General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

PL - Ya, I requested a 2nd requisition to make sure my number was increasing nicely. I have an appt on Tuesday, but there's a chance there may be little or no work for me on Monday, so I could just pop in then.

And maybe, re: reason for private room. Our options for after birthing are 4 women to a very large room, but sharing one bathroom (apparently) and that's free. Semi private (2 women to a room) is like $220 or 240 and fully private is $280, like I said. They also don't separate moms and babies any more. I know my mom and sister were separated back in '93, so I dunno when they switch that procedure. Dunno what her rooms options were back then, but I'm almost certain she was in a private room. They also kept moms and babies at the hospital for 5 days, regardless of vaginal delivery or a C-section.
I never experienced any wait times for procedures or whatever but then also haven’t needed any super-specialist things. Blood tests, x-rays and ECGs have all been same-day for me, and ultrasounds a few days if not same day. In the UK I did have to wait many weeks for a tonsillectomy that also kept getting rescheduled and then eventually I didn’t even do it (luckily ended up not needing it anyway). The UK at least has some private healthcare options too whereas Canada doesn’t. I never paid a penny for my delivery here though and every labouring mother gets a private room and like PL said babies always stay with parents rather than go to a nursery. I would’ve had to go to a shared ward the day after giving birth but I was discharged within a few hours. The one bill I did get was for the ambulance when I haemorrhaged a week later ($50 I think?) but our insurance through hubby’s work covered it. I believe the NHS in the UK covers ambulances though(?).

Dobs glad the blood tests came back clear! Tilly also loves gymnastics. It’s so cool seeing them doing all these things. How did bedtime end up going tonight? And as I understand it, you’re srill bedsharing too? Do you know when you’ll plan to stop? People ask me this all the time and I really have no plans.

Gigs I don’t think there’s any real way of convincing someone to go to therapy if they don’t want to. There are some books I could recommend but I doubt he’d be up for that either. It does sound like he’s maybe made the decision to be with someone else? Did you find out why SIL thinks it’s an affair? The other thing is that an active affair is usually considered a contraindication for couples therapy, since it really interferes with the process. As for that couple I’d been seeing, yes I’ve continued to see them and still find it quite anxiety provoking but I also now feel for them because they are both dealing with a lot.

PL and Gigs here’s the rice/arsenic article thing: 'If we can avoid it, we should': What you need to know about arsenic in rice products for infants | CBC News

Flueks I’m going to do you a favour and predict you will go over 40 weeks since I’m ALWAYS wrong.

Pretty so happy to hear your numbers are looking good! Are you a lot more relaxed now?

Shae ah gotcha re: rings. That’s pretty cool. I guess you didn’t get it engraved though?

CB I was going to ask if you were going to Ascot but I see that’s in June. Anyway, that’ll be a fun time! And I get not wanting to leave Hayden. I probably won’t feel comfortable leaving Tilly overnight till she’s like 10. I’m still yet to not be there for bedtime. I know it probably seems like I’m a proper coddling helicopter mum, but I swear I do set a lot of boundaries and she’s generally very independent lol.
Jez - No, cuz I dunno what my number looked like at the same gestational age with my first 2 pregnancies. And I saw a heartbeat at 7 weeks with my 2nd pregnancy, but 9 days later, it was gone. My sister had a MMC at 14 weeks and SO's coworker's wife lost her baby at 34 weeks. You're never safe when they're on the inside and, once they're out, there's SIDS and every other imaginable thing. Sorry to be a pessimist, but it's just the truth.
I had a few coworkers say they labored in a hallway! I had to labor in a triage room, which my ball wouldn’t even fit into. Big reason I caved and asked for drugs lol. But usually L&D and everything everything is private. If not, I would have paid for it. I have been to other hospitals where you share rooms and fts heads will roll lol.

Shae that’s fun. We had a similar thing that paid for membership to the school gyms and low fees for classes. Ok not the same thing but similar. Ish. That’s cool that it worked out!

Re thyroid they just checked yesterday. Totally normal. My PCP ordered some tests way back when so I had thyroid and lipid and CBC bloodwork. Everything totally in healthy range.

Pretty excellent numbers!!! Excited to hear your next update in a couple days.

Jez I heard about the rice/arsenic issue. Luckily or unluckily for me, A pretty much hates rice in all its forms. That’s so crazy that it’s above the standard but they still sell it.

