Gender Specific Hopefuls

Were you wishing for a girl jelly?
I'm still feeling jealous when I see people with boy babies. And ads with boy babies in them. And toys and clothes for boys. Then I feel guilty. Ugh. When / will this go away?
Iloveyou, I was so convinced I was having a boy (I obviously was) I said to OH I'd be checking they hadn't got my baby mixed up if he was a she! :haha:

I feel like I'm just lingering here now my baby is here. Don't have much to add on gender disappointment cause I'm not disappointed with him at all. He is getting so big already! Glad his mammy milk is filling him up!

I got my girl, but this is the most comfortable area of the forum for me to post in lol. I generally know who posts here and there are SO many people posting in the second trimester forum I feel odd posting there.

I can't believe I'm 20 weeks now. In the first few weeks I thought this pregnancy was going to last forever having found out so darn early. And now I'm half-way through. WOW! I sure wish I could start feeling her movement sooner rather than later. I'm pretty bummed about it. And aside from being tired and having a growing belly, I don't really feel pregnant. :nope: Looking forward to more growth and soon strong kicks!

How is everyone else doing?!

Did you feel your boys move earlier?? I was worrying because I've not felt anything yet but with my other 2 i was feeling movement by now. Heard heartbeat last week so i know all is well. I just expected to feel it earlier with it being my third x

I felt my first at about 18 weeks, and my second at 14 weeks first, then definitely by 16 weeks regular movements. I'm 20 weeks now and feeling next to nothing if what I think are movements even are movements. I'm not sure. I have a high anterior placenta so I'm not surprised. I'm just ready to know she's there!! I was looking forward to the kicks because my second wasn't much of a mover and I felt ripped off lol.
No morning sickness, iloveyou? I'm so jealous!

I'm ready for her to come now, I'm in so much pain and discomfort. I feel sick all the time, and I sleep horrendously. I'm 28 weeks on Wednesday, so I understand she has to cook more in my tummy but I hope the next 10 weeks go really quick!
No morning sickness! I feel lousy here and there, but I only threw up about 5 times, with the boys I threw up more like 5 times a day!! Hahaha. My uterus is starting to feel realllllly heavy. And I'm definitely waddling. My hips are getting very stiff, but I knew that would happen. I agree though! Mines got another 20 weeks to go but I'm so ready to meet her!!! :cloud9:

Were you wishing for a girl jelly?
I'm still feeling jealous when I see people with boy babies. And ads with boy babies in them. And toys and clothes for boys. Then I feel guilty. Ugh. When / will this go away?

:hugs: I can't really give you an answer. We had planned two, but if our second was a boy then three. And when he turned out to be a boy I fell back on the fact that I could try one more time. So I ran out right after the ultrasound and bought some clothes for him and just tried to think positively about it. Naming him really helped. But I was still jealous of people with their little girls. That didn't go away. Even now! I'm having my own little girl and I hear about people getting pregnant for the first time and having girls and it still irritates me lol!! Just be patient. I think when you see her that will make a huge difference. I don't know how people can look at a sweet newborn baby, that they just delivered and feel much other than pure love and joy. But I know people have varying degrees of gender disappointment.

I just tried to tell myself I guess it wasn't my time at that point, and who was to say I'd actually have a girl in the future. I was absolutely convinced I would have my third boy. And until she's in my arms, I have 2 boys! Lol.
Were you wishing for a girl jelly?
I'm still feeling jealous when I see people with boy babies. And ads with boy babies in them. And toys and clothes for boys. Then I feel guilty. Ugh. When / will this go away?

It was strange, b/c deep down, I really wanted a girl b/c I want a mother-daughter relationship, and b/c there are no girls in my family, and my mom really wanted one.

That said, I really wanted a brother for my baby boy. To be honest, I wanted both this time, as strange as that may sound.

I'm so excited though about this pink little bundle. I am still in shock that I'm having a girl though, because honestly, I have been dreaming about a little girl forever.

