General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

CB it looks a bit better to me than the previous bfp, last one was almost blurry to me, although it’s dried by now so maybe that made it darker? But it’s also not been 48 hours so if it’s not darker yet it’s no biggie. Can’t wait to see the next test!
CB curry sounds yummy!! I feel like this one is a tad more defined. I'm definitely looking forward to your frer!

I forgot I had the same birthday as your SO. DH is taking me out before he goes to work and I think I'll get me a really nice new bra. I'm not sure as if I get pregnant soon who knows how much use I'll get from it.

Well V is up now so I'll feed and play until my parents get here so I can go to work. Happy Sarurday!!
Ooh hapy Bra shopping Flueks hehe!! If u do get the egg this cycle, just use the bra as much as poss before pg bras take over :)

Line porn ya’ll! Got myself a frer pack shopping.. the line came up as the dye was still coming across!


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Omg CB that’s a beautiful line! Quality line porn :haha: congrats! You so preggers!
I’ve been having weird ass symptoms lately. I’m near certain I’m not pregnant cuz I had a period 2 weeks ago lol, my mom thinks it’s pressure changes but it’s weird, I wonder if my hormones are acting up? When I was PMSing I was often overheated, like I was having hot flashes almost. Not normal for me, night sweats are normal then but not hot flashes during the day. This past week I’ve been nauseous every night, past two nights I had migraines and nausea, been having fluxing appetite, sometimes I think of food and I don’t want to go anywhere near it which is very weird to me, other times I’m my normal self of getting a craving and immediately driving off to get it. I worry my IUD hormones are wearing off, idek. I’ve got 9 months left of the 5 years on it. When I first got it I got pregnancy symptoms a week before I got my period, which was a week late, conveniently. Thought I was pregnant for sure, I was so young then. I was not pregnant though, of course. Anyway, point of that was, the iud has caused weird symptoms before, like now I always get nauseous a few days before my period starts, it’s my pms symptom I guess, never had that before the iud. Just makes me wonder. Need to find a new gyno cuz of weird stuff with the old hospital system, so probably can’t get it replaced early, though will be sure to get it on time.

On a different note, I’m probably gonna go to market basket and buy some fresh produce yum. They have mangos for 89 cents through today according to their flyer, and grapes only $1.99 a lb! Usually I see them $3.99 a lb at the stores I usually go to. Though maybe they’re in season? More excited for the mangos though.
AHHHH CB!!!! :dance: what a perfect little line! Now to break it to SO!

Shae maybe you should take it out early. You've been having odd symptoms this whole time and didn't you say failure is more common toward the end of the 5 years? Also if you want to do the baby thing maybe something that might be less detrimental to your reproductive health...idk i jusat hear a lot of bad things plus our own Tex is having residual effects.

And mmmmmmmmmm def are making me want one! I love them!
Gigs I’m gonna research other options that aren’t the pill (I can’t take pills reliably every day let alone at the same time), but I might end up just getting another. Either way I’ll have to search for a new gyno to take the current one out, and I’m so busy that could take ages. I say I’m busy as I lie in bed reading a book. Okay, I’m just lazy.
Cb- Now that's a great line! Congrats! :happydance::cloud9:

Shae- I agree with taking it out early. Would you be able to do the pill if you set a daily alarm on your phone? That's what I did for the 2+ years I was on the pill. I made sure to keep the pack in my purse so that I would always have them on me. All of my friends and family knew that I was taking my meds at 8:45PM :lol:
Bdb I have a reminder on my phone to take my regular pills... it doesn’t work. I have a bad habit of ignoring it and thinking I’ll take it later. They’re not the type that timing matters. Also aren’t you supposed to wait a full cycle on it before having unprotected sex?
Hi Gigs:hi:

CB that is a beautiful line! Congratulations girlie:hugs: I'm sorry for your loss. May be the loss made you extra fertile so you could get a solid line this time. And:haha: at SO men can be silly at times. I'm sure he will take the news well.

Tex I'm sorry AF has showed up, I've been routing for your BFP since you joined this thread. I too had the Mirena and after I had it removed it took me 26 months to get that second line in which ended in a blight ovum. Can't say for sure the Mirena was the cause but I strongly believe it had a strong hand in it. Awesome job on the weight loss too!

