General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs - That's true. There are also a fair amount of MCs in my family. My paternal grandmother had one after 3 successful pregnancies, my mom had an ectopic and regular MC before me, my sister had a MMC at 14w5d with her first. And SO's maternal grandmother had baby, MC, baby, MC, baby, baby. I was so sure Alex would be one, but I guess the fact that everything went ok with him gave me a little too much confidence for the next.
Pretty, just enjoy the time without the soreness even though its a great indicator that things are going well. You know what I mean?

Gigs, thanks for asking. Ls skin is looking just about clear. We still have a few spots where it feels like sandpaper and L will try to scratch every once in a while. Maybe with a few more applications of vaseline we could eliminate those spots too?. However DH hates vaseline, so tries to avoid using it and he's been the main skin caretaker the last little while. L has his follow up appointment with the dermatologist this week, hopefully she can give us a long term solution if the eczema keeps trying to come back. The creme she prescribed is pretty potent according to the pharmacist. We are supposed to use vaseline to keep the skin moisturized, as it's so harmless. According to the dermatologist, all the other bought stuff can make it worse. We've even entirely cut out soaps unless necessary and then only at the very end of Ls baths.
I was sure I'd come on here to catch up and flu would have had her baby! lol I still think this week sometime.

Gigs- I'm glad you figured out the dog situation. When we found a pitty they basically told us he would be put down so we adopted him and found him a home. Although we both feel in love with him one of dogs didn't like him (funny story I'll tell in a minute) and we didn't know how he would be with the boys. If we didn't have kids yet I know we would have kept him and see if him and our dog would could have gotten along. I actually love pits, probably more so becuse they have such a bad reputation. One of our dogs might be part pit, we've been told different things. He is the biggest baby ever. He won't even go in our kitchen if it's windy and loud in there haha!
So our girl dog didn't like the pit because he would bark at her and nip her legs to try to get her to play.... but she does the same thing so our other dog!!!! She's sooo annoying but once it happens to her she hates it *eyeroll*
Sorry long rant, I was just really invested in this story lol

Dobs- sooo glad you have a good weekend and felt like yourself! You totally deserve it and needed it!

Pretty- my family has a history of miscarriages too so I get the fear. I had two before I got pregnant with the boys. It defiantly changes your ourlook. So I feel for you, but I have a good feeling too. Can't wait for your appointment Friday to get a scan date.

I can't remember anything else I'm sorry!
Green i remember the story of the pit you saved -- the poor guy! Thank goodness you guys took pity on him...ha no pun intended.

So i called the shelter today and they have called and left a message for the owner with no response so far. I feel so bad for that dog! Fortunately it's a no kill shelter so I don't worry about that, more just that he won't get adopted any time soon (you know, if we don't take him :p hubby still needs convincing). I'm also considering maybe just talking hubby into fostering him.
Every time I log in i hope to see Flueks update aswell of ‘omg so my waters broke’ or something to that nature Lol!

Pacific im glad to hear Logans skin is looking tons better, the cold weather def doesnt help with Eczema either.. has his lil cheeky spells of playing up passed or is he still acting up esp when feeding the baby? He will calm down, its all attention thats now being shared, Nuala has calmed right down now but my friends lil boy is acting up abit here & there now, her bub is 5 wks old.

Pretty, excited for your apt on Friday eee! Symptoms setting in are def more of a great sign :hugs: oh i love the Halloween pic btw!

Fab your 6-8wk check went well Gigs for you & Myles :) officially get the ‘all ok’ for jiggy lol! After your prev 2 csections was sex reeeeally uncomfy for the first few times? Like everythings alot lower & tighter in there? Or anyone who’s had a csection feel free to jump in on this lol! I feel like my bits are never gonna return to normal urhh!

Flueks i never realised hubs had stones.. that must be so painful for him, hope his apt goes/went well :thumbup:

Gigs i was going to ask if the owner had contacted you but i guess no, tbh if the dog kept escaping he probs maybe knew about it.. maybe he was hoping someone was going to take the dog of his hands?! If my pet kept escaping, i would fix what was broken to make sure they weren’t continuously escaping :-/
Gigs, what a sad story for the dog. At this point I doubt the owners will ever fully step up to the least the dog is in a warm place that he may remember from his previous life there...
What's the shelters take on his temper?

Green, I remember the dog that showed up in your garage. So happy he found a loving home when he found you!

I like pitbulls, maybe because of their reputation :haha: my friend a few years back went to california on vacation where she visited a high kill shelter. In it she found a beautiful silver pitbull that had been beat up and used as a bait dog. She had a few litters as well. After all that, the dog had the sweetest temper, loved a gentle hand and was just the cuddliest dog you could imagine. Long story short: she adopted the dog on what was supposed to be her death day and flew her home. Still alive today with the best temperament you could imagine! It's like this dog put all the negative experience away and is trying to make up for it as if it had all been her fault.

