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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hey everyone! I miss you ladies!!! I haven’t been here in so long it’s crazy. I honestly kinda avoided it because I didn’t want to get baby fever and it’s starting to kinda manifest but I’m resisting! I’ll go back and try to read as much as I can and get updated on everyone, but I hope you’re all doing wonderful from all my heart. ❤️
Gigs if S if awake content swing works for 20 to 30 minutes. If she's sleepy it's instant cry or nearly so then I usually baby wear. Otherwise she's not very content being worn. Thanks for formula suggestion. It's so hard to find one, we tried soooo many with V. She was enfamil reguline but its not at my local walmart. Only Walgreens carried it in my town and it was $3 more per tub. Which can really add up imo.

V is doing better after our tough love strategy with eating. She still isn't huge on meats. She likes meatloaf, chicken salad (if it's basically pureed), and hot dogs. She semi eats chicken nuggets. So scary to see them get choked up. I remember feeling terrified of introducing solids even if they were pureed.

That's awesome that Levin's speech is taking off. V seems to be doing better. I love baby squeals :) S likes to coo now which is cute. V really wasn't a coo-er. Anyways enjoy your yard sale!!

Pretty I mean baby2 might do really well. I just hate getting out because S doesn't. When he gets drowsy could you make him pull over somewhere and take a cat nap. I've drove by myself several times to Wisconsin and would pull over a get a quick nap if too tired. It's an 800 mile trip for me which will be short compared to your journey I assume.

Dobby thank you. It sounds like similac is more popular than enfamil. I'm part of both enfamil beggining and similac strong moms. I have samples of enfamil infant and gentlease. My peds office had similac samples when V was a newborn so I'll try to get a sample. Also, we are human and we aren't perfect. We are going to make "mistakes". You aren't constantly yelling or cussing at him. I've said "shit" more times than I'd like with V around. I'm trying hard to say "shoot" instead. Too much mom shaming in society if you ask me.

Campn yay!! Glad to hear from you again. I'm sure it is hard when you want another to come to a ttc/baby forum. How are you feeling? How are Ben and Juliette?
Flueky - True. I was actually surprised how well Alex did, cuz he usually didn't even like the 10 min drive from my house to SO's every weekday when he was pretty new. And the first day of our trip is 770 miles and then 820 the next day. The only problem with him pulling over to nap is he could be out for hours and then Alex, the newb, and me are just sitting in the back seat, wide awake and waiting and it makes our trip that much longer. Guess we'll just have to play it by ear.
Fluek, thank you. I needed to hear that. :hugs:

Pretty sorry you have to wait until June for your next scan but glad to hear things are going smoothly thus far. Hopefully your newest addition does well on the long trip. I see your hesitation with napping, especially if SO would go on an extended one.

Camp so good to hear from you! I get it. I'm a bit more distant these days partially because of my own demons but also just hard to be around all the TTC talk if you're not TTC, and I'm nowhere near wanting a second any time soon if ever.

Gigs glad to hear Lev's speech is improving! I know it's difficult waiting for those milestones to take off.

Re food battles: My only fear is that he isn't getting enough nutrients or when I spend time actually trying hard to cook dinner for him and he won't touch it. According to his daycare, he LOVES chicken and rice and all meats over there but at home its the opposite. So as long as he gets it somewhere. He eats most meals at school (they do breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack) so M-F is chill. Weekends I feel bad cuz I don't fight with him. So he he gets a variety of stuff (protein, carbs, fruits, veggies) and just let him eat whatever. Usually just ends up being carbs and the fruits/veggies lol. He still gets some of those happy tot or plum pouches, only ones that have at least 0.6 iron cuz his iron is lowish. And his doc told me he can have half a flintstones chewable, so i mash it up and give it to him with a spoonful of water. He loves it haha. But he doesn't really eat a lot of fast food or desserts. I'll offer them, and he's just like hard pass. More for me!

Re milestones: Leaning toward his behavior being trauma based and not ASD. Just because he's made huge social leaps in the last couple of months. He's now babbling and playing with other kids his age. Still clingy af and not talking as well as he could be, but I'm going more trauma because you don't grow out of ASD. Sucks though because he used to let my mom put him to sleep when she babysat, and it was fine as long as I came back before his first wake (usually around 11). But now he won't let her put him to bed, so any plans of having an overnight in wine country for my 30th (which was plan c after plan b to see orcas and plan a to go to australia lol).

