General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs Cracker Barrel :rofl: but I love it there, I go there all the time with SO, so now I’ll get a discount lol

Also SO health update: he only just told me he has diarrhea with every pain episode like a week ago so now I think it’s IBS-D. He’s terrible about telling me important details like that. He went to a new GI doctor Thursday for a second opinion after the endoscopy and colonoscopy came back normal and the previous doctor didn’t really say anything to him. This doctor said it could be 1 of 3 things: gallstones, IBS, or a bunch of things combining to make a perfect storm. He has an ultrasound on Monday to check for gallstones, and if that’s negative I’m expecting he’ll be diagnosed with IBS. If it’s positive of course there are treatments for gallstones. I know there are medication options for IBS so that’s good. I’m glad it’s not looking like Crohn’s based on the endoscopy and colonoscopy because Crohn’s patients have a high colostomy rate and I know SO would rather die than have a colostomy (which is silly but it’s just how he is).
Shae hope some of your good fortune rubs off on SO soon :(.

Gigs that’s so stressful. I can’t imagine. I’m glad there’s a possibility they can remain open, so hopefully it pans out and soon so you don’t have to keep worrying.

Pretty loooove the flower!

Keeps the photos are so cute! And thank you for the encouragement

Lol the tree student is known as the caligrapher. If you want something drawn or written (including when I want something to look amazing), she’s the one we all go to. She brought her own paint and brushes and everything.

Re horse riding it is what it is. My mom cried the whole way home the first time it happened. I was 8 and it went over my head. I called every month to see if I was off the waitlist. My friend went to sign up after I told her, and they enrolled her that same day. That was when I realized why my mom was crying. Nbd. I went to ranch camp in high school and raced a girl who had been riding since she could walk up a mountain. Beat her by a nose despite a real life Arwen from LOTR moment haha. I know it was all the horse’s doing, I just had to not fall off. But I (clearly) still like to brag about it :rofl:

Sorry to be brief on my phone and tired. Wanted to say Happy Mother’s Day to my favorite covenant of moms and future mom!
Oh re Pikachu Detective hard pass. Looks like they tried too hard to marry Deadpool with Pokémon to appeal to Gen 1 fans. Not digging it. What I loved about Pokémon was it’s innocence and fantastical escape into this colorful, cheerful world. It’s like everything Pokémon isn’t. Vomit.

And I get Pikachu is iconic so use it and every Pokémon is different, but the nostalgic icon was sweet and loving and loyal. Totally trashing the Pika Perfect image here.

As for the talking, don’t forget the episode in Gen 1 after the cruise ship sinks and the group is stranded on an island after james’ guardians attacks. So the Pokémon are separated from the humans. Although every Pokémon only says it’s name, each Pokémon understands each other perfectly. So that aspect of the movie doesn’t bother me, and I’m sure some people have to understand them for one reason or another.

But yeah I’d watch it on demand for free if I’ve watched everything else first and had time to kill

Lol I clearly have strong feelings about this movie :rofl:
Oh I forgot to mention the dress code says our clothes have to be pressed. They didn’t write wrinkle-free, they wrote pressed. Seriously? They think I know how to work an iron? I’m just gonna take the clothes straight out of the dryer and hang them up straight away, and if that doesn’t work I’ll just cry I guess.

Dobs thanks, I hope he gets some of my good fortune too.
I never had any interest in Pokémon as a kid so the movie is irrelevant to me, there’s no reason for me to watch it when I know nothing about the original stuff except Pikachu is cute and yellow and says his name.
Re: horse riding, it sounds like there was a previous post about your experience with it but I can’t find it. It sounds like they wouldn’t enroll you because they were racist or something? I could be way off though.
I didn’t grow up riding horses. I’ve probably ridden a horse 3 times in my life, my uncle had horses and I think I rode one when I was young, I know I rode one maybe 5-8 years ago bareback while my cousin led it slowly around. Other time was age 8 or so in Girl Scouts. I thought it was cool but I was more interested in other stuff, like dance and gymnastics, neither of which I actually got to do as a kid (well, one year of each, but I was far too old when I started and there was no catching up). I spent most of my childhood reading books and playing with my barbies, polly pockets, and dollhouses, with the occasional GI Joe, green soldiers, and race-car track, or outside on my swing set or climbing the giant boulder in my woods.
Omg Dobs you crack me up. Your opinions are valid though! I watched as a kid but was never a hard care fan, and it didn't carry into the next gen when all the news species were added. 150 were enough for me! But I totally see what you mean about kid of *******izing the pokemon brand :/ Oh well.

