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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Cb, sure feels like it's us always getting the broken shopping cart, right? ;)

We had bil and his wife here for the night. They are expecting, 14 weeks along now I believe. So lots of baby talk. Haha
Its different for me now being the onlooker, finally someone else in the family who's pregnant!

As for baby wearing, pretty sure E isn't a huge fan, however he has recently started to sleep on his own a bit here and there. His best sleeping spot is still on me, he'll stay asleep for hours.

Can't remember much else, baby sleeping on me and I have a ton of stuff to do...
CB she isn't always thrilled about it. However I can usually calm her in it by walking and patting her back. I wish she'd enjoy car seats and stroller too though. It's getting hot to walk and babywear.

Pacific S immediately wakes up when I try to set her anywhere else and is crying within minutes if not seconds. Ugh, hoping the swing is a miracle.
Can’t remember if I responded to the hip dip responses, definitely did in my head but idk about irl. So thank you ladies for the reassuring comments! I know Dobs mentioned it can go away after childbirth, google says for some people it does go away (or decreases noticeably) after childbirth but not for everyone, and some people don’t have a noticeable hip dip prior to childbirth (including a lot of the girls I go to school with) so they just never have one lol. Depends on the person. I’m sure all of you are beautiful whichever way you are, we often see it in others but can’t see it in ourselves.

Been reading along but nothing to add really. Hopefully the new babies learn to sleep well on a place other than mom’s chest. And I sure don’t judge families with lots of kids in a shopping cart, I hope other people don’t! I just see cute kids when I see them.

Currently up finishing homework and studying for my proctored exam tomorrow. I’m definitely nervous for it. I went out and bought a burrito in the middle of it because I’m an impulsive mess :rofl: anyway, should get back to work cuz I gotta shower after and the exam starts at 9:30 am. It’s finals week! 5 more days and then I’m free for the summer! Except then I’ll be working. I applied to a few places and got a few calls back, have to wait to schedule the interview though because the schedules for the managers aren’t made yet I guess, so I have a day I’m supposed to call back and schedule. I have one place I’m hoping to get in, if not I’ll be scheduling interviews with other places. Blah I hate job searching, but I love earning money lol so there’s that.

Random annoying thoughts, feel free to skip:

I’m considering getting a lash lift once I have money, but my eyelashes are pretty short so idk how much it’ll help. Thinking about eyelash extensions but they’re much more expensive and the upkeep is annoying, you can’t sleep on your stomach and I do that. They have protective eye masks that are domed and take the pressure off the lashes and eyes for those cases but idk how well they stay on, I’m not a still sleeper. I’m more thinking eyelash extensions for future wedding (which is still forever away) because the hardest part of putting on makeup for me is not getting mascara on my eyelids, my hand always slips or something and it ends up where it shouldn’t be on top of my foundation (I was thinking of doing my own makeup to save money). It would be easier and cheaper to get fake eyelashes applied but those don’t last as long and it’s harder to make them look natural I think. Also the extensions themselves probably cost way more than just having someone do my makeup for me.
I’m also starting to work on my skin, I literally grew up never washing my face up until now, and I somehow don’t have a face full of pimples but I do have a couple here and there and my nose pores are giant and ew. So I went out and bought a whole skincare routine of products basically lol, I got the cheap stuff cuz I’m close to broke (stuff with good reviews though). Hopefully it’ll work for me. Idk how my skin will react cuz it’s oily but not horrendous so it’s kinda self maintaining and if I introduce a skincare routine it’ll be reliant on that so I’m gonna have to keep doing it and I’m lazy. Idk.
Rant over, don’t mind me.

Sending love to all!
Shae good luck on finals and I hope you get the job you want! Hope you still enjoy your break :)

AFM think AF is coming in the next day or 2. Pink spotting today. I'm definitely pissed if she is but thankful I'm not preggo as we've had unprotected sex. Going to have to cover up I suppose.
Flueky - Thanks, I hope so too. My work can get really hot in the summer. FX we can get some new blood in and train them on what I do so I can work in a cooler, less physical area of the factory.
Sorry it seems like AF is on the way.

CB - In all honesty, I can kinda take or leave superhero movies, but the plot definitely had some sad point. As for the scan, it's booked for Sat. June 1.

