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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

I think it’d be different if I wasn’t single and physically attracted to him. Intention to act upon it or not, I think that’s different. Because in a different set of circumstances, I would go out with him. So it doesn’t feel innocent and having slept with married men (to be fair they said they were separated/mid divorce) or abused a friendship and confidence to break a couple up, it feels like if I flirt with him then I’m the same, shitty person I was in my teens and early twenties that led to me hating myself and hating men and going on my string of abusive dudes

Tex I second Gigs what kind of dog? A sleeps with me. Perk of being single cuz A sprawls like I do haha our bed is at capacity

Pl omg that’s hilarious and I appreciate it a lot :hugs:
Awww i love that taco quote! And yes, freakin' boys. My first was pretty mellow in comparison though...but also far from a "typical" boy.

Exciting news! Des has expressed interest in horseback riding!!! We may take lessons together!!!
She’s a pit bull mix. Like a medium-larger size dog. But she literally sleeps right up next to my husbands chest. Like spooning him almost lol. If she slept at the foot it might be different but she sleeps right up at the top lol
Gigs that’s so awesome!!!! What brought it up? I started giving A horsey rides and now he keeps trying to climb on the dog :rofl: whoops

Tex awww bummer sounds sweet though
Actually his love for video games :rofl: hubs has been playing Red Dead Redemption and he has Des do the farm chores and lets him ride the horse (because a lot of the game is a bit intense for kids).
Wohoo Gigs!!! Who needs a daughter now to share the horsey interests ;) you give me hope!
Honestly I'm not sure he'll be into it but O can definitely see Levin being into all the animal stuff. We'll see about Des...her gets easily frustrated so I can see him getting upset when the horse doesn't do what he wants or difficulty getting the tack on...or fast forward a few years, not taking losing in competitions very well.

I hope he enjoys it though...and if not this may be what I continue with and do as my "me" time.
Random but way back when we talked dresses and so this ad popped up in my newsfeed. Idk when capes became a thing but if I ever get married totally having one :rofl:

Gigs cool about horseback riding. Hope it's something you both can enjoy together. I'm probably the only female on the planet that doesn't really like horses. One kicked my brother in the head as a child. He was okay thankfully. They are pretty though. Maybe it could help him with patience as well.

DH is wantingto play Red Dead redemption 2, he's pretty behind on video games st the moment. I sm too as far as that goes. I kinda quit playing Mass Effect Andromeda early in my pregnancy. Wasn't as good as the first 3 and rpgs are harder to play right now. I could probably do something shorter soon.

Dobby I tried to ride our German Shepherd like a horse when I was 5. Poor thing, he never bit me though. That's interesting about the dresses with capes.

Texas hope the rest of the school year goes by quick :)

AFM S has her 2 month check up later today. Hoping it goes well. She was 8lb14oz on our home scale yesterday morning. I'm kinda hoping she'll be 9 lbs this afternoon. Not sure if it'll happen.
My hubs plays red dead 2 and also pubg. Which is better than fortnite i guess lol. All the high school kids play fortnite so i guess it’s more of a kids game than Pubg. Which by the way stand for player unknown battlegound.

Anyway my sister is ttc and she sent me a pic of her Ov test. She uses the advanced ones that do the smiley face. She was so excited cause she got a smiley face. I hope that her ttc journey is quick. But i hate that she’s 9 hours away from us.
Considering I’m not TTC I appear to have found myself back in the TWW so hi ladies (yes I know I’m the worst.) I seem to be ovulating a few days late (always was CD17 religiously, this month seems to be CD22.

Pic of my little Theo because I adore him, he’s 9 months now! Followed by my + OPK.

Just reading back now to have a catch up on what you’ve all been up to! X

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SHAE- I'm not a fan of eyelash extensions tbh, they pull out your natural ones and look like spiders after they've been in a while, I'm all for enhancing what you already have! So I'd recommend a lash tint, and then lift, it's amazing what a difference that can make! Also I use the 'Liz Earle- Cleanse and Polish' it's amazing. It comes with a cloth, and it's so beautiful on the skin. It leaves mine glowing and has loads of good reviews. If I had to keep only one product it would be that!

Pretty- double strollers- I've had my fair share but I always chose side by side over tandem. My favourite was the bugaboo donkey, but I drive everywhere and honestly was heavy and a pain loading it in and out the car, so I sold that and now have a joie double which was a 1 button fold, light weight and literally takes seconds to Chuck in the car. I think it depends what you want it for, if you do a lot of shopping then a tandem would be best for narrow doors, if like me you drive everywhere and want something to quickly chuck in the boot my joie is great. Can't believe ur 16 weeks now! That's flown by (although I'm sure it feels slow for you!)

