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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Your brave Flueks taking kiddies to the Cinema lol! Apparently its a 3hr film.. get ye pee breaks in first lol! I just finished watching Infinity War again aswell.

Also a heads up, Wikipedia on Google now has Plot details on there for EndGame so avoid it lol!

Dobby i love A’s t-shirt :hugs:
Flueks im pretty sure theres headsets/earphones that you can get to protect their lil ears, im off to Dr Google :)
Flueks, Google ‘sound protection for babies’ some bits online :) it will be loud for her i reckon
Oooo for sure I got A a pair of those headphone things when I took him to the Fourth of July concert at Shoreline. It really helped because the concert was loud so it quieted to a level he liked and we were right under the fireworks that he slept through. Highly recommend. My brother asked if A was going with me to which I responded, “I love my son, but I actually want to enjoy myself for once.”

Hope you get that exercise time and time with hubs and that he gets day shifts soon!

As for A, he only bites when he is having a meltdown. He hasn’t bitten anyone at daycare, but he shoved some girl three times right in front of her mom who lost her s* apparently. I guarantee if I was there, she would not lose her s*. ABA is taking forever to assign him a therapist. My mom worries if he keeps doing stuff like this that he will end up in SDC. But lol like I haven’t sat in enough 2+ hour IEP meetings to know how to keep him in gen ed with an aide.

G2g he’s awakened lol these are our shirts today lol the other thing is pjs. Cursed by having a Disney store at the mall :rofl:

Ah i love Groot hehe Riley has a few Marvel tshirts :)

Also, kicking & biting etc is very common in all toddlers/preschoolers not specifically related to Autism :thumbup: Riley went through a phase at 2yrs+ where he would slap & hit anyone, i hated playdates Lol
CB V would not come along. She can't sit still for that long. S will be happy if she's against me or feeding. I'm going to look into those headphones. Thanks for the advice.

Dobby that's good he's not biting others. V pulled another girl's hair once. They don't understand they are hurting them. Once she heard the girl cry she stopped and didn't do again. Enjoy your me time :) you deserve it. Cute shirts!!
Yeah they aren’t bothered by it but it’s getting increasingly more frequent and painful lol

Fluek yay!!! Hoping it works

I’m splurging on an avengers themed mani pedi and omg this massage chair is amazing and they let me have it the entire hour I have been here
Our town has this really old theater that plays movies on certain night. When I say theater... Yeah I mean a real f-ing theater from 100 years ago. Also since DH and I are basically on our own here, we don't even have baby sitters aka grandparents here. Our next date night on our own is probably well after avengers leaves the cinema screens...

Kicking and biting hasnt been a big issue here *knock on wood". Although L did try to kick me (or maybe being extra wiggly) during his diaper change this morning and his foot promptly landed in his poopy diaper that I hadn't folded up yet as wiping his butt took priority and like to put the wipes in there too...
Deep breaths......
Ah dobby you look lovely :hugs: loving your nails aswell esp the Red tip ;) Did u have matching toe nails? Hehe! I chopped all my nails down yesterday as 2 of them snapped low down & have been stuck down with nail glue now lol & they were also getting too long & kept catching Haydens lil chubber legs with changing nappies etc!

Pacific lol foot poop! Had that a few times aswell! Now, i tend to wipe most poop off with the nappy & fold it over & it still fits all the wipes :thumbup: ready for the foot & poop tsunami if it occurs.. thankfully Nuala isn’t very wriggly with nappy changes:)
I'm so behind with my marvel movies. Never saw any with groot. Tell me what I need to see! I think the last I saw was the second Avengers but I don't remember it...

Dobby I love your commitment to the franchise. And wtf how did you take such a low angle selfie and still look so cute?

Thank goodness y'all have dirt bag toddlers too. I was starting to worry...Lev has been hitting, smacking with toys, and biting here & there. He bit his cousin hard enough to leave a full set of teeth marks in his leg on Easter.

Blah wish I remembered more of what I read!

