General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Jez good luck with the couple. If they're meant to be I hope they can stick it out. I had a friend who went but they didn't stick with it (boyfriend rejects therapy even though he desperately needs it) but they are still together. It's a sad situation really...but I digress!

Ugh Tex biggest sympathy to you. I got in a spat with my hubs too yesterday...we both had rough days and it was a bad situation. I don't smoke but honestly, for hubs' sake, they can't legalize it fast enough! Anyway I hope your hubby sees the light and sucks it up with his current job. Or finds something he can commit to long term. I remember it was stressful last time he switched.

Speaking of green stuff I hear Canada has done quite well with their sales! I hope US takes a dang hint.

Yeah 3 kids, especially two youngins, scares me too! I know things will fall into place but I know jealousy and schedule balancing is going to be a factor.

Also hubs may be starting his own business with two other guys at the time baby is due and that's given me a new set of fears for how I'll survive...i have my MIL but SIL is due 10 days after me and MIL will have to split her time between us I'm sure. Hoping my mom can stay and help like she did last time...also hoping my recovery isn't nearly as terrible.
Oh gigs that’s hard. Was thus SIL’s first? I can’t remember. Hopefully you can get support. We need some Zuo Yen Zi over here for real!

I can’t win: A gets thirsty at night. If I give him milk, I feel like i’m setting him up for a bad routine. If I give him water, he pees EVERYWHERE. We have wet the bed 3 out of 5 nights this week. Should I just cave and give him milk? Just sucks because I have to go down the stairs to get it (I usually prefill the cup and just leave it on the fridge). Whereas water can just sit on my night stand. I have considered and insulated thermos like hydro flask but I just worry like what if it did go bad sitting there. Ugh
Dobs, does he maybe need to go up a diaper size? The only time we have night time diaper issues is when we have to go up a size. Or L sticks his hands into his pants when wearing a two piece pyjama set.
Yeah we recently switched to the next size, but without fail any time he drinks water at night he sets the bed. Like mommy like son :rofl:
Thanks. I suspect my diet is contributing to the lower temps for some reason. Only real change this cycle. I read some people feel colder on keto diets.I don't remember it when I was on one like a decade ago but I wasn't temping then.
I am back to losing weight though, so that's good.
A's looking cute and I personally would get a small ice chest to put milk in if it's an every night thing. You can keep that cool for 10+ hours easy with ice. Just keep a towel nearby so you can wipe it off from melted ice. Make ice, put in ziplocks and put next to bed.
Yeah yesterday seemed to be couple discord day. Me and my guy NEVER fight and still didn't but I said something he didn't like hearing which depressed him and made him make decisions that depressed him more even though I told him it wasn't necessary. We were able to talk about it more today and everything seems fine now, but dang he likes to overreact to everything.
I basically told him I would need him for stuff for like 1 and half days some weeks, since I don't drive mostly and he acted like I was going to stop him from streaming altogether. He put out a post on his official page saying he was going to quit streaming that night. Such an overreaction I swear. All because I said we could make some good extra money doing some hobby resell stuff with an occasional storage unit auction and such. I told him, yeah I know people that make over 70k a year full time so we should be able to make at 5k just doing it more often.
Ladies! Where are you?! We almost got pushed to page 2! :rofl:

Still impatiently waiting on my digital download for A’s pictures. So here are the proofs

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Dobby has he had any molars come through yet? Hope he handles teething pretty well.

Hope you're feeling better now and you get your eating back on track. Losing weight like that is bittersweet.

I would think there should have been more intervention in your situation as it was about safety and not simple arguing, etc. I know as a general rule they aren't supposed to really adviseyou on what life decisions to make, but with threatening to kill someone that's a safety hazard. Honestly, if I heard someone say that and didn't report I could get in major trouble for failure to report.

I give V a sippy of milk before bed. I don't leave her milk with her, just feed it to heamr and set her to bed. Maybe I'm bad for that, but it keeps her full and sleeping overnight.

Awww A looks so handsome in his pics. They look wonderful!!!

Oh and wowI can't believe we were almost page 2!!

Jez I think that's awesome they've booked another appt. Go you!!!

Sometimes women are asymptomatic. First time I was, discovered on my yearly pap. These othe two times I've had symptoms. Vaginal flora just getting out of whack. Apparently my pregnancy hormones are bad for that. I'm going to try to eat yogurt, I've been turned off by it this time. As for douching I never have as it's really bad for you. DH wanted me to after AF ended years ago, but I told him no it's bad for my V. :rofl:

Pacific yay for at least a temporary home for the sheep.

Gigs hope your mom can stay for a bit. As you need that time to heal. Maybe SIL won't want MIL around. If she does want her help sonething tells me she'll be there. Your poor MIL gets bullied by her.

As for recovery if you decide to do planned c section i hear it's better than unplanned or emergency. If you want to do vba2c then I've heard it's an easier recovery. If you are able to do V delivery, I highly recommend a donut cushion. I wish I'd bought mine sooner pp.

