General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

He always paid when we went out though even though I made twice as much as he did back then
Wtf I can't find my last reply...???

Dobs let me ask you: would being with him feel like you're settling? If so I say pass...but because in some ways you are like me I could see myself dipping my toes into that water purely for the excitement of it...when did y'all talk? Maybe don't do anything and sleep on it for a couple days.
Dobs- I agree not to factor the lifestyle into it since you can't have it alone anyway. Is it at all possible for when he comes to CA for the first time for just the two of you to have alone time? Or even you guys and A since A won't remember, I would hate to see his daughter get hurt again. It's hard to know unless you guys can get a little time together.
I'm also a huge believer in not writing someone off because it logically makes no sense. My DH tried to get my attention for a long time and I never wanted anything to do with him. In fact, I didn't even think he was attractive. It all happened by accident really. He met zero of my checklist. Except maybe that he was tall. Lol so I'm a little bit of a sucker for romance. I really hope it all works out for you, even if this isn't the guy I know one is out there for you.

Anyway, I got back on here to show you our Santa picture from last weekend!
Boys and I all have colds. But MS is much better.
Hey ladies. I've caught up on all the previous posts, but I'm garbage at remembering who said what off the top of my head and giving decent advice. So, I'll wish all of you who are doing well continued health. And those of you who are struggling with whatever, a quick resolution, some much needed peace, and my thoughts.

This first tri limbo is really getting to me. I haven't found the hb on my at home doppler yet and I'm always in fear of a mmc. Haven't really had much MS recently and hardly any symptoms this time around; not even sore boobs. This wait for my next scan is taking forever. Plus XMas stress and vacation prep stress. How do you manage when you're at this point of not knowing how your baby is doing? -.-

Also, I did the SneakPeek gender test and sent it off on Wednesday, so now I just gotta wait for the result (and take it with a grain of salt).
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Dobs, I am a sucker and say go ahead meet up with the guy, tell him you are not up for a relationship but a friendship. Leave the kids out of it for now.
As for his career or lack thereof: my parents are so similar to yours, if you didn't attend University: you are dumb and can't have a proper career. Boom comes my DH and he is "just" a mechanic, not a career according to my parents. I married him anyway, because that's what my heart wanted. It's just a job and it provides for us for a number of years before DH chose a new career.
I also realized that my parents are the stupid ones for that option...
Btw dobs: I do think you need a good friend. Maybe he can fill in the gap ;)
Pl- my mom was the same and when DH and I started dating he was unemployed! I was still going to college but my mom was really not a fan. DH starting working full time nights and school full time during the day. Now he has a career that can provide for our family and allows me to stay home...even though he's just a mechanic. He likes to let me know he makes more (when I was working) and I'm the one with a Bachelors Degree lol

Pretty- how far along we're you when you did the sneak peak test? I feel the exact same way with the 1st tri. I'll feel much better after the next appointment. Even though statistically a heartbeat at 8 weeks is almost as good as being 12 weeks.

I couldn't get the picture to upload. It kept telling me it was too big so logically I got annoyed and gave up lol
Pretty- hopefully you'll get the results soon! And one more week until our scans!
Pretty i think i was 12 weeks when I couldn't find the hb (after previously finding it) and i flipped out, assumed the worst, and cried! I was fairly asymptotic most of first tri as well. I talked myself down (with help from here) and decided if all was ok I was giving the doppler back to SIL because it caused me too much stress. Well lo and behold, all was fine at my 13 weeks scan. I never touched the doppler again!

Bummer Green; can you crop it and try again? Or i'll just go on fb...

Dobs lol tag line is just the truth! He did warn me... :haha:
Is fill the gap a euphemism? :rofl:

Idk it’s also like i’m The one who got away for him, but it’s not that way for me. I have that guy, and he’s just gotten married to a lovely lady. They have a lot of the same traits but ultimately my “One” is highly educated and has a career. So like to me that’s settling because what if another “One” is out there?

Blah idk we did talk and I was upfront about my financial concerns, and he said he would obviously step up. But his idea of step up is still a career that like people in my town home look down on because we’re a*holes.

