"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Good luck Jewelz, I'm excited for you :) The more info you can get about your health, the better!
I'm home, resting. Crampy a little and feel some pressure. Whew, that was crazy painful!! Thought i might come off the table when the Dr inflatted the balloon in my cervix. Only lasted about a min though. The balloon hurt so bad I wasnt even worried about the fluid passing thru. So glad I got it done though. Good news alert: my tubes are open!! We are free to BD as soon as tomorrow. Woohoo!!!
Thanks ladies for all of the prayers and support.
Woo hoo!!! Good news Jewelz :)

Just had my OB appointment, baby is now measuring a MONTH ahead. YIKES!! Now I'm being scheduled for a growth ultrasound. Kinda nervous. I'd always figured I'd probably go over 40 weeks but it's possible he'll come early.. He could come a month early! And if he did, that means only a month away. AAACCCCKKKK!!!
Awww Jewelz, that's such great news! :happydance: Enjoy your BD...what great timing! And well done for getting it over with.

Good luck with your growth scans MrsMcD...they may just want to induce you early. Or not! Measuring a month ahead would mean a 9-10 pound baby at 40 weeks, right (I'm figuring 0.5 lb/week)? I know my friend's daughter was around 9.5 and she came naturally after her due date. Also, he might not be that big at all if you're a month ahead just based on fundal height...I know he's been a few weeks ahead in u/s but there are lots of reasons fundal height might be even farther (like if you have above average fluid volume).
GL MrsMcd...I know how it feels to have big babies but you can do it hun. Seaweed is right...If they think he is too big they will induce you early or he might just come out smaller than you think. That is what we are hoping for this next one...maybe smaller than RJ at 9 pounds 10 ounces lol. If this bubs is smaller than 8 pounds at 38 weeks they are going to let be give birth naturally rather than a c-section which would be awesome!

I can not believe that you ladies will be giving birth in a few short months. I am so excited to see all the pics and meet you LOs! So exciting!
hey gurlies :hi:

sorry i been mia, things got a little busy since getting out the hospital last friday, n then the shower was the next day, i am so happy to be back at home ladies n most of u know the shower went well that are on my fb :happydance:!! been doing really well adjusting back to home thank God...hoping to stay home for the remainder...now the big goal is 36 weeks when they will take out the stitch then i will be completely off bedrest...at 34 weeks my bedrest will turn to modified instead of strict...i still have to take it easy but can get up a lil bit more...i been staying in the bed since home n taking it easy so i dont have to go back to the hospital n i been feeling great...i have my f/u with my doc tomorrow so it will be nice to get out for the appt n i will update u n let u know how it goes...i tell u i was so happy to get out n be around ppl again lmao, felt like i was released from jail or something ha ha...on the ride home i was saying wow there is trees n grass n ppl out here :haha: funny the things we take for granted until they r gone!!

happy 32nd weeks to some of us :happydance:!! another milestone achieve, praise God!! next big one is 34 weeks :D!! i have to go back n read n catch up on everyone, im so behind, i hate that, hope everyone is doing well n looking forward to bfp's this cycle from our ttc ladies!!

some of u ladies seen pics from my baby shower but i will post for those not on my fb.
had a wonderful time n got so many gifts, she has a complete wardrobe, i dont have to buy any clothes or onesies til she is one lol :D!!


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OMG Sunkiss, you looked beautiful! So happy for you and thankful to God for always being there for us all
beautiful pics sunkiss! and i'm so happy for you that you've escaped lol x
sunkiss you look so beautiful and HAPPY!! :) So glad everything is working out so well :)

So a couple of days ago I found out one of my maternal aunts passed away. I never really got a change to know her, she had paranoid schizophrenia and after she was diagnosed she started to become really secluded so I hadn't seen her in about 10 years. My heart is breaking for my mom, aunts and uncle, and my grandma. This is the second child she has lost, an uncle of mine died about 10 years ago and I can't imagine what she's going through. She herself is 90 years old and not doing too well physically anymore, she's been on oxygen for the past 3 years now and she fairly recently beat anal cancer. And now this.. Oy :(

On a more positive note, the crib is finally being delivered today which I'm really excited about. We also start our childbirth classes which I'm also really excited about. I have a wedding to go to next weekend, a funeral coming up at some point (not sure when) and then my baby shower in two weeks. Moms birthday is this Sunday, husbands is on Monday. Circle of life... So much going on. I feel kind of guilty that despite something so horrible happening, I'm still feeling excited about today.

Anyway, I better cut this off now before I start rambling too much. Hope you ladies are all doing well :)
so sorry for the loss in ur fam MrsMcD, i will keep ur fam in my prayers, may ur aunties soul rest in peace :hugs:!! ur calendar of events is making me dizzy hee hee, enjoy hun :D!!
Oh my goodness you sure do have a lot going on right now MrsMcD. Im so sorry to hear of your aunts passing. God's got her wrapped up in his arms, I'm sure of it. Rejoice in this time for her life.

Trying something new tonight!! I bought preseed for the first time. That stuff is EXPENSIVE!! Whoooo doggy! LOL
I'm sorry to hear that MrsMcD :hugs:

jewelz, we bought some of that for this cycle too, its definitely not cheap. We've not used it yet but we used conceive plus previously which is similar.
I got a bit sad thinking that some of your journeys are coming close to an end. I hope we will keep in contact after all of your lil rainbows are here. Makes me wonder who my bnb girls will be by the time I actually get to 30 weeks. :(

im not going anywhere, i will be right here to walk with u through ur journey, i cant wait for that time to come :hugs:
sorry to hear ur not feeling well shante :hugs: u r one strong cookie n so is that lil girl u carrying, we're almost there, u will make it :D!!

wonderful news about ur tubes jewelz :happydance:!! i knew they would be squeaky clean :D!! yay for the preseed!! im not sure if i needed it or not but i really believe it helps those little swimmers along a little faster, also u dont have to use the whole syringe full, its way too much, that stuff is slippery, i found half worked best for me, test it out n see how much works good for u, good luck n get to :sex: wooohooo!!!

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