AFM, still not too much to report. But, I threw up on Sunday morning cuz I got so hungry, it hurt and then I guess I didn't get enough food in my stomach in time. I've been ok ever since though. Also, just randomly decided to look at do a search for houses and found one that looked damn near perfect and probably within our price range, but there's like zero chance it'd still be available if we started the process of buying a house immediately. Always good to know affordable housing is out there though. And I've been considering getting a double stroller, like with one in the front, one in the back, not side by side. Thoughts?
Pl isn't it fun being the experienced mom to offer advice?

Shae the internet is a fantastic tool, use it! Lots of great info about tips to set & keep make up on longer, do your own lashes to make them appear more natural, ect. Doing your own make up is a great idea. In my experience, funds are best spent on hair styling! Much harder to do yourself.

Myles is starting to do worse sleeping in me. His new routine is bed at 8, up at 1:30, then up ib two hours and then two hours after that. Any tips on getting a good stretch of sleep after his first wake & feed?

Also my hair is now falling out in clumps practically. I hate this post partum hair loss bullsh!
Pretyy there will always be another house, don't worry! House hunting is emotional and rough but you always end up with a good house.

I hate my double stroller and it is front to back. It does ok on flat ground bit when i use it for walks it's extremely cumbersome.
Gigs i detest my dbl tandem stroller!!! Its awful.. im thinking of selling it & making Nuala walk on the school runs, just leave a lil earlier incase she throws a wobbly lol! It doesnt corner very well & Nuala being top heavy at front of the buggy makes it more weighted & difficult to manoeuvre:( Im also malting like a Cat still! Grr!

Flueks oh no.. hope af isnt on her way hun, if she does arrive, fx its not too heavy..
Pretty I obv have no personal experience on double strollers but even before I read what Gigs and CB has said, I was gonna say everyone I know says they hated the tandem front/back stroller and much preferred the side-by-side ones. Only bummer is obv fitting through doors. What do you in the factory at present? Glad to hear something is in your price range! Are you guys using a realtor?

Shae I would also love to get proper eyelash extensions but I balk at the price. I’d probably do it if it didn’t only last a few weeks to a month. Re: fake eyelashes, I find half lashes look way more natural. Interestingly, they’re hard to find here. You know what my fixation is atm? Wigs! You can get some really amazing lace ones for cheapish on amazon and there are all sorts of YouTube videos showing you how to make them look real. I also watched a YouTube video of someone who ordered a bunch off there to try them out and they looked surprisingly amazing. So now I want to have a wig party for my bday.

Idk why but I’ve forgotten everything else, I’m sorry. I’m so tired today. I finished my practicum placement over the weekend and am SO happy because it frees up my time a lot. It was sad to finish with (some of) my clients. One client asked for a selfie with me to commemorate our journey together and I didn’t know what to say in the moment so I obliged. Some people would be against that ethically coz of professional boundaries etc., but I always want to be authentic and respect the human connection where possible. Hence I’m fine with hugs when asked (only when terminating... not like every session or randomly), but some therapists are dead against it.

Feeling blah and probably should get up off the toilet (TMI sorry) and cut Tilly off of Blippi (PL, glad it’s not just us. Also I HATE Paw Patrol for some reason so refuse to give her the opportunity to get into it).
Forgot to add earlier, Shae you could also try having your Eyelashes permed? Or permanently curled as such, quite popular here & then get them tinted, awesome :)

I did buy twin buggy side by side but i never measured it & SO quite promptly pointed out ‘that wont fit through our front door?!!’ Ooops lol! So i got the tandem but i flipping hate it now!

I bet your great at your profession Jez, sometimes i feel i want to hug people & its nice, im a definate hugger & worse after drinks lol! I cried when my midwife hugged me goodbye, like every pg haha i had the same mw all 3 times :)
Flueks oh no, sorry about AF :(

Pretty I’ve never done house hunting but it sounds super daunting. Good luck when you guys officially start the process!