Feel free to tune out here cuz I'm just ranting to rant
Re life: As I said I'm just emotionally in a dark place. Hence the ranting post. I just hit this really overwhelmed point on vacation, and I haven't pulled myself out of it. I'm physically beat, emotionally beat. I feel like every daily activity is a fight. I feel unfulfilled and guilty that I feel this way. Like at this age and my ethnicity and my single motherhood, it's like statistically I'm never going to find a partner. I also don't ever get to go anywhere where I'd meet someone organically. I go to work and come home and sleep. Online dating is a bust., not that I have energy or time or confidence (haven't dropped a single pound in a month) to date. And now I'm back to not being able to cook or sleep so my body wants sugars all day to function. I just feel like what's the point. And I know what the point is. I have a beautiful son and wonderful family and fantastic job, but everything just feels pointless. And I know my therapist says I just have to keep pushing through the motions until things get better but f*. I have a headache all day. I feel like I'm in a constant state of a panic attack. It's just not ever having a break and God knows my mom tries her best to help me out. But I can't ask for more than she already does. And then I feel like a whiny b* because most single parents I know have literally nobody. Or even people with partners have to shoulder all the child rearing work.

But then every other weekend I see Captain America right. Hot dude at Aiden's gym class. And it's just so insane how beautiful how he is. Like seriously I like him better than I like Chris Evans. And he's soooo good with his daughter and all the kids (granted all the parents are but not the point). And he and his equally cute and nice wife take turns each weekend with who takes the daughter. Like I want that. Why can't I have that? I could have. But I chased them all away. And now I'm overweight and have a kid and I'm past my prime age and have a shit head ex who still drags me to court and tries to make my life difficult.

And like every time I make a small dent in my 35k credit card debt, I get a bill from my attorney that is equal or more than the dent I make. I would have let the asshole off a year ago even to this day for child support if he didn't keep forcing me to file motion after motion after motion. Like if the f*tard had just let me move to f*ing San Diego, we would have been fine financially. But no. And now he acts like I'm some money hungry b* because I had to stay here in a place I can't afford. And even moving to Mountain House now is like ok great their new homes are up to 700k now from 500k when I first started looking. So pretty sure plan b won't work. And even if I sell he destroyed my credit. It's down 100 points from 805 to like 702 (in the 600s at one point), probably worse cuz I hate checking it (Pretty check if your credit card lets you check, my citi bank card and wells fargo mortgage and usaa car insurance sends me my credit score monthly without hurting my credit, just a perk of the accounts).

fhdauilfga ukybfgbuailk,fchbayufgwqycaguiw
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Campn!!!! Good to see you pop in! Yeah, baby fever is alive and well...except if you're ME!!! Ummm, I'm way done with babies and pregnancy.

Char just turned 18 months! She's a big stinker, and she has way more spunk and energy than my other two kids at this age. Like, she wears me DOWN. Lord help me.
Campn! We've missed you? Please update us on you and the kiddos! Is #3 in the cards??? Geeze I can't believe it but I think I've gone through an entire second pregnancy and then some since you last checked in!

Dobby, biggest hugs to you! I hope you can get out of this funk. And you are soooo not past your prime! 35 is the new 25. You're absolutely in a rough patch, but they happen to the best of us. Just remember you've gotten through it before and you will again. And throw your statistics out the window. Did you ever watch House? He said something once that resonated with me. He said something like "Statistics mean nothing to an individual -- everything is a 50/50 chance." No stats can factor in all your individual factors. So don't worry aboit the likelihood of this or that. Just do you and the rest will fall into place. :hugs: That is very good news about A! I hope his behavior continues to improve for you. So how do you know so much about Captain america guy? And can you sneak a picture because I am dying to see what he looks like!

Wook I swear I was JUST wishing her a happy 1 year birthday! Wow, 18 months?!

Levin will actually be 2 on Friday :shock: he's already absolutely owning that whole "Terrible 2's" thing.
Typos courtesy of Instacart delivering White Russians to my door in less than one hour
Ok this is against my code but screw him for being cute lol he isn’t smiling and I took like one photo with him in the background but yeah he def noticed my intentional ignoring him last class cuz if I flirt with a married an I have learned NOTHING

ETA wow even a screenshot of a screen is too big
Screen of a screen of a screen starting to wonder if this is really Chris Evans lol

Oh Dobs, I’m so sorry you’re struggling so much at the moment. You’re dealing with a shit tonne and STILL marching through life, getting things done, being honestly such an amazing mother to your sweet Aiden. I hope you know how much credit you should be giving yourself for all this tenacity, even if you feel you’ve had no choice (which I’d argue is not true). And not to mention self compassion. You’re a smart, beautiful woman who’s dealing with a lot right now, and it’s okay to have these lows. How can you NOT have these lows? It sounds to me like most of the time you know yourself well enough to know what you need for self care (like White Russians delivered to your door — what a f***ing legend) which is great. As hopeless as things feel now, and as much as I know you feel you’ve always done a good job of predicting your life trajectory, I can almost guarantee things will change... big things, small things... who knows when, but they’ll change and life will be shifting a lot of the current stressors away. And I would bet my life savings that you will love again. MY LIFE SAVINGS. But yes, right now you’re in pain. And that sucks. So much.

