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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Serena Rose sounds lovely Flueks, its very pretty :) Bless V.. teething & colds go hand in hand its horrible :( Nuala is all snotty again, tis the season now i suppose.. I hope your shots reaction doesn’t get too bad Flueks.

I had my MRI date through, its on Saturday 10th November.. not really looking forward to it tbh, i posted a thread in the Third Tri section, couple of ladies had them & one when pg, lasting at least a minimum of 30 mins & apparently its really hot in there (joy) & not good if you get claustrophobic. Tbh, im getting myself into a bit of a state about it, when i get abit flappy my breathing gets abit erratic & if its hot & laying on my back, its gonna be awful :( SO will be coming with me but i dont think hes allowed in the room of the machine!

Dobby, have u let him cry it out in his own room when he stirs for more Milk? I had to do this in back in the Summer with Nuala.. she moaned 2/3 hrs straight first night until 5am, second & third night less than an hr when she woke & now she sleeps through, its what they’re used to & i was so tired & pissed off with getting up to her i snapped Lol!

Ooh Gigs i missed the fireplace bit, i love fireplaces :) post a pic when u find the one u like!

I need to get up really, its 07:20 & its a school day uhhh! Cold outside aswell, not looking forward to school run brrrrrr my frickin coat doesn’t zip up now, big bump n all lol
Missed the name update Serena rose I love it!

Cb hope the mri is less painful than it sounds. I’m claustrophobic too and honestly just watching it on tv gives me the heeby jeebies

Pl that sounds awesome! I’ve only ever seen/used them as decoration so it’s always interesting to remember they actually have a purpose lol

Re cio I honestly thought I would be a cio mom and to each their own, but that’s not for me. It probably is because watching my ex neglect A was so sickening. But A does show signs of trauma so his child psychologist and I agreed that cio (for him/us) is only to be used for tantrums not need based crying.

The other issue with more milk is he is iron deficient. If left up to him, he will drink 40oz of milk a day and still eat a ton. But his occupational therapist and Pedi want him down to 14-21. Which is hard because I cut the milk/calories but it’s not like he eats more. And I feel like when people told me to starve him out with purses and I know my son better, but because it is affecting his iron levels I feel caught. So as it stands he gets three 7oz cups (morning, afternoon, bedtime). And he’s been a tantrum throwing mess since I told his daycare no more milk at daycare
Pl what kind of fireplace is it? We are looking for non-catalytic but a lot of the HE fireplace makers have both options. Also we are considering RSF or Pacific Energy zero clearance fireplace as both can be routed into the existing air ducts to heat the house. How much is a cord? Is that like onbsizeable tree? We have a lot of seasoned wood already stacked and plenty more downed trees in the woods ready for splitting so cord price isn't an issue for us. I hear you get he best efficiency with dry seasoned wood (kept in a windy, sunny location).

Fluek they make high-efficiency fireplaces that have low emissions and heat your house. Traditional fireplaces tend to use all the air in your home to fuel the fire and put the chimney it goes, leaving your home cold. Unfortunately they aren't cheap though :( looking at 3-4k just for the unit, never mind installation. Might just be a pipe dream this year until we see where the new business is going.

I LOVE Serena Rose! Grrrr makes me a bit sad I won't probably ever get a chance to use the girl names I like. Oh well.

Cb don't stress about the MRI! Yes, it can be a tight squeeze however you are having your uterus scanned which means your head will be out of the machine most likely. I speak from experience, I had one on my uterus before. To be honest the worst part for me was how loud it was. I had ear plugs but I didn't put them in right and they were so militant about me not moving i was afraid to adjust them! I should have just said something but this was like 12 or 13 years ago and i was wayyyy more of a pushover back then.
Gigs, yes. Always burn dry seasoned firewood. Less smoke, more efficient and mess sutt built up in your chimney.
A good "hard wood" (example arbutus here on the west coast) is a much better wood then fir in terms of burn time and heat output. In our fireplace itll make a difference of going from 12 hours to 20 hours between fills. Where as your traditional fireplave will require more wood in 1-4 hours. ;) We paid just over 3k for ours.
Blaze King Industries
The side and back panels are insulated, so no big worries about kiddos touching it except the door which Logan did once...
Basically what the fireplace does is burns the wood, plus the smoke again, creating heat twice at a slower more controlled burn.
A cord of wood is a measurement of 1 meter by 1 meter by 1 meter of stacked firewood. (or one cubic meter of wood).

And if you are making your own firewood, it'll warm you more then once ;) starting with the felling, the cutting, the splitting and again the stacking before it burns ;)
We also use our fireplace as our heat source. We don't have central heat but we have wall heaters. They're good if we have to but they're expensive to run so we have a wood burning stove. It's amazing. Plus I love the rustic look of it. A cord is roughly a truck bed completely full- and piled pretty high. We still have about a cord, maybe a little less in our wood shed.

Cb- what's the MRI for again? I'm sure you'll be fine! You're tough!!