Re bedsharing. The nice thing about being single and a b* is I don’t have to answer to anybody lol. He can stay in my bed as long as I feel like it :rofl: but seriously

We room share. His crib is right up against my bed. He naps in crib and goes down in crib. I try my level best to keep him in his own bed all night, but most nights he wakes up or has nightmares or what have you. And so he ends up in my bed because he has to touch me to feel secure.

Doesn’t bother me. My bed is big. My mom, brother, and I all bed shared after my dad died for three years. So it’s not weird to me. I intend to room share/bed share until he shows or tells me he wants otherwise. I’ll explain to him that expectations are as he gets older, kids move into their own beds or rooms. He’ll always be welcome in my bed/room if he’s scared or upset. But he can have a dog in his room or a night light or out doors open or whatever he wants to feel safe whenever he’s ready. But right now, he’s just not ready.

He went to bed at 5:30 and has been out since. He usually wakes 10, 1, 3, 5 give or take so we’ll see. I’m worried cuz he is in the wrong size diaper for night time so hopefully he doesn’t pee himself.
Another test just came back. Hb A1c was 5.8% which is slightly high so that’s just lovely. I know my mom is pre diabetic and I think my grandfather in her side had type 2 diabetes SJ that’s just lovely

Oh and re gym dad lol nw cuz I don’t actually know him just thought he was cute but I always do a ring finger check before engaging in flirty behavior. I don’t flirt with married men lol
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Jez no I didn’t get it engraved, the order list was full, they couldn’t take any more people. So that’s too bad but it’s a free ring that fits and hasn’t given me an allergic reaction after 2 weeks so I’m not complaining.

Dobs okay I’m glad they checked your thyroid and that it was normal. Hm, the normal range for A1c is under 5.7%, 5.7-6.4% is prediabetes, so you’re just barely in the pre-diabetes range. Definitely test again in the future (it judges your past 3 months but idk if they test more often) and see if it’s going up or holding steady.

PL the ER here is normally the same way, most critical goes first. But SO was waiting next to a guy whose hand was actively bleeding and wrapped up in gauze and looked like he might have cut something off and he still was waiting when SO got called in, the wait times are ridiculous in the ER and the triage nurse there was definitely not doing her job. A guy who had been walking around snacking from the vending machines went in at the same time as SO and the bleeding guy was still waiting. It’s messed up.
It is much faster to see a specialist here though, I only had 3-4 months between my initial appointment with my GI surgeon and the actual surgery. SO on the other hand had the 6 month wait, but now that he’s been having active GI bleeding they moved him up since he’s clearly urgent.
Speaking of which, the blood in his stools has not stopped, it’s still there. I’m a bit worried.
Im glad your migraine has gone Shae :)

Pacific how you have worded it, thats exactly what my MIL thinks! Think il be having Hayden back at end of the day, my work colleagues we’re going with are all having a Curry that eve but i think il pass, SO can go if he likes though as he knows my work. I may have to buy some ribs & slow cook them with a glaze in the slow cooker as the meat does just fall off then mmm! Cant wait until Easter though, il be doing my usual yearly leg/shoulder of slow cooked lamb with Rosemary & sprinkles of Thyme, its sooooooo good lol

Jez, no not Ascot (although we went there for the Royal Ascot a few yrs ago) we are going to GoodWood race course, a wee bit if betting hehe! I reeeeally hope we have a lovely hot summer again this year like last year, get my pegs nice n brown hehe & that its a warm day at the Race track

Those Rice snacks, I havent seen anything y of those particular ones here in the UK but they do have other Rice based products here for babies & toddlers, i may have to Google this..

The UK NHS has private delivery rooms but shared rooms up on the wards after baby has arrived, the rooms usually have 4 beds, curtains pulled around etc.. i think back in the day they had Nursery rooms for babies to snooze in at night so the mother can get some rest but because of safety & protection they now stay next to the mother in the rooms/wards. I have seen a few ‘true movie’ films of babies switched at birth (accidentally) which have been linked with shared hospital nurseries for the babies to sleep & due to lack of paying attention babies have been given to the wrong mother :(

Nuala used to wake up constantly throughout the night & only wanted me to settle her, because of this she found it hard to self soothe.. but as she got alot older she was able to understand i was still there but not to get her back off to sleep wach time & after a couple nights just checking on her when she woke for me she eventually started sleeping lots better. She did moan but fell asleep as she was so tired lol! All lil uns are diff though, as they get older & understand more, their sleep patterns just improve loads :) Hayden woke twice last night as he only drank 2oz of his bottle later in the eve, he fell asleep whilst feeding & I couldn’t get anymore milk in him lol i was waiting for him to wake tbh, hes now snoozing in his bouncy chair 11:23am #typical
Shae, forgot to ask re your SO, did they do a full panel on his bloods? Only asking as you say he has blood in his stools still.. he doesnt suffer from Haemorroids?
Omg so much to read will catch up later

Non-US ladies, how much are you taxed for healthcare?

