General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Cb- haha at least you're a good mom and sat there with him! I basically threw max at him and my mom was trying to ease Michael into and I said "just set him down and let him scream" lol mostly because I knew he wouldn't be okay with it and figured better get it done as fast as possible
I don't think I want a triple stroller since we don't use it often. I really want to baby wear this time so my plan was to baby wear the little one a lot
Pretty, I was able to find heartbeat earlyish, but couldn't again for several weeks. I have an anterior placenta so that's a reason I couldn't find it. 1st tri limbo sucks but also I think early 2nd tri does too. You don't "feel" pregnant and no movements for a bit. In any case try not to stress about your doppler as it's much less sensitive than medical grade one. They won't even check with doppler until 10 weeks earliest. Looking forward to your scan. When do you get sneak peak results back??

Greenie funny pic of boys and Santa :rofl: I think if not every, almost every kids has crying with Santa pic. V managed not to cry last year because we got beside her. Curious how it goes tomorrow.

Looking forward to your scan next week :)

ETA: not sure on stroller situation.

Gigs if we do try again and have another girl I'm using the same tag line except X in place of Y.

Dobby just wanted to say that being with someone that makes a lot of money isn't everything if they don't make you happy. DH isn't rich nor poor. He works hard to help provide for our family. He also is very loving and helps out with household cleaning. I'd rather be married to him than a lawyer, doctor, etc. On the flip side of things I couldn't handle being with someone financially irresponsible. I chose the path I did in life because I wanted to always be able to support myself. I've lived in government housing and had lice constantly when living there. I do not want that again and I was in kindergarten then.

Sucks AF showed up with awful timing :(

CB nope. I had no real risk factors so I just explained everything away. I'm a bit more of a nervous Nellie this time. More cautious and willing to reach out to OB. You never know, this boy might be ready to come a bit early ;)

Also hehe on Santa pic. Your gorgeous too, btw.
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So I startes cramping again last night and today. They don't resemble Braxton hicks and today they lasted the longest. I sent a message on patient portal askinh if this was okay as long as I didn't experience other symptoms such as back pain, increase or change in vaginal discharge or spotting. I haven't heard back yet. Cramping seems to be gone for now while I'm lying on left side in bed. I may call tomorrow after our portraits if things continue. I just need reassurance one way or another.

I really think we are done ttc after S. I just don't know if I want another high risk pregnancy and weekly injections for 20 weeks. S is totally worth it, but not sure I want to do again when I'm 34 to 35. I don't want anything final though as we may change our minds.

Got my hair cut. An angled lob, and had her curl it. I only have loose waves essentially now. Hoping it looks good for tomorrow.
Fluek piiiics. Good they got back to you so quickly. Sorry about the cramping. Big hugs. I hear what you mean about the pregnancy experience being tough but worth it. Hopefully the cramps subside

Green holy moley that is so cute and iconic. Totally worth saving and pulling out when serious gfs come to visit haha.

Cb aww so fun to go down memory lane!

Yeah not irresponsible. He looks for sales and makes good choices. That’s a big reason why he left the bay, COLA is so much better. They vacation every year, he is the custodial parent but still gives the mom $3k to cover her when she is here for the summer. They went to Hawaii last year and he is planning to take her to France later this year.

I just logistics we can’t afford three kids and a House here. I’d rather be comfy with my one than struggling with three. But his girl would be almost off to college by then and her tuition is paid (inheritance from grandparents).

And I do believe people make it work but I don’t want To

Plus he is triggering me lol he invited us to Paris and i’m Like SLOW YOU ROLL
Dobby yeah, I'm guessing I should have called instead of using patient portal. I've agreed with DH if no response I'll call on call OB tomorrow.... after portraits. Well unless something drastically changes.

Seems a bit eager asking for you to accompany him to France. For real not many people I'd travel overseas with. Also, I totally get not wanting to struggle financially.

Here's pic. I quickly took it at work earlier. Going to try to nap beforeDH gets home.


I honestly do the same thing but like I have a kid now so it’s creepy not cute :rofl:

Enjoy your nap!
Green - Yup, can't wait! I actually tried to reschedule my scan for the 24th, when I'd be 13w4d, but the clinic is closed. So, I guess Dec 7 at 11w1d will have to do. lol

Dobby - Well, as worried as I am, I don't wanna have to take any additional time off of work to go to my MW and get her to check. lol. And yay for AF, even if the circumstances are less than ideal.