GIGS- omg hair loss! When Theo hit around 4 months mine was coming out in clumps, I literally lost two huge triangles of hair either side of my head it was totally bald, i looked like a receding man! Now it's growing back if I tie my hair up I have two devil horns either side where it's grown back! I was not impressed I have to walk about horny lol

Re: Brows - I have mine microbladed (tattood) on and I love it. Mine are very fair and thin naturally so gives me a great shape. I also had my lips done for the first time around 6 weeks ago and was pleased with the result. No idea why I don't go anywhere or have a partner lol, I think I needed to a little pick me up after Theo. My boobs also need a major 'pick me up' lol

(still haven’t finished reading back just wanted to post before I lost my reply!)

(Shae- see pic of cleanser) and (gigs my man baldness) lol

And last pic of my lips (they were slightly bruised there)

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Keeps when did you have sex in relation to the positive opk? Are things better with the hubby? Yikes on the bald spots but glad they came back!
So if your eyebrows are tattooed on, do you shave the natural ones off?

Dobs those are actually really pretty! I would have tried one on if i knew they existed. You're making me want to watch bridal gown shows again...

Tex good luck to your sister! Did they just start trying?

Fluek hubs wasn't a fan of RDR2 at first but he's hooked now.
Wow there was a lotta reading to catch up on lol! Busy few days & we went horse racing at Goodwood at the wknd, all 3 kiddies ended up staying at MIL’s, all were ok except i could see she hadnt washed the bottles very well & then sterilised them & had Hayden a mixed up bottle of feed ready to go.. I emptied this straight away when we got them all home & rewashed & sterilised the bottles! I came home with £20 more than what i left with at the races so that was better than a loss i guess Lol!

Camps hey lovey lady! Oooh so no3 is poss on the cards? Hope you & your lovely famalam are all doing well :hugs:

Pacific i love that Taco pic hehe!

Flueks, did Serena meet your expected weight gain?

Keeps lol at your horny hair horns.. my hair is falling out everywhere its crazy!! I had those mini hair horns for months after Nuala post pg! Keep us posted on the tww stuff :)

Dobby, loving the wedding capes hehe! Riley also used to he mega fussy with food as a toddler.. would eat 2nds/3rds of food at his daycare but minimal at home, annoying but he’ll def grow outta it :) How were those White Russians?? & ding dong at Cpt America lookilike ;) Have u seen Endgame yet??

My period was still in medium swing on Saturday & randomly stopped later on Sunday, pffft typical!!

Gigs have u booked any horseriding lessons for you & Des yet? I really hope Nuala likes dancing &/or Ballet type stuff or gymnastics, i really loved all this as a kid but my mum never let me go as if i went then she would have to pay for my other 2 sisters to go, but then my younger sister got abit older & was suddenly allowed to go to anything she wanted, still kinda bugs me Lol
So this is what happens when i dont strap Hayden in the baby bouncer lol! Hes so long he’s nearly grown outta it haha! Just to clarify, I usually strap him in but sometimes Riley likes to hold him sat on the floor so he’ll unclip him & then place him sat back in it :) Riley has also lost his front teeth, gummy lol!

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Yes! We're booked next Thursday after his school. Hubs was impressed with the pricing so there's hope of continuing either for both of is or at least me :D

BIG NEWS LADIES!!! I talked to my bro today and his wife is pregnant!!! After nearly 16 months!!! I am SO excited to finally get to be an aunt by blood, not just law. Now to wait and see if this will be the first girl in the family...

Cb omg he is so precious! Myles is a little slider, too. He so active! We actually brought out the jumperoo early for him. He is a bit short so we stack a pillow under there for his feet but he seems to tolerate it pretty well, more so than the bouncers.

Anyway, how was your weekend? Weren't you doing something special this weekend, I can't remember what? Camping was it?
Dobs, I like the dress. But a cape? Have women reached superhero status for marriage? ;) :haha:

Gigs, you and I think so alike. Like are we sure we aren't related? My mind currently is going "9 more months until riding lessons".

Oops, forgot to hit post yesterday, sorry!
Cb, we have to strap in as well! Ours will wiggle themselves out.. E is turning now too, he's still trying to figure out the details, but he's done it now.
He loves to be held on his feet and do the motion of walking. Apparently studies suggest that those babies doing the walking motion before 12 weeks are early walkers...
Gigs congrats to your brother!!!

CB he’s such a sweetie!!

As for me I’m a abit worried about my cycles, I’m still not convinced I’m even ovulating properly because FF just gave me cross hairs for ovulation but I’m only 3DPO and I’ve already got my period
:shrug: I’m really not sure what to do to be honest, might try some natural
Supplements (B6, B12, Vit C etc.)

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