General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Sorry your swelling us giving you grief Gigs, my feet, ankles & lower legs look like floats atm its s**t! They always say keep them elevated - ummmm try that with a 2 yr old??!!! Uhh! Big hugs hun

Pacific, so glad creams working for Logan, have u tried natural coconut oil on him aswell? Supposedly great..

Loving your famalam pucs Flueks <3 V is sooo cute & such a good mix of you & your hubby! Sorry about the BV but im going to say it, hubs semen is a big factor, it throws the balance right out esp when pg, i always get it & lube makes it worse :( The Gynae lafy at sex health clinic told me in person. Will hubs try dtd & then pulling out to see if it makes a diff?

So I FINALLY packed my Hospital bag yay! Lol! I only need to pack my iphone charger, a hairbrush & my new pj’s that have been washed & are currently drying on clothes airer ;) BB are starting to get a wee bit uncomfy/painful esp in the evening.. im pretty sure i gave a lovely Cold coming on aswell, fab!
Gigs, my back will only adjusts about once a day. L is actually a really cuddly boy with me, so it isn't for lack of that.

Cb, OMG I can't believe how close you are to meeting your little one! You must be getting excited, especially with packed bags ;)
As for eczema, weve tried just about everything. According to the doctor, there isn't a cure, you just have to ride out the flare ups best as you can. Some will take years, others weeks or months. Between new cream and Vaseline, his skin is actually looking better, I am also glad that this time the flare up wasn't on his face like it was when he was a wee baby. (Someone at that time suggested breast milk and it did nothing). Our current success lies in less creams is more: natural laundry detergent, no store bought bath bubbles, shampoo for his showers or baths, etc although a natural hand made goat's milk soap seems to work.
I agree with the Eczema remedies as u say, less is best & au natural products are better for the skin, Riley used to have flare ups aswell, he eventually grew out of the Eczema though, im sure L will aswell Pacific :) omg i know its so close, getting excited, scared (because theres 3) & hormonal lol i got all teary near the end with Riley & Nualas pg’s.. your pg has gone so fast aswell, less than 10wks left ahhhhhh!!! How you feeling atm??

MrsG i forgot to reply sorry, in the UK, if you’ve had 2 consecutive csections - whether the later 1 was a failed vbac or an elective, they don’t like u to try natural labour after due to added stress & strain on the Uterus & i would be classed as high risk & being monitored constantly, i wouldnt be able to labour at home either :( tbh though, with how Nualas progressed (it didnt) this one would probs be the same & i hated that they wouldnt give me any pain relief other than Gas n Air. Im still being sterilised aswell.. i guess if your planning to be also, it would be a csection only type thing ..
Gigs thankfully my mom let me do my thing for my wedding. I didn't invite some people because I didn't want stress. I know she didn't like it, but she kept her mouth shut for the most part.

Sorry for the swelling. I'm thankful to be pregnant but there are definitely not so pleasant things with pregnancy. I wear sockwell compression socks and love them. I've never had issue with itchiness wearing them. Also I hope you manage alright in your last month.

FX DHs business does very well. I know money isn't everything, but it's such a relief not worrying about how to afford things.

Greenie, well I hope you stick to your guns, but kinda hope not :haha: I like knowing for whatever reason.

Pacific yikes. Hope you can get into chiro to help your pain. I found a lovely sciatic nerve stretch that works for me. Sitting in a chair I put ankle of the side hurting me on top of opposite knee. Then I put my hands on my desk and lean forward for 30 seconds.

Oh and yay for 10 week countdown :)

CB thank you. Yes I think she is quite a mix of both too. Ultrasound pics V and S look practically identical. I'm curious to see how they compare at my next one on the 17th.

Well thanks for the tip. None of the literature I've come across mentioned semen throwing the pH off therfore flora getting out of whack. I'll mention it to him and hope he will try. I'll try to find evidence to show him as I think that would help him undersand.

So exciting it's all ready to go!! It's Monday the 10th right??? Ah I'm so excited for you :)

Poo for feeling like a cold is coming on. I got one early pp and it sucked. I was grateful V didn't catch it though.

AFM Been a busy week. Traveling for work in the morning and they are calling for some snow. I don't think it'll be bad, but I'll need to slow down.

V is getting a cold. Poor thing. Better now though then Christmas time.