Flueky - At least once you're in your 2nd tri, your risk of MC goes down to like 1% or something(?) I can live with that. FX your cramps stay away and nice hair cut. :)

As for the results, it sounds like (under normal circumstances), it takes several business days for them to receive your sample, analyze it and send you the result via email. But we just had a 6 week mail strike in Canada and I've heard there are like 500 vans of parcels waiting to be sorted. So, it could take a while to even leave the country and then it needs to get to California. So, I was hoping to "know" before we head to Florida, but I guess hearing back before XMas is more realisitic.

I THINK they said I had an anterior placenta last time, so I guess that could be the case now too. Plus 35 extra lbs this time around. Gonna try the doppler again with a full bladder tomorrow morning.
Pretty the 7th is right around the corner! I feel like the bad stuff, like mmc, happens more often to those not expecting it or those with repeat losses. I'd bet money all is fine :thumbup: can't wait to see the ultrasound pics!

And Green omg little baby!!! What a perfect shot. Do you feel a little relieved? That first u/s is always so nerve wracking.

Hmm I'm hVing the same dilemma about going from a single to a double stroller. I just feel like I don't use it as much and i can wear baby and Lev can walk, but there were definitely times with Lev where I needed to put his carseat in the stroller because he was sleeping...and I know I still used the stroller with Des occasionally up until he was 4. It's a good option when they get sick of walking and we used to walk a local trail a lot. Ideally I just want to keep both in my car but I guess that's unreasonabl :haha:

Dobs eek idk...that sounds like a red flag to me although you guys have known each other a long time...i hate that though, i'm the type who pulls away the quicker a "lover" pursues me...same way I am wayyyyyyy less likely to buy from a pushy salesman. You just need to very clearly state your intentions. In a way your period timing was perfect so you can be forced to think about things (like f-king) before you jump into it!
I forgot who asked about Ramzi but I have trouble finding the placenta in pics lol.

Pretty yikes about the strike. Shame when people get to that point. :(. Hopefully they were able to get things sorted (pun not intended).

I second Gigs. I think there is the natural worry but then that doom feeling is something else. So likely all is well. And I hear you on missing work fts.

:(. I hated my AP. I know it doesn’t bother most people but I feel like it robbed me of part of the experience because A was so small then on top of that I barely felt or saw movement. I get gas now more often and stronger haha

Can’t weigh in on strollers. I barely use A’s now. He doesn’t even like to be in it. Only use it for long outings or if he’s fallen asleep on the way to dinner. But I see people with them and I could see myself using it if I had two kids. Reminds me of that baby movie with j-lo was the guy commissions the fancy double stroller lol

But yeah like I told him i’m not dating or sleeping around because I don’t have time and he said he would do the same. I was very clear that he can keep doing his thing, but he deleted all his apps and told people he was not going to talk or sleep with them. And he keeps talking about how in the summer this or when he visits that and suddenly hanging out on the 21st has turned into a date like brown paper bag please. The whole reason I was ok exploring this was because of the long distance and how slowly we could take things. And now he’s looking to buy a game I mentioned on fb like weeks ago to a mutual friend and asking what A wants from Christmas. Like I want to throw up.

The problem is there was one summer we spent every day together. We went shopping, to the park, were regulars at a Italian restaurant. But that was the summer I dated my ex before A’s dad who threw me into a wall and I developed PTSD. I blocked out most of that summer from my memory, included all the time I spent with him and his daughter. I remember flashes, so I know he’s not mistaking me for someone else or making it up. So he has all of these memories from nearly a decade of friendship and four months of like spending every day together, and I have many an hour total of memories. I could see where he could possibly have loved me at one point because he was friend zoned and we were never physical, but our hangouts could have easily been dates if I was romantically interested.

Ugh but honestly all this just makes me miss my “One”.

I don't Want to end up like my mom who married for her kids and not herself/love and is nuts because of it

Sorry for venting but it’s really just for me to process and think aloud so feel free to ignore me lol
Green love the Christmas pic, it’s so funny! Lovely gummy baby, no clue about Ramzi theory though.

CB haha I love that you’re laughing while kiddo cries in the pic

Dobs yikes yeah it seems like he’s jumping in way too fast. Maybe try telling him that you’re not ready for that much and you need some boundaries and he’s kinda suffocating you with all this.

