General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Just checking in for baby watch

Sorry about all of the martial troubles, past and present, in thread and irl connections.

I'm really starting to get antsy. My doctor didn't email me but I have a phone appointment tomorrow. I have to wear a pad now. Still passing super small clots, the blood is bright red. It's not actively bleeding but enough to need the thin pad.
PL I totally understand re: the updates. Whether I update or not depends on what I’ve heard about the update. I’ve been through sooo many chargers. My current one is fraying and I’ve only had it a few weeks. Good luck to your midwife, and glad you feel better with the stitch out!

Flueks yeah I hate getting a new phone, I’ve had this model for maybe 4 years now? Thanks for the luck re: the test. I do think I managed to pass, but fx’d, we’ll see what I get on it.
Sorry about no increasing contractions. I don’t really have any helpful tips, just the basic internet search ideas to help start labor. Fx’d she comes soon.
Oh btw I recently got new promise rings for me and SO for free at a school event (super score, I haven’t had an allergic reaction to them and they came in our sizes) and I forgot to take the ring off for clinical and nobody said a word. I also noticed one of my classmates was wearing a ring with a stone on it (not super elevated from finger but not a smooth band either) and I don’t think she had any issues. My instructor actually wears a wedding band with diamonds on it during clinical. She also told us she doesn’t care if our socks are white unlike some professors and some girls have been wearing themed socks for holidays ever since haha. So as long as I’m not doing a sterile procedure I don’t think anyone cares about rings there.

Dobs glad you have the phone appointment tomorrow. I don’t *think* it’s something that’s imminently going to hurt you but it’s possibly abnormal so I’m glad you have the appointment.

Gigs I loooove the handmaid’s tale. It’s definitely depressing and I can definitely see how being a mom would make it even worse to watch. I agree that even the consensual sex scenes are a bit uncomfortable. Despite this, it’s a great show and I can’t wait for the next season. When I saw the Super Bowl season 3 announcement I freaked out, it gave us absolutely nothing plot-wise but I was freaking out cuz I’m so excited for the next season to arrive. I tried to get my mom to watch it with me but she refused because she’s read the book and she wasn’t interested in watching anything so depressing and horrifying.

AFM exam went okay, wasn’t great but wasn’t horrible. I think there’s a decent chance that I passed (aka 80 or above).

I don’t think I mentioned yesterday the experience I had in clinical. I got to stand in the room for a procedure! And by procedure I mean not in an OR but kinda a mini surgery, it was performed by a doctor under sterile technique in a special procedure room with the patient under sedation and I had to wear special scrubs and a hair cover and mask to be in the room. Sorry about the vagueness but I’m sure you guys understand. I got to watch because my patient for the day was having the procedure done, and they let students stick by their patient for everything. It was super cool to watch but I also think I couldn’t do surgery because breathing under the mask is weird and I don’t think I could do that for hours, the procedure was only about 20 minutes tops.
Also fun thing about clinical yesterday was that the patient remembered my name and used it. That seems like such a simple thing but she’s the first patient I’ve had who’s used my name and didn’t call me “the student” to the nurse and other people. She always said “Thank you, *my name*” when I would leave the room etc. Idk it’s a small thing but it was really nice, it made me feel appreciated and noticed. I definitely had a hard time remembering my nurse’s names when I was in the hospital myself so that makes me appreciate it even more.
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Dobs have your periods regulated since A? Breakthrough bleeding can be totally normal, especially with hormonal bc. Small clots are, in my experience, nbd.

Shae yay for rimgs! I would agree probably the biggest concern is just making sure they're off before procedures. Also very nice about your patient. I had a nursing student stand by when i was in triage and you could tell the poor thing was so nervous lol.

When is the new season of THT? I haven't finished the second season yet but I'm anticipating a cliff hanger. My mom had the book with her and actually read it while she was here lol. She read, i watched, and we discussed the similarities and differences between the two. There is no book sequel though. It ends the same way season 1 did, with her getting loaded into the truck. I'd be bummed never knowing what happened to her!
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I did hear that about the drama, she aaid its very sad to watch but good storyline!

Shae thats great you get to sit in & watch aswell, all part n parcel or your training :)

The morning i had csection 2 students passed out in Theatre, 1 with mine whilst the numbing injection went into my back before the spinal & the other with the lady who went in before me, she passed proper out & not just lightly collapsed like the one with me apparently, feet in the air laid on floor the lot, i had to chuckle when the mw surgeons told me lol but they see it alot & to pass the class as such they have to stand in on surgical procedure. Its great your not squeemish Shae, id of flaked out for sure ;)
Are you very crampy with it before the clots Dobs?

Ahhhh piccy of the new ring shae <3
Yay free rings!

