Gender Specific Hopefuls

Guppy your big u/s is tomorrow!! How many hours from now is it?? I can keep track of it in hours lol :)
I have an admission to make girls.

It's not that I don't love my boys or even that I'm disappointed with them because hand on heart with DS2 was born I felt no disappointment whatsoever and with DS1 i had 0 preference at all. It's that I can't shake the idea of never having a daughter.

I'm not even bothered about buying girls clothes or pink prams, it's worrying that as my boys get older we're not going to be close and I'll never have that mother-daughter bond. I only ever wanted 2 kids and I went through enough having placenta previa and a long hospital stay having DS2 and I never ever want to have another section, I have quite a lot of risk factors for pp happening a 3rd time so it scares me to death to think of having another baby. I don't think I even want a 3rd child and I'm not even considering going for a 3rd cause I think I'd have to want another baby (make or female!) to add to the family, but it just plays on my mind when I find out other people are having daughters.

There you go there's my secret, I'd never admit it in real life.
So, I guess you can change it if you want. But me and DB decided we're going to try for boy/girl twins!! If it doesn't happen, I'll love the child regardless.

Ooh, what are you doing to try to get g/b twins? I know a few of the things people try to get a girl or boy but how does it work trying to get both?
Guppy your big u/s is tomorrow!! How many hours from now is it?? I can keep track of it in hours lol :)

It's at 12pm Standard Easter Time Saturday. Right now it is almost 12pm Friday, so 24 more hours!!!! :wohoo:

We have a fun day planned. There is a parade in south Boston, which we will miss, but i think bc it's a St. Patrick's Day parade, there is an Irish festival following. So we will probably eat lunch there (after the u/s), whether permitting, then head to IKEA and shop. So no matter the outcome, i think it will be a fun day :)
I have an admission to make girls.

It's not that I don't love my boys or even that I'm disappointed with them because hand on heart with DS2 was born I felt no disappointment whatsoever and with DS1 i had 0 preference at all. It's that I can't shake the idea of never having a daughter.

I'm not even bothered about buying girls clothes or pink prams, it's worrying that as my boys get older we're not going to be close and I'll never have that mother-daughter bond. I only ever wanted 2 kids and I went through enough having placenta previa and a long hospital stay having DS2 and I never ever want to have another section, I have quite a lot of risk factors for pp happening a 3rd time so it scares me to death to think of having another baby. I don't think I even want a 3rd child and I'm not even considering going for a 3rd cause I think I'd have to want another baby (make or female!) to add to the family, but it just plays on my mind when I find out other people are having daughters.

There you go there's my secret, I'd never admit it in real life.

Huge :hug: mama :hugs: This is def the place to say that. I fully support how you feel. Quite honestly i will probably be looking to you for support if we have a third boy. Though my medical circumstances are not as life threatening as yours, we cannot have another :nope: and actually we shouldn't have even tried for this one medically speaking, but it was that one last shot of hope. Anyways I think you are admirable. Dont feel guilty love. This is a hard thing to cop with. Not many people understand it. :nope: so please feel free to speak your mind. No judgement. :hugs:
Bc we shouldn't have anymore children, if this one is a boy then we are going to consider adopting in 5-10 years. I too want that mother-daughter relationship. It's like you said, its not about the pink and the frilly dresses. It's about that special bond. So hopefully we have the finances to adopt, but i know thats not the same :hugs:

One mom of two boys made the point of, well you could have that type of relationship with your boys wives/ really holding onto that, but again it's not the same and that is many many yrs down the road. Not to mention, im not close to my MIL at all, so i guess im not too hopeful.

Anyways, i am but ranting at this point. Dont feel guilty about your feelings. There is nothing easy about GD :hugs:
So, I guess you can change it if you want. But me and DB decided we're going to try for boy/girl twins!! If it doesn't happen, I'll love the child regardless.

Ooh, what are you doing to try to get g/b twins? I know a few of the things people try to get a girl or boy but how does it work trying to get both?
DB was telling me about vitamins and herbal supplements that can help us in that department. I asked which ones he learned about but he doesn't remember so when I can see him next time, I'll ask!
I'm exactly the same, it's more of a long term reason for wanting a girl. I never had that a good relationship with my mum, so I am desperate to experience that mother daughter relationship that I see friends have with their mum, be it the other way around now.
Don't get me wrong it would be lovely to buy pink clothes, pink nursery etc as well. I just really hope I am lucky enough to experience it. :shrug:
I want twins because I love children and so I can give my DB a son and I can have a daughter. That way, both of us can bond with the children and develop that bond. I'm hoping and praying that's not selfish or anything. I admit it, when we first talked about this, I kind of really dreaded having kids. Cause I was under the impression that giving birth hurts. That was way before I found this forum and you special and very lovely ladies. <3 I don't feel this anymore. I'm very happy to have children with him. I guess that fear goes away with time.
There's a little slither of me that wonders how I'll feel if I never have another baby to actively try for a girl (although I was hoping pink for no2 I did nothing to sway) and whether I'll look back and think 'what if' like my nana does. She has 2 boys and still wishes she'd had a daughter. And I mean her youngest is in his 50s so this is obviously a life long feeling.
^I was feeling that one and i have to admit that is one of the #1 reasons we tried (and swayed) for a third even though we really only wanted two. I knew i would never be able to live with myself always wondering "what if this, what if that, what if..." so this was that final hor-rah as to satisfy that curiosity. No matter if this is a boy or not, i know i tried everything i could. What will be will be. But im satisfied knowing we gave it our best shot. Just sometimes dream genders arnt in the cards, which is so cruel :(
Guppy now I've had a second boy I can totally relate to that. I don't look at either son and wish they'd been female, because they are individual people and obviously meant to be with me. But I don't know whether this is something that's going to niggle at me until I at least try and do something about it. I dunno I just needed to share it. I suppose people assume you aren't grateful for what you do have if you openly express things. I had loads of pressure from certain family& friends to have a girl withy second pregnancy it's part of the reason I stayed team :yellow:. I think it's contributed a lot to feeling like this because with DS1 I never gave it a second thought.
Guppy now I've had a second boy I can totally relate to that. I don't look at either son and wish they'd been female, because they are individual people and obviously meant to be with me. But I don't know whether this is something that's going to niggle at me until I at least try and do something about it. I dunno I just needed to share it. I suppose people assume you aren't grateful for what you do have if you openly express things. I had loads of pressure from certain family& friends to have a girl withy second pregnancy it's part of the reason I stayed team :yellow:. I think it's contributed a lot to feeling like this because with DS1 I never gave it a second thought.

