General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Good morning, and happy Mother's Days, ladies. I haven't posted in quite a few days. I just have not had anything interesting going on.

Cb- I'm so glad that BIL is home! :cloud9:

Gig- Lev is so adorable! <3 I'm glad the party went well.

Dobs- I'm so sorry to hear about your lawyer. I cannot stand when people take advantage like that. I'm glad to hear you are pursuing legal grounds to go after him.

AFM- I've been busy lately with end of school activities for my two older kiddos. I have to take DS for his first physical next week so that he can join Athletics this coming school year. I cannot believe I have a child who is old enough for junior high. It makes me feel so old, but at the same time I'm also one of the younger moms when it comes to my son since I had him at 21.

Oh! I found baby's heartbeat Friday night. :cloud9: It was the most comforting sound. He's very, very low. I had to push against the top of my pubic bone to find him. I got so stressed looking for him beneath my belly button. Apparently it's been a while since I was last pregnant and I forget that it takes a while for baby to reach that area of my belly. If you cannot tell, I am convinced this baby is a boy. I'm going to be blown away if I am told it's a girl. :lol: I do not have any strong preference. Well, a part of me would love another little boy since my only boy is already 12. But I know that DH would love his very own "daddy's girl", so it's a win/win no matter what. <3
Just wanted to pop in and say Happy Mothers day to all you beautiful women:flower:

Gigs Lev is absolutely adorable! The pic of him and his little bestie is too cute, they both have the look of "What can we get into next?" Good job mom the party looked great &#128077;
My mother&#8217;s day Sucks my family doesn&#8217;t care even though I told themfor days it was special to me. I should have just stayed home and had a treat yo self day with Aiden
Dobs it's still early and not too late! Leave A with your mom and get out. I'm totally put alone on a shopping spree (well, it's on a budget but i'll take it). It's glorious. Part of my would be just as happy laying in bed but i'm pumped about getting new clothes outside of a Walmart.

Thanks JDB :) yes those babies are two peas in a pod, constantly trying to get into things!
Hey girls :)

We saw BIL yesterday & hes looking reeeeally good! He is walking & just very sliwly moving his top left arm but he was great with Nuala ;) thankyou for all the well wishes <3

Omg Gigs Lev is adorable, what does his Vest top say? Something about Muggle.. i love the Golden Snitch cakes, bloomin awesome! So glad the party went well all round.

Dobs Omg i cannot believe that about your Lawyer!!! Glad your taking things further, what an ass!!!

Happy Mothers day ladies you are all lovely mamas
Luckily my mom didn&#8217;t wake up until after I got home with the flowers and chocolate, so when she walked into the kitchen she saw the flowers and was very happy. She went out and got a massage. Then we had bacon, cinnamon rolls, and chocolate crescent rolls for brunch at home.

Flueks was it you with the quadruple Mom day thing? Super cute.

Bdb yay for heartbeat!

Dobs I&#8217;m sorry they didn&#8217;t give you a proper mother&#8217;s day knowing it was important to you. That&#8217;s so crappy. Much love.

CB yay for BIL progress in his recovery!
So I dyed my hair the ash blonde (with boxed dye in my bathroom). My hair came out alright. I&#8217;m gonna give it two weeks to see if I warm up to it. It&#8217;s darker than I intended, I think. But I need to wait for morning to get a picture in natural lighting. My house lighting makes everything look so yellow on camera, and it&#8217;s definitely a more ashy blonde. Idk maybe I need it a little less ashy but I&#8217;m scared of it looking super brassy and fake. If I still want it lighter after two weeks I&#8217;ll probably ask my mom if I can get it highlighted next time I get a trim (which is way overdue). She still pays for those :haha: shows my lack of financial responsibility at this point. We&#8217;ve been going to the same lady since I was a baby, she&#8217;s super sweet. She still looks so young, she&#8217;s gotta be in her 40s now considering how old I am, and she was just starting out I think when we started going to her.

