"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

yay stef come on af, good grief this will be the only time in ttc would we root on af lol, i hope she hurries up so ur cycle can be reset!!

ladies are u feeling some of the symptoms of 3rd tri, mines has def started, back pain, kicked in the ribs, feeling her hiccups, fatigue, sore chapped nipples, omg peeing like 15 times a day, i can literally feel her on my bladder, increased heartburn, sweating alot when sleeping, a little swelling, belly itches but i use oil n that helps, not all bad yet, i have to say the most annoying is the bladder...the kicks are not painful yet but i do feel some discomforts when she stretches out, i bet in those final weeks we will be screaming to deliver cause these symptoms will get worse as time goes by ha ha!!
Absolutely: back pain, getting kicked in the ribs, hiccups (like 3 times a day?!), peeing 15 times a day...heartburn, fatigue, and itchiness are about the same as the past few weeks I think. Knock on wood. I feel kind of out of breath sometimes. His sudden movements sometimes startle me, and I think one woke me up for the first time a few days ago. Also I had a dream about labor. :wacko:

Sunkiss you get to go home next weekend right?! So exciting...coming up soon! After EIGHT weeks, wow!!
thanks guys! the spotting seems to have stopped today :( but i have had a couple of pains which i am praying are AF [-o<

it must be so exciting knowing that your babies are nearly here!
seaweed i wasnt really paying attn to the symptoms until the past cpl of days i said wait this is different stuff going on here lol, oh yes i get outta breath sometimes too, i have asthma but never really have attacks but i noticed i have to use my pump, doc said its ok cause its just everything is moving up now n in the next few weeks it will be dropping again, yes i get to go home on friday, wooohooo so excited about that n then baby shower next day :happydance:!! we wanted the shower to be right when i got out just in case i have to come back ha ha!! i have such a pretty pink dress to wear for the shower, cant wait to look like a girl again :D!!

yay for pains stef, def a good sign hun :D!! yes i am happy time is nearing, i luv feeling her growing but i am ready for the next 5 weeks to hurry up cause thats when they take out my stitch, i wouldnt be surprised if she goes all the way to 40 weeks lol!!
Sunkiss your post warms my heart to hear of Fayth growing and kickin those ribs.

Yay Stef this means we are now on the same cycle if AF comes.

Witch got me this evening a day early. I'm due for her tomorrow. It's all good though. Time to do some BD next week!!

Good luck ladies with all of your third tri symptoms. Pamper yourselves while u still can.
Stef, good luck with AF coming. Seems like it will be starting soon and you can begin TTC.

Jewelz, sorry AF got you early. But you will be joining us in no time. Still praying for you and hubby.

Seaweed, so glad lil man is doing well. I believe my princess will be on the smaller side as well. As long as she is at least 6 lbs at term I won't be too concerned.

Sunkiss, so glad you will be going home soon. So proud of you and Fayth!! You done very well on your bedrest. I couldn't even last a week, LOL. But I did have an 18 month old at home whom I had missed dearly and wanted to get home to. So I didn't have the patience to stay on hospital bedrest. But anyway, happy for you. I think lil Fayth is going to hang out until almostb her due date. LOL. She is comfy.

My 3rd trimester symptoms: extreme fatigue, lower abdominal heaviness. I can't make it a whole day without taking a nap. It's terrible how tired I am. And I always feel pressure in my lower abdomen. On top of that, it's been averaging 100 degrees in NJ so I have been hot and sweating alot. I keep thinking my water has broken, but then I realize it's just sweat down there. Smh. It's really crazy. Don't really like the summer time.

C1403, MrsMcD, Krippy, and Eeyore I hope you all are doing well. Haven't had much time to update. My 5 older kids are here for the summer and are keeping me really busy. But I'm thinking about all of you wonderful ladies. We have been through alot together and have come a long way. And most of us will be delivering soon. After I deliver I will be closing my B and B account. But before I do I will post pics of my lil one. I can keep in touch through Facebook if anyone wishes. All the best of luck to you. And much baby and sticky dust to our ladies TTC. It won't be long for you guys. Just have faith and a little patience. I know it's easy for me to say. But I do believe you wonderful ladies will be holding your little ones some time next year. Have a great night (those in the U.S.) and great day (those in U.K. and abroad)!!
Yeah as far as symptoms, I'm definitely getting a lot more tired again, getting more round ligament pain again which feels like a knife to the gut! I also start cramping up when I've been walking around a lot. Peeing constantly. I feel him get wedged under my ribs sometimes but I haven't been feeling actual kicks to the rib. But man, when he gets himself wedged under my ribs on the right side, it makes it really difficult to wipe after a pee! Moving in bed is getting a lot more difficult too, rolling over has become difficult! And all day today I had horrible heartburn. Any time I stand my crotch ACHES! That probably sounds like a lot of complaining but it's really not too bad.
Oh, one other symptom I wanted to ask you ladies about. It's only happened 2 or 3 times, and last night was one of those times. I'll wake up and me and my sheets are COVERED in sweat, then I feel super freezing cold, like shaking uncontrollably. I'll have to pile on blankets. But the thing is, it's not even remotely cold in the house. I'm not worried about it or anything, but curious if this has happened to any of you.
Yay Stef this means we are now on the same cycle if AF comes.

