General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Flueky, any bloody show with the plug yet?
So your ob won't let you go over for long, that sounds hopeful ;) will he do membrane sweep? You could also try nipple stimulation. My mw instructions were: 20 minutes per side (or at the same time), then an hours rest.
Ikr?! To be fair there is still no absolute proof he's cheating but seems pretty obvious. I am currently trying to sleuth my way into becoming her IG follower with a fake account lol.

Oh yeah if hubby ever did that i'd kick him hard enough in the family jewels to ensure he'd never be able to breed again. I am just hurting so bad for the kids...looking at my own that are near same age...just ugh I can't imagine going through what she is.

Shae that sound pretty serious, are you ok?

Fluek any updates? ;)
Pacific nope no bloody show. With V I never saw bloody show just plug. I do think that I had a bloody show during labor. I'm considering asking for a sweep at my appt Monday. I'll be seeing a midwife at that appt and if I'm still pregnant then an OB on the 11th. I may try nipple stim. I kinda hate my nipples being messed with :rofl:

Gigs well if he is then shame on him. I never understood why you stay with someone but cheat on them. Agree sad for kids but if it's a bad marriage probably better for them. Just my opinion. Would be best if she stayed in the same state at least but I could understand her desire to be with her family during this difficult time.

AFM some contractions here and there but nothing to make me time them. I was kinda hoping for a February baby selfishly as I'd love her gemstone to be amethyst. In the grand scheme of things that's a bit ridiculous.

Oh I forgot to say as I've been busy. Positive thoughts and prayers for tomorrow. My cousin that's had multiple brain tumors has another one. Apparently this one is deeper in the brain and at best thinking 10 months.... at worst 2 to 3 months. She is 34 and soon to be 35. She's supposed to have surgery tomorrow.
PL thanks, yeah I think I need a new phone. I have an iPhone 6s and this is the replacement one after the previous ones battery died. I think it’s because they’re an older model and they don’t make them anymore so this one is refurbished and I’ve also heard that Apple slows down old phones to get you to buy a new one :shrug: I really don’t want to get a new phone because I don’t want to deal with transferring stuff over etc but this phone’s battery is not okay, and it’s got a spotty connection with multiple chargers, the port must have an issue. Blah.

Flueks yikes def stay away from the people with the flu. I hope S comes ASAP just so you have an easier time and since she’s full term now it’s perfectly safe.
Prayers for your cousin.
I actually observed a quick 20 minute radiology surgical-ish procedure today, including use of a scalpel, and I had no issue with that, there wasn’t much blood but still. I just randomly nearly fainted during report. It was weird.

Gigs yeah I’m fine, idk what caused it. I didn’t lose my vision again after the first time. I got back to my dorm safe and sound, and everything’s fine. My mom says it’s possible that my sleep deprivation just drove my body over the edge, who knows?

I have a pharm exam in the afternoon and I’m too tired to try to study so I think I’m going to go to sleep now and study in the morning. Wish me luck lol.
Prayers for your cousin Fluek. That's terrible. Sorry your contractions aren't turning into full blown labor yet! I'm sure you don't want to be pregnant much longer haha. And no judgement on the birth stone! I am so bummed Levin has Emerald. It's probably my least favorite gemstone lol. I like the name but not the color.

I agree in cheating. Hubs and i made a pact years ago that if we ever got to a point we were considering it, we need to talk it out first.

Afm having mixed emotions over mom leaves in the morning. I am back and forth between terror of three boys by myself and feeling like i'm going to handle everything amazingly. I definitely cried a couple time already! I am hoping she'll visit again soon.
Been reading but just so busy at work.

A had a really tough night last night. He woke up and I wasn't there (I usually am, but I started watching my shows late so I had just a few minutes left). I didn't get upstairs fast enough and so he cried (screamed actually, not tantrum screaming either the heartbreaking I'm scared shitless scream) for an hour. I didn't get to bed until nearly midnight. Then he woke up at 4am....

Also just passed a clot. This is the second cycle in a row that I'm having mid cycle clot passing. Not sure if it's something I need to have checked out.

Sorry for being selfish but everything freaking hurts... My head is killing me. I'm so far passed exhausted I feel numb but I can't sleep
Flueky i am so sorry about your cousin. Sending cyber hugs and our best wishes for this tough time.

