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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Thanks for asking, well I do feel better but I still barely have a voice and hack up phlegm a few times a day. When E sleeps on me, every cough startles him..

Flueky: agreed! The boys will wrestle soon enough. Hopefully they won't be punching holes into oir walls. DH has told me a few stories of what him and his brothers did....
I don't think wanting some time to yourself is selfish, it's healthy. Ill admit to really looking forward to taking a few hours each week away from home at a barn for some horse time. Once baby is starting the weaning process.

Pretty: yay for movement! Can't say I miss having skunks around... The saying for raccoons around here is "only a dead raccoon is a good raccoon" comes to mind. They are pretty aggressive. We also call them trash pandas. ;) Lol
Awesome on the financial improvement. Have you officially started house hunting yet?
Flueky - So true about no part of this actually being a "safe time" . I can't tell you how many times I checked Alex in his sleep to make sure he was still breathing.
Best of luck with the weight loss. Once I'm done BFing, I'm gonna start doing some intermittent fasting and be mildly keto. My friend is doing that and has lost 51lbs so far this year. Right now, I'm just trying to maintain for as long as possible and only gain 11-20lbs this time.
What have you been doing so far and what's your game plan moving forward?

PL - No, no proper hunting yet. Still just doing online searches every now and again. Last I heard from SO, he didn't wanna be forced to move this year. Maybe I'll wait a couple months and see if that's still the case. There's only so much I can do til he's on board.
Pacific hope you get completely over it soon. I feel like hacking up phlegm takes forever to end. Glad I'm not the only one looking forward to some me time. Oh and hopefully no wall punching for your boys wgen they are older.

Pretty not really a fan of restrictive diets as I just don't have the willpower. I'm being more mindful and logging my intake and exercise on my fitness pal. I'm trying to eat more fruits and vegetables and less junk food and sweets. Really basic things. I feel like I'm kinda doing weight watchers except I'm not converting to points. I've had success with WW twice but big life changes thrown me off. The last time I did it I went from 172 to 140. I looked amazing and felt amazing. I loved going to the gym. Exercise is currently just walking while babywearing. I did a little over 2 miles. I would have done more but 70+ degree weather is a bit hot while babywearing. I do enjoy walking and listening to some tunes. Once I can put her down more I plan to start ddp yoga with DH.

Oh well hope you can convince him to buy a house this year. It's such a huge decision. I wouldn't look until he's on board as you might get sad if you fall in love with a place and then it's gone once you are ready to buy.

Oh has anyone had uterine cramps 7 weeks pp and ebf?? Worried AF might be coming :( I had some ovary pain a week or so ago.
Flueky, geez you already have some warm temperatures! Honestly I don't enjoy restrictive diets either, love chocolate way too much for that! Exercises is a whole new topic: the idea of it is brilliant and has been effective when done regularly or on a routine. However I have come to the conclusion that I despise sweating and that out of breath feeling during. Although who doesn't feel good about a workout after, so there is that. I have come to the conclusion that whatever I do, must be enjoyed like a hobby or fun activity with the kids: swimming, running, horses, garden work, etc I can built muscle while having fun, not a miserable workout.

As for the cramps: no. I would wait a day and see. Or maybe call the nurse line if you are concerned.

Pretty: good luck getting SO fully on board, does he seem more interested with #2 on the way?
First of all how was he able to continue?? When my husband goes he says its too tender and it goes soft right away so we're done. I feel jipped! lol we did pull out for a year without a pregnancy. I highly doubt you get pregnant from that but you never know I guess
^lol I didn't know WHAT you were talking about! Idk, he can sometimes let a little out and still go. But no matter, the original post was a few years and two kids ago :rofl:

Pl, oh helllllll no on that bear! Do you have animal control? We do but unless the bear is a nuisance they don't do anything. A tually the first time I saw a black bear from my car I called A.C. and they must have thought I was some city slicker idiot. To be fair I was a recent transplant and kind of was.

Fluek that is not even fair to be EBF and get af! I hope that's not it!