Honestly, I miss my red hair. I feel like this blonde makes me look duller, and the red made me more vibrant. It&#8217;s probably the ashy tones. But my hair is naturally more neutral, I think. In the sun it could be bright gold, but otherwise it looked kinda ashy. Idk. Again, I&#8217;ll give it two weeks to give my poor hair a rest from the harsh treatments and dyes. If it&#8217;s too ashy I&#8217;ll use a warmer shade on it. We&#8217;ll see.
Bdb how did i not comment on the heartbeat?! That is so cool! I never had an at home doppler but i think i will this time. My SIL got one from one of my friends so I'll just take it from her :haha: it's gotta be sooooo reassuring before you can feel movement.

Cb his shirt said "snuggle this muggle". Yup everyone seemed to have fun, even my mom called yesterday to tell me what a great time it was. That was really good to hear because this weekend has been especially rough for my parents; friday her son's bday (the one in prison) so they visited him, then Sunday being mother's day and not having the kids around, me, one in prison, and one across the country. So i'm very happy that the party seemed to have been a highlight in the chaos.

Also very pleased to hear BIL is making such amazing progress!!! What a difference from when you first got the news.
Shae tbh ash blonde or &#8216;dirty blonde&#8217; as i call it is my natural colour & i find it dull lol im sure your hair looks lovely though, if you fancy a change or something vibrant you could always have some bleach blonde highlights threaded through or sliced in around the front?

I bet its def hard on your parents Gigs but no doubt seeing Lev & Des at the party took their mind of things for those few hrs <3

Yeah i know, i think BIL is doing so well because hes still quite young & hes a Bricklayer/builder by trade so he has the muscle tone to get try & get moving, aswell as motivation! Onwards & upwards :)
Thanks, ladies. I did it a couple more times yesterday and it has been so reassuring. It does take a lot of patience, though, since the baby is still so small. DD2 is going around saying I "have a baby boy in my belly" so we'll see. <3

Shae- I'm a natural blonde; have been so my entire life, and even I get my hair highlighted. The older I have become, the darker my hair has. If I didn't color it, it would be a dull medium blonde right now.

I got my first "negative" remark about this pregnancy last week when I met my DD1 at her school for their "Muffins with Mom" program. From all people it was from a girl I consider a good friend. Her daughter told me I didn't look pregnant and then said, "you have a lot of kids". I told her that yes, I did, but I have always wanted a large family so that my children could grow up surrounded by siblings. Then her mom (my good friend) turns to me and says, "you better be done after this one". It kind of threw me for a loop because when I had told her the good news (after my scan), she appeared so thrilled for me. Her comment irked me so I responded sarcastically and said, "nah, I think I'll go on to have at least two more". She just said, "you better not!". I just side eyed her and asked why it mattered so much to her?

I assume there is a bit of resentment there on her part. She was a huge support system for me when my ex-husband left. She helped a lot when I was a new mom to my third child and ex-H was too busy with his mistress to want to help (thankfully that was short-lived). Then once I began allowing my ex to take all three kiddos overnight, I hung out with this girl a LOT. We would go out dancing, bar hopping, etc. It turned into "our thing" for a while (just on weekends when my children were with their dad) until I met my now fiance (who I refer to as DH). I gradually stopped going out and once DH and I finally allowed each other to meet our children (5 months in), the nights out became a thing of the past for me. I still maintained my friendship with the girl above, but I guess it bothered her that I was no longer her night life partner in crime. But that stuff changes when you meet someone and decide to settle down.

She's tried hard to settle down herself and provide a stable life for her daughter (her DD's father has never been in the picture, not a single visit or dime) but her relationships have not worked out. So I just tell myself that she may be feeling a bit of envy and is just expressing herself in the wrong way.

At least that's what I keep telling myself so as not to taint my feelings of her.

