"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Hey guys, I've been stalking this thread for quite a while. It was the first one I read through when I joined b&b! Since then, I have had 2 losses. One very early loss, mmc in September. And a more recent one - I should have been due December 7th. I'm not over either to be honest, but I'm getting by. I passed the first one naturally, but with the more recent mmc, I had a d&c. That was about 6 weeks ago and now I am either due for af or just had some implantation spotting. I think it's time to admit it, I'm already ttc... I'm 34 and got engaged a few months ago to my partner of 2 years. He's 35. We are trying for our first child. I am scared! And so glad to have people to talk to. It's been pretty intense and though I get a bit dramatic and hate that, it does absolutely no good to hold it all in. Ok, lots of love to everyone and


Welcome to the thread hun. Sorry about your losses. Alot of us ladies on here have gone through losses and eventually gone on to get a BFP. Stick with us, we'll get you there xx
I'm sorry Stef :nope: As great as the price is for those ICs, they can seriously suck some times.

Welcome to beeba and horseypants :hi: This is really cool having all these new ladies around here! Glad you guys have joined us :)

Nothing new here at the moment really. I have an OB appointment today, and we usually get a really quick little scan so I'm going to see if he can measure Silas for us, I'm dying to know how big he is now! I'm a little nervous about getting a talkin' to about weight gain. I've gained 10 lbs so far which I know isn't much but when you start out "obese" you're only supposed to gain between 10-15 lbs so hopefully my doc will be okay with it. Last appointment he told me my weight gain was "impeccable" but I've gained 3 lbs in the last month, yikes. Oh well, I'm going to try to not worry too much.

Hi Hun
My midwife hasnt weighed me since 8 weeks but I weighed myself and have put on 14lbs exactly....I was 'obese' too before starting out...although looking at myself I think its all baby, my bump has really grown and I can feel her kicks everywhere lol x
Hi Ladies

Sorry for my multiple posts, this thread moves so fast I have pages and pages of posts to read lol...and i dont know how to multi quote lol.

Sending lots of :dust: to those ladies TTC. My tip for trying to stop POAS is to wake up and do a wee really quickly, that way you have no time to get hte test ready etc...this is how I got through my testing before I got my BFP and i was 18dpo when I got mine.

I feel for you in limbo waiting for AF, I was lucky and my cycles were regular and short (25 days). This is our lucky post and I cant wait to be reading about all your BFPs and pregnancy appointments sometime soon....IT WILL HAPPEN.

As for me, I had my GTT test last week, was so boring waiting for 3 hours but went ok. I get my results by post if all normal or by tel call if theres a problem. I am a little concerned as I am overweight anyway but in my head its a statistic, I am quite fit an healthy in all other ways and my pregnancy has gone well....only I have started eating alot of crap lately. Ive put on 14lb so far.

My OH started painting babys room today, although he has now stopped half way and is chilling out, I feel like moaning at him to finish but he does work hard all week lol...Ill let my mum tell him off when she calls later ha ha.

I am feeling really well althoug come 8pm I am so tired and start feeling really tight so have to go to bed and lie down, and I'm most comfy on my back...which I shouldnt be doing so am moving about in bed loads, its such a effort now.

Lots of love ladies

Ill check back on you all soon
bed wall 2.jpg

bed wall.jpg

This is what I did all weekend. Finally... we waited a whole year to paint our bedroom the color we wanted. So glad it's over! :happydance:

I'm almost 100% sure I ovulate on Sat. Had crazy ovulations pains that started in the middle of the night and stopped in the afternoon. Hope we caught the egg this weekend. All we can do now is just wait it out. Woo-Hoo, another 2WW. Lets the testing commence.
hey ladies :hi:

sorry i have been away for a lil bit, needed to take a lil break, was in a lil funk n just needed to get myself together n back focused, i guess it was a combination of things plus my hormones are not helping lol....i was just feeling tired of being in this hospital n not being able to enjoy my pregnancy like a normal pregnant woman n i been thinking of Olivia alot lately, i know when 7/3 comes it will be hard again cause thats when i got my bfp with her, i am feeling much better now though, just needed to have my moment n now i can :D again!! just have a few more weeks here, they will let me go on 7/13 the day b4 my shower n just a few days shy of 32 weeks so i am looking forward to that!! i have to go catch up on everyone, i feel behind on things, then i will come back n comment, hope everyone is well, miss u ladies :hugs:
Oh Sunkiss I'm so sorry honey. You poor thing, you probably feel trapped in the hospital. Keep the faith and stay positive. Lots of hugs to you today. You will get through this. He has brought you this far, and will carry you through the rest. Love you sister.
Good evening ladies :hugs: how are we all doing?

Stef, any update on ovulation? I think it definitely looks like your body is trying to ovulate! Fingers crossed this is your egg!! :dust:

Jewelz, glad you are feeling better today. Your bedroom looks awesome! Congrats on TWW :happydance:

C, I hope the glucose test comes back normal! And that your OH finished the painting :p

Sunkiss honey I'm sorry you've been feeling down :hugs: you're going through a lot between bed rest and remembering your milestones and anniversaries with Olivia, so it's totally understandable. You are strong and I can't wait to hear what it's like when you finally hold your little girl! So glad you will be out of the hospital soon. Take care in the meantime!

Happy 29 weeks to you and Shante! YAY another week closer to term!!! :wohoo:

No real news from me fortunately...trying to make a last push to get work projects done, working on the baby's room and enjoying his wiggles, savoring the last days of peace and quiet with DH :cloud9: hope all you full-circlers and your beans are healthy and feeling well tonight!
Well my temp went up a bit today so fingers crossed my body has decided to do the right thing finally!