Flu- love Serena Rose! Very pretty

Dobs- I'm a huge believer in do whatever works for you. F what all other opinions are. lol you're right as his mom you know what works. If you decide to give him milk at night go up to a bigger diaper size (I know you just went up) but up a night should help. And dang dude like his milk! Lol so does twin A but I don't give it to him or he won't eat much. The boys only get milk twice a day, maybe 16 ounces total... probably less. But they eat a lot of diary so I'm not worried about it. My boys sleep 12 hours but we also did CIO for bedtime and then when they kept waking up during the night around 11mo I started giving them water so they didn't have an incentive to wake up.

Thanks for all the photo comments!
Below is a test I took today because I had a couple left over and why not? Lol I don't think it can get any darker at this point haha 5w3d

MrsG - loving that super dark line there ha ha! I still get tempted to poas for the hell of it :haha: Scan is for them to 100% make sure my Placenta is a good enough distance from my scars, it looks like they are but Consultant/surgeon said he’s been caught before in theatre & wants to make sure theres no issues there, I know its for mine & babies own safety but still abit eeeky! Im a chicken at heart Lol

Gigs - ah did u really?? Did it take very long? I did google some images of it & saw some people going in the MRI machines legs first instead of head, its made me abit more relaxed now you saying you had a pelvis one & was legs in first.. thanku :hugs:

Dobby, completely get why the no crying it out, it will be a phase that eventually he will grow out of though. Tbh, I tried a couple time cio when Nuala was alot younger & it just never worked, she cried ALL night!
Cb, how adorable! Hope they got lots of goodies ;)

Afm, house is just about empty, just a few items left that we'll need during our month staying with my parents. And some work items from DH. Our 2 vehicles will still be packed tomorrow, but we also have to leave room for our cat, a 90 lbs dog and possibly a rooster unless DH does the deed.
Good luck on your big move PL! Any more news on the property?

Cb, it wasn't that fast but it's also possible it just FELT long because of how boring it is, lol! Yeah I was misdiagnosed vis sonohystagram with a polyp. I had surgery (d&c) to remove it, but when they got in there, they discovered I actually have a partial septated uterus. After the surgery then THEN decided on the pelvic MRI :roll: I was so livid because of the misdiagnosis and the decision to do the invasive procedure first :growlmad: Anyway, yes, they will stick you in feet first and your height will determine how much of your head pokes out. I'm about 5'5" and i was at the edge of it. I just tilted my head back to see the open room, no biggie. Basically the more still you are, the quicker it goes so just try to stay still. But even then it's not like the machine will explode if you move ;)

Green ahhhh so jealous of your stove! That's what I really want but we don't have enough room unless we put it in the basement, and I fel like it will be annoying to have it down there. We never spend time down there. Hubs does but the kids and I rarely do. Plus I'm envisioning Christmas by a fire...ahhh hope we can somehow make this happen before then.
And here was my costume for tonight! :rofl: I put on a tight sports bra to squish my boobs a bit and made the facial hair with waterproof mascara. The dingy shirt & hat are hubs', so it was pretty easy to throw together.

Gigs, just remember, fireplace in the basement: heat rises and should still heat your living levels ;) one of my coworkers had that set up with the same stove I mentioned in an area where we saw -30C. Worked like a charm for him.
Ok i’m Lame I just looked at pics lol

Cb omg when did she get so big?! Time flies!!!! It feels like a week ago you were third tri with her.

Green that line is totally amazing!

Gigs omfg I love it. Did you ever watch playing house? Reminds me of when she dresses as Bo Sepheus
Dobs nope never seen it. But i am reminded of a Halloween episode of Roseanne where she dresses like a trucker.

Green heck yes on that line!!! When are you getting a ticker? Doooo ittt

Pl yes that would probably be the practical option but not as enjoyable;) but we can add a heat dump to the baseythat can be opened or closed as needed. My guess is a basement stove to heat the upper level would require more wood though...
HAHAHA Gigs i love your Halloween costume Lol! thankyou for the MRI info, very helpful. My height is a tad under 5ft 7 so maybe il poke out the top,il def ask about it when i get there for my Apt.

Hope all goes well with your move Pacific, take it easy with your bumpy though..

OMG i know Nuala has sprouted, shes still quite diddy though, only in a tiddly size 5 shoe & still fits into 18-24 month clothing Lol bless her. They got so many sweets last night Trick or treating, Riley was telling me to take some to work with me today as his pot was too full LOL, i was like noooo il eat them later :rofl: Never give away sweets ha ha
Aww she is the same size as Lev :haha: did she enjoy trick or treating? Des had a blast. He was pooped by night's end, he asked to go back home lol. We toted Levin along in the stroller which he liked, and he fell asleep in it toward the end (very unlike him). They both passed out on the car ride home haha.

Des gave us a lot of his candy too. He's so picky!!! But he has big plans to eat it when he gets home from school today.
Nuala is tiny. How's old is she now? She's probably about the same size as max. But he's always wearing clothes a little bit for him since Michael is bigger lol so they're in 2t and size 6 shoes for the most part.
Super cute costumes!!

