General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae lmao love it! Glad the wedding was fun. What kinds of deets is he/you two thinking?

Green still on his first set. He was a late fanger haha. He is ok. But grouchy but not bad. Gnaws on things but won’t use a teether.

Fluek I vote call just to be cautious.

Watching old 90s pop music videos and really want to go full 90s with my hair now :rofl: bangs and all

As for men, i’ll see him just to see. When I talk to him and he makes me laugh, I love it. But when we’re off the phone my brain is like fts. Also dunno if it’s him reminding me most guys aren’t asses or the return of a natural period but omg guys are attractive again! I went Pokémon raiding and I can’t stop thinking about this silver fox who kept smiling every time I talked but I was cold and with my mom. And he’s older like makes me think I have daddy issues older. But he wasn’t wearing a wedding band. He’s in my discord group but I can’t narrow it down to figure out which one he was so guess i’ll Be raiding more often jk jk jk
Dobs money is such an issue for us that he wants to have a back yard reception with a couple people grilling hamburgers and hotdogs lol. I’d be totally fine with that as long as I get my pretty wedding dress and we get to say our vows and stuff, but I want to get married on our anniversary, which is November 12th. We live in New England. So if we wanted to have an outdoor wedding, we’d need a huge tent thing and space heaters and it would be less than ideal. SO doesn’t care what day we get married, but I really want to do it on our current anniversary so we don’t have to remember a new date and because the date is so special to me. Idk. For music I think it would be easiest to just rent some speakers and connect someone’s phone to it on a playlist.
Shae that’s cute. I’m spoiled so I would want a separate date haha. Cuz then you have an excuse to have two anniversaries buaha. But I definitely see the appeal in one and making it that much more special.

Boo on the weather not meshing with plans. A few of my teacher friends did the backyard reception thing. Saved a ton of money bbqing and buying food and alcohol from Costco. Few friends did all the grilling and they decorated with friends and made their own Spotify list and opted for the free trial to take out ads haha. Only big expense they shelled out for was a mixologist.
We have two anniversaries... DH asked me to marry him in the spring, I didn't really want an engagement that lasted longer then a year, and I have my grandparents who were married for 64 years, then my parents married 5 days after my grandparents date (and are still married 35(?) Years later), so I wanted to get married 5 days after my parents. Plus my grandparents birthdays were 5 and 10 days before their wedding anniversary. So I took that as a good sign ;) they also lived into their mid and late 90s. So our February anniversary would not have worked for me. Haha

So a few weeks ago L broke out in eczema again. It was so bad we could not put him down for a nap and he'd scratch his foot bloody in the first 30 seconds left alone. Then scream bloody murder because his entire foot was bloody and scratched up. So a new doctor prescribed a new cream, which is super expensive and of course not covered even by our private coverage. It's worth it because this cream has been a god sent. Anyway, the new doctor also made good as she referred us to a dermatologist, apparently the best our entire area has to cover. So we had an appointment booked for March!!! I called the next day and explained that a 2 year old doesn't understand the concept of scratching that itch till it bleeds isn't good in the hopes for an earlier time. Now we have to wait until jJanuar. 1 piece pyjamas with feet until then....
Pl glad the cream is helping and that you got that appointment pushed up!
Dobs yeah I think it would be way cheaper to do the Costco burgers thing (though we don’t have one nearby, so it would probably be BJ’s instead, same wholesale concept). We could get a ton of pasta salad and potato salad and chips and stuff while people wait for the burgers to be ready. I love the pasta salad from my local deli, so maybe I could order a ton of it in advance so they have enough. I much prefer it over BJ’s pasta salad. Though I could get some of both since people have different tastes.

I feel like it would make more sense for that type of wedding to happen during a warmer time, but I hate the heat and so does SO, he’s had heat stroke before and it only hits 90s here (for the two of us that’s like we’re on fire). At the same time, if we got a tent and space heaters and used his fire pit, we could make it work. I have a much bigger backyard, but my driveway is impossible to get out of if it’s snowed and you don’t have at least 4-wheel drive, so he thinks his smaller backyard could work. He has a working grill and a porch whereas my grill hasn’t been used in a decade and the porch is old and not okay for more than maybe 8 people.

I’d want the ceremony to be inside, though. He originally wanted it at a church with his pastor from childhood (if he’s still alive at that point, he’s super old) and now he says we could just do it all in the backyard but I’d rather have the ceremony inside just in case the space heaters aren’t great or something, so I don’t need a big shawl over my dress during the ceremony. So if we used a church in the same town as his house, it wouldn’t be a big trip to the reception.

On one hand I’d love the fancy wedding, I’ve always kinda wanted one too. But at this point, I don’t care if we’re eating filet mignon or burgers, I just want to wear a ball gown and a veil and get married. A fancy wedding is expensive and it leaves more room for things to get messed up. They messed up the music timing more than once at the wedding yesterday. The bride was super chill about it, she was just so excited to be getting married. But I’d go bridezilla cuz of all the money being spent to make it perfect. Like, the wedding was at a country club and they had waiters with appetizers and filet mignon, salmon, or chicken marsala for dinner, and an open bar. That’s expensive stuff. Also, neither of our families are fancy type people. We definitely all clean up nice, but we’re the types who are most comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. I’d want people to be dressed nicely for the ceremony, aka no jeans, but there’s no need for black-tie level fancy, and if we’re eating burgers after, they won’t want to be in tuxedos.

Okay that’s too much talking, I’m done (for now lol).