We did also both say we want to keep the kids out of it for now and to not rush into sex. Which is easy for me i’m still asexual/not ovulating. Harder for him (pun intended) because he’s working with five years of tension on his end lol
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Green, isn't it funny how being just a mechanic isn't a "career"?? Even though when we were in the Alberta oilfield DH was getting closer to a 6 figure salary then the 50s he would have got here in this area!
Pretty I don’t manage I harass my gyn with my fears until they scan or Doppler me haha how long til the results

Green boo about the picture. I crop or do a screenshot but it is annoying for sure

Lol Gigs!

Thanks ladies. I feel like logically I shouldn’t hold that one thing against him. But he also doesn’t drive. And to me it’s like how are you 30 and you don’t drive and still work hourly at min wage with no benefits. Which he did say there was a time he did the career thing but never got to be with his daughter. Though to be fair he did just get a new job that pays twice that with benefits but still like not on the list of approved things. Idk. I know he would step up and it’s not just talk but still I would feel weird saying this is my bf the store manager, even though they make decent pay and have a college degree.

I do want to sleep with him though. And I told him I feel guilty about it, but honestly he is the only person I think that can be everything I need and listen to my every crazy request and trigger to learn to trust men again. He has always wanted more but never once gone for my hand or kiss because he knew I wasn’t consenting. I literally never even saw his bedroom/ laid on his bed in all the years that we were friends.
Also yay I got my period!!! Which means I had my first successful ovulation since A! Woot woo
Unfortunately I have conferences after school and no pads and my team is in menopause... and i’m wearing a white dress.
Dobs- isn't that life? Waiting and waiting for AF and she shows up when you're unprepared and in a white dress? I think taking it slow is a good idea. At least give it one chance with no kids.

Dopplers can make you crazy. I found the twins heartbeats pretty early and still bath find this little bean. But I also don't stress about it.

I'm soooo nauseous today!!

Also, I have a double stroller but my sis just asked me if I wanted to switch her single for my double. Since my boys will be 2.5 when baby is born and she'll have two under two. It sounds great in theory but I'm scared that I'll no longer be able to strap my kids in. How long can you really use a stroller for? Any ideas? We do have a wagon, but no seat belts in it.

Also, thanks Dobs for the screenshot idea! Here's the picture.

Green, look at that little gummy bear! ;)
For strollers: idk... At one of the farmers markets I did this year I saw a mom with what must have been at least a 4 year old (a real chunker too if you ask me), always with a baked chocolate goodie and in his stroller. I did see him walk once or twice but the kid was already climbing back into the stroller. He did appear healthy, but that is a much higher dependency on a stroller I'd like to have and the kid looked much too heavy to still being pushed around...
L is now 2 and we have used a stroller maybe a dozen times when going for a big pack walk with other dogs. Most of the time we make him walk, he's got 2 healthy legs ;) and when he wants "high up" he understands that he is "too heavy" when we don't want to carry him knowing he isn't tired.
Awwww MrsG lovely gummy scan pic <3 The Santa one of the boys is hilarious & so cute, i have a similar one of Riley haha & im
In the pic laughing my butt off haha!! With re to dbl stroller, Nuala is nearly 2yrs 4 months & she has fits of not wanting to walk & screaming on the floor when im doing school run! I personally would keep dbl stroller as you can get Carseat attachments for them esp whil baby Green is very little.. i have seen triple strollers suitable from birth on ebay & Amazon that could be worth a look?!

Im not sure what the Ramzi theory is...

Dobs, id be kinda torn over the guy thing lol i be scared I’m just settling but like Pacific has said (think it was Pacific) you could probs do with having a real nice decent guy as a mate & ye never know, it may possibly could end up being more? Just dont force it.. lol typical on the period thing but so glad she finally arrived woop!!

Pretty, i never got a doppler hb at home until 11/12 wks or poss 13.. Anterior Placenta joys! Although now i have no probs with feeling EVERYTHING lol!

Gigs my csection date is 10th Dec arghhhhhh!!! 1 wk on Monday omg! ;) not long for you either though eeeee!!!!

Shae, upload a piccy of you in wedding outfit form tomorrow :thumbup:

Flueks lol but I guess as you were so early with V you wouldn’t of thought it was a labour sign! Im still pooping regularly lol!

I been having lots more Braxton hicks last couple of days & the last few i had have been abit more uncomfy esp down low.. if i start noticing more pains il be quickly finishing my bag packing & calling the labour ward for advice! I keep thinking nah it wont happen early as Nuala was 12 days late but given i laboured with her i suppose anything poss?!!!

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