Shae I hope the corset gives you the outcome you desire, you are a beautiful young women either way.
Cb congratulations! Sending lots of sticky vibes and positive thoughts that hubby takes the news well. Can’t wait to see the frer! And I agree the most recent test looks darker to me. Re new job: is it already done and signed? Because if it is and they back out then you can sue the s* out of them for sex discrimination: pregnancy. Or at least that’s the theory. In the US. In the US, you never technically have to tell your boss and it’s technically illegal for them to ask lol. But yeah as a courtesy here we tell around 12-20 weeks. I didn’t tell until I was 15w. — jk JUST saw your frer it is awesome!

Jez no instagram here anymore :( My friend takes her kid to two classes a week at her local The Little Gym and maybe once a month hangs out with other friends with similar aged babies. Over the summer, when A is out of daycare I am hoping to have him in one to two classes a week. Not so much for the social, but TLG does a great job of promoting social behavior during play. Tilly is super beautiful just like mom!

Tex sorry about af and her bad timing. I hope date night was fun regardless. My IUD really messed up my program as well, and mine was non hormonal and I only had it in for a month. Hopefully time and the weight loss gets things going again.

BDB agreed I love that you have a ticker now!

Gigs lol at talking to yourself about having a baby. I talk to myself but more like procedural stuff because it helps me focus and get stuff done.

Shae I’m still a fan of no corset. I think it’s the look you were going for though, so that’s good! Glad it worked out and that you are taking your time adjusting your body to it. I second Gigs re the iud but I don’t know anything other than mine really messed up my body. If you’re worried about taking a pill, what about Depo? Though I will say some people have had really bad experiences on BNB with it. I haven’t. I love it! I go in once every three months, make sure to take my calcium. But we’ll see what happens and if I still like it now that I’m done pumping. I was the same. My alarm would go off and if I wasn’t near my pill or free then I’d turn it off and say ok after I finish this I’ll take it or I’d be out and forgot it at home and it was just bad. I tried all different times of the day. Never was good about it.

Fluek that’s awesome that you’re the only one being considered! You’re like an actress who is so well known they don’t have to audition anymore!

Hey JDS and Breea! Hope all is well! Always nice to see you pop in!

AFM I’m depressed. I know it’s natural and I’ll get over it. But I pumped out about 5 oz yesterday morning, and I haven’t felt engorged since. No leaking overnight either. This is really happening. I’m really stopping. Having buyer’s remorse. Feeling like maybe if I was a better mom I would have made the push to 12 months. I have a bunch of frozen milk from the three days in the hospital where he wasn’t eating, but idk. Pumping made me feel so good about myself as a mom. Plus, he’s getting so big. dbasludgbiwuafgauysfgbewj :cry: sorry just needed to vent. Like I said, I’ll get over it.

And A LOVED yesterday's class the most. He was scooting every where, loving all the activities, laughing and smiling and giggling the whole time! He's doing well with his helmet. Today is 4 hours on and 1 off and the first day he is supposed to nap with it on (I think). He doesn't mind it or play with it or try to pull on it. I am still bad at putting it on but getting better. It's cute. Blye swirly with a star imprint on the back. Makes it hard to kiss his little face though :(

And I seriously cannot believe ex has not asked about how A is doing since we were discharged AND this is now weekend three he didn't ask for visitation. He also did not pay me my child support for march or april, shocker. This is why I'm having it taken straight out of his paycheck. But I'm not about to remind him he still owes me almost $4k because it'll remind him he's been skipping visitation and I want the judge to see that he actually gives zero shits about A. He also is refusing to sign our child support order that we f*ing agreed to MONTHS ago. What a f*uing pos. He's trying to get under my skin.

But idc cuz going to my favorite place! Monterey Bay Aquarium! I'm like a kid at Christmas. I want to go wake up the grandparents hahaha
Hi Dobby:hi:

A is absolutely adorable! Glad he is adapting to the helmet well, his time in it will be over before you know it.

Sorry his dad isn't holding up to his end of the bargain, wish he'd figure out it's not about you and him but really about A. Just sit back and wait :coffee: he's going to screw himself right outta of any rights he has at the rate he is going.