Witch got me this evening a day early. I'm due for her tomorrow. It's all good though. Time to do some BD next week!!

Good luck ladies with all of your third tri symptoms. Pamper yourselves while u still can.

AF is here! Only light at the moment but definitely here! :happydance:
oh great, we can add hemorrhoids n constipation to the list now lol, i can see 3rd tri is going to be really exciting :/!! its good to know my little bumble bee is growing well though, i use to wake her to play n now she wakes me to play lol :D!!

MrsMcD i have been having the hot n cold sweats also, wake up soaked sometimes, only seems to happen when i sleep, i read its the hormones lawd lol!!

omg yay stef wooohooo, this is great news hunny, so happy ur cycle has reset, now u can ttc on this cycle with jewelz n bree :happydance:!!!

shante it was so nice to see the pics of ur family, ur children r beautiful, i know u all was so happy to finally be reunited :D!!

jewelz i think bree will be back for this cycle, i remember her saying hubby was away last cycle but i think he comes back for this one, oh i am praying hard this cycle for u guys, come on bfp :dust:!!

horseypants n beeba, how r u ladies doing? hope all is well!!
also i have noticed increased activity with fayth, she has always been an active baby but the past 4 days it has been extra, i dont think she is sleeping as much as before, or maybe i am feeling more movements now cause she is getting bigger n space gets smaller. i wish i had xray vision to look in there n see wut she doing, always playing with something :rofl:
also i have noticed increased activity with fayth, she has always been an active baby but the past 4 days it has been extra, i dont think she is sleeping as much as before, or maybe i am feeling more movements now cause she is getting bigger n space gets smaller. i wish i had xray vision to look in there n see wut she doing, always playing with something :rofl:

Awwww that is so sweet! She is a happy baby in there swimmin around.
After I deliver I will be closing my B and B account. But before I do I will post pics of my lil one. I can keep in touch through Facebook if anyone wishes. All the best of luck to you. And much baby and sticky dust to our ladies TTC. It won't be long for you guys. Just have faith and a little patience. I know it's easy for me to say. But I do believe you wonderful ladies will be holding your little ones some time next year. Have a great night (those in the U.S.) and great day (those in U.K. and abroad)!!

Shante- will you message me your facebook info. I would love to keep in touch with all of you ladies.
Yay Stef this means we are now on the same cycle if AF comes.

Witch got me this evening a day early. I'm due for her tomorrow. It's all good though. Time to do some BD next week!!

Good luck ladies with all of your third tri symptoms. Pamper yourselves while u still can.

AF is here! Only light at the moment but definitely here! :happydance:

Yay!!! Me 2 , so we are now on the same time line. Hopefully your cycle is normal and you don't bleed for like 2 weeks or something. I'll be prayin for ya Stef. So happy for you. :happydance: Never thought I would be happy for someone to get AF. Weird! LOL :dohh:
Yay Stef this means we are now on the same cycle if AF comes.

Witch got me this evening a day early. I'm due for her tomorrow. It's all good though. Time to do some BD next week!!

Good luck ladies with all of your third tri symptoms. Pamper yourselves while u still can.

AF is here! Only light at the moment but definitely here! :happydance:

Yay!!! Me 2 , so we are now on the same time line. Hopefully your cycle is normal and you don't bleed for like 2 weeks or something. I'll be prayin for ya Stef. So happy for you. :happydance: Never thought I would be happy for someone to get AF. Weird! LOL :dohh:

I know! I'm so relieved, altho these cramps are really bad but I'll easily put up with them to have a normal length af!
Oh, one other symptom I wanted to ask you ladies about. It's only happened 2 or 3 times, and last night was one of those times. I'll wake up and me and my sheets are COVERED in sweat, then I feel super freezing cold, like shaking uncontrollably. I'll have to pile on blankets. But the thing is, it's not even remotely cold in the house. I'm not worried about it or anything, but curious if this has happened to any of you.

