General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Well it went back up above 98 but throughout this process I've had several lovely charts lol so not holding my breath
I usually start testing 10dpo, so Monday.
Cp gkad temp rebounded and hope it means something good!

Cb getring mobility back on that side already doesn't sounds like slow progress at all! Some stroke patients go months before they improve at all so I think that spunds very promising! Fx he continues the forward momentum and gets his speech back soon.

Fluek i hope that is a good sign with the spotting and no af yet! Also this: "Gigs good luck today! Hope AF is being extra nasty this weekend." made me laugh. So I actually discovered ultra tampax tampons, whoch are the biggest you can get, and they worked AMAZINGLY! I feel like an idiot for not trying them sooner!

So af was the leasr of my issues today. I played ok the first round but did terrible the second. Also one of the guys I played with who is usually really good was playing poorly and he didn't hide it at all that he was pissed about it. Usually you have a really fun time but I didn't this time because this guy made things a bit awkward, plus I was in a bad moood playing so poorly. Usually a fun group pulls you out of the funk but I didn't have that. I was actually glad to be done playing, except that hubby's bro is in town and they were foing out after the tournament which means me on kid duty after being exhausted all day -.- Levin was grumpy and took awhile to get to sleep and Des was trying ro sneak in extra tv time...but ultimately he went to bed with toooo much trouble.

Blah i wish i could drink or smoke sometimes! Or i wish it wasn't so late, i'd have a nice soak in the tub.
CB that sounds like great progress!!

Texa sorry about missed temp. I hate when that happens at rhe worst time like to confirm O or tww in general.

Cppeace looking forward to it.

Gigs :rofl: I really did laugh out loud 3x over m mishap. I meant isn't but was rushed and accidentally wished you a horrible period. Sorry you didn't play as well as you hoped. Oh and I think it's a full moon. Maybe this has something to do with boys behaviours.
I meant isn't but was rushed and accidentally wished you a horrible period.

:rofl: this made me laugh even harder hahahahhahahahahha

Seriously, thanks to these tampons it's been way easier than usual. I was raving about them to hubby. Maybe I should be a tampax spokesperson.
Super busy but had to pop in and say :rofl: guess who on weekend 6 of skipping visitation texts me that they miss me is there a vomit emoji on this site?

Wow Dobs, do you think he’s being manipulative coz he knows he’s in the sh*t or do you think he is being sincere?

CB ah your poor BIL. I agree that the improvement so far sounds great. What a fright, though. And your sickness reminds me of mine and how I’d forgotten all about it, yet I now remember thinking at the time that I didn’t want to be pregnant again because it was so bad (I have emetophobia so it was bad enough for me).

Gigs I’m actually doing a tampon run tomorrow for the first time in years and, you know, I think I’ll pick up some massive ones. I also may treat myself to some skinny ones so that I can accommodate whatever flow I have on any given day. I’m envisioning creating a special tampon box — possibly satin-lined walnut — in which I can showcase my selection of tampons (the finest organic tampons, of course), much like a cigar case. Let me know when you’re ready to go into business together.

Flueks, I’m keeping FX that AF’s continued absence bodes well.

Can’t believe there are so many TTCers up in here again. Exciting times.
He’s in the shit. Last ditch effort because he knows he’s a week away from child support services taking A’s support right out of his check and getting nailed for owing me over $7k and his behavior the last month so he’s trying to either weasel into my pants or trap me into reacting like a b*
Gigs sorry disc golf didn’t go well :( I love super plus and ultra tampons because when I had a real period, the blood would go down the sides of the tampons and leak if they weren’t big enough, and those were the only sizes that were big enough. It wasn’t heavy flow, it was kinda light, I just have a wide set vagina or something. :rofl: if I end up doing BCPs, they will be my best friend lol.
I kinda wish I could use natural family planning but I don’t trust myself tbh, plus the ladies on my mom’s side of the family have crazy fertility when not on bc, it’s like our bodies will sense sperm and ovulate, regardless of when in the cycle it is. Seems impossible, but apparently our ovaries don’t care. Thought I’d mention that cuz I know you support going off bc cuz of the side effects and stuff.

CB hopefully BIL will get back function on the bad side. Anti-paralysis vibes his way.

Was it Tex who has to throw a bridal shower for a bridezilla sister? I’m sorry you have to deal with that. I worry I’ll be a bridezilla because I can be a bit controlling about those kinds of things and I’ll just want everything to be perfect. Hopefully I’ll find a good balance and not make my friends hate me.

Bdb did you tell your daughter? Did I miss that post?

Dobs wow what a dick. He definitely is desperate.

Whoever I missed, I’m sorry, I read but finals are this upcoming week and I’m a bit preoccupied.
Wow Dobs cant believe that! Hes probs having a realisation moment of “f********k” tough luck bud! Even if its about the money, just shows he has no real intent on being their for his little boy! Your an ace Mummy Dobs, your lil A is so lucky to have you! I hope u didnt reply his messages..!

Omg Gigs so has your period finished then?? Niiiice!! Sorry Des played up at bedtime, overtiredness & sugar usually to blame, Riley gets like it every now n then.

