General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hahaa Jez im with you there getting funny looks from people whe chatting to ya self :haha:

Aww Dobs im so glad A is getting on well with his Helmet :) i bet he looks soooo cute even with it on! OMG what an absolute xsdgrghj the ex is?!!! Hes setting himself up completely for not getting any type of custody or visitation or anything! How was he when you guys where together when A was born? Was he very interactive with him? Or just never really that fussed..?

Omg about your friend Jez & the Itish castle & hot pg mega quick lol! Bet it was the necklace:haha:

Not seen SO today yet but not planning on telling him just yet as by the sounds of his Whatsapp message, he seems pissed about something uhh
Requested pics

Oh and gigs I guess the proper terminology is “cranial band” not helmet but everyone just calls it helmet lol

Will respond to everything else when we are in the car fxvndsyjnuobswtvuv I wanna gooooooo lol I am such a woman child


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Ahhh lovely pics Dobs <3 A is soooo scrummy!! He looks so much like you :)
So I&#8217;m gonna try taking my normal pills at the same time every night for a month and if I can do it I&#8217;ll probably go on a combination pill. Apparently there are some that reduce headaches so I&#8217;ll see what the doctor says.
CB what a beautuful line!! I'm not sure why frer bfp are my favorite to look at.

Dobby A is adorable!! His cranial band is lovely too :)

Alright I'm sorry I've read through the day but V is fighting bed time so I gotta go.
Omg! Dobs!!! A is so adorable and he looks so much like you! &#128525;&#128525;&#128525; Glad he is doing well in his helmet and sorry about your ex. &#128078;&#127996; I want to go to the Monterey aquarium so badly! We’re thinking about heading up there soon to see the Muir Woods. The aquarium is on my list of stops.

CB, great lines on the Frer. I am going to keep checking for your update on SO’s response.

Flueky, sending some baby dust your way for when you O! :haha:

We found out what this baby is Thursday. The ultrasound tech guessed Wednesday and the blood test results confirmed Thursday. I had to do some shopping of course, so I went to target to get some things. Now I’m shopping online. It’s so early and hard to shop when the things you need are out of season. It’s so much more fun shopping when you’re not team green. :haha:
Shae yeah I agree that would be nice. My cousin was on Depo for years and got off twice and was pregnant within months both times but idk. Just depends on the person. I used to bounce back from hormonal stuff really easily. Now that i’m Done pumping i’ll Probably go back to the combo pill. I might just not even do anything for a while since I have no intention of dating or having sex for like years lol

Jez or Fluek i’m Blanking that’s crazy re the conceiving in a castle with fertility teas! I love it!

Um um dunno if there was anything else A had a BLAST! He was waving at the fish, high fiving pretty women, laughing! He caught a nap right before we got there so he was awake the whole time. So much fun! Had a handful of people ask about his helmet and two moms say their kids had helmets as well. We went ahead and got a family membership. $140 just for three for today so $300 to be able to go back with friends seemed a good deal. I’ll definitely take A again over the summer. But ffs when did stuff get so expensive?!


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Dobs that&#8217;s so cute I love aquariums! I love seeing dolphins but always worry if they have enough space and are happy. Hopefully they do. I kissed a dolphin once lol. But they kiss everyone at those dolphin swim things.

Started the one month on time meds thing. And ofc was late because of work running crazy late due to a huge mess from a huge sale, but not by long, just an hour and a half, so I think it still counts. Especially since I won&#8217;t have to worry about work doing that much longer since I&#8217;ll be leaving for home for summer.
Breea uhhh you’re not DELIBERATELY leaving us hanging re: the sex are too?!!! Can I guess? I’m gonna guess... girl?

Shae - lol can’t you just set your alarm for the morning, before you get up? Can’t remember if you said that wouldn’t work. And idk about headaches, but I was told not to go on the combined pill due to migraines w/ aura because it could increase my chances of having a stroke(!). I never, ever have headaches with my migraines, oddly. And I had sooo many migraines during pregnancy. Definitely some weird hormonal thing.

Dobs - for realz A looks soooo much like you. What a handsome and happy kid. And I’m so envious of the good weather where you are. It’s still cold here and I genuinely feel like spring will never, ever come.

Flueks - omg yessss, FRERs are so satisfying to look at. My second fave to look at is wondfos. I secretly don’t like looking at any other kinds heh heh
Jez FRERs are definitely my fave to look at and edit. Regarding morning, I&#8217;d rather sleep in on weekends. I&#8217;m always up late anyway, always running late in the morning too. With the combo pill, it&#8217;s not as huge a deal to take it at exactly the same time, though recommended so you don&#8217;t forget it. The mini pill wears off in 24 hours apparently and that&#8217;s why it&#8217;s vital you take it at the same time every day. Got a bunch of info from a lot of sources and don&#8217;t remember what so no citations lol, just that&#8217;s what the internet says haha. I got a bpc pill reminder app that gives reminders every 10 minutes starting when I&#8217;m supposed to take them until I take them. I&#8217;m using it with my regular meds for the trial run. Looking into the app that lets you get bcp shipped to your door by answering a bunch of questions but I might just have my NP prescribe something cuz she knows my medical history best. And of course I&#8217;d be getting the iud out at the same time. There&#8217;s definitely a chance that I&#8217;ll just get a new iud put in, not sure how big or small a chance it is.