Have a blast in Monterey, I love it there so much the aquarium is amazing.
Dobs - A sounds adorable in his helmet, and just generally. Can you share any pics? It must be nice to see him so happy and playful. As for ex, I can’t believe he’s digging his own grave. I feel like it shows he really doesn’t care? That’s pretty sad, but there’s no doubt A has an abundance of love around him between his amazing mama and your fam. Re: pumping, I think it’s always emotional when someone stops BFing or pumping. I’m sure those feelings will soon ease and you’ll be distracted by A’s constant leaps of development. I think it’s around his age that I found things just got so amazing (and unlike many others, rather than thinking it makes me want another, I though thank god, I’m gonna enjoyyyyy this). Wow I’m rambling.

Shae - ditto on maybe considering other options. When I was on the pill I’d set my alarm for before I should be waking up (dont/didn’t you do that with temping anyway?) and just have it ready by the side of my bed. It worked well, otherwise I’d never have remembered either. I had the depo shot once and found it terrible. Had terrible hair loss and bled almost constantly for months when I came off it.

CB - wow you sooo fertile for reals! I’m so excited for you! Hope it goes well telling hubby.

Tex - I’m sorry about af too. It does sound like possibly mirena might have something to do with it. Hopefully it’s just a matter of time!

Whoever said about talking to themselves, I do it all the time too! Only since Tilly. I walk around talking to Tilly when our and about, and now I do it even when I’m not with her. People have definitely given me some looks.

Grr there were other things I was going to reply to but now I’ve forgotten.

Oh, BDB my bff is exactly as far along as you are, to the day.

The other interesting thing about my bff is... bear with me... she’s the one who had struggled with awful, awful eczema for years and the ONLY thing that got rid of it completely was traditional Chinese medicine (special teas, in her case). Cleared it up in three months. So she was also ttc for just over a year and had multiple early losses. Fertility clinic couldn’t recall do much to help her other than recommending she goes on clomid. So she went back to her TCM doc who told her she’s absolutely confident she can help her get pregnant within three months, and gave her special teas to help balance her body for fertility (or something). In month two she went away to Ireland with her fiancé, conceived in a f***ing ancient castle and now her fertility specialist is asking her what on earth she did to conceive because her numbers are so high and everything is perfect (compared to things like late implant and low hormone levels every other time). So idk, maybe there’s something to it? She also wore a “fertility necklace” given to her by her fiancé’s aunt, so it could be that too haha
According to planned parenthood’s pages on bc methods, the shot can make it take 9-10 months to be fertile again, so that freaks me out. They also said if you get migraines with auras you can’t take the combo pill, so I’d have to take the mini pill, and apparently there’s no sugar pills on those? I wasn’t terribly good at temping but I could try it and hold off on sex for a while to make sure I can actually take it on time. At the same time, the shot would be way easier... but I also wanna get regular periods.
I couldn’t take the combined pill either because of migraines with auras. I’m pretty sure my mini pill was sugar coated and tiny. I think the window for taking it is much narrower than the combined pill though, and I had very unpredictable spotting with it that totally ruined sex (and sheets) on several occasions, so eventually we resorted to condoms/pull out (and now just abstinence lol/not lol).
So Depo shot causing bone thinning is a big issue, osteoporosis runs in my family in women on my mom’s side. She’s 50 and pre-osteoporosis. I know I could take calcium but I still worry.
I don’t actually get auras with my migraines but I am very worried that the combo pill would make my migraines way worse and I’m not about that life. I could take a preventative for migraines like my mom but like that’s adding so many pills into my life. I worry about the mini pill’s spotting and of course the smaller window to take it.

God, why can’t they have a “get it and forget it” option that makes you still have regular periods and doesn’t cause a bunch of issuessssss
Sorry I’ve been selfish posting. I’ve been reading I swear, just don’t have much to say. I’m dreading going into work and that makes me extra selfish.
Well technically since birth control isn’t “natural” there will be side effects no matter what. It does suck that there isn’t an option that has zero side effects. But anytime you’re putting fake horomones into your body in some form to “fool” your body it’s going to mess with you. For most people it’s not an issue after you stop it but I guess it can have longer effects for some. If I knew then what I know now I would have just taken the pill or made DH wear a condom or abstain during fertile time. I feel like i screwed up something that wasn’t broken to make life easier on myself and now I can’t have a baby. It super sucks
I was completely fine on the combined pill & you can take it from the first day of your period & then protected straight away.. if u start taking it anytime after cd4/5 it may not stop the ovulation.. but if your not good with the alarms etc maybe its not a good one to try..

What about the implant? & if u dont get on with it you can have it removed?? Is your iud a hormone one?

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