So much stuff, can’t remember anything else. Love you all.

Here’s pics of my nails as requested.

F26DDA24-0BF1-4A69-9E2B-E00A32E0F3BC.png 48AAA887-7D15-4A73-ACC6-937F559219EE.png
Yeah we had a come to Jesus talk and he was really respectful and made a joke about how if he could survive the friend zone for 10+ years then he can tone it down/go as slow as I need

Oooo did you do the French yourself?!
Shae- your nails look great! Have fun at the wedding today!

Dobs- I still think he deserves a chance. But that's just me lol

Gigs- that scan was from over a week ago haha I posted it once already but it's been awhile so I understand. Next scan is the 7th just like pretty.

Pretty- once they get your package they'll send you an email and then the results will be within 24 hours. So really depends on how much the strike affects it. Hopefully they receive it soon!
Ahhhh 2 scans coming up on the 7th woop!!! So excited for you ladies! Pretty, no doubt bubba is all dandy in there ;)

Hope the cramping eased up Flueks.. have u been over doing it maybe? Will they get you in to check u over?

Ahhh Shae, your nails look lovely! Enjoy the Wedding chick, have some drinkies he he
Pretty I ordered the sneak peek too, is Canada posf the only way to send it?!

I haven’t read anything else but much love to you all!
Excited to hear about and see some scan updates!!!

Was watching “The Holiday” and basically my friend looks like (though less now because he cut his hair and lost weight) and acts like Jack Black in the movie.

In other news I think A is getting his third molar? Time will tell lol
Dobs- 3rd molar in the first set? I know Michael had all his first molars and I believe starting to get his second but I'm not even sure about max lol he's such a chill kid and doesn't like me checking so I don't even bother haha
How does A do with teething?

Future- when are you sending your sneak peak in?! I'm so curious to all these results!

Cb- you're sooo close! Any last minute things you have to get done? And reminds me. How come you're doing c-section? Just because you've already had two and a failed vbac? Trying to decide what I want (plenty of time though!)
Dobs- 3rd molar in the first set? I know Michael had all his first molars and I believe starting to get his second but I'm not even sure about max lol he's such a chill kid and doesn't like me checking so I don't even bother haha
How does A do with teething?

Future- when are you sending your sneak peak in?! I'm so curious to all these results!

Cb- you're sooo close! Any last minute things you have to get done? And reminds me. How come you're doing c-section? Just because you've already had two and a failed vbac? Trying to decide what I want (plenty of time though!)
Fluek once again we're having the aame issue lol. I was having crampy BH's 2 nights ago that felt like period cramps. They were coming every 6-7 minutes despite me laying down. I decided to go to sleep and see if they got bad enough to wake me. Obviously they stopped :thumbup:

Love your hair btw! You look a bit like Tina Faye in the pic who hubby and I both agree is quite hot :p
Excited to see the scan pics!

Dobs they’re glue on nails from CVS lol. I glued them on myself, that’s about it.

Had fun at the wedding. Got drunk off sangria, sobered up before we left though.
It made SO start talking about what kind of wedding we want to have.
Pretty that's true risk of mc goes way down by start of 2nd tri. I just also don't like the limbo of early 2nd tri. Sorry it looks like it may be awhile longer til your results come back. Will you pay for early gender scan too or just wait until anatomy scan?

They never said anything about my placenta last time. This time they didn't either, I just saw her type anterior placenta on a pic from ultrasound. I'm guessing I had it with V though as it was past 20 weeks before it was obvious baby.

Gigs I don't use my stroller a lot with V. I'm thinking baby wear S as much as I can with V in stroller if I'm alone with both. Hoping by the time I can't really baby wear V will be fine without a stroller. Time will tell.

Oh man we have got to quit this copying each other crap. At least the not so good things like cramps, toddlers not sttn.

Thank you!! She is a beautiful woman and so funny. Baby mama is coming on netflix later this month, can't wait to see again .

Dobby :hugs: hope you can sort out what's right for you and this guy. Whether it be friendship, relationship, or nothing.

Shae nice nails. Glad wedding went well and inspired SO to think about your future wedding :)

Greenie are you staying team green this time?

CB thanks. Had a few cramps Saturday and some discharge that looked like ewcm. I never called, I may tomorrow.

I'll update about me tomorrow.

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