I’m not on any birth control though. My last depo shot was literally a year ago. I did take the week of progesterone in September, which is why I have been listening to the doc about things being normal. But it just feels like a progressively worse trail instead of better.

I am not cramping at all. If it weren’t for the fact that I habitually check the bowl and tp and (today) the blood on my underwear, I wouldn’t even notice anything.

Sorry ladies! Hate to be all about me I did post all my drama in the health section though
Gigs aw sorry your student was nervous. I’m usually not too nervous except when we’re doing something new. We just started passing meds which makes me flustered because I’m not super familiar with the computer process yet.
The new season premieres June 5th. We get the first 2 episodes that day and then a new episode each week. I think the first season they released the whole season at once, whereas the second they released 2-3 episodes then a new one weekly. While I liked having them all available at once, it prevents me from binge watching and forgetting to sleep when they release one each week. And yeah, get ready for a cliffhanger.

CB omg I can’t believe they fainted! That’s so crazy. Usually it’s the dads who faint. When I was in the hospital after my surgery they had a code pink for OB emergency and I asked the nurse about it cuz I was worried and she said they’re almost always just that a dad fainted. Idk how squeamish I am really. It was not at all a deep incision being made, so I might respond differently to a surgery with a big deep opening in the patient with a ton of blood. It wasn’t exactly open heart surgery haha, very superficial with only a little blood.
The ring isn’t anything special, just a basic silver band, but if you insist I can upload a pic in a bit.

Dobs hm so have your cycles been irregular since the week of progesterone? Could it be a weird anovulatory cycle? Like Gigs said, breakthrough bleeding *can* be normal (even without hormonal bc) and if it’s not normal it can still be benign. If your cycle are irregular it would be more normal vs if they’re regular it would be abnormal (though very possibly benign). How big are the clots? Is it just clots without much actual bleeding? I ask these questions knowing full well I’m obviously not qualified to give you any kind of diagnosis lol
Here’s a pic of the ring. It’s just a basic band, nothing fancy. We just like to have rings on and we both couldn’t wear our old ones, me because of the allergy and him because he gained weight and his ring got too small. So I went up a size for him and it fits him great (he’s now a size 10, I’m a tiny size 5).

Dobby i guess if everything is still trying to ‘settle’ after a long time without a period it can be normal- how did your telephone apt go today?

Lovely Rings ladies! Silvery Platinum colours are a fave of mine :)

Shae if you were fine with the mini procedure minimal blood I expect your not that squeemish;)

SO asked me what id like for my birthday.. i been dropping hints about Pandora Jewellery, although im pretty sure il have to spell it out for him lol

Im eagerly awaiting series 5 of ‘The Affair’ a couple of the main characters were killed off last series & 1 of them is a kinda who dunnit type thing
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Appointment is this afternoon but gyn just wants to give me progesterone.

The clots used to pass without bleeding. But yesterday I had to wear a small pad and last night I filled a small pad. I had a lot of blood this morning when I went to the bathroom. Enough that I would say we have evolved into light period amount of blood. Idk I feel like if it was something major I’d have that sense of doom thing going? But I don’t.

Tbh I don’t know that i ovulated any of my cyclss. I could feel like my body was trying multiple times but just was painful and didn’t result in a period when it should have. Idk. Well see
Dobs- that's really off about the clots. Stress maybe? I seriously have no idea I'm sorry. Hopefully Gyno gives you more answers than just progesterone.

Shae- hey a free ring is a free ring! lol I like simple better anyway. Even my wedding ring is pretty simple. I wish I had just a plain band actually.

Flu- any update? And I hope the brain tumor surgery went well. How scary and sad. I'm sorry.

Gigs- update on dog? I'm really invested in this story now lol I'm such a dog person and I have puppy fever right now so I'm living through you.

So it's almost 7 and my kids are still sleeping!!!!! They're usually up by 6:30. I have a migraine, I've had for two days. I'm going to have to go to the chiropractor today if it doesn't let up when I get out of bed.
Had my ultrasound yesterday for more pictures. Don't have any response on it yet but baby is still growing. She said there's a chance I might get called back again. They had to look at brain, face, and heart. She got a lot of the heart.. the face was another story. I couldn't even really tell this time. I think I want a private scan since ours haven't been very good. Well see.

Anyway, I don't typically I don't ask but could you guys throw DHs cousin some good vibes, prayers, positive thoughts, anything their ways. They've been trying to get pregnant for a year and a half. They've had 5 ( I think) miscarriages but there's no answeres to why they keep having them. They just got pregnant again and she has a good feeling and I just really want it to happen for them. Her progesterone has been good so far and she gets it checked again today so FX!

Sorry this turned selfish.
Ok all the new posts just popped up!

Dobs could it be your period coming on early?

Green yay for a good scan! The dog got picked up from spca a day or two after i dropped him off. I haven't seen him again yet.