Weird slightly psych-related rant.
I&#8217;ve realized that I make a lot of quick rash decisions and while I do a lot of research quickly, I don&#8217;t let myself mull over it for a while. Sometimes the quick rash decision is the &#8220;go to the 24 hour cvs for ice cream&#8221;, I don&#8217;t know how to control my cravings. I worry about how this will affect money in the future. I commit to things I&#8217;m not ready to commit to and then I bail (not like on going out with friends or anything, but like, ideas or hobbies). It&#8217;s almost like I have mild manic episodes caused by new things, like the corset thing. But it doesn&#8217;t make sense because I still wanted it the next day, can a manic episode last that long? Jez, you&#8217;re studying psych right? At the same time I figure I don&#8217;t get to blame it on my brain, I have to blame it on its user. But I just get so excited and laser focused when I discover a new product or get a new idea. I suspiciously look for signs of scams and negative things, and once satisfied (it doesn&#8217;t take long) I immediately am like &#8220;add to cart, check out&#8221;, I don&#8217;t wait and think about it. That&#8217;s a bit of an issue. I mean, I don&#8217;t buy everything. If I don&#8217;t check out right away, it generally means I never will. I also get creative ideas and immediately must carry them out, and then in a few hours I realize it&#8217;s harder than I thought and/or I&#8217;m getting bored and the project is left in the dust, and they rarely come back from that. Once on Christmas Eve I decided I wanted to see myself a velvet and faux fur dress matching the one in my profile pic. I was certain I could do this in one day. My dad wouldn&#8217;t let me go all the way to a legit fabric store so all I had was the local cheap fabric store. They had what seemed like velvet on top of potato sack. I bought it anyway. After a couple pins being placed and realizing I have no idea how to use a pattern or thread a sewing machine, I gave up. On my birthday last year I bought $100 worth of plants, specifically tomato plants and probably a few others cuz I was being crazy. Got home, got on hands and knees in the manure-y-smelling soil (it was organic sooo probs real poo, smell didn&#8217;t bother me like it did SO), and repotted like half the plants. Then I was tired. Didn&#8217;t really do much else after that except water the tomato plants when their soil was getting dry and ignore all the seed packs I bought and all the leftover soil and the plants I didn&#8217;t repot at all. My mom says when I do this with my ideas, I&#8217;m manic. Like, having a manic episode. When I decided I was going to make 4 varieties of cookies from scratch (okay except one, we had peanut butter cookie dough in the fridge) she was like &#8220;honey you&#8217;re manic right now&#8221; and I was like &#8220;no I&#8217;m not.&#8221; I was. I ended up making 2 varieties of cookies I think, and then it was time for my dad to cook dinner. Somehow I thought I could make all those cookies in like 2 hours, and I&#8217;m quite slow moving in the kitchen. I was very wrong lol, made a lot of peanut butter cookies with melts Hershey kisses on top and a lot of thinner peppermint sugar cookies, and didn&#8217;t have time for any else because it took at least two cookie sheets per cookie type and I had to wait for them to cool down to use them again. Anyway, if you&#8217;re still reading you&#8217;re the mvp lol. Point was about the manic episodes where I think I can do something but can&#8217;t, or not in its entirety, of just crazy ideas I must follow through with. I figure I can&#8217;t be bipolar cuz I&#8217;m on Zoloft and Wellbutrin for depression, that would mess me up if I was bipolar, they wouldn&#8217;t work, right? They&#8217;ve been working great for depression. My mom just says I have mild manic episodes and also depression but doesn&#8217;t feel the need to stick them together. My dad is bipolar, and my mom has depression, that&#8217;s probably relevant. Idk it just confuses me, I&#8217;m so impulsive.
Breea how many weeks are you now?? Any sickness still? Omg you found out boy/girl & your not going to share??? Lol! So excited for you hun! Do u have a mini bump yet? :)

Lovely collage photo Dobby! Sounds like A def enjoyed the Aquarium. Prices of outings are waaaay pricey now i agree! I dunno if its because places like that & the Zoo you go to when your smaller & its been yrs since you been & inflation has crept up idk..?! But i never understand why some places are silly expensive! No need to be esp when you eat in their café/restaurant & spend money in their gift shop lol. I haven&#8217;t been to one since i was very little, we def wanna take the kiddies there, Nuala would love it!

Hope V didnt fight too much to go to sleep Flueks & she slept through ;)
Just seen yours & Jez reply & i missed it haha im reading now!

I do love using Frers & i know blue dyes arent that rated anymore but i just love a Clearblue lol! The positive cross bit i love it! May have to do one if those aswell Lol!