Happy Mother's Day to you all!!! I was hoping as a gift hubby would be the one to do the night feed with Myles tonight/this morning but no such luck -.- up at 4:30. We'll see what happens tomorrow...but I'm learning not too expect much on holidays haha.

Oh we had a play date yesterday with a new couple. They have two kids, 6 & 3, both with delays (older kid has been diagnosed with autism, but is high functioning). Our kids got along well, and we got along, so I am anticipating future play dates. The mom is very nice, if not maybe a little too nice if that's even a thing -- seemed maybe very reserved? But it was out first time meeting, I am curious to see if she breaks out of her shell a little. My only concern about the kids is that des tends to immitate behavior of his peers, and I don't necessarily want him to pick up more autistic tendancies (which hs was definitely doing yesterday), but it's also nice to have a parent that can comisserate on the challenges with these super bright but challenging kiddos.

We'll see, I'm certainly not going to stop my kid from making a new friend.

Lev played with the 3 year old and they seemed to get along as well.

Regarding all the school drama, it's definitely out as an option for Des as they will be, at the very least, restructuring to eliminate the elementary school grades. It will just be kindergarten and younger. I have a meet and greet with a school on Thursday so we'll see...
Shae that is some good news about SO! It would be great to have a diagnoses that has a treatment plan. Fx things go well for him.
Just a quick Happy Mother's Day to our wonderful moms and future mom :)
Keeps - It's actually Disney World, but ya, I'm sure it'll be pretty decked out. What I really wanna see one day is Disneyland at Halloween. I love the holiday and I want a pic with Jack Skellington and Sally. :)
And ya, it'll be an adjustment having two under 3 years old, but it'll be fun. And definitely uncharted territory for my mom cuz she had 5 years between her 2 kids.
Aww, you're kids are so cute. That pic makes me want a girl even more.

Dobby - Ooo, that's a cool craft idea.

shae - Congrats on passing everything and the new job. And FX SO's diagnosis will be something that's easily remedied.

Gigs - Really hoping you can find a school that's a good fit for Des and he continues to make progress.

Re: Detective Pikachu. So, it was kinda interesting to see the humans and pokemon interacting and the plot was definitely easy enough to follow, but the movie was kinda meh. There were funny moments and Ryan Reynolds did his best, but it wasn't really a great movie. Don't regret seeing it though. And the reason the guy could hear Pikachu gets explained near the end.

AFM, I'm off to the Blue Jays game with my mom and Alex today. We did dinner with SO's mom and her husband for Mother's Day/her BDay yesterday. And below is a pic of what SO got me for Mother's Day, which is more than I got last year, which was nothing. And literally the first time he's ever gotten me a card.

60079968_413419639481627_7125710829827129344_n.jpg 59935786_437094670183397_6119646364583329792_n.jpg
Yay for not dropping the ball!!! And IMG THOSE CHOCOLATES ARE MY FAVORITE, especially the ones made by Guylian. *drool*
Whelp there goes mother's day in our house. My mom comes out and is like be quieter your brother is sleeping, and I'm like yeah ok I know he was out late not my problem. It's 9:30am. I'm allowed to make noise after 9 was the rule. And she's like noooo dude come outside.

Her car (he was using it last night) WAS BROKEN INTO! The whole trunk window and one of the back passenger windows was smashed! They stole his backpack. Had his brand new macbook air in it and all his notes. It's finals week next. The kid is so sad.

Granted, I can only feel so bad because to be fair:
1. Why did you leave your backpack with a freaking laptop in the trunk in plain view?
2. In a car you left unattended from 10pm-1am?
3. IN FREAKING OAKLAND (if you are not familiar, Oakland is quite notorious for crime)

Smfh the rage is real though I wanna punch someone. You don't steal from my fam. Also he is so from Palo Alto because he's not even upset about the damage or laptop moneywise, he's worried this will affect his performance next week because all his work is gone and his final essay is due in two days and he's trying to get into a top law school.