THere were almost ten or so years where I didn't know if I would be able to have kids.
I'm not sure when it will become easier for you, hon. I do think it will though in time. Let yourself grieve if you need to, and get it all out here. It's important not to bottle up your emotions. xoxo
Sass i feel the same way when i see girls......When i see my nephew dote on his little sister he's 14 and she's 3 it makes me sad my boys won't have that with a sister. When both my sisters get to go shopping for their girls, and i don't have one to shop for also hurts. I think why do they get to have something i don't! I just can't wait for him to be here and hope that it all goes away and i can concentrate on loving him, and not longing to try again right away for a girl, because that's not fair to him, and i don't even think that i want to try again for another baby.....Hope you get to feeling better sass! :hugs:
Were you wishing for a girl jelly?
I'm still feeling jealous when I see people with boy babies. And ads with boy babies in them. And toys and clothes for boys. Then I feel guilty. Ugh. When / will this go away?

I'm sure it will pass eventually hun. Maybe not quickly, but it will. Maybe the day you hold your little girl, you'll just be overjoyed and not care anymore. Sass, you're doing brilliantly darling. Is this the only baby you're having hunny? Stay strong and we're all here for you.
Thanks so much girls. It's so nice to have a safe place to say how I'm really feeling. It's getting better, it's just like there's this sad place in my heart.
My step mil said something really nice. She said someone in this family had to have a girl (there hasn't been one in 3 generations) and she's happy it was me because I'm the only one strong enough to protect this baby from my mil. That made me feel a bit better. I'm just scared they are giving me too much credit.
Oh and I think we are going to try for 2 more. Hopefully it works out. DH wants them 3 years apart, but I'm shooting for 2 years apart. Ill be 31 when baby number 1 is born.
pink ribbon-totally understandable hon. You got two sweet little love nuggets and love em both. Gives me some hope if i end up having a 3rd boy. <3

ZandT- i can't believe you are 20 weeks already!!! I feel like you just got your :bfp:...I really hope you are around when i finally get a :bfp: and get a gender scan!

nearlythere- do you know where your placenta is? if its anterior that can delay feeling movements.

Becca- Hope the MS goes away soon :hugs: have you tried a low carb, low sugar diet? thats what i had to do with DS1 as it gave me low sugars (NOT GD though, just low sugars) once i met with a dietician and changed my diet (which was healthy to begin with but even fruit sugar would give me lows :wacko:) it was a night and day difference with the MS.

jellybean-let me know if added you properly to the front page :flower:
Sass- im feeling similar about girls. When i see little girls (even ones that arn't babies), i get super jealous and upset. And then i question my self worth, like im not worthy of a girl or something, iykwim? Im praying sooo badly that this next is a girl because its my last shot :( I know i'll love any baby we have, boy or girl, its not that i couldn't love a boy because i KNOW i would. I really would, but i fear i will have a lot of issue coping with the not having a girl part. ...ugh just wish i could get pregnant already and get this show on the road!
pink ribbon-totally understandable hon. You got two sweet little love nuggets and love em both. Gives me some hope if i end up having a 3rd boy. <3

ZandT- i can't believe you are 20 weeks already!!! I feel like you just got your :bfp:...I really hope you are around when i finally get a :bfp: and get a gender scan!

nearlythere- do you know where your placenta is? if its anterior that can delay feeling movements.

Becca- Hope the MS goes away soon :hugs: have you tried a low carb, low sugar diet? thats what i had to do with DS1 as it gave me low sugars (NOT GD though, just low sugars) once i met with a dietician and changed my diet (which was healthy to begin with but even fruit sugar would give me lows :wacko:) it was a night and day difference with the MS.

jellybean-let me know if added you properly to the front page :flower:

I have a pink bump:) Thanks for adding me. I do have a baby boy though. xoxo
pink ribbon-totally understandable hon. You got two sweet little love nuggets and love em both. Gives me some hope if i end up having a 3rd boy. <3

ZandT- i can't believe you are 20 weeks already!!! I feel like you just got your :bfp:...I really hope you are around when i finally get a :bfp: and get a gender scan!

nearlythere- do you know where your placenta is? if its anterior that can delay feeling movements.

Becca- Hope the MS goes away soon :hugs: have you tried a low carb, low sugar diet? thats what i had to do with DS1 as it gave me low sugars (NOT GD though, just low sugars) once i met with a dietician and changed my diet (which was healthy to begin with but even fruit sugar would give me lows :wacko:) it was a night and day difference with the MS.

jellybean-let me know if added you properly to the front page :flower:

I have a pink bump:) Thanks for adding me. I do have a baby boy though. xoxo

Which gender were you hoping for this time around?
I need to say this or I am going to explode!!!