Still having discharge but no cramps. I suppose 2/10 pills hasn't been long enough. I dreamt last night I went into PTL at the end of December. DH and I were arguing because he had wanted me to go to hospital earlier before waters broke. The OB had me get in the bed and hold onto the side rails for dear life. They then flipped the bed where I was hanging on and trying not to fall in the floor. They said it helped baby come out :rofl: She was born fairly healthy and was beautiful with lots of brown hair. They took her to NICU and I woke up shortly after. I know it was brought on by my recent worries.

Well better get some things done and go to bed. Have a good night everyone :)
Future - Ya, I think Canada Post is the only way. It comes with a return envelope that already has all the info and postage paid. And the instuctions say don't ship it back in different packaging.

Flueky - I'll just wait for the anatomy scan. With Alex, my scans were 8w3d, 12w0d, 20w0d, and the 4D one at 31 weeks. I'm gonna aim to get my scans at about the same gestation with this one, as well as getting the 4D scan again. And your family photos look really cute. :)

PL - Good to hear that the cream his helping. Hopefully he can keep scratching to a minimum before the appt.

shae - Can't really offer much wedding advice. As much as I have it planned in my head, it's probably never gonna happen. Hope you can plan a nice day that fits within your budget though. :)

So, still not finding the hb on the doppler, so I took another pg test. Came back super positive and then I googled how long it takes for hcg levels to drop after a mmc, cuz I'm a dumbass. I do feel a little better though. Just waiting on Friday and I really need to get my ass in gear and start packing for FL.
Pretty, its def hard not to worry esp with minimal symptoms.. i bet bub is really low in there, most probs Anterior. What times your scan on Friday hun?

Flueks - Lol at your dream! It would be playing on my mind aswell, i had my first dream the other night that baby arrived aswell & its because i been wondering if il pop early & need an e-csection! He looked like Nuala but with fair hair, I couldn’t get him to bf though& i got so upset & SO kept saying in the dream ‘f**k it, least u can drink now’ Lol!

Im going to try that trapped nerve technique you mentioned with lifting the leg etc, mines awful atm!! Hope V shifts her cold before crimbo, me, SO & Nuala have this cold, fx it passes before Monday!

Future - how u feeling? Any sickness yet?

We’re planning on putting xmas tree up on Sunday whilst kids go see Father Christmas as a surprise with their gparents hehe have NO idea what to get them both as a gift from new baby bro - any ideas??
Lol, I too have had a dream that baby was born. A girl btw. Afterwards I had to go get DH because he missed the whole birth. As we were coming back to the restaurant (!) I saw my (departed) grandmother walking around the parking lot with the baby. The hospital allowed her to leave with the baby because she is family. Funny because that grandmother is not related by blood, never married into the family but we always called her grandma.

Mw appointment today, HB was 135, and when baby was unhappy about getting pushed around by the midwife it gave a huge kick. Made the me step back too! :haha: so that brought HB up to 140. I am thinking girl again!! Haha

Cb, how old was Riley when he outgrew the eczema? We actually thought L was done with it too as hed been clear all spring, summer and fall. Maybe it's a winter thing.. we are hopeful he'll eventually be done with it for good too. He's already outgrown a few allergies. He used to get hives when mom's dog licked him and he hasn't since he was a baby now ..
Thanks Pretty, I literally just been on Amazon & got Nuala a book with the big button for a baby giggle sound lol, book called ‘im the big sister’ which she’ll like :) Im looking at a Hoody atm for riley saying new big brother 2018.. trying to get delivery before xmas though arhhh its my own fault for leaving it too late, maybe il get a Book for him aswell poss with stickers lol they love stickers!! Books are always good choices ;)

I dunno how u hold your will power Pacific lol not long though :) Nualas hb was always 140+ this bub has been around 130ish.. glad your apt went went though!

Riley grew out of his Eczema around 3yrs, about the same time he stopped needing his inhaler for his wheezy chest constantly from bloomin chest infections! Def worse Eczema in the colder months though, its the layers & cold it just makes the skin more drier :( Lol at your dream aswell, g-ma wandering the carpark with your newborn :haha:
Cb omg soooo close now eeee!!! Part of me is jealous but I don't think I'm ready for an infant quite yet...need as much time as possible for Lev to hopefully calm even just slightly...he's starting to listen & take direction more (thank God) like putting books back in the shelf. He is just a ball of energy, it's crazy!!! Hubby says he's "stuck on go", which is so true. He doesn't stop until he is forced to stop.