I definitely have been sweating more than before, but the freezing cold thing hasn't happened to me. If anything I've noticed that I tend to get cold less than I did before. I used to always be cold and now I see other people putting on sweaters and I'm still fine in my t-shirt. :p I don't mind it at all!
hi sunkiss and ladies, im well :) there's a bit of confusion in my cycle which im sure is to be expected. my chart says i've o-ed but that is weird cause i havent gotten a positive opk and have done one every day! ....in fact, my opks seem lighter than ever! ....i think fertility friend is just being "impatient" and this cycle will be loooooong.

it's pretty neat to hear everyone's third tri symptoms. thanks all for being sweet.

on the personal front, work sucks but ive been doing a lot of daydreaming about my wedding, which will probably be around this time next summer. i watched a martha stewart wedding video this weekend, guilty pleasure! OH and i also went to the church at my alma mater, where we will hopefully get hitched :)

hm... also on the ttc front, ive had losses, and i'm a little scared about being paranoid once i get my bfp this time around. i told myself this morning i might move and change jobs if i ever have to go through an early loss again. (early in this context is beore 12 weeks.) i keep thinking about what i can change in my life to make it go well, even though i know reasonably, i just have to learn to chill and stay positive! any help here is most welcome :) and hearing the details of what you all are experiencing and how it is OK helps me. how about diet? is there anything you guys really did NOT eat? last time i was preggers, i was borderline obsessive about googling everything id put in my mouth - i still wonder, "oh no, did i drink too much grapejuice" or was it the corned beef or jamaica punch. enough crazy talk! i could use some reassurance that you all have eaten plenty of weird stuff and have made it this far. xoxoxo

stephaniec and jewelz, sorry af got you. more :dust: for this new cycle!
When was daddy able to feel the baby kick? We are so anxious. I can feel it...but he seems to miss it or not be able to feel it :(
hm... also on the ttc front, ive had losses, and i'm a little scared about being paranoid once i get my bfp this time around. i told myself this morning i might move and change jobs if i ever have to go through an early loss again. (early in this context is beore 12 weeks.) i keep thinking about what i can change in my life to make it go well, even though i know reasonably, i just have to learn to chill and stay positive! any help here is most welcome :) and hearing the details of what you all are experiencing and how it is OK helps me. how about diet? is there anything you guys really did NOT eat? last time i was preggers, i was borderline obsessive about googling everything id put in my mouth - i still wonder, "oh no, did i drink too much grapejuice" or was it the corned beef or jamaica punch. enough crazy talk! i could use some reassurance that you all have eaten plenty of weird stuff and have made it this far. xoxoxo

Hey hon, did I see in your journal that ovulation was later confirmed with OPKs? I hope so! :yipee:

Personally I didn't change a whole lot while TTC. Mostly the cycle we conceived I just did everything as if I was already pregnant (prenatal vitamins; no medicated acne products, soft cheese, etc).

Oh, the one thing I did do differently is that I cut out alcohol and caffeine a few months before, while WTT. My husband effectively cut out alcohol too and isn't a coffee drinker, so both of us were basically free of both of those for a few months before TTC. I don't know how much that helped, but for what it's worth, I think there's more evidence for that than for grape juice or corned beef being harmful...

Other than that I just tried to eat healthily in general. The way I thought about it was that I was trying to convince the egg to be fertilized and stick around by proving that I could provide a healthy, hospitable environment to sustain a pregnancy. :wacko:

Why do you think you might change jobs? Are you having a lot of stress in your current one?

When was daddy able to feel the baby kick? We are so anxious. I can feel it...but he seems to miss it or not be able to feel it :(

It was a LONG time after I could feel them...I think around 20 weeks or even later. I first felt them on the inside before 14 weeks and I thought I could feel them on the outside by 18 weeks or so, but it took DH a while. Now he's a pro and can feel the slightest movement even from the other side of my belly...and it's other people who have trouble feeling anything. :p I don't think it's anything to worry about!
When was daddy able to feel the baby kick? We are so anxious. I can feel it...but he seems to miss it or not be able to feel it :(

I didn't start feeling movements (that I was sure were movements) until I was 18 weeks, and hubby didn't feel until somewhere around 22 weeks. Sometimes it takes even longer. It'll happen, and it'll be SO FREAKING EXCITING!! :)

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