Anyways, sorry that was so long.
Bdb im now quite tempted to borrow my friends Doppler haha i used it with Nuala right uo until my 20 wk scan or there abouts until i could feel movement & its def reassuring :)

Please dont take to heart the comments from your friend, some people i find only seem to think 2 kiddies is all anyone ever needs or should have & anymore people must be mad or crazy or &#8216;well that one wasnt planned surely??!&#8217; & it gets on my nerves! Im with you, its lovely they can grow up & all be friends aswell, there were 3 of us growing up & id be nowhere without my 2 sisters, i often wonder if some people resent it because they secretly would love more but their partners dont want anymore or for health reasons are unable to get pg .. it shouldnt make any diff to your friend how many bubbas you want to pop out! Its not her business <3 i think the resentment on her part is shes lost her partying friend lol but things change like you say.
I just booked my NIPT scan or Harmony scan & blood test :) hehee its next Thursday ahhhhhhhh its pricey AS & I must be mad lol but im excited & SO will probs pay for most of it
Bdb sounds like you're spot ob, she's probably a little upset she lost her partying buddy. Also i find people like to project -- ie she could never deal with that manh kids so she assumes you shouldn't either. We got a lot of that when we decided to move and start a farm; people back home laughed at the thought but it's just not for them!

Ahhh I had no plans to early test but I've just done a count and I have SEVEN wally cheapies and 2 frer!!! I was going to hold out until Friday (8dpo) but will probably test Thursday now, especially since I won't get a chance to test Saturday because we are playing another disc golf tournament (assuming we don't get rained out).

Also had blood drawn last week and was checked because of the random pain I'm still getting and everything is good! I can FINALLY chill out so I'm overall feeling pretty good and really hopeful for testing!

Just gotta stay busy this week to try and pass the time eeee!
Haha Gigs good girl.. addiction kicked in lol! I have to say, i will miss poas in the future but hey ho. So glad your bloods came back clear, have they given any indication on what is causing you the pain still?
Gigs - I’m also glad your tests came back clear. And I can’t remember who asked, but IS your SIL pregnant after all? I think maybe you said yes? And super cute bday pics. Lev is an absolute doll and the HP decor, while I’ve nevee read/seen HP, looks proper profesh.

BDB - maybe your friend is a little resentful because she wants her DD to have siblings just like you do but can’t because she can’t find a partner? I’m glad you said something. It’s good for people to learn their offhand comments can be hurtful.

CP - glad to hear BIL is doing well! What a scare. And will your blood test confirm gender?!?!?! You’d prefer a boy, right?

Dobs - glad you sacked off your lawyer. He sounds incompetent for sure. Sorry to hear Mother’s Day wasn’t what you would’ve liked either. I’ve had two mother’s days now and Tilly has been sick for both (in hospital the first time) and nothing special has happened. I’m in Europe now where they don’t even have it on the same day so it was mainly like any other day. My bff anticipated this and made sure to remind DH to get me something. But that was it.

Shae - looking forward to seeing hair pics. Hope you have before pics too.

AFM I’m in Hungary and it’s been quite stressful. In the two days leading up to our trip, Tilly was exposed to neighbour’s sick child and touched a bunch of stuff during a daycare tour and then of course put her hands in her mouth ffs. So I was already paranoid about her getting sick. The plane was filthy too of course, and bugs circulate. Our flight was delayed and then the seating arrangements really p*ssed me off because we’d deliberately booked a row of three seats in the middle, but only the two on the sides (Tilly in our lap), with the hopes that no one would book a seat between us and we’d have extra space. The seat was still free when we checked the afternoon of the flight. But lo and behold, someone was sitting there. I asked if they wanted to move to the end of the row so they could access the aisle easily (and Matt and I could sit together) or even see if he could sit in a different vacant seat so he’s not next to a crying child. Obv i phrased this badly because he said yes to moving to the end but said he doesn’t mind sitting next to a crying child. Later on I saw several middle seats free in nearby rows and maybe some end ones, but made the mistake of asking a flight attendant if they could see if any end rows were free and asking if the guy next to us would move there. She said she’d see what she could do but she basically never got back to me and we were utterly cramped the whole flight. I should’ve remembered the guy had actually paid for a middle seat and should’ve asked the flight attendant to get him to move to another one of those (coz actually there werent any free aisle seats available). Or just asked him myself but I’m stupid unassertive and so is DH, and by the time we were sure there were others seats free, everyone was eating dinner and then it was late so people fell asleep. I was soooooo bitter that of course the seat right next to us was taken but not two rows behind us. I Seriously need to work on my assertiveness.