But yeah. My mom and I agreed not to get all over him about the bad choice because we've both had stuff stolen from us and it sucks.
Happy mother’s day ladies!

Gigs that’s so lovely about the play date, hopefully the mom breaks out of her shell. Good luck with the school meet and greet!

Pretty I’m glad he finally got you a gift! The card is adorable!

Dobs yikes sorry about the laptop. Did he have stuff backed up? My college has Microsoft office 360, you can see your files on your phone and wherever you sign in basically. If not, I hope he can get everything done in time.
Dobby noooooo that is so terrible! I'd be so livid about the whole thing. I'd hooe he backed up on another disc or something but I'm guessing by what you wrote, that isn't the case. How very sad and unfortunate. I hope his professor (or whoever) is sympathetic.
Shae no idea i’ll ask him. But they had his notebooks with his lecture notes cuz he’s old school and does those by hand.

Gigs right?! I told my mom he needs to tell his professor. He had his final essay due on Tuesday. I said they are people, too. And it’s a small class so that would help because he’d know it’s out of character for my brother to slack. But he’s still asleep so idk

I agree sounds like a great mommy play date! I totally get your reservations about picking up unwanted behavior. Hopefully he doesn’t and you have another mommy friend. Sorry about the school. Fxed you like the one you see on Thursday!

Pretty what a big step up from last year! You deserve it! And I hope you have fun at DW! My mom took us when the babies were like 3 months. Idk how she did it. Twin 3 month olds, a 9yo, and a 12yo lol. According to her, she brought my grandmother to help but I don’t remember her being there. But my memory sucks so who knows lol so not a bad ratio. 3 adults, 4 kids
Dobby that sucks sooo much. I’d be so upset. Poor guy. I spilled beer over my laptop about 4 years ago and since then set up a thing that uploads everything I do on my phone and laptop straight to the cloud. Handwritten notes are unfortunate. For those I use Scannable and scan them with my phone straight away. Evernote is good too. I’m sure his prof would understand, esp if he’s always on top of things otherwise. Also that’s so cute why A and your students did for Mother’s Day. Tilly’s daycare did NOTHING and it appears they’re the only daycare in the world that didn’t, so a small part of me is bitter. Had a nice day today though.

Gigs that’s so sad about your school but I hope they work something out. And I’m curious how your new friend is too nice but then also reserved? I always imagine too nice people to be far too forthcoming and stuff.

Shae congrats on a great term and a new job. That sounds VERY prescriptive for dress code. Hope the amazon stuff fit nicely and you don’t have to scramble last minute! I have the worst luck with online clothing. Hope your SO gets a definitive dx soon too.

Keeps hoping you get a BFN if that’s what you’re looking for (I won’t lie - I feel like we need more POAS in here) and I’m also curious how the unfortunately-times sexy times keep happening. Your kiddos are so darn sweet!

Pretty I didn’t realize you’re in Toronto. Small world. I kept getting hints when you referred to weather and I was like “wow that’s is exactly the same here.” I’m SO pissed that it’s basically still not spring. We went to Happy Kingdom play land today on the bus and it felt like gale-force freezing rain.

Sorry I lost track of everything else! Happy mother’s day to all the mamas on this side of the Atlantic.
ShAe congrats on the new job! Don’t worry too much about ironing, my dress code is the same and I don’t even own an iron! 4 years there and no one has said anything :shrug:

Dobs that’s awful about the theft, if he gives the professor a police crime number he might be sympathetic!
Kit how's your chart looking now? Not that I'm any good analyzing it but I'm curious.

Jez she was just very sweet natured. soft spoken, no real hostility in her tone at all even when telling stories about quite frustrating things, and very sweet to her kids even when they were being a little unruly. No stern voice that I heard...or maybe this just reflects on me? I'm maybe too abrasive? Meh whatever lol

I'm pissed right now because I have to make an emergency walmart run in the morning -.- No formula left! I was just at walmart, too! Grrrr
Exciting news, ladies! I am almost at 1000 subscribers on my youtube channel :rofl: i have no idea how, i can't believe that many people watch it. Hubby was like "you know probably at least one or two are just spanking it to your videos" :rofl: because of me or the ducks though is anyone's guess :haha:
SHAE congrats on the exam results and new job! WOW :o that is a seriously strict dress code!! Do you get to keep tips there?

