Gender Specific Hopefuls

I jusr replied back saying yay! :) She wanted a girl since she already had a boy.
I've been lucky that since I've known I'm having a boy no one has announced girl. If a friend was having a girl though I would be jealous. There seems to be SO many boys due in October. I'm not sure if its because most of the babies I know of due in October are from sites like this section where people what a certain gender. In the Due in October thread of Gender Dreaming there are 5 girls due and 11 boys so far!
I think I might of been the same as you the thing that made the difference with me is we thought we lost him the week before gender scan so that had a big impact had that not of happened I think I would of been devastated at 5 boys the world works in mysterious ways I now believe that I can't carry girls I had minimal issues with the boys except a few big bleeds with ds 1&4 then had 4 mcs after the 4th and now other than the big bleed with this little dude he is doing well I'm just going to hope for granddaughters xx
Lets face it October is a boy month lol ds4 is an October baby and when I was pregnant with him I had about 12 friends pregnant too and we all had boys x
I think I've clung to the idea of trying one more time and thats got me through.
Perhaps I'm doing it the wrong time of year. I've got Feb, March and now 2 Octobers. I think I need a June/July maybe then I'll get a girl. My birthday is July LOL
I have 2 in march one in August and now 2 in October lol I'm a July baby too I think you should try for July next time x
I got a march, august and October lol Everyone i know who is pregnant is having girls but ive noticed alot of boys on bnb.
See we are just getting pregnant at the wrong times lol we need to be doing it in October to have a July baby ;)
I also had a mc beany was due September. I dont know, I want to but probably not....I dont know if I could cope with 4 lol
When people say to me how do you cope I say we'll the biggest transition is from one to 2 after that it doesn't make a load of differenceas you already have to split yourself and have eyes all over the house you just get on with it 4 is no harder than 3 honestly and as the others get older they help out more my ds2 has a great relationship with ds4 he even puts him to bed sometimes as ds4 asks for him xx
I guess its a matter of seeing how you feel and how you cope with 3. For me my 3rd just slotted right in and I do hear a lot of people with 4 or 5 saying that the biggest change is 0-1 or 1-2.
We haven't really discussed it. I've told him I'd like to try again and there are things that can "increase our chances" he said "how can I make a girl?" and that was about it. But from passing comments it seems his not as against it as he was. Sometimes he says "you'll have to do that next time" and I say "I thought this was the last" and he doesn't answer so who knows.
He did want a summer baby LOL
Perhaps I'm doing it the wrong time of year. I've got Feb, March and now 2 Octobers. I think I need a June/July maybe then I'll get a girl. My birthday is July LOL

My birthday is in June, so is my sister and 2 girl cousins
#3 obviously hasn't arrived yet, but i will admit, i think the biggest challenge of transition was going from no kids to one kid. That was much more challenging than going from 1 to 2. Of course 2 is very busy (especially with a 17 month age gap), but really the adjustment was much easier than before having any at all and learning the ropes of motherhood.

RE: Sterilization. I know they are more strict in the UK than they are here in the US on that, but it wasn't until recently that they started lightening up about it. DH is going to get sterilized in a few weeks. I have too many health risks to get pregnant again, in fact i shouldn't have gotten pregnant this time but had GD so bad i knew i wouldnt forigive myself for not trying one last time. Im actually really looking forward to his snip snip :lol: i love my babies. And i used to LOVE being pregnant, but now that i went through HG with this one and my PP period is always very very rough and because i have so many risk factors, i can confidently say im at a point in my life (even though im only 25) that i am ready to watch my kids grow and experience life. I feel our family is complete now and i cant be more excited about never having to worry about going through HG again lol.

I hope you can get what you want. You would think they would be more open to it with having 5 children.

The baby we lost was due in May. DS1 was due in August (arrived in September though :wacko:) and DS2 was due in February. DD is due Sept 1st by u/s and August 31st by ov.. this day, i feel that the baby we lost was a girl..i dont know why...i just do...does anyone else feel that way? Geordie, i think you may understand what im saying. Weird how we have that little intuition about it.