Gigs, DH and I talked about cheating years ago. For us, it would be over if one cheated and we are both not willing to risk that.

On a slightly similar note: when L was 6 months old I noticed that our relationship was starting to not be that great anymore, it lacked love. We talked, but couldn't come to conclusions. The words seperation and divorce if we could not figure it out came up too. It took me a while to realize I have a husband who loves me and that I love him too. It was just soooo easy to love my child, that I forgot about my husband. I literally forgot about loving my husband...
So I am trying to avoid it this time making sure I still show him my feelings. ;) Little hard on him, because he thinks my motive is his erection :haha: which I currently want no where near my crotch! Hahaha

Gigs, I am sure you will do just fine with the boys on your own. Remember you are super mom! I totally get your anxiety: DH is going to the island on the weekend and staying in a hotel for one night. So not just 2 full days on my own but also dinner and bedtime routine with L comes back to me as well as getting him in the morning...

Dobs, wishing you and A a better night tonight!

Afm: my sil (the one who married dhs brother just before Xmas) is slowly spilling the beans that she is expecting. She's 7 weeks now!
Pl all I can say is solidarity! *raises fist in the air* we got this! I've been telling myself worst thing is the screaming when a kid can't be attended to immediately. It's just a mental game, biggest fear is dinner time and maintaining a schedule but I know we'll figure it out. No other choice!

Ah well babies can strain the strongest of relationships. We had our own struggles after ds1. I bet it's pretty common as you figure out how to divide attention between everyone.

Congratulations on becoming an aunt! How exciting!

Dobs i hate the murder screams! Lev does that every now and again. Then he does these little gasps for awhile after he calms down, even if he falls asleep. They're almost like involuntary lung spasms...I know because annoyingly this is something I do when I am extremely upset and have an intense cry. It's annoying. Happens rarely now but it used to a lot when I was a makes talking to explain what's wrong extremely challenging!

Not sure about the clot. Can you call and ask the advice nurse?
Pacific that’s awesome news that your SIL & bro are expecting, how lovely <3 Will this be your first Niece/Nephew?

Sad to say, unfortunately our relationship went through that unloved stage when Riley was about 5/6 months old, it got so bad we were arguing loads over nothing all the time.. we weren’t having any ‘us’ time & all my attention was on Riley but that being said, SO started just going out more because of it & so i can see why it all came crashing down abit! We nearly split but worked through it & now if we stressed we just talk things through. Its so easily done though, more common after the first born i think. Anyhoooow...

Pacific did your mw remove your stitches?

Gigs you’ll do great hun, it seems more scarily stressy than it is, i was more scared about doing the morning school run & timing bf’ing but it all seems to work out ok, just think though, most of the week Des is at school & it just be the younger 2 at home.. you are an ace Mummy who is cool, calm & collected :hugs: & theres also a glass of Wine you can de-stress with in the eve lol!

Urghh Hayden has a mini snotty stuffy nose & last couple of nights he been stirring so of course i been nursing him a lil bit to soothe him.. so he woke only at 4am this morning, quick feed & then went back off, (mixture of growth spurt im sure aswell) .. So, then at 6 he was snotty & coughing & then threw up all over my side of the bed (highfive right?!) So i get up & pull my sheet up on bed, SO still in bed, im so annoyed & then he said ‘you should stop feeding him & put him on the bottle!’ Omg i am so fuming at him!! How f’ing dare he say that & if he had a small bottle at 4am because he was hungry he would still of been sick?? Its because hes snotty & been swallowing it at night! Im more annoyed at him for his feeding comment, he doesnt even feed him any of the formula bottles or change nappies - so why would being on 2 more extra bottles a day make any diff?!!! Grrrr!! Rant over sorry girls..

Flueks im so sorry to hear about your Cousin, i hope surgery goes ok, big hugs hun! I hope your mild contractions pick up seeing as your plug still coming away :) Baby S will be here before you know it & suddenly thinking omg baby is like nearly 12 wks old lol! (Me :haha:) Oh, March birthstone is light blue Aqua Marine, its my birthstone :)

Dobby i hope you guys have a better night tonight hun, was A having a nightmare?