I totally agree with this I wouldn't swap any of my boys for girls, and I really never cared before. But there seems there was mounting pressure with my last though it never affected my feelings, it wasn't until afterwards that I really felt it. Everyone asking if we'd try for a girl etc. Now though as we had the others so close together, people seem to have given up on the idea of us having another and stopped asking (haha surprise!!!) And the one person who does know said "you'll have a boy, you only have boys"
do you ever wonder if it's the pressure from other people that makes it difficult? Like with my first son nobody ever said anything about the gender, but with my second I was always getting 'bet you're hoping for a girl, fingers crossed for a girl, will you try again for a girl' etc etc ALL the time. It just makes me wonder if it's THAT pressure that is making me feel like there's something missing that I NEED. :nope: Like they can't just leave it that I have 2 boys, I'm forever being asked if a 3rd baby for a girl is on the cards - even by strangers!! I have friends with only girls and they never seem to be harrassed for trying for a boy! boys are just as nice! they are still people with personality and love to share! just makes it seem like the girls are the superior sex or something :growlmad:
I def think the pressure from others can make GD worse, or even create it for some moms. I still cringe when i think back to telling my mom about DS1 being a boy. I can hear that sigh like it was yesterday....same with DS2. And then like everyone assumes you will have the opposite gender than what you do have. And when you dont have that they just ask "when are you trying for X gender again?" etc. I really think it contributes.
We had our gender scan today.
It took a while bc the baby was not in a great position (baby is head down though so i guess thats always a good thing!). The tech thought she saw privates but she said she likes to triple check her work, and it was hard with the angle of the baby. So after jiggling my belly around :blush: she had another tech come in and get her opinon. Finally at the end they wrote down what each thought the baby was. And then they agreed to tell me (they were pretty certain but just want to double check!). Then finally they actually did get a good potty shot....

We had our gender scan today.
It took a while bc the baby was not in a great position (baby is head down though so i guess thats always a good thing!). The tech thought she saw privates but she said she likes to triple check her work, and it was hard with the angle of the baby. So after jiggling my belly around :blush: she had another tech come in and get her opinon. Finally at the end they wrote down what each thought the baby was. And then they agreed to tell me (they were pretty certain but just want to double check!). Then finally they actually did get a good potty shot....

Congratulations I bet your over the moon!!! I'm 8 weeks now hoping for a girl after 4 boys but I have a feeling its another boy and after 4 mc ill just be happy to hold my baby boy or girl but my sons want a sister they keep saying please not another boy lol x
Yes it's definitely the result of other people. I always preferred boys and it seems like I've been pushed into wanting a girl but now feel like I'm missing out if I don't get one.
My 3 boys want a sister as well. My eldest was so convinced my last would be his sister that it took a full week to make him believe us that it was a boy and we had seen the evidence.
My db has a list of ways for us to conceive twins of opposite gender but I can't find anything. How does one conceive twins of opposite gender without fertility medicine? If it helps any, I'm african american. But I'm still at a loss. Guppy, hope you don't mind me stalking some of the threads you made. I'm trying to gather any and all info I can save. :nope:
My db has a list of ways for us to conceive twins of opposite gender but I can't find anything. How does one conceive twins of opposite gender without fertility medicine? If it helps any, I'm african american. But I'm still at a loss. Guppy, hope you don't mind me stalking some of the threads you made. I'm trying to gather any and all info I can save. :nope:

I've got girl twins and didn't sway, they don't run in my family, I'm not in my late thirties or forties and I'm not overweight. Those are all factors which can increase your chances of having twins. But of course not always, like in my case!

I've absolutely no idea how you'd try to get both genders, I would say its virtually impossible and just luck of the draw to be honest. As for conceiving any gender fraternal twins, you're going to need to drop two eggs in one cycle. Maybe there are herbs and supplements that can help with this if you're not going down the fertility drug route. Guppy is certainly more knowledgable than me on this.

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