Gonna complain really quick -- I am 100% ovulating again! OMG it HURTS! I have another disc golf tourney tomorrow in the morning and I really hope it's subsided by then!
Ah Gigs u missing out haha! Groot is from ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ all of the films & the very end bits after the credits go up all are linked to ‘EndGame’.. if you google what to watch to basically to catch up im sure theres prob a mini list, im rubbish with which order they go in lol! Although id say most recently, Avengers Infinity War, Ant Man & the Wasp.. but all films include an Infinity stone i think & the last 2 Avengers film are based on The stones :)

Will any meds take the edge of the Ovulation pain?

My cousins lil girl used to Bite & they just don’t understand the pain it causes, it wasnt until another lil Boy at her preschool Bit her & she screamed in pain that she eventually stopped biting herself! Its awful though, Nualas bit a couple of times & her fang teeth are razor sharp!

Hope your Disc gold tournament goes well & weather is good :)
Lol done that recently! Except i also had Levin in the seat and Des riding on the front. We look like a proper shit show at the store I'm certain.

No meds for the pain but fortinately it seems to be gone now! Yay!
Yepp! DH and I did our big monthly trip Easter weekend.. between a car seat on the top and L in the seat we had the bottom shelf for groceries.. our cart was overflowing. Plus one of the wheels was giving the cart this left veer.... Proper workout! Don't mind the kids to add to the crazy
PL - I haven't noticed him being more interested, per se. Every now and again we'll be driving along and he'll point out some decent looking houses and say "find something in there" kinda jokingly. Today I replied with "well, not point in finding anything now since it'll be gone before we even make an appt with the bank."

Gigs - Pretty much what I posted here a couple weeks ago: "We're adding another egg to our basket" and then the EDD.
Glad to here sex is fun again, but sucks about your incoming AF.

shae - No hip dips here, or at least I'm too fat to be able to tell if I have them. Our bodies are what they are and at least you have a better one that probably 80% of the population.

CB - I just saw End Game today. Oh man, the feels. I cried like 3 times. :/
And you gotta do what you gotta do when grocery shopping. lol

Dobby - Lookin' good. :)

Re: bathing suit. I have 2 maternity tankini tops and I just bought a new pair of bottoms when we were in FL last year. I've seen some cute one pieces at WalMart and Thyme though. might have to invest in a couple since I'll spend the whole summer pg this time. I'd like to hope I'll be able to pull off a bikini again one day though. Maybe once I'm done having kids and a get a tummy tuck and a breast lift and fat transfer. lol

AFM, not too much to report. Just kinda business as usual. SO's cousin just msged me on FB, asking for my address, so I assume she'll be sending an invite for her DIL's baby shower (she's due in July with a boy). Just counting down the weeks til mat leave (25) and anxiously awaiting my next MW appt and gender scan next month.
Dobby that's cool they do avengers themed mani! Also a massage chair sounds nice. I got a pedi a week and half before S came and didn't turn the chair on but they served wine there. It was strange to me (never seen another place do it) but also sounded nice to have wine while being pampered.

Pacific I'm with CB on poopy diaper technique. Sorry no date night in sight for you at the moment.

Gigs I can't renember the "proper" order. I saw someone post it on facebook weeks ago so a google search should do the trick. We were 3 movies behind before infinity war last year. Guardians 2, Black Panther, and spider man homecoming. Was a bit lost on a few characters but wasn't horrible. We are up to date this time except captain marvel.

Omg that would be insane grocery shopping. You are a saint. Glad O pain subsided.

CB I never have enough room like that. In any case S hates car seat and car rides so it's baby wearing for me.

Pretty hope summer isn't miserable for you. I'm glad I only spent 1st tri in summer.
Pacific i always get the dodgy trolley with the weird wheel lol! Get to have Biceps of steel manoeuvring those trolleys ;)

We not seen Captain Marvel.. but we did watch End Game last night! Not at Cinema though, SO’s cousin gets them downloaded, the copy was ok but miffed i didnt go to cinema to see it, he put it on & i missed the first hr or so, from what i watched it was awesome! I cried a couple of times aswell Pretty.. i felt abit sad to want to watch it actually because its the last one ever :( end of an era lol

Ah Flueks your lucky S wants to be on you, i tried with Hayden a few wks back with the carrier sling but he didn’t like it, Nuala never did either.. uhhh!

Whens your gender scan booked for Pretty?

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