"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

This TWW has been so calm and relaxed so far. Weirdest TWW ever. I have no desire to test at all and I'm just trusting God on it. I'm not symptom spotting very much and I just feel very relax and chill. It's nice for once to not be going nutty. i gave it to God this time and he is going to work it all out in his timing. I have faith!

That sounds WONDERFUL. What a great mindset for a TWW. And not easy to accomplish! :thumbup:

Can't wait for when you test. :hugs: I think it's wise to stick to ICs at first...feels to me like it would put less pressure on the whole thing.

AFM, no change whatsoever so i have had enough and i am calling the docs tomorrow to get an appointment either for Friday or Monday because i just can't handle this anymore.Sorry to bring the mood down guys x

I'm so sorry hon :hugs: I think you are absolutely right to ask for an appointment. From your chart it looks like your body has tried to ov a few times and hasn't succeeded...that would be my non-expert opinion. Is it normal for you to have so much mid-cycle spotting?

AFM, the witch finally got me! 12 days late! Ugh! This has never happened to me before I don't know why my body decided to do that this time :shrug: But, I'm glad she's finally here at least now I can start a new cycle and get on with some more :sex: hehe

Hey hon :hugs: I'm sorry about AF, but glad you are out of limbo at least. Have fun making that baby :D

I had a Dr. appt today. Everything was great...BP was super, heard the HB and...GOT MY C-Section Date! December 5th, 8am! They do something special here at my hospital and the surgery in done in the maternity ward so the baby never leaves you, even when you are in recovery from the spinal. I am so excited as that was one of my worst fears. They will consider letting me give birth vaginally if the baby is small enough but they doubt that that will happen. I can't believe I got it already. He also gave me a plan of action for my pregnancy. 1 u/s every month starting at 24 weeks. At 32 weeks I will have an NST every week as well as a u/s. They plan on taking good care of me and I am so excited!

OOOHHH that's such exciting news! December 5th, I like it :thumbup: that's so awesome that the baby will get to stay with you afterward. I think that's so important, and definitely something I will be asking for as much and as loudly as I can if I have a section. :p I'm really, really glad you will be monitored so closely. It sounds like they understand how much you want to avoid another heartbreaking situation, and it doesn't sound like medical people always understand those situations, so I'm very glad you seem to be in good hands. :hugs:
No not usually. It's only the tiniest of bit each time, if I hadn't been wearing a pantyliner (tmi) just in case af hits me suddenly without warning as sometimes happens then I wouldn't have even noticed it.
I agree with you that my body tried to ovulate a couple of times but for some reason didn't succeed.
i've just called the docs and i'v managed to get an appointment for 12.35 today with the nice doctor :happydance: keep your fingers crossed for me that she will give me provera or something

Here he is!! It's a boy!!
well i'm back from the doctors and it was the biggest waste of time! She refused to help me and said she wouldn't prescribe me anything because there is 'no point'. Then she told me to relax and stop worrying about it - i swear if one more person says that to me then i will punch them in the face!
She also said why would i want AF to come and i said because we are ttc and i'm on cd70 and haven't even ovulated and we want to get pregnant and she said well you can still try, so i said but i'm not ovulating and she said 'so you can still try'. Now i'm no expert but i'm pretty damn sure you have to ovulate to get pregnant!
So i have to wait for this scan appointment to come in the post which could take another month and who knows if they will even do anything then! :growlmad:
Congrats on the boy Eeyore! So beautiful! :)

Sorry you are no closer to answers Stef! Thinking of you hun!
Stefanie it sounds like you need to find another Dr who will help you and get you back on track. That is ridiculous!! If I was you I would be fuming mad and blow up at somebody. Stupid Dr's!!! Ha! Now I'm mad for you. I would call around to another Dr and see what you can do to get another appointment. Best of luck my dear. :hug:
well going to another doctor surery would consist of getting all my notes sent over etc which could take a while but i may have to if i want any help.
hey gurls,

i been reading n happy to see all is well :D!! i am doing much better, just been taking a break, thank u ladies for always having my back with support :hugs:!! happy 29 weeks to some of us, i cannot believe we are @ 29 weeks now, not saying it all went fast but i couldnt see this day in the beginning because it was so far away, but i wished n hope so much to get here n praise be to God i am here :happydance:!! although every week is a milestone for me, next week is a huge one, i cant believe we will finally be in the 30's, it really is feeling so real to me now cause time is getting near n @ 30 weeks the baby's survival rate is 98% wooohooo!! OH put the baby's crib together n when he send me the pic i just bust out crying because i know it is real now, when i seen the invitations for my baby shower i cried again...i had to pinch myself to make sure i wasnt dreaming lol...just felt like a dream cause i waited 40 long yrs for this but just goes to show its when God says it will happen..i owe it all to Him :D!! i get my growth scan on monday n cant wait to see how much she weighs now, i know she has grown cause these kicks are jabs now lol n she really has her own character n will let me know wut she likes n doesnt like lol, i am starting to feel her body parts, i can feel her back leg n booty which is always sticking out making me lopsided on the right side ha ha, she is head down i hope she remains that way, i can feel her feet kicks all the way at the top of my belly so she is getting long :D!!