Gigs sorry about the bad sleep and hair loss :( I have super fine hair already so if it happens to me I might as well be bald.
I definitely agree that hair is harder to do yourself. I’m definitely going to get my hair done professionally. I love half up half down styles but my hair is so fine that it’s noticeably very thin in that style, I just don’t have enough hair to look good with it. I could get extensions for it, of course. That might end up happening because I like the style so much. Idk. With makeup I’ll have to think about it, doing it myself or not. Airbrush makeup would make life much easier. My makeup always fades super fast, even with setting spray. I rarely wear makeup because I think I look okay without it plus I’m lazy, so I don’t know much about how to do it. Another issue is that I’m quite pale and airbrush makeup comes in fewer shade options, so idk if they’d have a light enough shade. I got my BB cream in “fair” and I have to use a wet beauty blender to apply it because otherwise it’s super dark. I’m not stark white, just fair, and I’ve seen people who are paler, especially redheads, so idky they make fair so dark. Idk. I’ll have to research the options.

Jez that’s so awesome you finished your practicum placement! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with hugs, I’ve given patients hugs. I had one guy who was crying because I was leaving and I asked if he wanted a hug, and he said yes, so I hugged him.
Re:eyelash extensions yeah the price is crazy. Around here it’s $225 for a new set and then fills are $60 if it’s been 3 weeks or less and $85 if it’s been under 6 weeks but more than 3. More than 6 weeks and you have to get a new set. I can’t apply fake eyelashes to myself, I’ve tried. I am not super well coordinated, I have a slight tremor and also the glue never wants to work for me. That’s interesting about the wigs! I’m not sure I’d like wearing a wig, I feel like I’d get itchy or hot or something. It would be fun to play around with though, I bet.

CB a lash perm is called a lash lift where I live. I’m definitely considering trying out a lift and tint this summer, once I have a job. Only thing is, my eyelashes aren’t very long, so there’s not a lot to lift. But I won’t know how well it’ll work until I try it!
Jez, situational I think hugs are ok. My mw and I hugged on the last visit and we still see each other every few weekends as friends ;) probably not appropriate in your situation tho...

Hmm, I for one don't get this whole eyebrows painted on, eyelash extensions, etc... Last time I wore make up was at my wedding (5 year anniversary next month). I like myself enough to know that everyone else will just have to like my natural beauty too;)

Flueky, technically if your financial situation is straight forward you can hammer out a mortgage in 1-2 weeks which is the usual timeframe here to get all your ducks in a row too (inspections, finance, etc "the conditions of your offer") but that's for our part of the world. Then you close in 30-60 days normally. I can go into more detail if our process interests you ;)

Strollers: we have so far avoided the need for one. See what the future brings

Afm: our dinner battle took an interesting turn tonight. It has been so bad that L has even refused pasta in the past, anyway DH wanted that for dinner tonight but his condition was that it had to contain meat, we haven't had any pasta in a while. Didn't have any ground beef, so I did the adult thing and cut up some beef hotdogs :haha: for L I took the hotdog ends, cut into them, fried them in the frying pan which turned them into octopi! Then took a few center pieces of hotdog, shoved a few spaghetti through them and boiled them : spiders!
Well, the first octopus was a forced bite, but after ate willing. The spider legs had to be cut short but he ate those second. Then at the end he suprised us and ate the "legs" too. Basically he almost ate the same dinner as us...
PL yeah I don’t like the eyebrow thing so much, I’ve tried to do my eyebrows a few times but it makes my face look really intense, even using light colors. My natural eyebrows are medium brown but sparse, whereas my natural hair color is dark blonde/light brown. So when I fill them in I look too intense and it looks fake and bleh. So I tend to not do my eyebrows when I do my makeup. I just brush them if anything. For my wedding I’ll probably request either no eyebrow makeup or minimal eyebrow makeup. Re: eyelash extensions, I just have short eyelashes and would like them to be a bit longer, and you can get natural looking extensions. I don’t think I need them, it would just be a plus to have longer lashes. Overall I think I look okay natural, I’d just like to have my skin balanced out and enhanced lashes for the overall glam feeling at my wedding.
Sounds like dinner was a success!
Jez, we are currently on a blippi break.. all about paw patrol! I am ok with that, secretly I am hoping that one of my kids will see those well trained pups and decide to join me in my passion of dog training... This momma won't be able to say no when the boy asks for his own pup to train.
E has already attended his first obedience competition as a spectator;) not that he had a choice.
Beats Pokemon or whatever else is popular at the moment.
Pacific that pasta dinner sounds great, I struggle with Nuala atm with dinner times, all she wants to eat is Chips/Fries! If they’re not on the plate she might bite on something else & then says shes not hungry arhhgghh! Frustrating as hell! Im gonna try the Hotdog thing with pasta :thumbup:

Shae my eyelashes are quite short aswell, i asked in a salon about the perming & they said no probs doing it with my length, even just a slight curl upwards would be fab, just opens the eyes up abit. I dont understand the whole eyebrow thing either, so many Mums up Rileys school have it done & then all fake eyelashes.. they all look the same lol! My eyebrows are quite fair at the ends so i use a blonde eyebrow pencil for a teeny bit of shading as i look like i have half a brow otherwise haha!