Oh and yeah he’s hot. I swear hot men with daughters instantly become 20 x hotter. And when married, even possibly more so. I’d be flattered if women found my DH hot.
Pretty well I know it's a ways off but I hope it goes well for you.

Dobby I'm looking forward to not feeding V every single meal:rofl: she is though at least. Kids are ever changing I've learned. A might let your mom put him back to bed. I hope you can get that you time aa it can be so important. I'm sorry that he had delays from trauma but happy to hear it doesn't sound like ASD.

I bet those single parents with no one often feel like you do. As a whole I think people try to project this perfect image and so we only see the good but not the bad/struggles. I'm glad that you are able to see the good things in your life. As gigs and Jez said it will get better and screw statistics :)

Oh wow he is hot and lools a lot like Chris Evans!! Sucks he is married :(

Wookie ah before we know it she'll be 2.

Gigs I looked and the silver top is pro-advanced. I'll see if he'll give me a sample when I go. Crazy to think our babies will be 2 this month! V is already owning the terrible 2s as well. Last night was rough. Hope it ends earlier if it starts earlier!
Jez such words of wisdom! That is a really good point that circumstances will absolutely change assuredly for the better. As a small example, as Aiden ages and becomes more self sufficient. Imagine mornings where he wakes up, gets up on his own, turns cartoons on for himself, and quietly watches while you still sleep! This is a future reality! It does get easier with the kids, having them dress themselves, feed themselves, etc.

Tex I was just randomly thinking of you and wanted to say hi and I hope you're ok and that you little lady has finally adjusted to the bed situation!
Dobs, sorry you are still in the rough patch. Just know that you aren't alone even though some days it may feel like you are.
The best parenting advice I have come across is that you are parenting from the heart and with good intentions. No one judges you for that.

Yesterday was international day of the midwife. So mine did a picknick at the beach. I dropped hubby off to built a fence with the hubby of my midwife and then took the kids to the beach. We were early so helped her set up. When she got a phone call I took her boy down to the park with mine. First glance at parenting 3 kids, all boys. Her boy is 7. The experience wasn't as overwhelming as I thought it would be ;) but I don't think a third is in the cards just yet.
L had his first day of 2 popsicles, so he was pleased. (Homemade, no sugar all fruit and homemade fruit juice in them) they were delicious!
Next beach day, must remember the sunscreen. L only has a burn on the top of his ears, but I have a good one on my face.

Also: L the other day took a running spill in our living room into the table leg. He's got a big goosegg and small nick (no actually bleeding). Big tears, but nothing a big hug, kiss and a piece of chocolate couldn't "fix". The gooseegg isn't as colour full as I expected it to be, but we iced and put traumeel on it. Seems to have helped.
:hugs: just going to fake it until I make it. Apparently I periodically lose my s* this time of year. Like every three years on this day for the last 15 years. Creepy. Could be subconscious because my dad’s birthday is tomorrow. Idk.

And right?! He is so my type haha. I think he overheard me telling my friend that he looks like Captain America lol so he has the all knowing smirk whenever I look at him. The week our kids wanted to do the same things at the same time was like the best class ever :rofl:

PL what a fun beach day! Sorry about the spill. A has a cut on his chin that is taking forever to heal.
Gigs- I’m fine just trying to survive until the end of the year. Ummm no Tabs still requires me to sleep with her. But I don’t mind really. Hubs has started letting his dog sleep in the bed with him and i don’t wanna share the bed with the dog soooo i sleep with the child instead.

Glad the baby ship has sailed cause there is no way i could deal with having to raise another tiny human.

Dobs- i personally see nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting. I am a horrible flirt though so that may factor into my view. But i would never cross the line and actually act on it.
Pl Levin face planted on the concrete the other week. Did I mention this? He had a bump right in the front of his face and consequently gave himself two black eyes. They're finally mostly healed...then yesterday he decided to barrel through a backback on the floor rather than go around it and he tripped and gave himself a bloody nose. Solidarity.

Tex I sometimes wish the boys wanted to sleep in our bed. They never do though, only sometimes the like to climb in the bed in the morning, but definitely not to sleep lol.

What kind of dog? Does it take up a lot of space?
Gigs, all I can say is "boys!'
Having read your story, I feel like buying stocks in Band-Aids right about now would be a good idea.

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