PL yikes about the eczema! Poor guy! I’m glad the cream is helping, sucks that it’s not covered by insurance though. Too bad they don’t have an appt until January, but glad it got moved from March.
So I looked up the cost of a tent for a wedding and yikes. Rentals are nuts expensive. Like, legit thousands. They sell them online for cheaper, but idk.
Shae, word of advice: leave the word "wedding" away. Look up similar words such as party rentals, or just tent rentals. When we planned our wedding we found that as soon as we said "wedding" the price was double on that item of not even more. The industry knows that brides are " only going to do this once" so are willing to spent extra money and thus increase the price.
Look outside the box, especially if on a small box and belief me, no one will know that you are for example offering "food" or "wedding food" just pick a good caterer for your "party".
Shae agree with PL when you attach the word wedding to things, prices skyrocket. I bought pimento cheese and chicken salad. My MILs spread it on the bread. I washed and cut up fresh veggies and fruits. Also conned my dad into fixing crab pasta salad. We had chips, punch, and some soda to drink. It was soooo much cheaper. We just had a friend start the ipod to play the music we had chosen. It was lovely. If you do outdoor anything a tent is a must regardless of season. My FIL had one and lots of metal chairs. He really helped us save money.

Pacific glad they bumped his appt up but stinks it's next month. Glad new cream is helping though.

Dobby :rofl: silver fox.

AFM I'm at OB office, they wanted me checked out with my history. Better to be safe. No cramps yesterday though.DH has been scared to do anything though so that kinda sucks. I understand though.
Good news no dilation. Bad news, BV again. I asked about prevention. I'm showering daily and not douching so yeah nothing really. Although I am happy nothing looking like preterm labor at the moment.
Flu- adorable pictures! Keep us updated on the OB visit.

Shae- we had a backyard wedding. It was st my dads house in the country and his backyard was up against grapevines. We also had it catered by a local company, DHs cousin DJ'd for us as our wedding present, and our family put together some appetizers. We had to rent tables, chairs, etc. Buy lots of decorations and other things you don't think about. DHs grandma and aunt also made our wedding cake, they used to own a bakery. We spent less than $5,000 not including my dress and ring.

I forgot who asked.. we plan on staying team green this time. I hope we can stick to it.
Fluek lovely pics!!! Sorry to hear about the bv again :( hope it clears up quickly.

Our wedding was way too expensive. I would have been perfectly happy with a backyard, small wedding but my mom had other ideas. I am the only daughter though so i get why she wanted to make it special--and it was! We have the reputation for the "funnest wedding" among our friends lol. Honestly it went too quickly for us though. It was a bit of a blur. So much planning then it's over in a blink! Our dj sucked though. The food was much better during our tasting than when it was served but oh well. My mom planned pretty much all of it and it was very "me".

Blah i have a proper waddle now but it's due to foot pain and swelling. My feet and ankles were bad last night...probably from being on my feet all day. Really having a tough time trying to balance staying active and not be uncomfortable/in pain. I need to curb this weight gain!
That’s true re: the word wedding. Unfortunately I was looking at party/entertainment rental places and they didn’t even say wedding tent on them, just tent. But you can buy them online much cheaper, you just have to set them up yourself and all. And then of course there’s tables and chairs and all that craziness. Yikes.

Flueks such cute pictures! Sorry about the BV, but glad no signs of preterm labor so far.
Flueky, sorry about the bv again, but at least no preterm labor. Love your pictures!!

Shae, maybe next time there is a big event in town ask where they rent them from .or Craigslist, maybe someone private already owns one they are willing to loan to you.


WTF, how am I on a 10 week countdown now!!!???
Tossing this idea out there Shae.... destination wedding! Then you only have to invite a few people. DH and I got married in Italy and it was SO romantic! We had five guests, which was perfect. The whole three week trip and honeymoon in Europe and wedding stuff cost us less than 10k. I’d do it again and again. Happiest and most fun day of my life. Perfect for someone like me who didn’t want to plan a huge thing (AKA lazy) or be the center of attention. I totally understand it isn’t for everyone though.
So true michelle! I would have loved a destination wedding, but we also knew that some family members could not afford the flight let alone the resort and we felt like that we should not have to pay for tickets or resort stays for those that could not afford... So 1 year later we splurged on a nice honeymoon in the Bahamas. At the time our income supported at least that. We also paid for our own wedding.
I would love to renew our vows one day in an intimate setting after we're done having kids so they can all be a part of it. And then another honeymoon! I'd love to try one of those all inclusive resorts.

PL :shock: i keep forgetting you are not far behind me! Also I see your "in pain" status thing, is all ok?

I'm hving a rough go today. My swelling is making things very uncomfortable:( sorry to keep bitching about it...and long car rides make my pelvis ache when I stand up. I am becoming increasingly worried about the final weeks of this pregnancy when hubby may be turning long hours at his new business...oh they signed the lease today so assuming the owner of the building follows through with all contingencies, they'll been in there starting from scratch the first of the year. I am nervous but everyone is pretty positive they'll be "making bank". I am dreaming of finally being out of debt and finally fixing up our house! And maybe getting that fireplace!
Gigs, wishing your hubby and you all the best with his new business venture!
Is there anything you can do for the swelling?
As for my pain, I have had quite a bit of sciatic nerve pain, sore back. Still need to book a chiropractor. However, I also recently found a little bit of relief from the pain in L: when I put him down for the night, we've always done a few minutes of stand up cuddle time before he gets placed into his crib. So I now bent sideways just a tad while holding him, and my back adjusts giving me some short term pain relief. His weight on me/in front of me seems to be just right for adjustments :haha: too bad its only once a day. Our family physio therapist says it's fine to do, as long as it isn't forced.
Is there anything else you can use during the day? Why not cuddle him more? I forget what your daily schedule looks like...

I have tried compression socks but they are itchy as hell when i take them off. Might try again tonight as I'm going to be doing a lot of walking (botanical garden tour).

Hoping tomorrow isn't miserable...

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