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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Heya Wooks! Wow that sounds horrible to live with. Fortunately my bouts with vertigo are generally short lived. It has passed this time, thanks for asking! My hearing is back to normal too as of 2-3 days ago. I am very thankful for that! It did give me a new sense of sympathy for a few "hard of hearing" folk I know (dads that refuse hearing aids) as well as my aging pets. One day last week I had a moment of panic when I heard this bass-y thumping when I was doing dishes and didn't know where it was coming from. Then I realized it was just ds1 walking around lol

Hope you have a nice Easter and that little Hannah feels better very quickly!
Shae basically not been reliable for me. Not a huge deal while on leave and it's saving me money, but worried about when I go back to work. The wife is watching an elderly and that lady's home so it's the husband watching. He wants to do every other week so he can work on finishing a room when not watching V. I was burned with reliability issues with the first sitter.

Oh and congrats on your clinicals and yay the semester is nearly over! I do hate to hear about SOs condition. Good thing he's got you.

CB thanks! There are times i wish I had oversupply issues but I know it has it's own set of problems. I will say my spectra is pretty comparable to baby for a pump. I did read that babes drink 3 to4 oz typically at this point and normal for me to pump half a meal shortly after a feed. Just sucks when others can pump 4 oz in one session! Sounds like they enjoyed Easter. How was the egg hunt?

Gigs I think my DH would be like yours :haha: he would adjust but think he underestimates how tough it would be
Well accidently hit post..

Gigs congrats on placing in the middle especially as it's been awhile :)

Wookie sorry H is ill, hope she feels better soon.
Thank you :) I'm playing again next weekend but no one is in my division so I have to play up a division, which translates to I have zero chance of beating anyone but oh well!

Ugh today has been rough. Barely any sleep and just emotionally burnt out. The older 2 kids have been very challenging recently. Lev is off the walls all the time and Des is trying to get away with everything recently, trying to sneak in watching things he isn't allowed to watch, eat candy when not allowed, doing things after I tell him not to, etc. i broke this morning...just cried to hubby about our lack of help with the kids. We really get screwed a lot by SIL's kids taking priority for sitting. MIL has taken a part time job to do on days SIL doesn't need her. I finally begged her today to watch the kids tomorrow and she said she would, thank God! I have big, big plans to lay in bed all day. Just fuck doing anything, screw this laundry that's piled up. The bed is my grand destination.

In today's highlights, I took the two younger kiddos grocery shopping with me. Of course Myles needed a diaper change as soon as we got there so into the big handicap stall we go. Fortunately it's fantastically sized so no issues squeezing us all in. I changed Myles, and in the time I turned to put his wipes in my diaper bag and turned back around, Levin had reached into the mini trashcan on the wall and was pulling a used tampon applicator out of the wrapper *VOMIT* of course I grabbed it as quick as I could whilst having a baby strapped on me and grabbing toilet paper first to handle the item. Lev then was immedately wiped down, which was a struggle as he was trying to rub his hands on his face and protesting my attempt.
Gigs glad MIL is watching tomorrow. Sounds like you definitely need a break. Oh that's gross, about the tampon applicator. Just a thought, I had V in the cart and strapped in. The handicap stall was big enough to fit the cart in. It kept her from getting into bathroom nastiness while I used the bathroom. I'm sure you probably have thought but cart won't fit.
Got my period today so it’s a no this month!

Gigs I’m really sorry about your struggles and hope you manage to get a good rest tomorrow :hugs:
Gigs, that's gross about the tampon applicator.. hopefully some day you can laugh about it ;)
Glad youll have help tomorrow! I wish we had some around here...

Happy belated Easter to all! Did you have egg hunts for the older kids? We did for L and I was pretty eggcited ;)

Afm; well Wednesday I came down with a sore throat, so sore that I could not swollow without huge pain. By Thursday I felt a ton better, more like a tail end of a cold so we went down to see my parents. Friday and Saturday was again just feeling of a tail end of a cold. However Saturday E and I spent a day in a cold barn watching a competition. So sunday started off with feeling a bit worse and by 10 am I felt like absolute crap. Could not wait to hit the road home. I snoozed in the truck for the whole 3 hour drive to the ferry.
Now it's just a nasty cold (no voice, cough, stuffy nose)...thank god I am the only one who has it but have no idea where I got it from!
Pl how annoying that it keeps going! I hope you get rid of it entirely very soon!

Fluek they don't allow carts in however there is a plastic seat on the wall I could have strapped him in to...I just was being too confident in him I guess.

Kit boo stupid af! Are you back to being regular now?
Thanks gigs! I hope my cold will be gone soon too, or at least get my voice back so I can talk properly to my children again!

It took me 15 years to catch up but hiiii, and happy post-Easter to those who observe it.

PL that illness sounds like no fun. A few people I know seem to have the exact same thing. Hope it doesn’t come for us. Feel better soon!