Seaweed - i can't wait til feel those wiggles for myself

Jewelz - that colour is beautiful, 2 walls in my living room are a similar colour and i love it

Sunkiss - Oh hun, i'm sorry you're feeling that way. I know nothing i can say can make it better but we are here for you :hugs:

C1403 - good luck on your results

sorry to anyone i've missed xx
I know I'm only 3 DPO today but I woke up this monring with something that is very odd for me. My :holly: are super full and feel heavy and tender. This NEVER happens to me ever! The only time my :holly: have ever hurt me is when I was pregnant the first time. Weird thing is that it didnt happen until 3 weeks after I got my BFP at 14DPO. They didn't even hurt when I was on my cycle. Weird! :holly:
Sounds promising Jewelz! Can't wait until you test! :)

When are you testing Stef? GL hun!

Thinking of you Sunkiss...Hope you are feeling better doll! It must be so hard to be in bed all day not to mention the hospital and not in your own house. Just think soon you will have a precious little girl to keep you running around like crazy so think of it as rest! :) Hugs to you!
Well my temperature dropped quite a bit this morning so I think ov didn't happen after all. I'm still going to test once every week or something until something happens. If I havent had a BFP or af by late next week then I'm going to make another doc app.
Bree my TWW buddy where are you at sista? I need to know where you are at with all of this....
Everyone is very quiet on the thread lately... Is everyone doing ok? I hope so. Thinking about all of you ladies.
Thanks for asking, Jewelz :hugs: all good over here! Excited about next week...I have a dentist appointment, which I'm NOT excited about, but once I get past that there's a growth scan and then my baby shower during the weekend! Also have been making progress on getting the apartment ready, which feels good. Excited and grateful for every day that passes when I still feel those squirms!

How are you doing? How is the TWW treating you?? :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well today! :wave: Let's hear some updates!
AWWW YAY, baby shower time!! That is so exciting!! Post some pics of some of the things you end up getting. I hope its super successful and you come home with a lot of stuff.

This TWW has been so calm and relaxed so far. Weirdest TWW ever. I have no desire to test at all and I'm just trusting God on it. I'm not symptom spotting very much and I just feel very relax and chill. It's nice for once to not be going nutty. i gave it to God this time and he is going to work it all out in his timing. I have faith!
Not to get confused though :haha:, I will be testing when I get to be around 10DPO. So sometime next Tuesday or so. I'll post tests so everyone can have line eye with me. I promised myself I wouldn't test and waste a ton of money this cycle when I don't need to. I have a drawer full of IC's and I have 2 FRER and 1 digi. I'm holding out on those until I see a line on an IC.
Wish me luck. :laugh2:
seaweed - good luck on the scan and shower.

jewelz - can't wait to see those tests and i wish you luck too.

AFM, no change whatsoever so i have had enough and i am calling the docs tomorrow to get an appointment either for Friday or Monday because i just can't handle this anymore.Sorry to bring the mood down guys x
seaweed - good luck on the scan and shower.

jewelz - can't wait to see those tests and i wish you luck too.

AFM, no change whatsoever so i have had enough and i am calling the docs tomorrow to get an appointment either for Friday or Monday because i just can't handle this anymore.Sorry to bring the mood down guys x

Stef I can't imagine how you must feel right now. No AF or BFP. It must be agonizing not knowing what is going on with your body at the moment. :hugs:
I would be losing my mind too. I don't blame you for wanting to go back to the Dr again. There is something going on and you they need to help you out instead of just dismissing it. I hope you get some answers soon and then you can get back on track with TTC again. Good luck sweetheart and let us know what happens with you.
I'm going to call first thing in the morning and ask for the first available appointment with a female doctor. I'm not seeing a man after the one I saw first off which was almost a month ago now.
Hi ladies,

Sunkiss - lots and lots of :hugs: I can't imagine how it must feel, but hey, not much is left. Soon you'll be out and you'll be busy preparing yourself to meet your lovely rainbow! :cloud9:

Seaweedeater - Sorry about the dentist, they're never fun :nope: I've always been afraid of them :D Have fun at the shower and GL with the scans :hugs:

Jewels - GL with the testing! Hope you get your :bfp: asap! :hugs:

Stefanie - I'm so sorry that you're still hanging in limbo :hugs: I've also been there and I know how bad it feels not to know. You should definitely see a doctor very soon! :hugs:

AFM, the witch finally got me! 12 days late! Ugh! This has never happened to me before I don't know why my body decided to do that this time :shrug: But, I'm glad she's finally here at least now I can start a new cycle and get on with some more :sex: hehe

xx to all of you sweet ladies :kiss:
Glad your body is ready to get back to TTC Beeba! GL...FXd for you!

Glad that the 2WW is going calmly for you Jewelz...I can't wait for you to bust out that drawer of test! :)

Hope you get some news soon Stef. Sorry you are in limbo...I know how hard it is.

Hi Seaweed! Have fun at your baby shower and getting the apartment ready! Not long now before you will have your little man there! It has gone so fast!

Hi Bree, Sunkiss, Eeyore, C, Horsey, Shante...Sorry if I have missed anyone!

I had a Dr. appt today. Everything was great...BP was super, heard the HB and...GOT MY C-Section Date! December 5th, 8am! They do something special here at my hospital and the surgery in done in the maternity ward so the baby never leaves you, even when you are in recovery from the spinal. I am so excited as that was one of my worst fears. They will consider letting me give birth vaginally if the baby is small enough but they doubt that that will happen. I can't believe I got it already. He also gave me a plan of action for my pregnancy. 1 u/s every month starting at 24 weeks. At 32 weeks I will have an NST every week as well as a u/s. They plan on taking good care of me and I am so excited!

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