Pretty- what's the difference between Disney land + world? I've never been to either but would LOVE to! Omg nightmare before Xmas used to be mine and my brothers fav film we watched it always! Agreed Halloween would be cool but I'm one of those annoying *******s who have the tree up at beginning of Nov I LOVE CHIRSTMAS!!!! Either way I'm so jealous!! Have an amazing time!

Gigs! Ahh that's great about the play date, I get on well with the kids dads cousin , she has a daughter (an only child) and omg we CANNOT get our kids together the ages between her daughter and mine go 7,6, and 5. She is very sensitive and cries constantly that she is being left out by my two, then her and Lucy (my eldest) both fight to be the 'boss' of the gang as they're the two eldest, Daisy just goes along with whatever, it's literally hell lol ... ohh I've never seen your YouTube channel! Can I join in? If so send me the link!

Dobs - noooo way!!! Omg I'm so sorry for your brother!! I'm not great at iMacs but is any of his stuff backed up over iCloud? I'm so sorry and yes agree, no one wants to hear 'in hindsight' when shits hit the fan!

So had a strange day yesterday, my mums bike was stolen that she uses for work, she already has high anxiety and an eating disorder so really struggled getting to work in the first place, and now even more so as would have to walk 45mins there and back when she really couldn't afford to loose weight. Anyway I saw someone selling HER bike on FB yesterday! So I pretended to be a potential buyer, took my cousin for muscle (he hid round the corner) and got her bike back! Not going to lie I was shaking like a leaf, (we knew it was hers as it the basket was broken on the side etc tied and tied up with cable ties, same rust markings, it was 1000% hers) and when we turned up I just looked it over and the first thing the man said was "what? It isn't yours is it?" Then laughed... very suspect. Anyway she has it back so that's great!

Re: reoccurring sexy time- ok it probably sounds weird, and very pathetic. But I'm just 'mum.' I have no friends, no life, (don't get me wrong I ADORE my children I'd choose them over anything always). But then George comes round to see them, and I just want someone to cuddle ME, or even pretend that they care even if it's for only an hour. I know I cannot and will not ever meet someone else because of numerous reasons (the way I look, my confidence, 4 children etc etc) so I suppose I just think it's him or nothing? I know deep down I don't want to be with him, and I know he messages other women (there's a long list of texts in his phone) he uses me, and I let it happen, just for that hour of feeing like a normal woman, who was wanted even if it was for a short time. Sorry I know that's pathetic but it can be so lonely raising babies by yourself.

Went to 'flip out' one of those jumping trampoline arena places yesterday, girls went off and I stayed with Ella in Theo in the baby bit, they loved it! Although Ella couldn't work out how to bounce shed just gallop like a horse! Haha love them!

Just a quick post while at work, will do a full reply later.

Jez - I'm actually in Mississauga. What part of the GTA are you from?

Keeps - Disneyland is in California. Disney World is in Florida. Never been to Cali, but I'd like to one day.
Jez the shirts fit okay, they’re a bit big but if I went down a size they’d be too small in the hip area, plus they get tucked into my pants so they’re fine.

Kitty good to know about the ironing!

Gigs congrats on 1,000 subscribers!

Keeps I’m a hostess so no tips. $12.50 an hour isn’t bad though, servers get $4.35 an hour before tips.
Wow that’s a crazy bike story, I probably would’ve confronted him and said yes it is my bike and told him if he didn’t give it back for free I’d call the cops. But either way you got it back so all’s well that ends well.
No judgement re: George, I can empathize with your situation. :hugs:

Pretty I loooove Disney world, I’m such a geek. I’m less of a Halloween person though, more of a Christmas person. I’m all about the cheery stuff.

Here is the work outfit, please ignore tags still on the clothes and lazy ponytail. I’m hoping the shirt is light blue enough for their liking. I need to wash the shirts to get out the creases and stuff.

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