Gigs omg re: Lev digging in the bin! I don’t even like going grocery shopping with one child if I can avoid it... two scares the poop out of me! But you’re brave and awesome and totally nailing triple-motherhood (which of course comes with stress and tears! You’re human!). Well done on placing 5th btw. You may do better in the higher group than you think.

Kit I’m sorry AF came. Those IC lines were quite convincing! So disappointing when that happens.

Shae sorry about SO’s diagnosis but I hope at least having an answer is some relief. And well done on a great semester!

I’ve forgotten everything else, I’m sorry, except CB saying that Nuala has no interest in the potty/toilet when offered, which makes me feel better coz Tilly is EXACTLY the same. Makes me wish I’d potty trained at 18-24 months. She’s so headstrong and I don’t have the mental ninja skills or patience to tackle the issue.

But what she’s lacking in the toileting department she’s making up for in language, it seems, because she speaks with near-perfect grammar and syntax. E.g., yesterday she said re: a pic of someone holding a cat, word for word: “what’s that cat’s name that someone’s holding?” (K, English buffs will know that sentence is not technically correct, but still) and for those of you don’t have insta, she told my mum’s cat: “don’t be scared, you don’t have to cry, but everybody cries sometimes.” She understands and speaks bloody perfectly AND YET I STILL CAN’T REASON WITH HER RE: POTTY. I think I have to accept that she shall remain diapered for life.
Hey all. This is probably gonna be a garbage post cuz SO is watching Spiderman Homecoming and I'm having trouble hearing myself think. Here goes anyway...

shae - That really sucks about SO's diagnosis, but at least he's considering PT. Good luck with your upcoming tests and glad to hear your instructors think so highly of you.

kitty - Sorry about AF. FX you'll have better luck next cycle.

Re: potty training. The closest I've come with Alex is taking of his diaper as soon as he wakes up (on weekends), throwing him on the potty, and hoping he didn't go already before I took off his diaper. I don't think that's going about it properly though. On "Outdaughtered", the daycare the quints go to apparently take the kids to the bathroom once an hour. Even with one kid, ain't nobody got time for that. lol

Re: drinking. I've missed it a little here and there, but I don't really see myself having a drink again until my BDay next year (when new baby will be almost 6 months and I can pump).

I hope everyone had a good Easter and that everyone who's under the weather gets better quickly.

AFM, (gonna try to keep this short) I announced on social media, so everyone knows now. Telling my mom went a lot better than I thought it would. She seemed generally happy and didn't have a ton of questions. Telling SO's mom didn't go how I'd hoped. We spent the night at her place on Thursday and I was leaving it up to SO to be the one to actually tell her, but he didn't. And then I repeatedly asked him on Sunday to call her. I first asked at 11am and he finally did at 9pm. So annoying. -.-

Had my 2nd MW appt today and things are looking good. HB sounded good and my screening results came back as negative/low risk; 1 in 5700. Didn't get the req for my 20 week scan, but I booked it anyway: Sat. June 1, when I'll be 19w5d.

Also, don't quite remember how we got on the topic, but SO asked how many kids I was planning on having. I told him ideally 4, but I could settle for 3. He said he was fine to settle for 1, but then mentioned something about guilt and having a 2nd. Not quite sure what he meant, but I think it meant he felt guilty for not giving me a girl the first time, so this baby was kinda to make up for that. i guess I'll have to see how things go once the baby is here and we settle into a place of our own.
Kitty sorry about AF arriving. FX for next month.

Pacific hope you feel better soon. Colds are so annoying. Really being a mom and being sick is awful.

Gigs I don't think they are supposed to at my store either. If anyone said anything I was going to tell them I'll piss on their floor then :rofl: thankfully it didn't come to that.

Jez way to go on Tilly's speech! Still behind with V. It's my fault for barely reading to her. Somewhat in my defense she tries to rip the pages or eat them, even the board books. It's difficult to read to her. Not really an excuse so I'm working on it.

Pretty we watched that 2 weeks ago, I really liked it but I love the marvel movies. Glad your appt went well and scan is booked. I'll have to try to get on that day. Probably having V's party then.
Jez, that's awesome language! L is pretty close, he's even trying to make his own cases. Ex: we offer him a healthy snack and he said the other day "what about pop pop?" (popcorn)
Then later DH and and L were having a snuggle in front of the TV moment and L in this loud, demanding voice says "dad go get the pop pop!" Such a demanding tone, weve both never heard from him, kind a made us laugh because it was so unexpected but at the same time wtf, who the heck does he think he is!

Potty training, well at our speed it won't happen until L is an adult. Maybe we'll have another more serious attempt when the temperatures outside get warmer and we can spent a few days outside?

