I forgot who asked about Ramzi but I have trouble finding the placenta in pics lol.
Pretty yikes about the strike. Shame when people get to that point.
. Hopefully they were able to get things sorted (pun not intended).
I second Gigs. I think there is the natural worry but then that doom feeling is something else. So likely all is well. And I hear you on missing work fts.
. I hated my AP. I know it doesn’t bother most people but I feel like it robbed me of part of the experience because A was so small then on top of that I barely felt or saw movement. I get gas now more often and stronger haha
Can’t weigh in on strollers. I barely use A’s now. He doesn’t even like to be in it. Only use it for long outings or if he’s fallen asleep on the way to dinner. But I see people with them and I could see myself using it if I had two kids. Reminds me of that baby movie with j-lo was the guy commissions the fancy double stroller lol
But yeah like I told him i’m not dating or sleeping around because I don’t have time and he said he would do the same. I was very clear that he can keep doing his thing, but he deleted all his apps and told people he was not going to talk or sleep with them. And he keeps talking about how in the summer this or when he visits that and suddenly hanging out on the 21st has turned into a date like brown paper bag please. The whole reason I was ok exploring this was because of the long distance and how slowly we could take things. And now he’s looking to buy a game I mentioned on fb like weeks ago to a mutual friend and asking what A wants from Christmas. Like I want to throw up.
The problem is there was one summer we spent every day together. We went shopping, to the park, were regulars at a Italian restaurant. But that was the summer I dated my ex before A’s dad who threw me into a wall and I developed PTSD. I blocked out most of that summer from my memory, included all the time I spent with him and his daughter. I remember flashes, so I know he’s not mistaking me for someone else or making it up. So he has all of these memories from nearly a decade of friendship and four months of like spending every day together, and I have many an hour total of memories. I could see where he could possibly have loved me at one point because he was friend zoned and we were never physical, but our hangouts could have easily been dates if I was romantically interested.
Ugh but honestly all this just makes me miss my “One”.
I don't Want to end up like my mom who married for her kids and not herself/love and is nuts because of it
Sorry for venting but it’s really just for me to process and think aloud so feel free to ignore me lol