Shae, were u ok later in the day? Maybe just a mixture of lack of zzzzZ’s, food & drink perhaps? Oh re iPhone 6s, mine is exactly the same! If u are able to take it to the Apple store, they recondition the phone for you at a minimal cost & its like new after, battery lasts looooads longer! SO had his done after he got anew handset lol, i need to have mine done though, my torch light on it just doesn’t work anymore either pfft!

Cant remember much else.. brain fog!
Gigs aw I’m sorry your mom is leaving, but I know you can do this!

Dobs sorry about A, I’m sure it’s rough dealing with those kind of screams especially when he can’t be soothed for ages. Re: the clots, mid-cycle clots sound pretty abnormal to me. I highly doubt it’s some emergent thing, but I would definitely talk to your doctor or the advice nurse about it.

PL congrats to your SIL!

CB sorry Hayden hasn’t been feeling well, and sorry your SO was unhelpful :(
I had a couple more episodes of dizziness and flushing after the first big episode, but by around 11 am I was fine (hadn’t eaten lunch yet, just had water, juice, and a protein bar, and my cereal and coffee at breakfast).
I haven’t heard about the reconditioning. I know they have a battery replacement program. This phone was a replacement 6s though and it didn’t last very long. The battery degraded super fast. The battery hasn’t been doing the insane fast draining since this morning, idk what caused it this morning. I know it was cold out but it wasn’t below zero F or anything. I’ve never had a phone die in minutes from the cold. Idk, I’m going to discuss options with my mom, as I told her about the issue and she’s thinking she might just buy me a new phone as an early birthday present. I just hate adjusting to a new phone, this replacement was the same model so it was no big deal but changing models is different, idk. I get attached to inanimate objects like my phone :haha: I was even a little sad to exchange for the same model, a new model would be harder for me. I’m a bit of an emotional mess haha

AFM I’m up making a quizlet for my exam tomorrow cuz I suddenly wasn’t tired. I did the neuro drugs, I’ll do the endocrine ones in the morning. Honestly no clue how I’m gonna have time to memorize it all, it’s so much stuff. I hate how they have both exams in the same week every time, we don’t have time to study for both on top of clinical and sleeping and eating. Whichever one is on Monday gets the best studying and then there’s no time to study for the Thursday one.
You know bil has probably felt quite ignored since ds1 was born--remember me telling y'all how crazy sil was being? But that is still no excuse. He should have told her earlier and given her a chance to fix it.

Cb that would frustrate the crap out of me. Problem is men see situations and want to fix them but sometimes they speak from a place of little or no experience and it's just annoying af. If he's so keen on a night bottle maybe you can kindly suggest he do it so you can catch up on sleep...?

Shae i am also partial to my phones. I hate getting new ones, especially with having to re-customize everything. I've found it's slightly less painful if you get a phone case you really like, bonus if you get the same model phone and can transfer it to the new phone.

Afm Myles hasn't pooped in nearly 2 days, save one small shart, so poopy vibes sent this way are appreciated:haha:
Gigs hm I could see if they make my phone case for other models, I bought the same exact case again when my old one got too destroyed. Yeah I hate having to sign back in to all my apps and set up Touch ID all over again etc
Sending poopy vibes to Myles
Haha tried that one gigs & no lol! You are most probs right though re little experience in it. I remember when Nuala was little & it was all il feed her sometimes when she goes on bottle, she went on bottle & he left the feeding to me #eyeroll!! He just has little patience for crying babies & gets stressed so its easier i do it lol! Just annoys me though pfft
Ugh yes! That is the mother's roll, i feel like it's the rare dad that takes babies in stride. I love hubs to death but infants aren't his strongest skill.

Poopy vibes worked! We finally got a nice disgusting filled diaper.

Today is my last day of a kiddo break. My mom dropped off des at school and lev with MIL. I'm at home with Myles binge watching The Handmaid's Tale. Gotta pick up the kids this afternoon then it's on!

Cb tomorrow is my first school run with all three and I'm nervous! I suppose worst likely thing to happen is we're late. Don't think anyone at his school will hold that against me.
Gigs you'll rock it! At least it'll be Friday ;)
Yay for poopy diaper! The things that excite us.. not even 10 am and we are on diaper #5 I think??