Do you think DH would be willing to trynew business after he takes paternity leave???

Cppeace sorry you and DH had a rough day.

When do you plan to test??

AFM been a pretty good weekend. V is still sick but seems to be getting better.

I've been feeling stronger kicks from S so that's been really nice too. DH said he thought he felt her Friday night. He then said it was too early and probably my bowels , but I said no it probably was her.

I'm really craving sushi right now. Think V and I might go out to get some..... when she wakes from her nap.
I'm here, Dobby. Just tired. lol. A's lookin' cute. As for the milk vs. water issue, going to the kitchen and getting milk sounds like less work than having to strip the bed, do laundry, and re-make the bed. Hopefully this is just a temp problem for A.

Tex - I feel your pain with having a moody SO. My guy can get some serious bouts of IMS (irritable male syndrome) and he has almost zero tolerance for dumbasses. Hopefully he can find a job he likes long term.

Jez - Sounds like your therapy sessions are going well.

PL - Glad to hear you found a place for your sheep for now.

AFM, I've just been pretty worn out this weekend. SO using me as a pillow all night probably didn't help. He's a natural cuddler, but his head is also really heavy and it's hard to get comfortable. I'm also still stressing over Halloween and how SO, my mom, MIL, and my boss are gonna take the pregnancy news. I'm almost enjoying this time right now. No symptoms, no belly, and no one possibly being mad at me. -.-
Dobs he’s sooo cute! I noticed nobody had posted as well, I was just busy so I didn’t respond lol.
I agree with Flueks that the therapist should’ve said something. They’re mandated reporters, so if they suspect someone is in danger they’re legally obligated to report it. Threats of violence definitely count. She should’ve at least reported the situation to the police, which honestly could’ve made your court case easier. And she can get in legal trouble for not reporting it as well, especially if someone ends up getting hurt.

Flueks yay for kicks! I totally feel you with the sushi cravings. Now that you mention it, I could go for some too. But I’m working on homework so I shouldn’t distract myself with food lol

Pretty lol @ IMS. My SO definitely had irritable man syndrome Friday night and yesterday morning. Then he took a nap and felt better and apologized for being a douche. Though I swear men have like a moody menstrual cycle type thing, like they regularly will get moody for no apparent reason, often at the same time as other men. Maybe it’s the moon, who the hell knows.
I’m sorry you’re stressing about telling your SO, mom, and boss. It’s rough when you don’t know how they’d react. If I got pregnant now I’d be stressed out about telling my SO and mom as well, my SO is not ready to be a dad at all and my mom would be upset, though she’d come around. My mom has this saying of living life on levels of difficulty. I grew up in an upper middle class home, I have a pretty high IQ, no disabilities, only easily treated medical conditions, I can afford to go to college, I don’t have to work full time while being a full time student in order to survive (I barely work at all), etc, so I’m living life on EASY mode. If I got pregnant while still in college, I’d be thrust into living life on MEDIUM-HARD mode.
Anyway. I hope you figure things out, and totally enjoy this time of nobody knowing and no showing or crappy symptoms.

So I was going to go to six flags fright fest on Friday night with SO but I got a frickin migraine and bright lights were bugging me so SO said it was a bad idea and I agreed. We just spent the night in. Then we spent the next day together, just getting food and hanging out. We watched the Red Sox game and then he spent the night at my house again, and we got him home at 9ish in the morning cuz he had a bunch of stuff to do today. I napped until 3:30 or so and then eventually drove back to college. And now I’m doing nursing homework, my clinical packet due at midnight. Fun. I’m cool with it though, I have an iced PSL (had a hot one for the first time this morning, it was so yummy!) and a fall candle going, and all is well in my world, at least for now.
That’s so interesting that a bunch of you had arguments with your men over the past few days — DH and I had our worst argument in a long time yesterday! We’re okay today though. I sometimes wish I was better at holding grudges haha

Dobs those pics of A are just beyond adorable, and he’s your spitting image, I swear! Re: telling a couple to break up, I’m actually not sure. Generally I don’t think we’re supposed to tell people what to do, but maybe work with them to help see what the best decisions for them are. I’ll try to remember to ask my supervisor! As for your ex threatening to kill you, my god, I would expect that’s absolutrlt reportable, especially with the Tarasoff law in California. I’m not sure where the line is drawn, though... sometimes you need to be sure the risk is imminent and that the person has the means to carry it out. I should really revisit my ethics notes. But I also wonder whether your therapist was scared, both to report and to tell you to leave him if the blame would be on her and SHE felt unsafe. I’m sure you know this, but therapy notes can be accessed by court order, so if she noted aggressive stuff down, there’d be evidence. I’m just so sorry you went through all that and still living with that ghost. As for being tired, I can only imagine how hard it is. Somehow you’ll get through and you’ll think holy shit I was a fricking hero for dealing with everything I had to deal with, and you’ll be the biggest inspiration to A.

Gigs I get the birthday disappointment (I’ve been there too) and hope you do get to do the day trip after all. Have you guys done that love languages questionnaire online? Couples seem to dig it. Bump is looking great too btw!