Ok, so in June I got pregnant and was totally excited, I told my closest friend who was totally excited for me but even expressed how jealous she was because she wanted another baby. I laughed it off and said Yeah, it would be totally cool if we were pregnant at the same time. Well guess what?!?! She gets pregnant like the NEXT WEEK!!! I was ok with it and all was good until I lost my baby at the end of July :( but she was still pregnant. I couldnt even talk to her because it hurt so bad. Well she is now like 22 weeks pregnant and I am finally pregnant again but only 10 weeks. She found out 2 weeks ago that she is having a GIRL. UGH!!! I am so completely jealous! I, of course, have no idea what I am having yet but want a girl so bad I cant stand it. I just have a feeling that I will not be able to get past the fact if this baby is a boy and she has this girl, how upset I will be. I was so distant with her when I lost the baby and now that I found out shes having a girl, I cant be happy for her because I keep thinking, she wouldnt have even got pregnant if I hadnt got pregnant first. I have tried to push past it and comment on a status of hers or a pic of the u/s of the baby or something but I will type it and have it ready to go and delete it and move on. I just dont know how to get past it. She is talking about how perfect it is now that she has got everything she has ever wanted with a girl and a boy and how she is buying pink everything and I just cant look at it. I have NEVER been this jealous over anything in my life! I know its wrong but I also know this is the only place I can be totally honest and will not be judged.

Sorry ladies, I just needed to vent and get your input on this situation. Thanks :)
:hugs: no judgement here hon. :nope: you found the right place to come with that.

I hope you get your girl! When do you find out?
Also is this your first?
I have been wondering if i have an anterior placenta actually because the midwife struggled to find the heartbeat and also i can see and feel a really strong pulsing at the front of my tummy which i have read can be a may just be an artery but its very strong
Guppy - I haven't no, I tell you what does make me feel really really sick and I use to LOVE it, Pepsi, ugh, I feel so ill with it. I'm 28 weeks today and it's not sjowing any signs of going and I don't think it will until she's born. Also, I have pretty awful SPD now, which hurts even to sit down.

Sass - We'll root for you a boy next time =D. This is the only baby I'm having, i just can't cope with another pregnancy.

Hope the rest of you girls are okay. :hugs:
I have been wondering if i have an anterior placenta actually because the midwife struggled to find the heartbeat and also i can see and feel a really strong pulsing at the front of my tummy which i have read can be a may just be an artery but its very strong

That could def explain things. I had anterior placentas w both of my boys. Finding the heartbeat was always a challenge, in fact w ds2 they looked starting at 9 weeks and then couldnt even find it until 14 weeks and that was only for a second. Couldnt pick it up again until 17 weeks, despite attempts. Granted i have a tilted uterus, so that didnt help, but we could easily find the whooshing noise of the placenta easily, just had trouble w the HB
My OH's nan is really pissing me off! Excuse my french. I said I got Lily a snowsuit of eBay, new but cheap, bargain! She then asked "What colour?". So I replied "Pink Ofc, she's my girl". She then said "Let's hope its a girl then, as they weren't sure on the 20 week scan".
At this point I was annoyed anyway. I then said "No, she said that babies legs were closed but she can't see any dangly bits, so I'm sure she's a she. I also had a scan at 16 weeks, and she is damn sure it's a girl". She then came back with "Well if it's a boy, he'll be pink and still very loved". I mean wtf?! She is a she!!! And it's as if she thinks if it was a boy, I wouldn't of loved him. Grrrr!
Sounds like grandma isn't understanding modern technology. Just wait til DD comes and you can do a " in yo face grandma!"
I have been wondering if i have an anterior placenta actually because the midwife struggled to find the heartbeat and also i can see and feel a really strong pulsing at the front of my tummy which i have read can be a may just be an artery but its very strong

I has an anterior placenta with my 2nd boy and I hardly ever felt him kick or move at all but at every u/s he was very active. I also didnt even look pregnant. I remember a week before I had him, I was talking to someone and they asked me if I knew what I was having yet, like I was only like 5 or 6 months along and I was well beyond 9 months. LOL. It was nice because I never had to wear maternity clothes but frustrating because I always got the question, well is he growing well? Is he ok? Like just because I wasnt big as a house, like I was with my first, the baby wasnt healthy. Crazy people. :dohh:

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