Afm; well the cold moved into my chest last night, which made me cough so hard that I woke up without a voice this morning. DH will be gone for the next 36 hours for work. He did offer to stay, but the meeting he is going to isn't optional yet for him at this point in his career. So Netflix and paw patrol for the rescue and don't mind toys everywhere at the end of the day is my plan for today.
Ok, well maybe we won't spent much time outside this summer. We just had a little black bear visit our backyard... My dog announced him with a big bark, barked him away and he's still growling 10 minutes later
Kitty, at first I thought how cool, but could definitely get dangerous.

Then I saw the neighbor outside and decided to give him the heads up (could not find his phone number this morning, nor did I have much voice). So he's been talking with the neighbor at the end of the road (2 doors down to our other side) and he has been seeing a momma bear with her cub on his game camera. Supposedly they have been hanging around between us and the one 2 doors down. Being a mom bear With cub, just made this bear more dangerous.
Wow, yeah I wouldn’t mess with a literal mama bear. DH is a runner and when he runs at my mum’s house he’s always a bit worried about coming across a bear or coyotes. Probably makes him run faster. And oh god the demanding voice! Funny how quickly they perfect it. Any more pics of your boys btw?

Flueks I love that you took the cart/trolley in even when not allowed. I’d be way too scared, but you’re right it’s not a big deal. Re: reading, we really don’t read much to Tilly at all, despite having way too many books, and I feel guilty about that too. I stopped trying when she’d never let me finish more than two pages, but I guess I should keep trying. DH occasionally reads to her and she actually lets him, but lately the routine has been letting her watch something on the phone in the bath so that we can easily brush her teeth (her favourite at the moment is this super annoying YouTube guy called Blippi who goes around play centres and stuff... she frickin LOVES it), and then that bleeds right into pyjama time, so not only is she not reading, but she’s having screen time AND right before bed. I’ll assume my Parent of the Year Award is in the mail.

Pretty, glad things are good with the bub. Are you feeling increasingly better about things? And how did SO’s mum (eventually) respond to the news?
Jez, we know all about blippi! Although recently DH showed L paw patrol so he is all about that at the moment.... Ask me what the pups names are and I have the answer ;) my parent of the year award is in the mail too.
As for reading: we read one book before L goes to bed. Some nights he'll try for a second or third book in his attempt to avoid bed. However we insist on one. When he first started to get the concept of books it was flipping through them, barely reading a page. However, we told him gentle no's, and it clicked that that was part of bedtime routine (or dragging bedtime out longer?) We let him pick his book each night, thankfully he hasn't understood yet that those with more words take longer to read.
FYI; blippi has a few different channels, even in different languages. Videos that explain different vehicles, yard tools, apple and raspberries, etc now I feel sad that I know all that...

Oh, so here is a bad picture of the canvas prints we had done for dhs office. Sorry I had to zoom in and screenshot it ... One of my favorite pics so far of both the boys .

PL - Feeling any better this morning? Jeez, seeing a bear in the wild would blow my mind. The worst things Alex would run into here would be a raccoon or a skunk, but even those are fairly rare in my area. And that's a cute pic of the boys. Can't wait til I can get a pic of both of mine. :)

Jez - Ya, I'm feeling ok right now. Still doing daily doppler checks and my boobs have been pretty sore lately, so all good signs. Still never out of the woods though cuz my sister had an MMC at 14w5d once and SO's coworker's wife had one at 34 weeks. Just gonna keep on keeping on and hope for the best.
I actually didn't ask how to convo with his mom went, but the seemed to be laughing and making jokes, so I'm sure she's happy for us.

In other news, I was using the doppler this morning and I heard the baby move, but I think I kinda felt it too. AND SO just told me yesterday that starting next month, he'll be making about an extra $3000-ish annually, plus another $4000 while he's currently working on a certain team at work (with no end date in sight), and his end of year bonus will probably be noticeably larger too. All the more reason to apply for a mortgage before I look pg and take mat leave, but we'll see.
Pacific, V also likes paw patrol. A momma bear and cub is definitely something to be very cautious around. Hope they move away from people. Such a sweet pic of the boys. I love seeing siblings being loving :) we best enjoy it before they fight like cats and dogs.

Jez in all fairness I go in before I put anything in the buggy as I don't want anyone to think I'm shoplifting. V also watches before bed. Doesn't seem to bother her sleep as long as she is tired. I think some of the standards of a "good" mom are ridiculous anyways. Loving your child and spending time with them are the most important. Other than meeting basic needs: food, water, changing diapers.

Pretty great news on the doppler, movement. Truth is there is never a safe time. From early miscarriage to stillbirth to SIDS and so on, so enjoy every moment and try not to worry about the what ifs. Things sound like they are progressing well :) oh and awesome news about SOs finances!

AFM trying to be more serious about weight loss. I'm looking forward to getting past the held constantly stage. I know they say to enjoy it but I do love a bit of me time. I want to work out more than walking. Maybe I'm selfish.

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