Gender Specific Hopefuls

Neither of you will be once you get pregnant and have baby you need to relax about it it's your first so it really won't bother you xx
Maybe a surprise? As its your first and one of you wants one gender while the other wants the opposite, I think maybe in your situation once the baby is here you will both be so overwhelmed that you really wont care. I think if it had mattered to me with my first I would have done that. This time is the first time it mattered, and we both wanted the same gender, and I thought I would be too disappointed and it would over shadow the birth so I did find out.
This baby took us 2 and a half years to conceive and I have felt awful for caring when I should just be grateful his on his way.
I hope you get your BFP soon
Very true motherofboys

I have done yet more baby shopping today even the oh got into it lol xx
Well, DH has taken the boys up the field to play football so I'm home alone. pigging out and watching Mamma Mia. I would usually join them but don't really want to be running round with my bump. Benefit of all boys right there LOL
This is true lol I went shopping with my mam yesterday while he took the boys swimming it is good having all one gender I guess cause you don't really need to do drastically different things now that I have bought some little clothes for the baby I feel much better to the point where if they said it was a girl now id be a bit gutted does that sound weird??

Although I had a horrible dream last night that I gave birth at 18 weeks and the baby was a girl and I know this is impossible but it was clinging to life but kept dropping out then died so after that I couldn't sleep with worry for my little man as he hasn't been moving much and I keep getting browny bleeding :/ see midwife on Wednesday for the first time since she came out at 9 weeks as haven't been able to get an appointment even though I have the Doppler and all seems fine I'm still worrying all the time xx
Aw hun. I know what you mean because there is that tiny bit of "they might be wrong" almost hope left but then I think, but if they were wrong (which I know they wasn't) I'd have to return all those clothes!
Do you think the dream is a combination of working through saying goodbye to the idea of ever having a daughter, and the worry from the bleeding and other issues you have been having this pregnancy?
I'm glad you have a doppler to put your mind somewhat at rest.
I'm not bothered about a girl now unless I am sub conciously I would be upset if they had got it wrong for the same reason I wouldn't want to return all the lovely things I have bought for him I think it's the bleeding that making me panic and probably to blame for the dream I just want everything to be ok with him and have him here I hate the pregnancy bit I worry too much cause I don't know what's going on in there and I have no control over it x
Thats the worst thing is that you have no clue and can't do anything about it. TTC and pregnancy are not control freak friendly LOL
Ordinarily I wouldn't say I was a control freak its the uncertainty I think and the fact that things can go seriously wrong plus I now have to go to colposcopy so they can keep an eye on the per cancerous cell on my cervix and they have to mess about down there and I think I'm panicking about that cause messing with the cervix can cause it to dilate!! I said to my mam yesterday oh should I try again for a girl jokingly and I though god I couldn't even put myself through this again I'm 28 and ill I have done for 11 years is work be pregnant and bring kids up I don't work now cause once I got to 3 child care costs made it pointless working but now I want to go back to work and the child care issue is solved as of next year as my mam is retiring and the stress and worry of another pregnancy would kill me I think not to mention the fact of the carry on with my cervix so after this little dude comes along I'm going to ask for a hysterectomy that solves the continuous per cancerous cells which don't seem to want to go as this has been on going for 3 years now they remove them and they are straight back within 6 months!! And it means I don't have to worry about getting pregnant again I love my kids with all my heart but they are hard work sometimes but worth it but 5 is enough I really don't know how them people on that programme with 16 and that cope I would be in a mental asylum if I had that many lol

Sorry for rabbiting on lol x
LOL thats ok, I didn't mean you were a control freak, but yeah you have had so much trouble, and in your last pregnancy as well I remember you saying. A hysterectomy certainly seems like it would solve all problems. Scary as its so final too. A friend of mine had one the other year. And another friend a few years ago when she had her 4th they did a c section and took her womb at the same time. She had spent the majority of the pregnancy in hospital. I hope they do it for you especially with the pre cancerous cells to consider. I know they are funny about considering even sterilisation under 30, but with 5 kids and the added worry that this pregnancy has had, plus the cells issue I don't see how they could deny you.
Once you hit 28 they will consider it up here but not without a fight but after my next loop biopsy if the cells came back it would be the only option anyway so its for the best!! And I know you didn't mean I was a control freak lol xx
I have just been sterilised during my third c-section and Im 27 so they will so it under the right circumstances
I have just been sterilised during my third c-section and Im 27 so they will so it under the right circumstances

How does it affect your ability to do things in the house and with baby and other kids and for how long does it affect you if you have the section and the sterilisation at the same time x
DH told our older twos Judo instructor that we are having another boy. The instructor said he had 4 girls before he got his boy. Think DH actually believes its possible now and seems a bit more open to the idea of 1 more try.
I havent gotten over the fact that im having my third boy...cant seem to be happy, i feel this silly jealousy when i hear ppl getting their dream gender and not having to go thru GD...feel like screaming that its not fair! Ugh i hate this can't even joy my pregnancy and looking at boy things doesn't help. Feeling very depressed :cry:
I havent gotten over the fact that im having my third boy...cant seem to be happy, i feel this silly jealousy when i hear ppl getting their dream gender and not having to go thru GD...feel like screaming that its not fair! Ugh i hate this can't even joy my pregnancy and looking at boy things doesn't help. Feeling very depressed :cry:

I'm sorry your feeling that way hope it changes soon cause must me terrible feeling like that! I had convinced myself it was my 5th boy anyway but was still a bit disheartened when they said boy but I'm used to it now and went out and bought cute boy baby things which helped x
Sorry your feeling this way hotbump. I must admit that I do still get jealous of people getting girls with out even having to 'try'. Having one of each or 2 of each. It all seems so 'perfect'.
I've mostly been ok about another boy, after working myself up so much before hand, but there have been times when I've felt really bad. And I feel even worse for wanting a girl now I know its a boy.
All I can say is that from reading posts and comments in this section and on other sites, it appears some people can pick themselves up quite quickly and buying stuff for their baby and choosing a name can help them, even though they do have good and bad days. And other people need longer. Some people it takes a few weeks, others its not till nearer the end of the pregnancy. For some it take until the birth or even a little while after, once they have their baby and have bonded. But eventually the begin to feel better. I'm not sure the desire and even the hint of jealousy ever completely disappears but it does become something thats right at the very back of their mind and rarely comes to the surface.
Ugh im sorry for sounding like a brat everyone :( its just that i found out that a friend of mine is going to have a girl and she personally pmed me on fb and then announced it on her pg. Really didn't want to know.
The day before I found out a friend of mine text saying his gf was having a girl then when I text saying boy he just sent back what a surprise I thought ya know what f@#k off being such a cocky git about it he knew how much I wanted a girl so think it was quite nasty in fact ain't spoke to him since he didn't even want a girl which just annoys me even more xx
I think I have been lucky all my Facebook friend have just announced boys too lol we are all due October and all having boys so I won't have to look at little girl pics every time I log on x

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