Good luck to your cousin IL & wife! My bro is still struggling with ttc too -- trying since last January. Baby vibes all around!
I’ve stood in a few vet surgeries, I only felt feint in one, dog had an accident with a plough, really quite bad, they had to open it up a bit more because of the position of the slice and the lungs made me feel a bit woozy but it was fine really. I’m very good with blood really, but the dog lungs freaked me out slightly. Dog survived and everything which was good.

Green, good news about the scan, I forget are you/have you found out gender? And figures crossed for your DH’s cousin

Shae if you want to get used to blood and things there’s a reddit sub that’s good to use to get used to bad sights. I’ll pm you the name if you like. You have to sign in and confirm you’re happy viewing it and are over 18 because of the content. But it helps desensitise you to that kind of thing xx
Hi ladies. Quick, selfish post. Did blood and urine testing today, so I'm just waiting for the results to be posted online. I asked if I could get my blood tested on another day, so I'm going back on Tuesday. And I scheduled my dating scan for March 18. EDD based on LMP is Oct 20, but I'll see what the scan says.
Ohhh right around my birthday! And that's quite a bit ahead of Halloween too :thumbup:

Ok regarding the rings, i went to cancel my order and the shop said they'd engrave for free this time since i've purchased from them before! Yay! I really do recommend their shop. Quite pretty rings at reasonable prices and they do quarter sizes!
Pacific I'll have to look them up. Worth a shot and will feel good if nothing else. I think marital issues after baby are probably very unspoken of because becoming a family/having a baby is supposed to be a 100% positive thing. I don't regret it, but there are definitely some not so rosy things about motherhood. If that makes sense. So glad it's out and giving you relief.

CB nope not yet. I will either start Monday or on my due date. Well or if she comes in between those dates. Since she's being so stubborn I'm leaning towards working next week.

Gigs I don't think I'd want to watch that at the moment. Maybe at some point as I've heard it's a great show. Oh and I hated my OB rotation as a student. It traumatized me that I didn't want to work L&D. I didn't witness a C section but did watch a tubal.

Your bil and his wife they were seeking testing right? Have they went? Will be thinking of them.

Shae that's cool about the promise rings!! Let us know your score but glad you feel like you passed. That is nice she remembered your name. I'm horrible with names but try to make a point to say them as it does make a difference.

Dobby sorry she just wants to give progesterone. I hope it's just abnormal bleeding from anovulatory cycle and it'll regulate afterwards.

Greenie yay for the boys sleeping in. Sometimes I get scared when V sleeps later. Mom brain jumping to worst conclusion :haha: lots of positive thoughts for her and her husband. So sad what some couples go through to conceive.

Pretty FX for great results. I'm looking forward to your scan in a few weeks :)

AFM my cousin's surgery went as well as could be. She still has stage 4 cancer and it's just buying more time. I spoke with her mom/my aunt last night though. Both were doing well.

Not long after I posted yesterday DH called that he was laid off and insurance to end midnight last night. What a nightmare. I know we could do Cobra but until things went through everything would be billed as self pay. They had mentioned they would have positions in paint dept but he was far down on the list. By some miracle he got a call a couple hours later and he will start in their paint dept Monday. So we have insurance for March. Shoo what a rollercoaster of emotions yesterday. Before that he got his ct scan schedule yesterday afternoon instead of this morning. Welp urology office called his stone is 7.5mm which is not passable. He won't have surgery until S is born. I did talk him into scheduling surgery for Wednesday which is next surgery day the dr has. I'm going to ask for an induction on Tuesday if she's not arrived by then. So please give me birthing vibes :rofl: I'd rather not do an induction but I want DH to take care of himself.
Omg Fluek!!! I am so sorry! What a mess! I hope the timing of everything works out.

Have you looked into shared insurance? We have Liberty Health Share. It's kind of a pain in the butt submitting bills but it's by far cheaper than traditional insurance. There are things they won't cover, like some preexisting conditions until you're a member for awhile, or birth control. They also won't cover you if you're super over weight, and won't cover mental health stuff. But it's something like $499 for a family of 4+. I think annual unshared amount (basically out of pocket max) is 2250? Something like that? Per family. Beats thw heck out of the $500 for 3 members with a $7250 oop max i was paying before!
Gigs DH has fantastic insurance. I think he pays around 100 every 2 weeks. $750 deductible and max out of pocket for me was 2750. I met that with makena as it was billed to insurance. Makena care connect copay assist covered all but $75/month. I would have paid for one month of cobra to get through birth abd then put us on my works insurance. My work insurance would be $80 every 2 weeks for all of us but $3000 deductible, $7000 max oop. My employer would contribute $600 2x a year to our HSA, but wouldn't help for March if we didn't have DHs insurance.

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