Hayden slept from 7:30ish last night until 6:45 this morning, get in!!!

I hate Paw Patrol aswell ‘chase is on the case!’ Urhhh! Nuala is totally into Peppa Pig, i really dont know whats worse tbh:haha:
Pl nice food victory! Hot dogs are literally the only meat i can get Levin to eat anymore ("meat"). These days everything else is annoyingly flung on the floor. He won't even attempt any sandwhich either. Neither of the boys will touch pbj's, wtf?! Des won't do mac & cheese or basically any pasta at all.

Basically both the boys are crazy picky. At least Lev will try stuff though most of the time.

Cb woohoo on Hayden STTN! What is your secret?

Wow ladies that lash stuff sounds insanely expensive! I've heard of some serum that you can put on your eyes that supposedly lengthens & thickens them up. My friend uses it. She is oddly self-concious about her lashes but she loves the serum stuff :shrug: I worry about long term effects but that's just me I guess...I'm old school. Mascara and no work on my eyebrows whatsoever, save a very small amount of plucking on rare occasions. I have never had them shaped because I didn't want something else to have to maintain.
Pretty I never purchased a double stroller so no advice.

Gigs any chance he's going through a growth spurt or milestone. Hope that's all it is and is temporary. Sorry aboit the hai loss. Mine hasn't started yet. V also doesn't want to hardly eat meat, ugh. Oddly enough she likes meatloaf.

CB thanks AF hasn't started yet. Sorry you don't like your tandem stroller. That really sucks with how pricy strollers are.

V also would only eat fries if I let her so I feel your pain. Awesome on such a long sleep stretch!! Hope it continues :)
Jez I think I can understand why in your field that connection is frowned upon. I've definitely hugged patient's. Mainly when I'm discharging or if they are upset.

Paw patrol doesn't bother me, but I hate puppy dog pals because of the owner. He's so flippin dramatic as an adult.

Pacific hooray for food victory!! V is so so with her meals right now. I also like never wear make up. It saves time getting ready in the mornings :)

AFM Af didn't arrive and spotting stoped. Wondering if pp weirdness, post sex spotting (but it didn't hurt) or I hope to god I'm not prego. Probably one if the first two.

DH was sent home early last night from work as some lines were down. He has to go in early next 2 nights and Friday night (his nights start Sunday). Thinking about going to a small zoo near us once he wakes.
Flueks hows your hubs doing now after his surgery? Hope hes fully recovered :) im having some brown spotting atm aswell & have been since yesterday morning after some jiggy jiggy! Probs sensitive cervix perhaps for us both?

Hayden is mostly on Formula now, hes teething lots & so keeps getting frustrated on the boob which is exactly what happened with Riley :( makes me sad though.. but his first feed when he wakes in the morning is from me & has lil drinks from me in the day here n there but not whole feeds. Hes on a 7ounce bottle, i dont know if he’s more full up on formula or because I leave him to cry sometimes that he self soothes better & could be why he sleeps through at night?! No idea but love it lol! He may well stir & moan in the night but if he does it doesn’t wake me up

Gigs, My friend used to use that lash serum & it was expensive but she eventually found that dabbing Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly at the base of her upper lashes did the same, just keeps them nourished & fuller looking, i could never be bothered with it though..
CB he's doing much better now after surgery. He had follow-up with urologist Monday who encouraged him to drink loads of water and citrus. I think you are probably right, just a sensitive cervix. At least I'm hoping so. I think they don't digest formula as easily so it keeps their bellies fuller longer than breastmilk. I'm most likely going to combifeed once I return to work. I can't pump but an ounce at a time. Maybe if I'm pumping to substitute a feeding it'll be more but who knows. Financially I hoped to avoid formula but I have nothing against it.

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