Cb, I imagine running the furnace doesn't help as it seems to take all the moisture out of the air too.. heck, we live on the west (read wet) coast of Canada! We have Rainforests, etc!
I have essentially 2 days off... DH just left with L for 2 nights this morning. :) In 2 more days I will have even more mobility back, taking it day by day.

Over the last few days I have expirienced more pain in the pelvic bones (think low, between the crotch). My mw thinks it could be my pelvis readjusting to non-pregnancy status. Hopefully itll go away soon.
Thursday, she'll come by and probably remove the non-self-absorbing stitches which on occasion itch. (Hospital didnt have the suture material she wanted for that area, yay small rural hospital!)

Pretty, looking forward to your scan! Is your SO coming along? I forgot, you probably answered that one a few times already...
Hope the wound down there has healed ok & stitch removal isnt uncomfy for you Pacific.

Heating def doesnt help with the drying out of the skin, Riley & Nualas feels alot drier these days! But yay for a mini rest for couple of days, esp when Ethan snoozes, you can have a looooong ol soak in the tub ;)
Jez I really haveno right to complain compared to you and Pacific. I suppose it feels even longer since I was early though. Yes I'm so glad it's not bv. Mayb it had something to do with getting a bit dehydrated from food poisoning.

FTMs are pretty young in my area, like early 20s. I was an "old" ftm at 29. It's okay though. I wasn't ready to be a mom in early 20s.

Pacific the weekend before lst we actually managed 3x in 26ish hours. :rofl: but typically pretty hard to do that. Maybe we can try again this weekend. DH thankfully isn't apprehensive about finishing inside. Just hope his pain isn't bad or even better he passes the stone.

So glad the group went well and 2 behaved children :) and glad Ls skin is better. I'm a big fan of vaseline. When my lips or hands are real dry it's only thing that doesn't burn.

Gigs I may have to curse you :haha: nah I know 39 weeks is better for S than 38. I'm just impatient.

Well I hope he doesn't contact the shelter as he's such an irresponsible owner. Hope DH agrees to at least foster doggie. You have a name for him? Glad follow up went well and you were cleared.

Shae thanks. I suppose I shouldn't be too upset as I know changes can happen fast.

Pretty yay for more symptoms. It sounds like things are progressing well though. Also I love your Halloween pic :) looking forward to your appt Friday.

Greenie I hope you are right :) and I remember when you got your pit. I'm glad he found a loving home. How are you feeling? Getting so close to V day :)

CB :rofl: I'm disappointing myself and others. Hehe. Oh and I may have forgot to mention it. Yeah this happened on Valentines day with his first flare up. It's been awhile before then. He actually had surgery for stones when we first started ttc in 2015. Poor guy :(

AFM ugh rumors going around at DHs work. I'm praying his insurance will last until end of March. If not I'll pay for a month of cobra if that's possible and then get us on my work insurance for April. Our medical bills would be less that way. In any case I'm just going to have faith that it's all in God's timing and plans.

Still debating if I want to start leave Monday or Saturday next week.
PL - No, he won't being going. There are two clinics pretty close to me. Let's call them 1 (not open on weekends) and 2 (open on weekends). For my 3 scans with Alex, I went 1, 2, 2. SO was not at any of those. For my next pregnancy, I went 2, 1, and SO was there for both of those. I'll do whatever I can to not jinx this, so I'll definitely go to 1 for the first scan. I might need to go there for the 2nd as well cuz I need blood draw right after. And SO won't be going to that appt cuz it's a work day and, again, not jinxing anything. Once everything is progressing well, he'll probably come to the anatomy scan. And I wanna do another 4D scan around 31 weeks.

Here's hoping your pain goes away and your stitch removal goes well.

Flueky - FX the insurance lasts.

Thanks for the comments on the pic, everyone. More or less 6 weeks tomorrow, so there should be a little heartbeat by now. <3
So, family drama bombshell dropped -- looks like BIL is likely cheating on SIL. I am so pissed at him. What kind of dirt bag cheats in his super pregnant wife?!?!?! Then after she has the second baby, tries to kick her out of the house when it hasn't even been 4 weeks?! Plus the 1.5 yr old??? Hubby is so disappointed.

In other news Myles was all bent out of shape and i thought it was gas so i was trying to tell hubby about the "Windi" but couldn't remember the name. I described it to him and he found it on google by typing in "baby gas butt straw" :rofl: omg i was laughing so hard when he told me that. And yes, it came up!
Gigs, your term made it need to Google that device after I had a good laugh.

Is that your hubby's brother who is cheating? It's so tough when kids are involved. Hopefully this doesnt cause you all strain with your niece/nephews or sil if it all falls apart permanently. Are they going to try and work it out?
Pretty, I hear you on not wanting to take any chances. Think positive, you are growing a healthy little gummy bear in there :)

Flueky: fx hubby doesn't need any intervention to pass the stone. How long are doctors willing to let him go before doing something?

I quite like Vaseline too, especially for chapped lips. However DH recently claimed that it makes his hands itchy when he uses it on L....therefore he prefers not to do it.
Memory is terrible of the last page or two, sorry.

