Gender Specific Hopefuls

so ladies that have swayed for pink what would you sum up to be the most important factors for trying to sway do you think. I've been researching and just getting overwhelmed with it all really!
I'm already on a low calorie diet but I don't think I could really eat less protein. I ate quite a lot of junk food when I conceived the boys so maybe this will still work?
Timing, I think I can do but then I hear loads of stories where people have dtd on ov' day and still had a girl!


I was on quite healthy food when I conceived my princess (whom I'm carrying now). I was on a diet at the time, that's how I know I was eating healthy. Also, we DTD a few days before I O'd I think. He was on top (don't know if that helps at all). I've read somewhere that deep sex helps with girls.

Good luck!

Hope the rest of you beautiful ladies are okay!
so ladies that have swayed for pink what would you sum up to be the most important factors for trying to sway do you think. I've been researching and just getting overwhelmed with it all really!
I'm already on a low calorie diet but I don't think I could really eat less protein. I ate quite a lot of junk food when I conceived the boys so maybe this will still work?
Timing, I think I can do but then I hear loads of stories where people have dtd on ov' day and still had a girl!


You mentioned the low calorie diet thing and I just went to look it up as I had never heard about it. And I find it really interesting that I was in fact calorie counting and taking in 1410 calories a day! And had been for 4 months. I had just lost 42 pounds when I got pregnant!! Isn't that something. Now I'm curious if that has anything to do with it lol. A week before I got my positive I had actually just dropped down to 1200 calories a day as I had plateaued.

Hmmmm. :-k

Oh and timing wise, not to sure on that. But I'm thinking 3 or 4 days before ovulation. I could be totally off though.
I had a few dreams either way with the others. I did have a dream where I had the baby, really early but it was a full new born sized baby and healthy etc and was given to be wrapped up tightly. I was surrounded by a friend's family who I had not even thought about in years, and no one would tell me the babies gender, every time I asked they all ignored the question.

I had a dream like this!! It was super annoying lol!!
I had this with my first labour - baby came out and was wrapped in a towel and put on my chest. I couldnt' see for myself, and I was tired, and nobody had told me, so I said "what is it?" and they said "look for yourself", so I tried to look, but the cord was in the way. then I got pissed off and almost threw a hissy fit, so my husband finally told me it was a girl. I never thought I'd be "lucky enough" to have a baby girl, so I was thrilled. Annoyed it took so long to find out though :rofl:
Thanks ladies, that's really positive news. I shall keep with what i'm doing then :)
I've never heard that either. I was on a crazy diet before getting pregnant too, only eating 1100-1200 calories a day. I lost 20 pounds before becoming pregnant. Had no idea it would make me lean towards pink. I would have been pigging out otherwise! Ha!
I've never heard that either. I was on a crazy diet before getting pregnant too, only eating 1100-1200 calories a day. I lost 20 pounds before becoming pregnant. Had no idea it would make me lean towards pink. I would have been pigging out otherwise! Ha!
I wonder if that actually works. I had recently been on a diet when I conceived my first daughter, and I'd piled on the pounds when I conceived my second :shrug:
Oh well that's not helping me lol I'm very slim, with a big appetite and so have a high calorie diet lol
Hi! :) I'm Georgie, I'm 18 and I have a DS called Finley who is 7 months old. I'm WTT atm but both me and OH have agreed on only having 2 children, I've always wanted my little girl so I hope this time we're :pink:! We probably will start TTC next year x
Wondering how accurate the Shettles method actually is... ovulating today (I think) and OH and I DTD last night, so if the egg was released last night or this morning, the male sperm would have been right there waiting...

I bet I get another girl :haha: (not that girls are bad; but I want a blue bundle)

Apparently if you have two of one gender already, you have 80% chance of having a third of the same gender. I've decided my OH has lazy boy-sperm.

Found this which is quite interesting. The odds on having a 3rd or 4th child of the same gender.
welcome Fl00b! :wave: i will add you to the front. I hope you get your pink bundle once the time comes :dust:

There is much to learn about gender swaying, if you intend on doing that. There isn't just any ONE thing that sways more than the other. So that could be why one gains weight and gets a girl and one loses weight and gets a boy. It's not just one thing that sways, its a bunch of different things that sway and depending on if you want boy or girl that will depend on what needs to happen. For instance if you want a girl they recommend low sperm count (sways pink), LE diet (sways pink), a more acidic vagina (sways pink), more acidic seman (sways pink), amongst various other things. Sometimes sways work, and sometimes they dont. That is lesson one of gender swaying- it is NOT guarantee to work :nope: HOWEVER, it is scientific fact that you can tip your odds and make them better than 50-50 by swaying, it just doesn't mean it always goes in your favor.

When i first started swaying i was all about Shuttles, but the more i learned the more..well i learned that it's not really accurate. Apparently what dr. shuttles thought he saw with the difference between the male sperm and the female sperm were inaccurate only bc what he was looking at was a sperm that had not yet shed vs one that had. There are differences in X and Y sperm, but not the differences that he was seeing. As for timing, like i said, its not just any ONE thing that sways pink or blue. Yes, some ppl the theory could seem accurate and for others O+12 seems accurate, but there are many many factors for swaying and timing is merely but one. With that said, its not so much the timing, when swaying pink or blue, but mostly what happens to the sperm. One reason why dr. shuttles could be right about the timing for a girl isn't bc of what he had thought, but it can still be right just for a different reason. The real reason why that timing could possibly work out is because the further from ov. you are the more sperm that dies off. Whenever there is a lowered sperm count, it sways pink. Fact. But as i said that is merely one ingredient. you have to add plenty to create the perfect environment and even then sometimes sways just dont work....i wont keep going on. There is really sooo much research you need to do before swaying its unreal. I ended up switching my sway tactic the month I got my BFP because i was learning even more.....and for starters STAY AWAY from the In-Gender site! There are so many inaccurate things on there it's unreal. My DS2 was a result of a failed In-gender sway and apparently that wasn't uncommon! Now maybe he was just meant to be and my sway would have failed either way, but once i switched to the Gender Dreaming site, i quickly realized the misinformation i was given to sway pink for DS2, was the perfect storm for swaying :blue: No wonder I had a boy! Bc what IG told me to do for a girl is what GD proved worked for a boy :dohh: A lot of the info on the Gender Dreaming site was actually proven and had quite a bit of scientific findings to back it up. Im not advocating for or against either site, but i just dont want ppl to get the wrong information if they are going to sway.
I read up on gender swaying, had a few things I planned on trying.. But in the end we just had sex, didn't keep track of anything and SURPRISE! Sweet little :pink: on the way!

It's always going to be 50/50, and the best thing you can do is accept you want another child and be prepared that you may not get what you want. As hard as it is. :flower:
im due 27th august. find out gender 6th april. hoping for a boy. can u add me altho pls dont do the hugs thing next to it. x
Welcome babyhopes! I will add you to the front.
hope you get your little boy. Is this your second?
Just wanted to say that I got my bfp!! I used the genderdreaming site aswell but I'll be honest I wasn't 100% so a suprise it will be, best of luck ladies xx

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