I'm still here! Just really don't know what to say since we don't have a bfp and aren't swaying, just really hoping for a mommas boy while my husband is hoping for a daddy's girl

Any advice on how to cope, since on of us will be disappointed?

With our first (boy) I was the one that experience GD. DH would have been happy either way but he was always pulling for a boy. Honestly, i was disappointed for a couple of weeks, but after that it rolled off my back and i was happy about it. I had a loss before that so its kind of emabrassing to admit ever having GD, but i can't deny the truth. :nope: Anways, it didn't take long for me to get over it (it was when we found out baby #2 was a boy that brought me *severe* GD). But i agree w the ladies. Either of you could be disappointed, but where it's your first i would be surprised to see GD be extreme, though anything is possible :hugs:

I hope you get your :bfp: soon :dust:

I havent gotten over the fact that im having my third boy...cant seem to be happy, i feel this silly jealousy when i hear ppl getting their dream gender and not having to go thru GD...feel like screaming that its not fair! Ugh i hate this can't even joy my pregnancy and looking at boy things doesn't help. Feeling very depressed :cry:

:hugs: :hug: :hugs: sorry mama :( GD is tough.

Ugh im sorry for sounding like a brat everyone :( its just that i found out that a friend of mine is going to have a girl and she personally pmed me on fb and then announced it on her pg. Really didn't want to know.

:hugs: that would be tough :( like a slap in the face.

I got a march, august and October lol Everyone i know who is pregnant is having girls but ive noticed alot of boys on bnb.

Ive noticed this as well all 4 times ive been pregnant. I mean, i know boys naturally occur at *slightly* higher rate than girls anyways, but i wonder if there is something about diligently TTC that sways :blue: :shrug: have no idea of course but it does make ya think.
I'm feeling very excited about meeting my little man now, even though during a huge sort out the other day I felt like I wished I was getting a girl so DH would let me chuck everything away as I just wanted it gone rather than boxed up to go in the loft LOL
I'm actually dreaming about him sometimes now and imagining pushing him around in a pram and feeding him and all those other things. Not quite half way through yet (will be 20 weeks on thursday) feeling him a lot more.
And you know I'm actually experiencing a little bit of, I'm not sure what to call it, pride, enjoyment, and a tiny bit of defensiveness when telling people I'll have all boys.
I do still want another baby after this one, like how Guppy said she is looking forward to that part of her life being over and moving on, watching her family grow up. I'm not yet ready to say goodbye to this part of my life. I do think, had this one been a girl, I would have been more open to the idea of it being the last, but I still don't think I would have felt 'done'.
Also this will make me sound crazy but I felt if I stopped after a girl people would think I had just kept going to get a girl. (They already assume so, and yes I did want a girl so badly but I didn't have another just for a girl) So I was thinking if I had had a girl I'd have to have a 5th and hope it was a boy just to prove a point LOL And now I feel like I do want another and still do hope that it would be our girl, BUT a teeny tiny part of me is thinking I'd like to have a 5th boy, so people didn't think I stopped because I got my girl, and wrote of my others as failed tries, or not good enough. And I think I would feel quite good saying I had a football team LOL
I think for now I'm going to leave it and see what DH comes up with when I start talking about getting rid of clothes as this baby grows out of them. He already told me not to get rid of my double pram just in case. Even though he wants like a 5 year age gap.
I can understand what your saying completely because everyone I speak to assumes I want a 3rd to have a girl and I would have stopped had I got 1 of each. I say actually the decision would have maybe been even easier to have 3rd if that was the case, but I think really I just want a large family. Hopefully it will be a mixed family but what will be, will be I guess. They then say well if you get your girl then you will be done, and I say well no I think I'd have 1 more regardless well actually I think 2 but I keep that to myself :haha: Hope your dh lets you have another sooner than 5yrs hun x

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