Shae congrats on the good grades! You’ll be done before you know it, will start nursing properly and then probably pop a few babes out.

PL glad your sheep are sorted. When do you hope to hear about the land?

Flueks that’s so cool about feeling S more. And I’m sure hubs really did feel her. You’re quite far along!

Pink hang in there, love! One day at a time... I appreciate your worries, though. Once you’ve had the scan and feel more comfortable and have told boss and fam and SO, I’m sure things will calm down.

Darn I had so much more to say but forgot. So I’ll leave for now with the tidbit that DH broke wind earlier today and Tilly said “Daddy farted.” I get the feeling “farted” is considered quite rude in North America? It’s quite a harmless word in the UK. Thoughts?
Yeah I had noticed to ladies had backed off posting lately lol. It's normal for me to disappear for 23 weeks and come back to 10+ pages and this time it was like 5 or 6
Read all, was going to reply... Cat brought in a mouse. Of course she lost it when she put it down and it's hiding between all our packed boxes now. Gotta go catch a mouse
Jez I’d say “farted” varies by region. I don’t find it to be a rude word, but it’s not something you point out to people you’re not close with/in public. So you wouldn’t say “I farted” to an acquaintance or “hehe you farted” to someone you’re not comfortable with. But if you were telling a story about a time someone wouldn’t stop farting (idk lol), I don’t think anyone would be upset that you said “farting” rather than “passing gas” or the like.
Shae hmm okay that sounds pretty normal

CP I think a single page now contain more posts since the site update, so I guess it make sense you came back to fewer pages.

PL hope you catch that mouse!!
Pretty sorry you are stressing over people's reaction. I think most if not al will be happy. Be prepared for the"was it planned?". We were asked that by FIL, I think mainly due to small age gap.

Totally normal to not feel pregnant at this point. My biggest thing was fatigue. I was ready for bed at 730 or 8 instead of 10. I also ha very minimal nausea and only vomitted once during 1st tri. So far it's been a successful pregnancy.

Shae well food is fuel for studying and completing assignments:haha: I did end up getting some and it was so good. Hope you ace your homework!!

Jez we were gifted the love language book when we got married. It's a great book and open your eyes about what's important to one may not be to another. I really need to work on being better with DHs, touch.

Farted isn't really bad. I don't think my mom liked me saying it as a little girl, but I think it was more embarrassment over that word than it being bad.

Pacific hope you found that mouse.

AFM took benadryl before my injection this morning. Hoping it helps and I can continue the injections. We shall see.

V tried cheesecake for the first time yesterday and she absolutely loved it. She kept grabbing my arm to give her more :rofl:
Flueks I ended up getting Wendy’s cuz it’s cheaper and nothing was open cuz it was a Sunday night and I didn’t finish my homework until 10 pm (it was due at midnight so I didn’t want to stop working to go get food). I hope the Benadryl helps you.
Shae true, true. The place in town has a special of choosing 2 rolls and either egg roll or soup for $8 during lunch hours any day of the week. I had a shrimp tempura and california roll. When I was on leave we only ate oit at lunch for all the lunch specials people run.

Yay for getting honework done on time. Do you have many assignments left?

AfM Benadryl seems to have helped the itchiness as I haven't had any today. My arm really burned for about 4 hours after. The rash is the same or a tad better. So FX.

I've applied for my fmla, my work requires 3 month notice which is kind of early to me.
Jez- I don't think farted is rude all the time, only in certain situations. But I think kids get a pass lol heck, DH still laughs if I fart haha are you getting more of your school work done these days?

Pretty- I didn't realize you were telling people in Halloween? When did or are you telling DH? I missed that.

Pl- any update on the land?

Flu- glad the Benadryl is helping the injections.

Shae- do you have any migraine medicine? I used to get them a lot and meds helps. But they actually slowed way down after I got pregnant. Now I rarely get them. Which I didn't realize until right now. Lol so maybe after you get pregnant it'll help.

AFM- so many activities this weekend. DH borrowed a ranger (think utility vehicle/ all terrain vehicle you can take anywhere) the kids loved it. We drove it all around our property and into the creek our property backs up to. We did it A LOT this weekend lol we also painted pumpkins and went trunk or treating. I'll look for a cure pictures of the boys in costumes.
I'm nauseous at the mom and trying not to puke. I also had to go to my regular doctor this morning to follow up on some stomach issues post gallbladder removal. OB/GYN wanted to make sure it wasn't anything infectious causing it. Have to do tons of blood work but didn't have time today since I'm babysitting a friends son. So I currently have 3 boys under 2. Lol
MrsG & Dobby <3 <3 <3 Your Boys are soooo adorable #hearteyeemoji

Had a hectic wknd of clearing & cleaning, picking up more baby goods & the Twin buggy eep! Cant believe i have less than 50 days left, 6 wks omg!! Im excited though :)

Ive briefly read back through but not really took alot in.. my bad, im so tired atm aswell throughnot sleeping uhhh!

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