Omg I’m angry again lol. Anyway, to cut an already long story less long (sorry), Tilly then got sick the next day, got fever and ridiculous congestion, and has had the most brutal jet lag (awake 3-4 hours in the middle of the night, crying and waking my family and probably the neighbours up, but we are stuck in a tiny room the whole time). I’ve also not been able to sleep even when she’s sleepin, other than after 5am, so I’ve had very, very little sleep over the past five days. Also had to cancel our plans of travelling to see Tilly’s great grandmother, which is half the reason we came here in the first place. My auntie is going to drive her here instead, but they can only stay for a few hours. On the plus side, she gets to see my little sister for longer. She’s 13 and adores Tilly.

Sorry for long and negative post. I’m such a negative Nancy, I know.
Hi Jez! Missed you around here. Are you staying with your dad? Your situation sounds miserable. I absolutely do not do well with sleep deprivation...positive healing vibes to Tilly, poor thing! Glad your sister is enjoying her company <3

To answer your question I don't think SIL is pregnant after all. She's still acting off but has been dieting so I don't think she's preggers.

Cb the poas addiction is real. I just keep thinking this may be the last time of the first positive tests so I'm going to embrace it and indulge!

So I&#8217;m warming up to the color, I no longer think it&#8217;s too ashy. It&#8217;s quite close to my natural color. However, I definitely miss the red. I&#8217;ll probably return to red in the fall. Only thing about red is that it fades super fast, which is very annoying.

The lighting in my house is super yellow, whereas at college it&#8217;s much whiter and cleaner. So the before pic is much higher quality, and the color is way better. I don&#8217;t have any good after pics with non-yellow lighting, I even have the cast turned all the way down to cool/blue on the after pic and it still is yellow and blah. The lighting makes my hair look yellowy and it&#8217;s really not. I tried using the same snap filter as the before pic but I still looked very yellow so I didn&#8217;t use that pic. Sigh.


When I get a pic in some natural light or just better lighting in general, I&#8217;ll post it.

I might get it highlighted, not sure though.
Shae ypu are so young & cute :) i love both pics you have uploaded! Both suit you i think

Ah Jez sorry about the areoplane drama, we&#8217;ve not flown with Ny of the kids yet & probs wont until this one is born & at learst 2.5-3yrs.. hooe Tilly gets better real quick bless her & you get to enjoy some if your holiday, how long are you away for?

Thats fair do&#8217;s Gigs.. i shouldve really pee on more this time aroubd, i guess i could do the hook effect at some point lol. Only another couple of days until you test eee! How are u feeling today?

I have abit of a summer cold just very nasal urghh! I thought it may be slight hayfever but i must be sleeping with my mouth open as im mega thirsty all the time now & my lips are so red & dry its horrible, Vaseline to the rescue lol! I dont know if its because my taste buds & sense of smell are impaired because of slight cold but my sickness later yesterday & today so far seems to be fairly minimal yay! They say it peaks between wks 8-9 & then starts tailing off as the placenta starts taking over.. really hoping this is what it is & nothing bad, my boobs are killing me still so im being optimistic :)

Yes the Harmony test is a 30min NT scan & blood test that detects maternal blood & checks for the 3 Trisomy which incl Downe Syndrome, you can request the gender aswell free of charge as its costing us £399 eeek but id like to wait until 20wks to find out as i like guessing nub theory & comparing symptoms ha ha! Results are back in a week & they are 99.999% accurate where as the standard NHS one they do just gives u a risk factor, mibe would be much higher as im now 37!

On the girl/boy pref, tbh i really am not fussed.. id love a boy but id also love it just as much if it was another girl as her & Nuala would be really close in age & be sisterly besties <3
Cb i am excited to see your scan and guess, too! I am toying with the idea of a gender reveal this a party where we find out with family. But i also like finding out at the scan! A lot to consider but I guess I need to get pregnant first :haha:

I am feeling similar to you, kind of stuffy nosed and dry throat. Probably allergies though; our area is notorious for horrible allergies. Otherwise I feel bloated as heck, it's driving me nuts! Felt like it all day yesterday and looks like it's continuing today.

Shae to be honest i prefer the red but if the lighting is off, not real fair representation of the blonde...

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