Gigs so sad that he hasn’t come to the shelter to pick up the dog yet. I also had to look up “Windi” after the description.
So sorry about your BIL, finding that out about someone must really suck. If I found out SO’s brother had cheated on someone I’d be pissed, and I know SO would be furious cuz he takes cheating super seriously. Is he the one who was planning on moving away for work and leaving the wife and kids behind? If so, sounds like he was planning his escape already :(

AFM so you know that test I took Monday? Well I got the grade back today... I got a frickin 92. I’m so ecstatic and also feel bad that I thought I did awful. Okay, bedtime. I have clinical in the morning.
Shae you need to give yourself more credit girl! You are rocking this nursing school business. Virtual high five ✋

Ugh yes hubs' brother. Hubs also takes cheating very seriously and isn't too happy with this prospect. I'm not happy with him because he's making himself out to be the victim. But this info is pretty secret right SIL just told me the whole thing today. I think she's been in denial but something happened and she couldn't deny it any more. He still hasn't outright admitted to it but it's pretty obvious.

Pl she wants/wanted to work it out but he has made it very clear he has no interest in that. In fact here you have to be separated for a year before you can divorce and he wants her to lie and say it's been a year so they can finalize the divorce asap. He is refusing to see a marriage counselor.

Also he never planned to leave, he is trying to kick her out. We (her inlaws) are trying to talk her into staying in the area, but it's quite possible she may take the kids and live with her family in other states.

Idk. It's drama.
Shae check you out girl, well done hun :)

Gigs omg thats terrible??! Is it BIL’s house/Apt where they both live or is it owned by both of them? Def try get her to stay put esp with the lil ones! No doubt Bil clearly doesn’t want it on record that he’s in the wrong so divorce will go through quickly, cant believe hes expecting her to lie for him?! 4 wks pp, she must be in a mess bless her! So sorry to hear this news..
Gigs yikes I can’t believe he’s trying to kick her out. He’s the one who wants out, so he should move out. He cheated, he can leave. So messed up.
Thanks re: exam grade!

CB thanks!
I’ve had an interesting day so far. Car had trouble starting because it was 11 degrees (F), phone died while plugged in on the way to clinical despite being fully charged that morning, only got 2 hours of sleep, got to clinical and got super dizzy and lost vision randomly, and not from standing up too fast cuz I had been standing around for a while, I had to sit down and wait for my vision to come back and drink apple juice. Then I had random dizzy spells but not nearly as bad afterward. Had water and a protein bar. I feel fine now but we’ll see what the rest of the shift brings.
Gigs, wow. If that was my DH he'd find himself on the road. Nor would I lie for him to get the divorce done.. although that may depend on how bad the situation is and how desperate I'd be to get out too. Glad to hear she has your support, this is still a tricky time for post partum depression too...

Shae: that's an awesome mark on the test! If my gut feeling told me I'd have a bad grade, id always be right on.. if my gut said "good", it was always still bad especially in math. I could never rely on my feelings when it came to test scores :haha:
Hope you make it through clinical ok today and you can figure out if this is just lack of sleep causing you all the trouble.
When we lived in Alberta, id never leave the house without a fully charged cell phone knowing it would die immensely fast out in the cold!
Never had trouble with my truck battery but dhs car battery froze once at -35 celsius. He forgot to plug it in. When you have a chance have your battery tested, 8f isn't that cold. It should have been fine...
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Pretty I don't blame you avout wanting to go to a certain ultrasound place and yay for heartbeat :)

Gigs holy shite!!! I'd be so livid if I was her. Really!? I can't imagine what she's going through. I'm wondering now if the affair had anything to do with her controlling behaviour with MIL. Not that it's an excuse but more an explanation. Baby gas butt straw :rofl: I did almost buy it for V. She was sooo uncomfortably gassy and constipated until we found the right formula for her. She stayed gassy but it didn't bother her so I didn't mind.

Pacific I'm not sure how long they will give him. Last time (2015) he had ct svanon a Thursday showing a 6mm stone in right ureter. Then on the following Monday or Tuesday they did a KUB scan and it showed no progression so they did surgery that Wednesday. He's not had the severe pains like that time though. It was awful we were in ER 2x and he had intractable vomitting.

Maybe your DH could wear gloves when applying vaseline??

Shae yay on exam grade!! But sorry for the crappy start of a day. I nearly passed out once in clinicals. It was while watching a surgery and I didn't feel queasy . I never figured out what caused it, but never happened again.

AFM not been too bad a day. No word from DH about any job update. Just going to keep swimming as Dory says :haha:

More coworkers getting sick and one was positive for the flu so I'm staying away from people. The other girl prego at work had due date today. They are going to induce either Friday or Monday. We go to same OB office so I'm a bit glad I won't have to go to 41 weeks if I go over. I do hope things kick off naturally as I'd like to avoid induction if possible. I think EPO is working as I'm losing plug again. Going to try to have sex tonight too. Kinda hoping she comes this weekend.

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