I'm fairly certain I'm ovulating -.- pain in my left side. Not amused although it does explain my recent libido :-k Lucky me was gifted with THREE o's the other night, right in a row! So lovely I had to brag. But really I bring it up because it means my hormones are back to normal and sex is confortable again! Yay! But boooo af will be here soon :(

Pretty glad the pregnancy is going well. What phrase did you end up using for the announcement?
Pacific yeah it's been a pretty warm month. I think when you restrict something when you cave in you go a bit crazy on that food. At least I do. Swimming is a great exercise! I haven't had it today so hoping that's good.

Miranda ditto what gigs said.

Gigs yeah I hope it's not. I've got a headache today so I'm wondering if it is. Oh and yay for 3 Os! I'm looking forward to more enjoyable sex. We only have time for quickies and S cries before it's over, an O killer for sure.
When the kids cock block is like that we call them "BK", for boner killer :rofl:

Agreed that restrictive diets are rough. Are you able to do things in moderation? I have like a mental switch...if it isn't flipped into fitness mode, it's impossible to resist temptation. But when i am in the right head space it's no problem most of the time.

Also I will cut out extras (milk chocolate) to make room for certains things I absolutely refuse to sacrifice (heavy cream in my coffee).

PL have you ever considered swimming? It's a great full body work out and sweating isn't really an issue. I went once a week back when I was losing weight after Des.

I also had the most epic of rec centers at my disposal -- it's probably on the top 5 list of things I miss about where I used to live (and that list may actually only contain 5 things). It had an indoor track, a gym, a pool, a mini water park, and best of all, a rock climbing wall! All of it was inside so no worries about bad weather. It was my "me" time, every wednesday after work. Gahhhhh I miss that!
Gigs, 3xO! Lol, little bit of envy over here. My drive is coming back, but I just don't foresee enough time for 3x.. :( once is lucky enough as crying baby is the BK by the time we finish up. I am starting to be able to put him down, so maybe not much longer. DH is as horny as ever ( :haha: ) but he's waiting for my cues.

This is bear country, at most we'll give neighbors a heads up that one was spotted. It's kind of like rats in the city: you know they are there, but unless they are a neusance, nothing will change. You just become bear smart, such as no open food sources and unaccessible garbage. Fish and wildlife would just tell you how to be bear smart if you called in for a wandering bear. ;)

Rec center: we have yet to try out our local one. Also: I need a new swim suit. The old one got chucked last year due to crunchy elastics! What do you ladies swim in after kids? 1 piece or 2 piece or super fancy?
Re: bears, bears visit my grandfather’s house all the time (he lives in Vermont). They don’t try to come in the house or anything, they just like the bird feeders and pass through, no harm done. He sends us pictures, I’ve never been there when the bear showed up. Once when I was 10 or so I went into the woods on his property just to explore, and when I got back my older cousin from Chicago (super city slicker) freaked at me saying I could’ve been eaten by a bear and to never go in the woods alone. I was so confused, I told my mom and she laughed and told me it was because he was a city kid. I’ve never actually seen a bear in person, but I grew up in a wooded area so I wasn’t exactly scared of the woods lol. I loved exploring the woods as a kid. However, if I saw a bear when I wasn’t inside my house, I’d definitely be terrified. Bears just aren’t common where I grew up, we had coyotes instead.

Re: restrictive diets, I have zero discipline so anyone who can successfully implement one, hats off to you.

PL my mom has a swimsuit she calls her “religious conservative bathing suit”, it’s a swim t-shirt and long swim shorts lol. She wears it because she’s quite overweight (she’s been struggling with weight loss her whole life) and she’s not comfortable showing her body. It really depends on what you’re comfortable in. You think you look awesome in a bikini? Go for it! You prefer more belly coverage? That’s fine too! I bet you’ll look great in whatever you choose.
PL I don’t think I’ll ever wear a bikini again but I did just treat myself to the most expensive swim suit I have ever owned :rofl:

Dumb question, do any of you ladies have hip dips? Also known as violin hips?
I have quite the hip dips and it drives me nuts ugh, I have to go to a conference on Friday and we were told to dress up, and I have a pencil dress I’m gonna wear but it makes my hip dips super obvious. Shape-wear doesn’t really help because my hip dips are due to the shape of my skeleton, I have really high hips and big greater trochanters. I just feel like I look dumb ugh
Here’s a picture of me in the dress, wearing shape-wear, and honestly I feel like the dips look less obvious in the pic than irl.
Kit I have considered cute suits like that with cut outs or fun straps but I worry they'll leave funny tan lines...