We went to the hardens/light fest last night and he refused to use the stroller. He was just charging ahead the entire time! When we finally forced him into the stroller he threw a huge fit lol

Gah and today he had a blow out at the grocery store so intense i had to change him from head to toe. There was poop everywhere :shock: I keep saying it buy I just hope Myles is at least a bit more mellow.

Fluek glad the socks work for you! I actually tried an experiment last night wearing just one (mostly because I couldn't find the other) and the difference in my legs was marginal. Still had pitted edema on both sides. Oh least birth will bring relief :haha:

Pl & Fluek the vivid dreams are so intense sometimes! Hmmm I say I am leaning pink for you pl but I have pretty terrible instincts on this stuff lol.

Cb do the kids like stuffed animals? Maybe those as gifts?

Here y'all go, Levy running through a light tunnel last night lol

Flueks that dream is so funny! Dreams always seem to do weird things that don’t make sense, like having you hang upside down lol

Gigs yikes on the blowout. The light tunnel pic is lovely!

Sorry for crappy reply. Been crazy busy. I had a nursing exam this morning and my skills lab practicum final in the afternoon. Thankfully I got a 100 on the practicum. The exam was not as good, but not terrible. Not sure yet. We’ll find out in a few days. I have my nursing final next week on Wednesday, and my microbiology final next week on Friday. We have to be out of the dorms by 2 but I have a work study shift until 3, so I’ll need to pack my car up before my shift. I may even need to do it Thursday afternoon so I make sure I have enough time, cuz I can’t be late for work study and I can’t go back in the dorms after 2, they shut down the card system.
Oh, forgot to say, the destination wedding is a lovely idea, but SO will want to invite all his cousins to the wedding like they invited him to theirs, so it’ll be too many people for that, and we’d feel bad if they couldn’t afford.
I mentioned the tent and space heater idea to a lady at my volunteer job and she was like nooo I went to a wedding with space heaters and it was freezing, don’t do it. So now I’m like... idek what to do lol. I have a few years, so it’s okay. If all we can afford is the backyard wedding, I might give up on the date being what I want it to be and just have it in spring or something. If I can work each summer and save up a ton of money, perhaps we’d be able to afford an indoor reception with cheap catering. Perhaps the church would have a room big enough, like a basement. Idk. I’ll figure it out once I get to actually planning it.
Shae- there's usually halls you can rent for fairly cheap. Large churches, well even my small church, usually have a room available too. So indoor is totally possible.

Gigs- lol at Lev running. That's how one of mine is. It's exhausting. Also, the name Myles is on the table for us too lol hope you don't think we're stealing. I suggested it with the twins and DH hated it and he suggested a few days ago for this one. Although I'm pretty sure it's a girl lol

Cb- you're sooo close! Can't wait to see pictures!

Pretty- I can't find the heartbeat either. I've kind of given up. Have they received your package yet?! Can't wait to hear about your scan.

Why do the boys always sleep in when I wake early? They're usually up by 7-7:15. I woke up at 6:45 and it's now 7:35 and they're still sound asleep!
Green I swear they instinctively do the opposite of our sleep schedules! My preference is them waking up late if i'm up early so I can have a moment of peace with my phone & coffee :haha:

I have no problem at all with us both having a Myles! Kind of cool actually! When will you be finding out the sex? Will we get a chance to nub guess?

Jez omg your video of smarty pants Tilly is so dang cute!
Sorry.. selfish post ahead.

DH and I BDed last night. My cycles are unpredictable since I'm still breastfeeding a bit. I'm temping, but not paying too much attention. I figured it was still awhile from ovulation, but I took an OPK this morning to check and it was SUPER positive. So I guess there is a chance I could get pregnant this cycle.

I was planning on waiting til the new year to TTC, but I guess I could be in the TWW soon. I figure my chances are slim, since it took us 2.5 years to get pregnant with a healthy baby, but you never know.
Shae.. wedding planning is so hard! Especially when you're paying for everything yourself, like we did (and most people seem to do these days). Honestly, that was a big reason we went with a destination wedding (even though I know you don't want to). We purposefully really only wanted our parents there and a few friends. We wanted it to almost be more like an elopement size than wedding size.

I will say.. I'm REALLY glad we didn't spend much on our wedding. Like my dress cost less than $200 and my bouquet cost less than $100. The church in Italy was free (Catholic wedding), and we had our reception at a hotel restaurant that just opened for lunch. Since we were just having lunch there, and not a reception, we just paid for food, like you would any normal meal. They also sent out free wine and lemoncello for us. Anyways... all this to say that you can definitely do a cheaper wedding here in the states too! Just takes some creativity. And thinking about what's important to you. For some people that's a big wedding with lots of attendees, for others it's something small and intimate.

