My scan went well. All looks normal. Found out we are having another boy! A little disappointed actually that I started crying. But glad baby is healthy!
Aww blame the hormones! How many boys have you got? Glad all looked well
I blame OH's spearm
We already have a boy. This was suppose to be our last, as I only wanted 2. DH wanted 3 kids. Now, I don't know if we might try for a girl. Time will tell...
Lol, I meant the hormones making you cry, not baby's gender! I have 2 boys already and they are so sweet together. It melts my heart that ds1 says ds2 is his best friend
. We had decided on having two, our third - this baby - was a bit of a surprise tbh
Who knows what the future will bring, but I'm sure you'll have loads of fun with your boys