :) If you ever want someone to play with the pictures to see what I can find, I'd be more than happy. In fact, I already have been just haven't been posting them lol

sunkiss- thank you for being so damn sweet :) :hugs:
MrsMcD, wow he is going to be a big boy. My kids were all small with the exception of one. So I expect my lil princess to be between 6 and 7 lbs as well.
Horsey -- I'm sorry about your situation, I think that would really mess with my head :hugs: it is so cruel that after something as horrible as an m/c you have the further torture of waiting for your body to go back to normal. My heart totally goes out to you.

Stef -- hope you are getting some sleep :lol: TTC is so crazymaking! If you are getting overwhelmed then for goodness' sake take a break and watch some trashy TV or something to take your mind off it! :hugs:

Shante -- sounds like we had identical checkups this week. Congrats on passing the glucose test :thumbup: and welcome to club anemia. Have you had that before? I mentioned it to my mom and she said she was anemic with all of her pregnancies, so maybe it runs in the family. My fundal height has been 1 cm behind ever since they started measuring it, which means it is growing on track and I'm happy with that.

MrsMcD -- wow 3.5 pounds is getting close to the weight of an ACTUAL BABY! :p I'm not surprised you are gaining weight yourself sustaining such a big guy. I wouldn't worry about the 7 lbs unless you also happen to be really swollen. Maybe you just had extra food in your stomach or something. I'm with Sunkiss -- I think you look great, and there is enough to worry about in pregnancy without stressing about differences of a few pounds. As long as baby is healthy, and yours is!! :hugs:

Girls, I had a massage today...it was so nice :cloud9: and my mom took me out to shop for baby clothes! I can't believe it...his first clothes! We have nowhere to put them! :wacko:
Shante - thats good news on your test. is 27.5 a good fundal height? i have no idea about that stuff :shrug:

MrsMcD - aww i'm glad they measured him for you :thumbup:

Seaweed - i think trash tv is a good idea, i'm planning to have a 'Ghost Whisperer' marathon today as I just discovered it on Lovefilm :) :coffee:

Horsey - i send many hugs your way :hugs:

Crownjewelz - i of course gave in and tested this morning but it was definitely a bfn, not even a squinter of a line :( so i didn't bother taking a picture of it.

i don't think i'm going to bother testing again for at least a few days, its getting too disheartening
MrsMcD 7lbs is really not a whole lot in the big scheme of things. Girl, you are pregnant and you ARE going to gain a little bit of weight. Don't be hard on yourself at all. 17lbs for being as far along as you are is perfectly fine. You're getting to your latter end of your pregnanacy. I think your're doing wonderful! Smile!

Man just talking about massages makes me want to go get one. Jealous. :haha:
Seaweed, I'm glad to know it's not just me. I had anemia with my 2nd pregnancy. I don't remember how the doc dealt with it. The way I forgot you would think it was 20 yrs ago and my daughter is only 10 yrs old now. LOL. My memory is getting bad. I guess it can be from the stress I'm under lately. This is the first pregnancy where my fundal height wasn't spot on. I've always heard doctors say it should correspond to the number of weeks you are. But he isn't concerned.
The ultrasound went well. I am so glad that her kidneys are normal size and the pylectasis has resolved. He wants me to return in 6 weeks to make sure it stays gone. if everything is fine at that point I would have nothing to worry about. She weighs 2 lbs 15 ozs which the tech said is good, so I guess as long as she is growing I shouldn't be too concerned about my size and fundal height.
Hey there ladies, I was just lurking and read some problems about anemia? Have you tried Floridex liquid iron? It doesn't constipate you as badly and it absorbs much better than pills.
But whatever you do, make sure you are getting enough iron when you're preggers, it's the main supplement that when you're short of it during pregnancy causes really bad stuff to happen...post partum depression, is now linked to learning disabilities, ADHD and other developmental problems.
Take care!
That's great news Shante! :happydance: Sounds like she is doing great in there! I hope this is finally your easy girl pregnancy.
Regarding fundal height, what I've read in a few places is that within 2-3 cm is considered fine, and of course the growth curve is as important as the absolute size.
Hey there ladies, I was just lurking and read some problems about anemia? Have you tried Floridex liquid iron? It doesn't constipate you as badly and it absorbs much better than pills.
But whatever you do, make sure you are getting enough iron when you're preggers, it's the main supplement that when you're short of it during pregnancy causes really bad stuff to happen...post partum depression, is now linked to learning disabilities, ADHD and other developmental problems.
Take care!

Thanks...my doctor recommended slow release iron pills and so far I haven't had any problems with those, so I think for now I'm going to stick to what was recommended. I was just barely under normal so hopefully can avoid some of these complications...plus my siblings and I turned out fine despite apparently depriving our mom of iron :p it's interesting that you say that about effects on the baby b/c my doctor also said, and I know I have heard elsewhere, that the fetus will take what it needs (as long as it's available) and anemia is therefore mostly a problem for the mother. But PPD, I have definitely heard about that. Anyway thanks for sharing.
Hi ladies,

I haven't been on here for a while. Actually, I've been reading but not posting anything. I'm just so frustrated! I've been taking 2 pregnancy tests everyday and still nothing. Not even a faint line. I would even be happy with an evaporation line but I don't even have that! Well, no sign of AF and no pregnancy signs either. I actually do have some weird things going on but I'm not sure if they're pregnancy related or not. My belly button has been hard since 4dpo and for the past 3 days I've been having this really empty feeling in my stomach even after I've eaten. Oh, and I've started getting dandruff? :S I know these things are all so weird but what can I think when I'm ttc and af hasn't shown her ugly face?

Seaweedeater - I don't chart my temperatures but I do check every morning. It's been quite high for 10 days now. I usually know when I ovulate because my cm get sticky and stretchy when I do (sorry TMI) BTW, so sorry about your anemia, I hope you get better very soon :hug: I'm sure ıt's nothing to worry about though, the supplements you take will take good care of it :)

stefanie - Are you going to get a blood test? I'm getting mine done tomorrow afternoon. Got my FX. I am so nervous, I'm so dreading a bfn. Either way, I'll make sure I'll post it here and let you all know what happened.

xoxox to all of you beautiful ladies <3
beeba, i'm planning to go back and get another blood test if they will do one. But i'm going to wait until the week of 2nd July as DH has his important job interview thing on the Friday before and he can't afford to be distracted by test results or anything. it dos mean waiting another week or 2 though which drives me insane. i'm not doing anymore hpts until at least Monday now, that way if those faint shadows we saw were real then it would show up by then hopefully.

i can't wait to hear your results x
Oh, I wish you all the best too. Waiting is so freaking hard! You should definitely get yourself occupied with something, time will move faster then :) FX for the both of us :hug:
:hugs: and bucketloads of :dust: to both of you...what a tough wait. Take care of yourselves and stay busy!
well i'm in the middle of crocheting a baby blanket so thats keeping me busy :)
ooh lovely : ) make sure to post pics.

my news today is that af is really officially here and i will ttc in earnest next cycle. xo
ooh that'd be perfect :)

....off to find a calculator..............

seaweed eater, how does it feeeeeeel? i can't wait to be 28 weeks prego someday xoxoxo
Congrats on AF Horseypants!

FXd for all the ladies that are waiting for results! I hope you find out for peace of mind soon Stef and Beeba!

Hello to all my other great ladies! :)

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