Love the costume gigs! lol it's hilarious and love how cheap it is!! Halloween is so expensive.
Probably no ticker until after the scan (nov 20th) I still not convinced I'm actually pregnant. How stupid I know...

Boys had fun last night but Michael has s little fever so hopefully it's nothing too bad.
Oh she had a blast trick or treating, Riley was straight into his sweets after school today aswell lol i limited him though as too much sugar he acts like a #%^€^* :haha:

MrsG she is 2yrs 3 months nearly.. she is diddy but shes not tiny set, she has lovely chubba legs n bum Lol

Hope Michaels feeling abit better today. I get the early wks of non-feeling pg, its a positive test stick but no real symptoms as yet.. did u have sickness when pg with the Boys? When did that kick in? Urhh sickness this pg was 5wks & 4days! Not that any women wants to feel sick but its nice to have the symptoms, bittersweet..

Ohhh i just watched an Episode of One born every Minute, jeeze im a blubbering mess, damn hormones
Dobby my ped said no more than 24 oz of milk a day. I give V 32 oz :blush:. She's a big girl with a big appetite to match. I just follow her cues. Do you have a plan to move A to his own room? Maybe he'd sleep better? I mean if not that's fine, it's not for me but whatever works.

Pretty thank you. Your appt is Monday now right??

CB thank you!! V seems to pretty much be over it, just residual congestion. I wasn't able to get a proper look at her tooth, but hope it's came through.

Ah not much advice on mri. I do know some patient's get sedation prior to scan, but not sure about it's safety in pregnancy.

I bought a maternity winter coat but when I look at it I wonder how it'll fit when it gets "really cold".

Riley and Nuala look really good. Thank you for sharing. Also, V wears the same size shoe and clothing size as her :rofl: my girl is an Amazon.

Gigs holy moly that's quite expensive but I'm sure in the long run you'd save by reducing your electric bill. Maybe hubby business will take off and it won't be a pipe dream.

Also, I feel your pain. We had Samuel James picked out for a boy but I don't think we will ever get to use it. Oh well, i know I love my girls and wouldnt trade them.

:rofl: your costume is hillarious. Lovethe beer gut aka baby bump.

And lol about your boys passing outon the way home. Did Des get to eat his candy like he planned?

Oh and has Lev figured out zippers? V loves to unzip and zip things.

Greenie beautiful bfp. Get that ticker cause you are preggers ;) I'm really excited for your appt though:)

Sorry he's got a fever. Hoping like you said it's nothing bad.

Sorry yesterday was a rush, rush, rush day. I feel awful, I didn't even get a pic of V in her costume. In all fairness.... we have some of her in it at the gender reveal. She skipped her nap yesterday so it could have gone a little better, but she did pretty well. Loved seeing people drop candy in the bucket she was holding.

DH got her soon to be toom painted. It was a bright neon green, now it's "sassy lilac". He did an amazing job. Thinking we will transition her there next month.

Was talking with DH and we both have a feeling I will go early again. Watch it my damn intuition and I'll probably go over now. My goal is to take make it to at least 37 weeks though:)
Flueky - Yup, Monday morning. I'm gonna see if I can call the US clinic and book my appt before I get my requisition.

Omg, the last 2 days have been hectic. Alex had an appt with an allergist yesterday afternoon. It was to test to see if he was allergic to cinnamon, but we ended up only testing for eggs and it came back negative. Then, my mom was supposed to be home no later than 4:30 to watch him while I finished decorating and getting ready for Halloween. She volunteers at the hospital and, while she was making her rounds, it was hurting her to breathe. So, they did a bunch of tests (blood, x-ray, etc.) and they diagnosed her with pleurisy. But she didn't leave til well after 8, so she was zero help. And despite the fact that SO worked from home yesterday, he still didn't show up til 6:15, so I was still setting up and wasn't dressed when the kids started showing up. And we also couldn't take Alex trick or treating cuz my mom was supposed to shell out for a bit, but obviously, she wasn't there. Such a shit show. -.-

Then today, we had the funeral for SO's grandpa. The reception only went til 4, but we went back to SO's uncle's place for a few hours, so we didn't even get home til 8:30. I. Am. Worn. Out. TGIF tomorrow and pay day. I am gonna sleep the hell outta this weekend.

2 notes...
- I'm debating getting a cheapy test from the dollar store just to check that I'm still pg before my appt. I've been so symptomless and it's too early to pick up a heartbeat with my doppler.
- I said the line "So, I think I planted a seed in my mom's head..." tonight and before I could finish my sentence, SO said "I thought you were about to tell me you were pg". This is gonna be fun. I can already hear him worrying about lack of money and space and the extra work. Le sigh.

Here are a couple pics from Halloween

45147761_10156090620413095_346712965841420288_n.jpg 45087097_10156090620743095_1512214652996550656_n.jpg

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