yay jewelz u are in 2ww again, glad u put it in Gods hands, best place u can put it, cause u already know how powerful he is, praying this is ur rainbow cycle n cant wait to see those test :D!!

beeba yay ur body is starting to get back on track n b4 u know it u will have that rainbow bfp along with jewelz, keeping it crossed for u hun :D!!

stef, im sorry to hear u r still in limbo hunny, i can so relate to ur situation since i been there so many times n it really sucks :(!! i really think it would be worth it looking into getting another dr while u are waiting for the scan ASAP!!! i cannot tell u how many times dr's have told me the same they are telling u now n it is completely unnecessary for u to just wait when they are things they can do to help!! pisses me off really cause i lived that way for yrs, only ovulating a few times a yr n didnt know it at that time!! today they have so much intervention to help u ovulate so its no reason for u to wait, i hope u get another doc n get this resolved hun :hugs:!!

omg eeyore congrats on ur beautiful baby boy :happydance:!! he is adorable so happy for u hun, now we have evened out the numbers, 3 :blue: n 3 :pink:!!! cant wait for krippy which will be the tie breaker ha ha :D!!

yay krippy so happy they are taking really good care of u, sounds like u r in the best hands possible, ur angels are watching over u n guiding this hunny, baby will be here in time for the holidays, wut a beautiful christmas this will be for u this yr, wut a difference a yr makes huh, i am so very happy for u :happydance:!!

cant wait to hear about ur baby shower seaweed, we all have showers coming up now so gonna be exciting to show pics n see wut we got :D!!

hiya shante n c :hugs:
Hi Ladies

How are my favourite girls getting on?

Sunkiss...sorry you had a bit of a down time, but your so positive and were approaching 30 weeks now so not long until our little ones arrive.

Jewelz....like your attitude for this cycle, stick at it. Hope to see a BFP

Stef....sorry to hear your having a bad time, try another Dr...it must be so infuriating, when TTC we read our bodies inside out and just want to ovulate, have AF or a BFP so I really feel for you. Best of luck, you will get there.

Krippy - glad all is well and you have your date already :)

Aww Eeyore a little boy...congrats

Seaweed...Enjoy your baby shower. My sister and I are planning mine tomorrow night. Showers are becoming more popular now in the UK (ive only been to one) so were going to have a girly get together to plan everying. OH mum has already said she wont come as its 'a american thing' how rude!.... Im not fussed as didnt fancy her coming anyway lol

Hugs and Kisses to any other ladies i've forgotten.

As for me, I am doing well. Baby Matilda is growing as I am huge, she loves to give me a good kick here and there. I have 4 weeks left at work before I go on leave, I cannot wait, I am so tired with all the travelling and stess of being at work. I am sorting out all my cover for when I am off and its sooooo hard. I cant wait to sign off and just relax and let the realisim sink in that in less than 12 weeks ill be a mummy :-O

OH and his brother did a good job on the baby's room, they have painted the walls (green and yellow), he still has to do the woodwork/door and then I can start ordering the furniture.
Its so bright and colourful, perfect for a child....I didnt want to go too girly. We are doing a jungle theme with jungle animals all over the walls. Will send pics as we progress some more.

Lots of love ladies

c1403, you are a sweety, thanks, can't wait for pics of the jungle!
seaweed eater ditto on the sweet and thanks! enjoy the shower : )
thanks everyone for making me feel welcome

i have some reading to catch up on cause ive been trying not be obsessed :) af is gone now and it's time to catch the eggy. i'm charting and doing opks. temping could be touch and go since my work and wakeup schedules will be inconsistent for the rest of the summer

crownjewelz, yay! tww! cheering you on <3
....just to catch up a little, with my last bfp, i used softcups to catch the swimmers and i used preseed too. i have to tell you all about this trick in case there's anyone who hasn't ever tried it 'cause it really worked like magic. other than that, i keep "sexy" washcloths in a "sexy drawer" in the den of love lol.

happy 29 weeks sunkiss

i finally started a ttc journal but the cat's got my tongue. you can see a pic of me and my lil family over there though, just in case you are curious. i'll probably take the pic down in a day or two : )
Ladies? I noticed I have some weird white floaty flakes in my tinkle! I'm super bloated this evening and my hips ache really bad for some reason. I feel some pressure in my lower abdomen too. It could be the pounds of food I shoveled in my face earlier that is making me so bloated too though. I read today that taking progesterone supplements can cause extra CM to though so that might explain the chunky white flakes in my urine. I hope its not that though :haha:
jewelz i'm not sure what that could be but i really hope its a good sign for you!

afm, i've decided that desperate times call for desperate measures. I read online that if you brew tea out of fresh parsley and drink it 3-4 times a day for up to 3 days, then it can bring on AF. i dunno how it works but i don't care how as long as it does.
Cramps cramps and more cramps!! Light but still there. Kinda early for me to be having cramps when I'm not due for AF for another 8 days or so. Still have major swollen :holly: and tender. I'm actually very greatful I'm cramping right now. Even if it is just AF cramps. Cramping means implantation in the right place and NOT in my tube like last time. Hopefully that's what it is.
Could very well be implantation cramps. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!:flower:

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