Shae inside of the band should have a stamp for metal type
CB I believe they did a CBC when he was at the hospital. He didn’t start having the blood in his stools until the peptic ulcer so I don’t think it’s hemorrhoids, though I haven’t asked if he has them or not. He doesn’t have constipation issues so it’s less likely.

Gigs there’s nothing stamped inside the band.
Gigs we dont get taxed as such but if you earn over £162 a week you pay a minimal % to the Government which is part of the National Insurance contribution, NHS - national health service. Pays for basic non-private healthcare, ambulance etc.. there is private med Insurance available if you want it or you can pay for the private tmt as & when you need it but its mega £’s! If i took out private med Insurance now id probs have a list of exclusions lol! Anyone from newborn are exclusion exempt :) General Tax on wages is 20% but if you earn stupid amts they tax you 40%, if you earn under £11k per year you are tax exempt or the first £11k of earnings are tax free.

I had 2 pages worth to read ha ha!

Shae i reckon its gotta be from the Ulcer.. lotsa get well hugs to your SO, i hope they get him sorted :hugs:
Probably not sterling then, watch out that your skin doesn't react to it. Hope SO is ok, try not to freak out until you have all if the info.

Pretty glad your first set of numbers looks good!

Jez that is disturbing! I just went and tossed some rice cereal lol. I have puffs in the pantry and will probably toss those too. At least i knownow NOT to get rice cereal for myles when the time comes!

I'm in mom-bie mode today; Myles slept terrible last night. We did about 2 hour sleep increments from 9:3o until 7am. Each break in between was 45-60 minutes or so. He's napping now so i'm trying to too while hubby id hone with the other kids but our room is right off the family room and they're all so loud, with the tv too...ugh.

Pipe dream: an addition on this house to make a more secluded bedroom or custom built house! That would be amazing.

OHHHH! I almost forgot! My parents might move closer! They are looking at property about an hour away but considering land closer still :dance: they want to build a dream home on it.
Gigs that would be so great if your parents moved close! Yay. I will join you in mombie mode. A was up so much last night. He also wet the bed twice despite three diaper changes. And was up at just before 5. I am exhausted. I’ve been trying to catch naps while he plays. I can barely keep my eyes open and I’m so irritable.

Shae so sorry SO is having continued bowel issues. I know it’s scary but hopefully he’ll have answers and relief soon. Big hugs
Oooh Gigs that sounds awesome & such an exciting venture for your parents :)

I expect Myles is having a growth spurt approaching if feeding every couple of hrs, the cluster feed when its approaching, Hayden was doing it couple wks ago.. doesnt help us mums when we cant catch up on zzz’s the next day! Fx u can steal a few though hun

Dobby will A take a cuddly nap with you?? Joint zzzZ’s :hugs:
I wish lol this kid is wide awake. It’s ok. Had my coffee. The day goes on lol

Uh oh I smell poops bbl
Actually solidarity does make me feel better.
I've had a ton of coffe and am feeling better now :thumbup:
Dobs have you seen the double sheet hack? You layer the mattress with multiple sheets/protectors so you can just peel off the top set and throw it on the floor to deal with later and voila! Clean sheets in the middle of the night.
Haven’t seen it but considered it lol. But usually it’s fine at home. Idk what it is about when we sleep here, but he pees on the bed like once a weekend. At home, it’s like once a month because I gave him too much water or the wrong diaper lol. Idk.

Yay for solidarity! Glad your coffee is working too lol
Do you find is affects the kids at all? I'm wondering if caffeine is part of the problem with baby's sleep....? But i think i'm at 2-3 cups a day, maybe 4 on a bad day...and that's throughout the day. Is that too much?
I noticed that when I was pumping there was a big difference in A’s energy and ability to sleep well if I switched from decaf to caf. A tall would be fine, but grande or vente was like nope lol.

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