Combo pill you can take anytime of day Shae as both hormone levels are much higher & if you miss one its ok, you just take it when u remember or if its the next day, take the next day one in the packet & just take that Missed on at the end of the packet before your 7 day break but you can carry on taking them back-back! If you miss more than 3 in a row you need extra protection for 7 days! Mini pill has to be took same time every day or within the 12hr window, usually Cerelle or Cerezette i think but only 1-4 women mini pill works for, never worked for me as i bled all time and got mega spotty eurghhh!!!

Your probs very impulsive & swayed easily Shae lol i know i am. Have u ever been tested for Bipolar though? Pretty sure it&#8217;s Hereditary.. but hopefully it&#8217;s skipped your generation :) The peanut butter cookies you refer to sound reeeeally good Lol did they taste nice???
CB im definitely swayed easily. I&#8217;m also very impressionable. When I&#8217;m around people I start talking like them, not on purpose at all, like in their style of speaking and mannerisms. It&#8217;s weird, it&#8217;s like who&#8217;s the real me cuz I just bounce back what I&#8217;m given... I mean, I have my own brain but like... idk man. I haven&#8217;t been tested for bipolar. Considering my meds work it&#8217;s unlikely I have it but I&#8217;m waiting eagerly to hear from Jez cuz I thought she was a psych student? It can be hereditary, yes. My manic episodes generally don&#8217;t last very long though, they&#8217;re usually a few hours long. And when I&#8217;m obsessing over something for days I don&#8217;t have other symptoms I don&#8217;t think. Well, not sure now that I think about it. I don&#8217;t pay enough attention to myself to know. I don&#8217;t get depressed after the mini episodes, but I&#8217;m also on depression meds so idk.

ETA: yes, the cookies were very good lol

ETA2: I feel like I&#8217;ve been extra impulsive with cravings the past few months, and especially the past week or two I&#8217;ve been really indulging my cravings a lot. Now I wanna bake cookies but I won&#8217;t cuz I don&#8217;t have the ingredients here. 24 hour grocery stores didn&#8217;t cross my mind at all, noooope lol. Still not gonna make them cuz I&#8217;m tired.
I will catch up and reapond properly later but right now had to share this...i am on a chicken lovers/info page on facebook and someone posted this quadruple yolker pic...and someone else had a reaponse that just tickled me :haha:


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Breaa are you leaving us hanging on gender?! I've never been team green but I know it was loads of fun shopping for girl clothes. I tried not to do too much as I knew I'd get loads of clothes at my shower.

Dobby I love the aquarium pictures! We are taking V to aquarium at end of the month we are so excited! He looks a lot like you which is a good thing because you're beautiful.

Shae I can be very impulsive too at times. I also have a bit of an addicting personality. I've dobe it with excercise, eating foods, ttc. Stay away from drugs as I don't want any addiction to that. No bipolar disorder in my family, but depression does. Let me just tell you, when you are in nursing classes especially psych. You'll be like "omg! I do that, I have ____!". I don't think you have a "disorder" but I hated psych. It was my worst subject. I think because they stress reorienting dementia patients. Let me tell you from experience in nursing home when they get to mid to late stage dementia, it doesn't work!!

Jez I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.

CB any more tests? Have you told SO? If so how did he react?

Ah lots of sticky babydust as I really want you to have your 3rd baby :)

V was a bit resistant snd then woke up shortly after 9. Ugh, I git too tired by the time she fell asleep that I fell asleep :(

Gigs I love that comment :rofl: I think I'd have a panic attack if I had triplets or more. I think at this point twins would even freak me out a bit.

Concerning birth control. I'm really undecided about what I want to do after baby 2. I had considered IUD but I'm not sure how that may effect ttc 3 if we do. DH undecided on this.

The shot I've heard horror stories. Ihad trouble regulating from the combo pill but I feel it has shorter lasting effects. DH I think wants me to not take any but I'm afraid I'll breakdown and broodyness will kick in. I definitely want V in school before a 3rd. Granted that's if I can get DH to come around on a 3rd :)

AFM I forgot to say my dad called and said the biopsy on my cousin's tumor is stage 4 cancer. So things look pretty bad. She has a follow up where she should learn this information on friday. Apparently her dog is dying right now so they wanted to wait and let her grieve that first. Ugh, I'm just at a loss on this. I'm going to ask dad not to talk to me about the appt Friday until Saturday. I know it may soundselfish as hell, but I don't want to remember my 30th that way.

Not much else to report on my side. Have a good weekend everyone:)
Oh Flueks im so sorry to hear about your cousin <3 lots love & hugs your way & to your family.. sad that news will be given on your birthday though :-/ you can always celebrate your birthday the following week? I know its not the same but.. xxx

Gigs i love that pic :haha: if that showed up on my fb newsfeed id share it haha!

Did the other Frer this morning, lines slightly darker :) havent told SO yet lol! Ive started getting heartburn late last night & this afternoon.. eurghh, never had it with other pg&#8217;s & no symptoms this early EVER! Jeez it best only be one in there :shock: i think SO&#8217;s cheese will slide off his cracker if it was twins :rofl:

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