And since we didn't spent a lot on a wedding, we've been able to use that money for things we'd rather do like travel a lot and we bought a house this year. I feel like I'm rambling... but to sum up. Yay inexpensive weddings (and not getting caught up in a HAVE to do things a certain way because of expectations). Yay money to spend on other things instead.
Gigs- yes it was nice to make breakfast alone and even watch a little tv by myself!
We're not finding out the sex until baby makes his/her debut. I have an appointment tomorrow but not sure it'll be a scan or just Doppler, my guess is they won't be able to find the heartbeat with the Doppler and bring the scan in. So maybe a guess on nub therory? What's the week range?

Michelle- it took us over a year to get pregnant and needed fertility meds and it took us 2 cycles this time lol so anything is possible. Good luck.
I think around 12-13 weeks is ideal for a nub guess but no harm in trying earlier!

Blahhh you and PL are killing me with this whole not finding out the sex thing!!! One of my friends is having a second and was saying they were going to wait...I have protested and think I have convinced him otherwise :haha: he said there are ao little surprises in life, he wanted that to be one. I said I didn't see how it made a difference because it's still a surprise if you find out early, plus you can pick people to be there and find out with you.

But I am alllll for finding out so I am totally biased.
Pretty it is stressful worrying about mmc. I just tried to have faith it was alright and looked at some website thay gave mc statistics by how far along you were. It's hard but trying to focus on "I'm pregnant," Instead of "the what-ifs". I do understand it's easier said than done. I really didn't have MS this time so it worried me some. Anyways, can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes and have fun in FL!!

CB :rofl: I love your dream especially your SOs response in the dream. Not much longer now girly. Good luck getting that tree up:)

Hope everyone feels better soon. Did the stretch help you any??

Pacific:rofl: pregnancy dreams are so odd and the vividness!!! The heart rate theory would indicate girl, but I don't put stock into it. My girls have always been 150 or above though.

Gigs here's hoping Myles is calmer. V isn't too bad, she is fascinated by trash cans though, ugh. She wants to help too which is pretty cute. The light tunnel is beautiful :) oh and of course a huge blowout happened when you were out.

Sorry they aren't really helping. They worked for me last time. I've started my as a preventative measure and for extra warmth. I tend to get cold even when pregnant.

Oh and I also can't stand waiting to find out. I respect others want to wait, but I got upset by a girl's response to why I can't wait. She saud she laughed when she heard others say that's why. Like really it's not cool belittling my choice as it's not hurting you or anyone else.

Shae that's crap they close the dorms like that if finals are still going on. Good luck with them. I don't think you'll need it though ;)

Greenie can't wait to hear back about your appt tomorrow!! If I'm thinking correctly you were going to be team green with in prior pregnancy but decided to find out since it was twins. Is that right??? Or maybe I have dementia???

I honestly have no idea on best time frame for nub shots. I know it's lateish 1st tri.

Michelle we half-way tried February through May. I trackedbut didn't pester him on timing BD and left it up to him to pull out or not. We officially started ttc in June and we conceived that month. It took us 18 months to conceive V. You might be suprised ;)

A girl I used to work with, her boy is turning 1 within a week. It took her 5 years and assistance to conceive him. She just announced she's expecting in June :)

AFM sorry been a bit busy and dealing with this cold. I drove to SW VA yesterday and had to drive a little in some snow. It wasn't bad as it cleared up not long after I got on interstate. I've done in-services the past 2 mornings and they've gone alright. It's not news people want to hear but need to hear to be prepared come January 1st.I don't have another until Wednesday. Have a total of 5, so 2 down and 3 to go.

V is still sick. Poor thing. She has her 18 month check up on Monday. If she's not better by then we will address at her visit.

I'm having discharge still from BV and I don't have many tablets left. Ugh, may have to call next week for more or for gel. I suppose I'm thankful I don't struggle with this when not pregnant. Silver linings.. anyways not much else going on that I can recall.
Just had my scan. The tech didn't say anything. Didn't give me pics. Didn't let SO come in the room. She just said my MW would give me the results. I'm freaking out. We wanted to tell SO's mom in Florida and announce at XMas, but how can we do that if my next appt isn't til the 27th? Does this sound like it's bad news?

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