I wear a push up bikini top (because alk other swim suits smoosh my tiny boobs) and then a t shirt over that (aint no one need to see this mom pooch).

Shae I have that shape but larger. I don't mind that silhouette on thinner ladies like yourself but on chunky ladies like me...not so much.
Kit I have considered cute suits like that with cut outs or fun straps but I worry they'll leave funny tan lines...

I wear a push up bikini top (because alk other swim suits smoosh my tiny boobs) and then a t shirt over that (aint no one need to see this mom pooch).

Shae I have that shape but larger. I don't mind that silhouette on thinner ladies like yourself but on chunky ladies like me...not so much.

Haha I don’t really tan anyway so I have no problems like that :rofl:
Gigs S is a huge BK!! I try to remind DH it's a phase and will get better but he's so damn negative about it right now. He's trying to compare her to V and they are all different.

I'm the same as you if my mind is really wanting to lose weight I'm pretty decent. Peer pressure can get to me though. Also MIL loves to give us junk, I can usually resist buying it. Thank god she didn't buy those huge coconut or peanut butter chocolate eggs this year. I do allow some sweets as I can't go cold turkey. I used to go to an awesome gym but moved 40 minutes away. I work really close to their but not sure. I'd rather work out with DH.

Pacific I wore a one piece with a skirt around the waist after V. Don't feel confident for a 2 piece even a tankini.

Shae I think you look lovely and shouldn't feel embarassed. You are a healthy size and anyone that judges you for that should mind their own business. I'd love to have a body like yours!

Kitty that's a sexy swimsuit. Hope you like it :)
Kitty, that's definitely what i would classify as sexy! Hmm, so sexy is still a possibility after 2 kids... Lol!
I only burn in the sun, then get this slight hue of a tan which is gone a few weeks later :haha: my legs are so brightly white right now they would blind people.

Shae: I think it looks fine, healthy curves!
Im being lazy girls sorry Lol ive breezed over this last page, I been feeling poorly the last few days, blocked stuffy nose, dizzy spells etc.. still lurking but not as bad urhh!

BK :haha: when Hayden starts going i tell SO to hurry up hahaa! Otherwise its a definite man down

Kitty i LOVE that Bikini :)

Is anyone going to see Avengers End Game?? No spoilers please lol! Im very jealous of those going to see it tonight ahhhhh!
Sorry skimming but my vacation is running errands all day long and many bruises from
a biting and kicking me

Meeee on a full on social media lockdown until tomorrow at 3pm lol

I am wearing my I am groom shirt and A has a marvel shirt and the new avengers uniform pjs

Also since my boobs shrank I bought some new vs bras. 2 for 49 so I got 4 :rofl: and one splurge bra so then I had to get new tank tops to show off my new assets :rofl: just need to lose 28 lbs and find a man

Shae I agree with everyone else but I know it’s hard to take everyone’s word for it when you feel otherwise. I think that’s pretty normal. I had it when I was younger and smaller. My mom just said it’s a pre childbirth thing haha idk if that true and I’m too lazy to check myself out rn
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CB not this weekend but plan to go in 2 to 3 weeks. Would like my mom to watch the girls while we go I've also considered asking pediatrician about taking S. I worry about it being too loud so want to check first. If not I have a measly stash of milk. I watched infinity war again yesterday for a refresher.

Dobby go enjoy the movie tomorrow! I'm looking forward to seeing it. A is biting and kicking you? Does he do that at daycare? Hope he stops it soon. V had a brief biting stage when less than a year. She only bit me and happened 3 times. Yay for new bras and tanks!!

AFM DH starts nights Sunday. Going to be strange not sleeping together. Hope he can go to days before too long.

No sitter today and it's a yucky rainy day. I'll survive. On a funny note, S had a poopsplosion yesterday while wearing her at the store. Got my wrap and tank. S has had a 5 hour stretch 2 nights in a row!! Hope this is a pattern. Oh and considering buying a graco soothe2sense. So I could maybe get some free time to exercise, cook, and time with DH. It's a bit pricy though

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