Cpeace great your temp went back up ;) looking forward to seeing some tests tomorrow..

Oh Flueks.. it’s Sunday.. have you poas yet???

Eurghh Jez is really horrid atm, i should be thankful im not actually being sick i guess..

No further news about bil today but its early, if SO hears anything he’ll let me know

So me & my older sister went to see my younger sister perform in her Soul choir last night, kinda these new age choirs that go about & appear in shopping centres & all intergrate & start singing together, it was awesome! They sung all sorts from Killers ‘Human’ to How far il go from Moana, i did get a lil teary lol
Cb i would love to see a live performance of anything. It's been a long time. Glad it was enjoyable!

Oh no af is far from out. I'm only cd3 and it lingers for 8-11 days, mostly due to a weird uterus. It doesn't shed lining at the same time; one side goes then the other. So i get a heavy period for a couple days that tapers off, then a break for a day, then a light period that tapers off. It's definitely odd and as far as I can tell a condition that is unique to my body. I've tried to internet search for anyone else that his this but no luck. I think i should be researched and be given money and have this type of uterus named after me. :rofl:
Then, Jez, we could easily fund the tampon box endeavor! Brilliant idea btw, the type of item ladies could showcase on their executive desks!

Tex are you the maid of honor?

Dobs he must think you're an idiot. I hope once his wages are garnished or he loses custody he just leaves y'all alone. I'm all for paternal rights but only if the father gives a shit which he clearly doesn't. He lost me at hospital no show.
Gigs I don’t think my uterus goes by side but my sister and I when having real periods, we have a few days of period, 12-24 hours of nothing, and then a few days of light period. It’s annoying, we learned not to believe it was over until it had been 2 whole days. I had 8-12 day periods.

CB ooo I love live performances!
Yes I am the one throwing a bridal shower for my bridezilla sister. It’s next Saturday.

And No I’m not the maid of honor. In fact I’m not even in the wedding period... she didn’t ask me to be in it.... she was like “ i wouldn’t want to be in anyone’s wedding at age 35” (which i am turning 35 in June) and “if I ask you then I have to ask our brothers wife to be in it too and she’s pregnant” and I’m like “bitch no you don’t I’m your freaking sister and i do anything and everything for you that you ask me to. I deserve to be in this damn wedding”

Anyway so no I’m not in it but her bridesmaids or her maid of honor never offered to throw her a shower so I was like... “well i guess I will since no one else has volunteered” my sis gave them my number and was like if you wanna help here is her number. Nope never heard from them.... I’m still pretty salty about it....
Tex you're better than i. I would not be volunteering to help after being snubbed by not being in the wedding plus sis acting like a snob anyway. Or I'd give the maid of honor what for for dropping the ball on her one and only duty as MOH.

Shae that's interesting! Maybe you have the same thing going on! I have a small sub-septate division (septated being completely divided, sub being partially) so always atteibutes my issues to this. The reason i know my sides are out of sync is because i was misdiagnosed with a polyp and had surgery to remove it. When they got in there they discovered their mistake. Anyway they took pictures too and you coukd clearly see one side was nearly clear of lining and the other was thick. Pretty bizarre.
Gigs- that’s pretty much everyone’s reaction when they ask me if I’m in her wedding. They are like but you’re her sister.. i didn’t want to throw it but my mom was slightly worried about the shower and when she asked my sis about it my sis was like well no one has offered to do it yet... finally at the the end of March I stepped up since it was apparent her bridesmaids were flakes and had no intention of doing anything for a shower. I did have a cousin volunteer to help me. We did her bridal shower last year after her mom basically begged us to throw one cause no one else would. My cousins mother in law is a great decorator though so I put her on decoration duty among a few other things. So all I have to do between now and Saturday is make food on Friday and print off game sheets. Then show up Saturday to set up etc
Well that definitely is very nice of you Tex. She's being a butthead for sure.
Dammmmn Tex wtf kudos to you for being the bigger person though! I think the fact that none of her bridesmaids did it just really shows off her true character though. Hopefully when it’s said and done she appreciates you for what you do

Gigs hugs sorry. That’s such a bummer. My body keeps aching like i’ll Get my period but still nothing. Not complaining lol
Cb keeping your bil in my thoughts hugs. And Moana songs get me every time the feels I joke it’s my 10% Polynesian ancestry instead of my hormones haha. I def ignored it. I had so many snarky replies but I know he’s just trying to either get me to drop child support or make me blow up so he can use it in court. I already asked the supervisors again if he called, and they said no.

Jez lol at the showcase tampon box.

Kk only made it back those two pages (on my phone) and I need to shower while my mom has A for a few minutes
Cb, hope your bil will make a full recovery!

Dobs, just shaking my head at ex. A$$ move from him, just testing you is my guess! Glad you are aware of his games.

Jez, haha, I'll go into business with you. Hit up dragon's den in a few years ;)

Can't remember anything else now
She won’t thank me. She expects it cause this is “all about her” and we should just do what she wants us to do... she’s literally driving me and mom batshit crazy.

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