Cb, men will always try to solve our problems for us, whether we asked for it, is a whole different story. Frustrating, especially when they don't want to be part of the solution. My DH thinks that the answer to ALL of E"s cries is boob. :haha: nevermind gas or a full diaper.

My mw is off for a month now, getting pregnant with twins (as she hopes), but has another midwife filling in. She's supposed to come today, but I have yet to hear a time. Midwives come to me, not me to them as she doesn't have an office. Not worth the expense in a small rural community ;) anyway, she is supposed to remove the stitches towards the front.

Thanks cb and gigs for sharing your marriage trouble after ds1. I guess it's not that uncommon? and I can totally see why so many marriages fail once you add kids into the equation.

Shae: I hate having to get new phones! Heck, I hate system updates! DH and I have the same phone, so I always see what the updates look like as DH keeps his phone fully updated at all times. I hated what it looked like, so didn't do it for the longest time. Then my phone last week stopped charging unless I had it turned off. So I did the dreaded system update: still no charge! Wasn't the cable or adapter being broken as dhs phone was still charging. So we ordered a new (different brand) cable and now it's fine... It just no longer likes the original it came with...?! According to the internet a common issue, sorry long ramble...
Shae oh that would be a nice early birthday gift. I've had my phone for 3 years I'm not interested in changing mine and I used to get a new one every 2 years. Good luck on your test today!! Thanks for your prayers.

Gigs I know. She is my favorite cousin. My bro, her, and I loved hanging out when we were kids. Green is my fav color so pretty happy V's is emerald. Purple and green are DHs and mines colors so it'd be pretty cool if our daughters had purple and green birthstones :haha:

You are going to rock being a mom to 3! As you said I'm sure if you are late they would understand and you can try again Monday ;) and yay for baby pooping

Dobby oh poor A. I hate that scream. Poor guy. I hope you slept better tonight. Seems like something is off with your cycles. I would shoot ob gyn a message to make sure.

Pacific thank you. I also had some difficulty with marriage for a bit after V was born. I think we are better than ever now. I hope it's a bit smoother this time. Hope you get those stitches out soon.

CB sorry to hear about Hayden and I'd be pissed if DH said that to me. DH just wanted to give her a pacifier if she cried. I was like we gotta try other things first not just try to "shut her up". It's hard when you are exhausted though.

Yeah they fizzled out unfortunately. Still having some today. I walked for aboit half and hour talking to DH. I'm getting desperate :rofl:
Flueky, you could also look up the accupressure points to induce labor. There is one around the base of the thumb and one a hands width above the ankles. ;)
Wow, and I guess marriage trouble post partum isn't talking about nearly enough, I didn't realize so many of us went through it! Thank you for making me feel better about ours.

And wohoo, the stitch is out! My front feels better already ;)
Ohhhhh ive not seen that yet, SO’s cousin saud it’s really good & i have to watch it, she downloaded & had a Handmaid Tales fest lol! Hope u enjoy it Gigs :) Hayden sometimes hoes 2 days without a poop, i find Breast milk helps it along a bit more, glad he pooped though :) Hope your school run goes ok tomorrow though, im sure it will :hugs: i find getting the older 2 sorted first before brekkie works well & lastly do the baby, Riley has been late a couple times here n there, schools understand :thumbup:

No probs Pacific:hugs: Also im glad your front stitch is finally free haha!

Flueks desperate times call for desperate measures lol! Oh, have u started your Mat leave yet??

SO is always saying ‘Hayden wants you again’ or ‘try the Dummy again’ lol! He wont suck the dummy properly, he just clearly loves my nips too much :rofl:
My hubs' phase of choice is "i think he wants the sweet meat" referring to breast milk:rofl: i'm like the boob isn't always the answer dude!

Cb it's good, great acting, but soooooo depressing! One of those shows that put you in a weird mood after you watch it. Especially so being a mother...and ESPECIALLY having a new born. I found myself squeezing Myles a little tighter while I watched lol

Lots of sex however most is rape and even the consensual sex scenes were still a bit uncomfortable to watch just because their situations are so sad/desperate.

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